Jun Beimo was sitting in the passenger seat, seeing the woman's expression, bowed his head in thought.

  I don’t know what Mou Siran will tell the woman after they catch up.

  Gu Jiu did not look at Jun Beimo. She saw the motorcade that she met afterwards, obviously catching up, and speeding up again.

  Jun Beimo naturally felt that the speed of the car increased, but he did not worry about the vehicles behind him not being able to keep up.

  Jun’s cars are all modified, and the people brought out this time are all good players.

  Jun’s bodyguard randomly pulled out one, and they were all top talents in all aspects.

  They are all specially trained from the ministry-team.

  And also passed the special training of the Jun family.

  Musiran felt the vehicle in front of him, and speeded up again.

  This can't help but make him worry.

  Because the Hummer in front has clearly found them.

  For Si Yu's words, he couldn't help but think a little more at this time.

  Is the young master really in danger?

  Thinking of this possibility, Musran's body became tense.

  He looked at the Hummer in front of him, and said to Si Yun and Si Yu: "I have grasped everything firmly, I want to speed up."

  As soon as the voice fell, Musran raised the speed of the car again, and the wheels were about to leave the ground at this time.

  If the car has wings, Mou Siran can't wait to fly over and stop the Hummer.

  Gu Jiu only increased the speed slightly, and felt that the team behind him also increased the speed.

  At this time, she has confirmed that the team is rushing to her.

  It’s just that she doesn’t understand why these cars are chasing her.

  Those cars are obviously the convoys that were parked on the road before.

   is still the license of Jingcheng, she does not remember anyone who knows Jingcheng.

  Those cars are low-key luxury cars at first glance, but they are not affordable for ordinary people.

  Gu Jiu didn't want to cause trouble, but there was a tail behind her, which made her unresolved at this time, and she couldn't worry about going on the road.

  She turned the steering wheel and leaned the car to the side of the road.

  After the car stopped, Gu Jiu looked at the rear mirror and kept observing the car catching up from behind.

  Sure enough, those teams came for her.

  I just don’t know if it is a blessing or a curse.

  These people had better not challenge her bottom line, otherwise she wouldn't mind using them to give Huo Xiang and others a good lesson.

  Musiran and others also found that the Hummer pulled over and stopped.

  They drove fast and soon caught up.

  As he approached the stopped Hummer, Musran picked up the intercom in the car and said, "Enclose the car and prepare weapons."

  After talking, Musran started and parked the car in front of the Hummer.

After   , the cars that drove up surrounded the Hummer one after another.

   Gu Jiu's slender, white, jade-like fingers kept tapping the steering wheel, watching his car surrounded, without the slightest worry.

   And when Jun Beimo saw this phenomenon, he almost scolded Mou Siran and others in his heart.

  These guys who succeeded less than failed.

  Although he has not spent much time with women, he still has some understanding of women’s behavior and style.

  At this time, the Jun’s motorcade surrounded the women’s vehicles.

  This has already touched the woman's tolerance range.

  This woman is cruel, and definitely put Mou Siran and others into trouble.

  Women don’t like trouble, otherwise they will not want to drive him away in the morning.

  Although his self-destructive image remained, it does not mean that the woman accepted him.

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