Apocalyptic Rebirth: The Palm of the Army Young Man

Chapter 102: Mou Siran's strike up a conversation

  The loud wolf howling sounded on the national highway.

  Musiran, Si Yun, and Si Yu, who had originally planned to return to find the young master, had an astonishing brightness in their eyes after hearing this voice.

  This is the voice of the young master, they will not misheard it.

  To them, this voice is just like the sound of heaven.

  Young Master is nearby.


  Jun Beimo continued, his eyes also looked at, and he was thrown to the Jun’s car behind.

  Musiran quickly opened the vehicle, and when he got out of the vehicle, he saw a touch of white inside the Hummer that was going away.

  Si Yun and Si Yu also got out of the car, and they also saw the white touch at a glance.

   "It's the young master, let's catch up with that car."

  The three people quickly got into the car, started the car and quickly chased the Hummer in front.

  The car that Mou Siran drove, the speed of that car was almost flying.

   The vehicles behind saw their movements and quickly followed them.

  At this time, Mu Siran, Si Yun, and Si Yu were too excited.

  Last night they were in the car waiting for the heavy rain to stop.

  But it rained all night.

  But this is not the worst.

  In the last night, half of the people who came out this time fell into a coma.

  Although there is a problem with the signal in this area, each of their cars has an intercom.

  When I first heard that many people had fallen into a coma, Mu Siran, Si Yun, and Si Yu were very worried.

After   , there were constant news that someone was in a coma.

  Fortunately, at dawn, they all woke up.

   asked them what was going on, but no one gave an exact answer.

  Because the young master’s disappearance, they didn’t care.

  At dawn, after the heavy rain stopped, they continued to search for the young master.

  They continued to move forward this time to see if the young master ran to the front.

  But along the way, there was no trace of the young master.

  They just stopped the vehicle, and they were thinking about whether to return, and they chose to look for it on the edge.

  However, they heard the voice of the young master during their deliberations.

  Jun Beimo saw Jun’s car and started the car to drive quickly, and then retracted his head.

  And Gu Jiu has been driving seriously from beginning to end.

  She didn't know what kind of wind the white wolf was pumping, but it did not hinder her path.

  Gu Jiu's car skills are very good, and the speed is also very fast.

  Jun’s motorcade is headed by Mu Siran.

  He has stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, but still can't catch up with the car in front.

  Si Yun and Si Yu also discovered this situation.

  Si Yun, who was sitting in front of him, said worriedly: "What will happen to the young master, right? I didn't pay attention to who was in the car before."

  Musiran drove the car and drove fast. Hearing Si Yun’s words, he said, “It should not be possible. Young Master’s voice doesn’t sound like any danger.”

  Si Yu, who was sitting in the back seat, heard the words, his eyes fixed on the Hummer in front of him.

   "Then why is the car in front driving so fast?"

  He always felt that because they were chasing in the back, the Hummer in front accelerated.

  Musiran didn't reply to Si Yu's words, and he didn't know much.

  After all, everything is speculation. Only by seeing that the Young Master is not in danger can they feel at ease.

  Gu Jiu glanced in the car mirror inadvertently, and saw the car following, which made her frown.

  Jun Beimo sat in the passenger seat and lowered his head in thought when he saw the woman's expression.

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