Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 898 Departure

Gao Feng suddenly thought of transforming the energy system so that he wouldn't have to worry about the lack of fuel. If that didn't work, he would take a detour, from Australia to India, across Tibet and into the wilderness. With an air battleship, it wouldn't take long, but if he had a choice, Gao Feng is still willing to go through the Infinite Forest. At least he understands the Infinite Forest. Who knows whether other places are more dangerous than the Infinite Forest?

Masati looked at Gao Feng in surprise, rolled her eyes slightly, nodded and said:

"I understand, but modification takes time. The existing maintenance personnel can only modify one ship at a time. Each ship takes at least twenty to thirty days. Not only the fuel engine needs to be modified, but the energy circuit also needs to be modified. How about resting here for a while and leaving after the renovation is completed?"

"We can't wait. Let's get on the road first. We can transform it step by step. I would rather the time drags on a little longer than we can continue to stop and wait..."

Gao Feng flatly rejected Masati's proposal. He didn't want to stay in this land of right and wrong. Bismarck was good and acted generously, but Gao Feng still couldn't understand this person, and he didn't even understand the forces behind Bismarck. Relatively speaking, Charles, who dotes on his daughter lawlessly, is easier to contact. Although he is stingy, Gao Feng is relieved.

"Then I'll do as you say, right..."

Masati first confirmed Gao Feng's order, and then what she wanted to say was a bit awkward. Under Gao Feng's curious eyes, she hummed with her nose:

"Can I live here? I don't like the small darkness of the officer's dormitory. It reminds me of the horror of a person's survival..."

Hearing this, Gao Feng did not react and nodded casually:

"Okay, anyway, the room is so big, it will be empty if it is empty..."

There are still eight hours left before leaving. Gao Feng smokes a fragrant cigar and goes through all the people and things he encounters after leaving Yinyun City. Thinking of the past, Gao Feng feels an inexplicable feeling in his heart. There is sourness and sweetness, there is hatred and love, but in the final analysis, it is just the scenery on the road. From having nothing to commanding the wilderness, and from being a single person to leading an army of eight hundred, these are all precious experiences of Gao Feng.

I thought too much and my mind became confused. I scanned the various furniture and decorations in the room and finally stopped at the big bed that could accommodate four people. Seeing the big bed covered with clean sheets, I felt a strong desire. , he didn't know how long it had been since he slept on a bed, and the feeling of being so comfortable that he woke up naturally seemed to be the same as in his previous life.

After heavily rubbing himself into the sheets, Gao Feng exhaled a long and comfortable breath, pushed aside his wet mid-length hair and threw it on the pillow. Gao Feng closed his eyes with satisfaction and fell into a deep sleep.

I don’t know how long I have been sleeping, but a warm and smooth body slid to Gao Feng. Gao Feng was not wearing any clothes. He felt the delicate texture of the other person’s skin and the coolness of the person he had just taken a bath. He couldn’t help but stick to her, exuding elegance. Holding the fragrant body in his arms, everything was blurry, making Gao Feng think that he had returned to the wilderness, holding Cai Feng or Luo Xing in his dreams. The impulses and desires that had been suppressed for two years were completely released at this moment. .

He was still half asleep at first, but when the small fragrant tongue slid on the skin of his neck, the hairs on his head stood up in comfort. He couldn't help but turn his head over, and just like he wanted, the small fragrant tongue slipped into his ear. Sweeping gently, he couldn't help but let out a satisfied moan. The next moment Gao Feng's eyes suddenly opened and he looked at the dimly lit ceiling. He was not in the wilderness. Who was the woman lying on him?

The firepower that had been accumulated for two years was released at once, making Gao Feng feel refreshed. There were beads of sweat all over his body. Even the sheets under him were a little damp. Masati lay lazily next to Gao Feng. Not every woman can bear the first break of the new melon. Although as a modulator with excellent physique, he can handle even the strongest ordinary people's full sprint, but the peak is not ordinary people, but Gaara who is beyond the scope of ordinary people.

At this moment, Masati's whole body was so soft that she couldn't even move her fingers, and her brain was completely blank. You must know that in order for the moderator to cooperate perfectly, the sensitivity of the body has dropped to the lowest level, and it is impossible to feel pleasure at all, but at the peak of the wave Under the wave of sprint, she forgot the content of the training and how to pretend to be happy. She only instinctively catered to it, and in the end she let out a scream that even she could not imagine.

Gao Feng hugged Masati, who was trembling from time to time, and smoked a cigar comfortably. Feeling the calmness after passion, his heart was full. The negative emotions accumulated in long-term survival in the wild were all eliminated, and the depression wrapped around the bones all over his body Everything disappears, and I just feel how beautiful life is?

"I didn't expect that doing this would be more tiring than hunting. It was my first time hunting. Although I was completely weak, I couldn't even move my fingers like I am now. Can I do less in the future..."

Just before Feng Feng recalled the wonderful thing, Masati's shocking words rang in his ears, causing Feng Feng's high-spirited expression to suddenly drop. He looked down at Masati, whose eyes were squinted like a kitten, and his heart suddenly surged. Feeling a desire for revenge, she turned over and pressed Masati on top of her. Masati exclaimed:

"don't want……."

As soon as she said it, she was blocked by Gao Feng, activating her charm system. She responded strongly to Gao Feng like a wild woman. Xiao Xiang's tongue stirred Gao Feng's tongue together flexibly and tenaciously. Following Gao Feng's movements, the thick The nasal voice with a soul-stirring whisper made Gao Feng fall into an endless frenzy. All thoughts disappeared, and all he knew was to keep asking for it.

Facts have proved that there were only exhausted cows and no damaged land. Masati's adaptability was very strong. She recovered in the second round and turned defeat into victory in the end. Gao Feng was as tired as a dead dog and lay helpless on the horse. On Sadie's body, the sweat from the two of them flowed down the skin to the sheets, making the boss wet. Amidst Gaofeng's short gasps, Masati was still licking the sweat droplets from Gaofeng's body, making Gaofeng shake his head repeatedly. He didn't want to die on a woman.

Embracing Masati, Gao Feng felt that he was getting colder and colder. He used to think that two people must be together in the name of love. After experiencing Luo Xing and Cai Feng, he felt that it was just that. In this era, he really loves Only Kaiyue fell in love, but Kaiyue only brought him regret and pain, as well as the ambiguous dark devil. He and the dark devil fell in love with each other, but because of their personalities and concepts, they collided and hurt each other, and finally chose to live silently. Leaving, maybe for him, love is just a luxury, not to mention that a guy with no integrity like him is not qualified to talk about love.

"It's time, I'm going to the bridge..."

In Gao Feng's reverie, Masati suddenly removed Gao Feng's hands from kneading his chest and sat up. She said something that made Gao Feng feel embarrassed. Looking at Masati who was neatly dressed, Gao Feng remembered that twelve hours had arrived. He had no strength at all at the moment. He was supposed to have a good rest, but in the end he was even more tired than fighting.

However, Gao Feng was not from the Indulgence and Gentleness Country. He quickly got up and put on his clothes, and set off for the bridge with Masati. As soon as they entered the bridge, the battleship started to take off. The female officer on duty on the bridge strictly followed The previous command is executed.

Sitting in the captain's high-altitude office, looking around, all kinds of charming female officers were pleasing to the eye. The word "harem" suddenly popped into Gao Feng's mind, and he quickly shook his head to throw the word out of his head. He was not a stallion. , there is no need to cause yourself a lot of trouble.

"The engine is heated up and lifted off to 280 meters..."

"Night Owl unmanned combat aircraft, number three, 270-degree airspace security, ground intelligence gathering..."

"The fort is ready, the process defense system is ready, the long-range strike is ready, and the combat readiness progress is 75%..."

"Request the direction of travel, request the mission goal, request the search target..."

Just when Gao Feng was secretly proud, one report after another came out from the mouths of the female officers who were performing their respective duties, leaving Gao Feng dumbfounded. He could understand these things, but could not issue instructions. He couldn't help but look at the people standing beside him. Masati straddling seriously.

"Altitude three, axis deflection twenty degrees, cruising speed forward, search range thirty-five kilometers, strict inspection of airborne objects, ground targets abandoned, No. 2 and No. 3 ships at a distance of fifteen, preparation for level two forced landing..."

A series of orders were issued from the mouth of the temporarily appointed fleet commander, Masati, which made Gao Feng secretly wipe a cold sweat. Fortunately, he was self-aware. Masati's orders could make the command center operate in an orderly manner, but he could not say a word. Can't understand.

Gao Feng maintained his dignity and looked at the three-dimensional display in front of him, which was like a 3D movie. The screen was divided into several parts, including the reconnaissance screen of the unmanned fighter plane, the wave screen of the radar scan, the optical screen of the battleship itself, and the center of the bridge. A three-dimensional image of a floating miniature battleship.

Masati stood next to Gao Feng, looking at everything below with a serious face, but her ears were hot and red, and her heart was beating violently, almost jumping out of her throat. This was the first time she could only Battleship, although this was a moment she had been looking forward to for a long time, it felt unreal when it actually happened.

The fleet, headed by Frank, moved forward slowly. At a height of 300 meters, huge clouds formed to cover the bottom. On several small screens, the armored horses grazing on the ground were covered by shadows, and they all looked up to the sky. , seeing that there was no threat, he continued to eat grass with his head down.

Everything was so novel in Gao Feng's eyes. Although he had piloted the Xuan Lei to fight against the fleets of the Lei Clan family before, compared with the high-tech warships, it was not on the same level at all, just like the difference between a bumper car and a Ferrari.

The cruising speed is relatively slow compared to the normal speed, but even slower, it is faster than the speed of Gao Feng riding Dahua. The shadow is like a flowing cloud, passing quickly across the grass. Not long after, it reaches the place where Gao Feng came out of the forest that day. Green saplings had grown out of the grassland destroyed by the terrifying beast, and huge white bones were scattered in disorder. Seeing these bones, Gao Feng hesitated slightly. If he turned the airship around, he could return along the way he rushed out of the forest.

In the end, Gao Feng did not do this. He came over with the terrifying beast that day. The terrifying beast is a wild beast that is close to the disaster beast. Normal beasts dare not provoke it, but they are not necessarily afraid of the fleet. Gao Feng's previous goal was to walk along the forest Advance to the edge, bypassing the Infinite Forest, and intersperse into Cloud City from another place.

Gao Feng did not know that this order saved the fleet from a lot of danger, but it missed seven spiders. These spiders were separated from Gao Feng that day and did not die. Instead, they returned to the canyon full of radiation and safely absorbed the radiation in the canyon. Of course, these spiders may have forgotten the peak a long time ago. Not every spider is so attached to the big flower and the peak.

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