Apocalyptic Dark Age

The End of the Dark Age Text 897 Battleship Organization

Both Gao Feng and Masati entered the heavy battleship in a sleepwalking manner. They first placed the big flower in an empty warehouse, and then came to the post-modern style bridge. The moderator is a female officer who is responsible for various positions. When Gao Feng enters the delicate moment, all the female officers stand up and salute Gao Feng at the same time.

Gao Feng was not at a loss for this. In his previous life, he was the commander of a thousand-man brigade. After walking into the bridge with his head held high, he nodded and the moderators and female officers were busy performing their duties. Every moderator was very busy. Beautiful, but not as good as Masati and Chizhong Sakura, at least three steps behind. Obviously, these female officers are not all serving that purpose. Gao Feng whispered to Masati beside him:

"I don't know anything about battleships. Why didn't I see the steering wheel? What do they do?"

Masati smiled, pointed at the female soldiers’ posts one by one and said:

"The Frank warship is a new type of warship that was finalized twenty years ago. It has an intelligent prediction system and streamlines a large number of operators. The bridge has seven positions including the captain, namely captain, deputy captain, and navigator. , ship's captain, fire control officer, fire control adjutant, power control officer, and intelligence officer, responsible for the patrol, combat, search, and maintenance of the warship.

The battleship has one hundred and thirty-five sailors, including fifty-seven combatants and seventy-eight non-combatants, who are mainly responsible for ground search, logistics management, weapons maintenance, equipment repair, supply distribution, and engine monitoring... "

Masati explained in great detail, which made Gao Feng feel like he was attending a lecture, with a drowsy dullness, and he couldn't help but say:

"From now on, you will be the captain and fleet commander, responsible for the operation and combat tasks of the entire fleet. I think you will also need to set up a staff department and set various plans..."

Gao Feng said this before, but Masati took it as a joke. Gao Feng repeated it at this time, making Masati stunned. You must know that whether you are a captain or a fleet commander, you must be a natural person, and you need to study systematically. After more than five years of internship on board the ship, she was rashly appointed as the leader. She couldn't accept it and wanted to object, but Gao Feng waved his hand and said:

"That's it, let the fleet land, open the hatch and stay for twelve hours. During this time, you will get familiar with the situation of the entire fleet. We will set off tomorrow and break through the forest...

Although the battleship is huge, there is not much space suitable for human survival. The living needs of the clone soldiers who destroyed the Guards are compressed to the limit, and the living area of ​​the crew is even more so. Ten people sleep in a room of several square meters. In addition to a row of wall cabinets for clothing and equipment, there are only coffin-like beds welded to the wall. The 70-centimeter-wide and 200-centimeter-long beds densely occupy the narrow walls, let alone living in them. Even standing outside and looking at it makes people feel panicked.

The captain's cabin is another look. The captain's cabin is more than 100 square meters, let alone on a battleship. Even if it is placed on the ground, it is a spacious mansion. There are many bathrooms, toilets, living rooms, bedrooms, offices, and even The kitchen and the refrigerators filled with food are decorated in a style close to Bavaria, making you feel like you are living in a comfortable and comfortable environment in Europe.

These styles are full of nostalgia and classics from the previous era, but if you really observe them, you will find that postmodern technology has been perfectly integrated into them. There is no cold-textured metal, no exaggerated shapes, and no electronic equipment with data flow. A seemingly ancient picture Desk, as long as you want it, various information and images will be presented on the surface of the desk, with vivid colors and beating numbers emerging.

Gao Feng sat on the comfortable high-back sofa, holding a cigar in his mouth, and carefully looked at the fleet data displayed on the desk, personnel distribution, weapon configuration, material storage, equipment maintenance, etc. These data were clearly presented in front of him, which made him There was a calmness about being sure of everything, but it was a pity that he only looked at it, because he couldn't understand most of them.

A pair of delicate white hands placed the coffee next to Gao Feng. Gao Feng looked up and saw those bright ruby-like eyes and the hanging hair floating playfully on Gao Feng's face. It made Gao Feng's nose itchy and he wanted to sneeze.

"Why did you open the hatch? Are you waiting for someone?"

Masati lifted the scattered hair on the side of her face and asked softly. Inadvertently, she blocked Gao Feng's sight with her plump breasts, making Gao Feng's nose feel hot again. Before Gao Feng could speak, the small pink ball on his shoulder slipped onto the desk. He bit his little finger and looked at the coffee curiously. He couldn't help but put his head over and took a sip. He then made faces and spitted out, obviously not liking the taste of the coffee.

Gao Feng squinted his eyes and smoked a cigar. He did not answer Masati's question. He just left a crack in the door for Piaomiao. In the vast wilderness, he could not find traces of Piaomiao. He could only hope that Piaomiao would never go away.

"Do you understand the situation of the fleet reorganization?" Gao Feng's thoughts flashed through his mind, and he stopped worrying. He took a satisfied sip of coffee and stared at Masati who was standing aside with a dazed look in his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Everything is roughly clear. There is a main battleship, a transport ship, and a supply ship. The transport ship has 320 tons of supplies. The supply ship is enough for the main ship to complete three high-intensity combat supplies. There are also twelve unmanned combat aircraft. , three landing tanks, one hundred and twenty destroyers, twelve scouts, the entire fleet has 308 combat personnel and 460 logistics and medical maintenance personnel. "

Gao Feng didn't know what it was like to have these equipment and personnel in Gao Feng. Nearly 800 people were equivalent to the Storm Battalion that had not rested in the previous life, but the combat power was incomparable to that of twenty Storm Battalions. But if you remove these, you want to go through the infinite The forest is probably far from enough.

"What kind of supplies does the transport ship carry?"

Gao Feng suddenly thought of Bismarck's strong recommendation before leaving. At that time, he only wanted to take away the heavy warships and not other ships. Under such conditions, it was too late for Bismarck to be happy, but he did not expect that Bismarck was devoted to persuasion, and Gao Feng also knew about the logistics supply. The importance of it, thinking that one sheep is enough to let two sheep go, he accepted it half-heartedly, but he accepted it, but he didn't know what was in the transport ship yet.

"Thirty tons of pure water, fifteen tons of food, one hundred and eight tons of parts, and the rest is high-precision fuel, enough for the fleet to fly 120,000 kilometers. There is also a set of fuel refining equipment on the supply ship. As long as there is oil and page Rock gas or natural gas can be extracted..."

When Gao Feng heard about these things, Gao Feng was not very interested. Although the scientific and technological materials promised by Charles had already fallen into his hands, Gao Feng still wanted more technology, and what he really wanted was not military technology, but something that could be transformed into productivity. Civilian technology, the reason why wars are raging in the Central Plains is not because the land is limited, resources are scarce, and a large number of people do not have access to survival materials?

If Gao Feng can solve this problem, open the communication channel between the underground and the people on the surface, and have a strong army as a deterrent, maybe the Chinese country can be restored without having to kill each other like this, and all the blood will be shed.

"Don't we have crystals on hand? Can we modify the energy system? Then we don't have to worry about fuel..."

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