Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 892 Return

Masati was obsessed with delicious food. Regardless of her pretense of coldness and arrogance, she asked Gao Feng repeatedly. However, her questions embarrassed Gao Feng. The simpler and more common-sense things were, the harder it was to explain. He couldn't say everything. Is it because of the fire?

"If you are obedient, I will cook it for you. Don't make trouble with me again..."

Gao Feng said ambiguously, but Masati nodded seriously and said:

"I know what men want, and I will satisfy all your requirements..."

Halfway through the words, Gao Feng leaned over, and before Gao Feng could understand, his little tongue licked his lips, and slipped into his mouth smoothly and smoothly, making Gao Feng's eyes widen, and Masati's dark red eyes swayed with a strange look. The fluctuations, like a whirlpool, attracted all of Gao Feng's attention. Feeling the sweetness of the tongue in his mouth, Gao Feng's expression fell into a trance again.

If it weren't for Masati's scream of pain, the peak would have been 100% pushed back by the wild and charming Masati. She was pushed by the river on the grassland. Just like yesterday, the little pink ball bit Masati's finger again. On her head, there were two more bloody eyes on her snow-white fingers, which made her resentful of the little pink ball.

Gao Feng smacked his lips with some aftertaste. He really didn't suffer just now. The fragrant tongue seemed to be alive, making him feel more graceful than he had ever felt in his life. He really wanted to keep kissing like this, and he finally understood the essence of French wet kiss. What is going on, you will never understand unless you experience it.

"There are five people, and you are the only one who is back. With your ability, the radioactive beasts on the grassland can't stop you. What is there over there that caused you such a huge loss..."

Masati did not seek revenge on Xiaofentuan. She knew that Gao Feng doted on your two little guys the most and could not see them being wronged. But the scene just now was so embarrassing that she had to find a topic.

Masati's question made Gao Feng hesitate a little. He took out a fist-sized energy crystal from his backpack and poured it in front of Masati, staring into her eyes without saying a word.

"This, this is Alpha Stone, such a big piece?"

Holding this energy crystal in both hands, Masati was so surprised that she even stuttered when speaking. The energy crystals reflected each other in her thin white palms. Her beautiful face supported the crystal clear crystal, just like a princess in the magical world. generally.

"You know the value of this, right?"

Gao Feng leaned forward slightly, almost touching Masati's cheek. He calculated the value of this thing to her from the distance between the two. Unless Masati took the initiative to approach him, it would always maintain a certain intensity. At this moment, Gao Feng The hot breath of his words was sprayed on her ears, but she didn't move away. It was obvious that the energy crystal shocked her.

"It is priceless. The energy we use is the remaining oil from the previous era. Even if the energy efficiency is increased tenfold, there will be no Alpha Stone that is effective. With it, there will be no shortage of new Brood Warships. Motivated..."

Hearing this, Gao Feng's eyes flashed with light, and he slowly returned to his seat. He already knew what Charles wanted. Everything was imaginary, and only interests were real. No matter what era, Energy is always needed most for the development of science and technology.

But it is also foreseeable that the Destruction Guards have not found a way to synthesize energy crystals. They do not have Bengyun Jialuo or Purple Gold Fish Scale Mine, and what they lack is exactly what the Central Plains region has.

"Fortunately, these savage beasts kept them out, otherwise the two sides would have fought again just for the energy crystals, and God knows how many people would have died?"

This thought flashed through Gao Feng's mind, and then he guessed;

"Is it possible that the original biological laboratory was not an accident, but someone did it deliberately? Spreading biological weapons on the borders of the Central Plains to resist the attack of foreign enemies?"

Thinking of this, Gao Feng couldn't help but shudder. If someone could really calculate this a hundred years ago, would that person's IQ be too terrifying?

"It seems that these are what your General Charles needs, and the source of your heavy losses on the grassland is also these things. If I give them to Charles..."

"No, you can't give it to him, otherwise more battleships and soldiers will die on the grassland. The Legion of Destruction will do anything for it..."

Masati suddenly woke up and quickly stopped her. In Gao Feng's strange eyes, she said seriously:

"If it were before, I would have thought that no matter how many people were lost for the Alpha Stone, it would be okay, but after experiencing the helplessness of death, I don't want to see anyone die for these things..."

Masati was like a protectionist who woke up instantly, but a sneer appeared at the corner of Gao Feng's mouth:

"What's the use of stopping you? Charles keeps sending rockets and destroyers to the forward base. While you were sleeping, they sent three more waves, all heading in that direction. Can you stop him? ?”

Gao Feng's words made Masati fall silent and said:

"If you give him these things, he will definitely send you there again. What if you die?"

"My life and death are not decided by Charles, but I am not going to take you to see him. When I come back, this grassland will have nothing to do with us. As for the loss of destroying the Guards, it also has nothing to do with you. Know that you are the one they must destroy..."

There are twenty-seven energy crystals in total. The smallest one is about the size of a fist, and the largest one is about the size of a volleyball. They are all trophies collected by the two children for the peak. All the energy crystals are placed in front of the two of them. Masati Touching this, then silently doing that, with countless little stars shining in his eyes, like a dragon greedy for money.

“How about giving one away to prove you’ve been there and get what you want….”

Masati reluctantly picked up the smallest energy crystal and sent it to Gao Feng. Looking at Masati's appearance, Gao Feng slapped him on the forehead. He finally knew why the Destruction Guards wanted to destroy those who violated the law. She is the moderator of the Natural Management Regulations. If all the moderators were as weird as her, even a commander might not be able to stand it, right?

"It's interesting. This woman is quite good at running a house. She used to pick up foreign goods and put together two sets of equipment. Now she has the idea of ​​hiding the energy crystal for fear that others will take advantage of her. It would be nice to take it as a wife... "

Watching Masati pack up the energy crystals quickly with her hands and feet, she also sorted and packed the luminous sand obtained by the spider into boxes. She straightened out many of the materials that were randomly placed in the peak and arranged them neatly and orderly. In addition, She also began to learn some wilderness survival skills from Gao Feng and entered the role of a universal nanny.

"I'll leave the big flower and the little thing with you. Don't run around and wait until I come back..."

Gao Feng clumsily opened the shoulder-mounted individual aircraft, gave a few instructions to Masati, and flew away in her dark red eyes. The big flower was a little uneasy, while the little thing looked at it in anger. The disappearing peak, why should the peak carry the little powder ball or else it would go away? Masati waited for the peak to disappear and started to get busy again, checking supplies, maintaining equipment, and collecting fuel, always on her hands and feet.

The shoulder-mounted individual aircraft has higher requirements on the human body. The three-G acceleration puts great pressure on the internal organs. High-speed flight is not something ordinary people can do, not even scouts. The peak is like a meteor, so fast. Approaching the huge air fortress deep in the grassland.

The fortress stands like a mountain on the grassland. The twelve cigar-shaped warships are like twelve floating islands, suspended around the castle. Countless scaffoldings are built on the damaged gaps of the castle. Hundreds of maintenance personnel are like ants climbing. Climb up it and sparks will fly.

Hundreds of unmanned fighter planes were flying around the battleship like petrels, guarding the surrounding airspace. Under the fighter planes, a camp that was ten times larger than before was still under construction. Dozens of engineering vehicles with mechanical arms shuttled non-stop. The huge white wall was shaped like poured concrete. Behind the wall, towers more than ten meters long were built one after another. Automatic weapons that Gao Feng didn't recognize were like soldiers standing guard, quietly waiting for orders.

Just as he was flying forward, dozens of unmanned fighter planes flew in one after another, forming a suffocating net to surround him. Those fighter planes with slender wings and geometrically triangular fuselage were filled with black machine gun muzzles. With his scalp numb, he resisted the urge to turn around and flew forward. He knew one thing, Charles would never take action without getting detailed information.

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