Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 891 Food Guide

Masati is an insecure girl. She lives alone in that dangerous and dark world, and has to fight to survive like a wild beast. Let alone a woman who has never experienced this, even a man might have been in a different environment. There was no body left, and after she was rescued by Gao Feng, instead of receiving comfort and encouragement from her companions, she was designated as a target for destruction, which caused a huge blow to her tortured soul. The successive blows made her unable to trust others anymore.

But she had seen the scene of Gao Feng fighting alone among the ferocious beasts. The crazy beasts were not killed by so many explosives, and it was so weird. The shock wave made people unconscious until they woke up the next day and saw the scene of Gao Feng sitting among countless corpses and still smoking. The scouts who suffered heavy casualties were buried alive and dead in the pile of corpses, but that man was holding an unnatural person in his mouth. Knowing how to smoke a cigar and staring at the sky in a daze, this scene will always be remembered by Masati.

In addition to Gao Feng's bravery, she still remembered that she was desperate and waiting for the final execution. Unexpectedly, in a twist of fate, she was rescued by that man, riding a spider in a nondescript manner, and all her equipment was lost. Even The exquisite protective clothing had a lot of damage, and her face was covered with stubble, almost too dirty to be seen clearly, but the firmness in her words gave her a different kind of peace of mind.

Leaning on Gao Feng, she knew that she was safe in this dangerous grassland. Safety brought peace of mind, and peace of mind relieved her tension these days. She couldn't help but close her eyes and fall asleep. No matter what, In this way, at least I have this person around me.

Gao Feng looked at the beauty who fell asleep in his arms and smiled bitterly. He wondered if he owed her something in his previous life. Without the submissiveness of a moderator to his master, his personality was independent and suspicious. But after contacting him, he still looked like a The way he kept strangers away made Gao Feng angry. If you don't get close, you won't get close. Why did you change your clothes in front of him? It made his Gu Jing Wubo feel like he was killing someone without paying for it. The fairy looks like.

Masati leaned in his arms and kept sliding down. Gao Feng simply put her head on his lap, pushed aside her dark red hair, and looked at her delicate porcelain white cheeks. All the dissatisfaction disappeared, even if No matter how stingy a man is, he will not resent a super beauty.

Seeing Masati, Gao Feng thought of Piaomiao again. Piaomiao had obviously not walked through the Great Rift Valley, and he didn't know whether Piaomiao would stay where he was and wait. You must know that he returned from another place. If he couldn't wait for him, What will happen? Shouldn't you keep waiting?

Thinking of these peaks gave him a headache. He couldn't let go of Piaomiao. No matter it was the kindness of his cheap uncle or Piaomiao's repeated efforts to save him, the spider flower no longer needed peak orders. It had a new guide. During this period, the little thing had nothing but to eat. In addition, Gao Feng always warned Gao Feng before danger came. After receiving the warning signal, Gao Feng directed the commander to choose a safe direction to move forward. Now, Gao Feng no longer needs to be a middleman. The little thing can communicate with the spider by himself, and he only uses Just be a good passenger.

In this way, their speed increased. In fact, many times, the little thing didn't mean danger, but Gao Feng didn't understand it, so he could only treat it as danger. Now, under the command of the little thing, the spider has avoided many detours. This saves a lot of time, and they don't need to rest at night. The spider only needs to hunt down a wild beast to eat, and then it can continue to move forward. The peak sitting on the spider's back does not need to move, allowing the spider to lead him wandering through the fluorescent fields. on the grassland.

Masati slept peacefully next to Gao Feng, sleeping for twenty hours in a row. When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to find that they had arrived at a large river with no end in sight. How could she not know the geographical location of the river? They could even trace the source of the big drink in the sky, but they didn't expect that they would have walked more than a thousand kilometers as soon as they fell asleep.

The crackling sound of the fire made her look back. The warm bonfire was just two meters away, not far nor close, just enough to make her feel comfortable and warm to her toes. She didn't see the peak, which made her feel a little strange. She sat up , slipped off the animal skin covering her, and there was some turmoil in her heart. No one had ever taken care of her like this before, making her experience a different feeling.

Only when I sat up did I see Gao Feng walking back from the river. When it was flat just now, I could only see the river and not the slope from the river to here. Now when I saw Gao Feng, I felt relieved and quiet. I could only see Gao Feng. Twisting two half-human-high white-scaled fish, he walked towards her.

The two big fish weighed almost ten kilograms, and their internal organs had been removed. Gao Feng found smooth wooden sticks and put the big fish in the campfire. He slowly turned them and heated them evenly with the flames. All this was the same in Masati's eyes. Surprisingly, all she had eaten before were nutritious meals produced by food processing plants, and she had never eaten such natural food that only natural people would eat. And she hated meat deeply. She drank blood and ate raw meat for a long time, which reminded her of those things in her life. The thing was like nausea. When she saw Gao Feng grilling fish, she quickly hid far away.

The bag of food supplies was next to Gao Feng. Gao Feng was concentrating on grilling the fish, seasoning it with some spices he knew from time to time. Facing the fragrant grilled fish, Masati covered her stomach, trying to get the supplies from the backpack. Unexpectedly, before she could reach out her hand, Gao Feng grabbed her and pulled her to his side with force to sit down.

Sitting next to Gao Feng, the smell of grilled fish became more fragrant and rich, and the golden fish meat began to have a charred skin, which looked particularly tempting. Masati looked at Gao Feng with innocent eyes, wary of the counterattack of the little pink balls, and on her fingers The wound is still hurting today.

"Don't eat nutritious meals. It's not good to eat too much of those things. The twenty-year lifespan of a clone is that too much of these things will shorten your life..."

Masati didn't take Gao Feng's warning seriously, but she would not disobey Gao Feng. Gao Feng could give her a certain sense of security and was her nominal master, not to mention that in this land, she needed to rely on Gao Feng to survive. Pouting unhappy.

Gao Feng happily took down a piece of grilled fish and sniffed it under his nose. He nodded with satisfaction, tore off a piece that was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and threw it into his mouth. Masati felt a little nauseous. She remembered that she had torn the monster into pieces and eaten it raw. Taste, unexpectedly Gao Feng tore off the second piece and put it into her mouth.

Maybe no one had ever fed her before, so she was caught off guard, allowing Gao Feng to succeed at once. With the warm fish stuffed in her mouth, she wanted to spit it out immediately. Before she could spit it out, she felt something on the tip of her tongue. Sliding it open, it turned into a strange fragrance that moved her teeth when she chewed it. Every time she chewed it, it produced an extremely delicious taste that almost melted her tongue, becoming one with this taste that she had never tasted before.

"This..., how is this possible?"

After eating a small amount of fish in one bite, Masati's charming big eyes widened. She looked at the grilled fish in Gao Feng's hand in shock and stammered questions. Gao Feng didn't answer. He tore off a piece of grilled fish again and gave it to her. In front of her mouth, she was asked to expand her small cherry mouth to the extreme, but she could not accommodate this piece of fish. She looked at Gao Feng anxiously, but under the temptation of delicious food, her IQ was also lowered. Is it possible to have a small mouth? Don’t know how to tear it apart yourself? You have to wait like a kitten to be fed.

Gao Feng also found it funny. He had never seen such a greedy woman, or such a greedy beauty. Without any warning, he just put it to the anxious Masati's mouth. Fortunately, the human instinct to eat is still there. If you can't swallow it, you will eat. He bit it with his teeth. Unexpectedly, Masati was not surprised. He bit Gao Feng's finger in one bite, making him scream.

No matter how high it is, I would never have imagined that such a slim woman as Masati could eat half a fish in one sitting. You must know that half a fish weighs three kilograms. Even after drying out the water, it weighs more than two kilograms. And Masati Not only did she eat the fish cleanly, but she also ate the remaining meat on the fish bones, even leaving some grilled and crispy fish bones, which almost made Gao Feng's eyes pop out. When Masati finished eating, He touched his belly happily and looked at Gao Feng repeatedly with his big, moist and waxy eyes. He was very surprised how Gao Feng could make such delicious food.

"Will it still be tender enough to eat in the future? Can it be eaten tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? I have never tasted such a weird taste. How did you do it?"

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