Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 889 The Temptation of Masati

Compared with the weirdness and unpredictability of the energy nodes, it seems that the surrounding grasslands are more dangerous. At least there are countless beasts that can pose a threat to the peak. The direction of the peak and the big flower never takes a straight path, and they always have to bypass the dangers blocking the road ahead. Only savage beasts can move forward. Fortunately, the two children are sensitive to danger and can always warn the peak in advance, so that they can continue to move forward without any danger.

Masati became the new passenger on Dahua's back. From the moment she left the wreckage of the battleship, she remained silent. The weapons given to her last time were no longer there. She only had one piece of clothing on her body that exposed her cleavage and was full of temptation, the Guards of Destruction. Apart from the officer's uniform, there is nothing else. He no longer looks like a soldier, but more like a fragile vase.

Gao Feng had some understanding of her silence. She was a woman who had been expelled. Any technological equipment related to the destruction of the Guards was blocked from her. It was impossible for her to return to her original unit, let alone destroy the Guards. The system survives.

When a modern person suddenly comes to ancient times where there is no toilet paper, he will be extremely uncomfortable. Even when Gao Feng came to this world, it took him a whole month to accept himself and gradually get rid of the memories of his previous life.

The two of them sat on Dahua together, and it was inevitable that they would bump into each other. Masati's body was very soft, which made Gao Feng feel very comfortable. Unlike Aiselin, whose whole body was as tight as a dynamite barrel, there was a danger of detonating at any time. But compared to Masati, Gao Feng prefers to be with Aiseline. It's not that the two are more familiar with each other, but that Aiseline has her own thoughts and character, which is more vivid, not as rigid as Masati, like an inflatable. The baby was submissive and motionless beside Gao Feng.

When they were far away from the wreckage of the battleship and could no longer see any traces, Gao Feng wanted to talk to her, but could not find the words to talk to her, which made him extremely depressed. After being silent for a long time, Gao Feng wanted to speak more and more, and suddenly a message came from the sky. There was a sharp roar, and when I looked up, I saw three rockets in the shape of a finished glyph flying across the sky quickly. The direction they pointed was the direction in which the wreckage of the battleship emerged, drew a huge arc, and then fell.

These three rockets passing by at high speed broke three cloud tracks in the sky, and countless birds of various shapes followed them, trying to tear apart the enemies who broke into the air territory. Unfortunately, they were always slower. Even so, Their speed is also fast enough, almost as fast as the fastest airplanes in previous generations.

"What is that? A missile?"

Gao Feng was filled with surprise and couldn't help but ask. Masati, who was beside him, looked away and said calmly:

"The One-way No. 3 small material delivery rocket flies automatically and can load three tons of materials at a time. It will only be used to support trapped troops. It is an airdrop method that loses air superiority. The material loss rate is 67.5%... ….”

Hearing this, Gao Feng frowned. Three seriously injured people, one slightly injured, and two intact combatants. These six people stood at the center of the grassland. What on earth did Charles want to do? Without air superiority, it would be impossible for them to mine energy crystals on a large scale, let alone kill the creatures in the energy lake with one blow.

"Now that you no longer belong to the Destruction Guards, the confidentiality regulations will automatically expire. Can you tell me the purpose of the mission?"

Gao Feng looked at Masati's big eyes and asked tentatively. A hint of surprise flashed through Masati's empty eyes, and she tilted her head slightly. Her long dark red hair covered half of her cheeks, making her look even more charming. Gao Feng couldn't help but swallow. The next mouthful of saliva was waiting for the beauty's answer.

"Although my identity card is in your hands, I have violated the "Regulations on the Management of Non-Natural Persons". From a side perspective, I no longer belong to the category of a modulator, so I don't have to obey orders like a moderator. I'm sorry. , not answering you is an unknown possibility..."

Masati was very smart and knew how to take advantage of loopholes. She made it clear that she would not inform Gao Feng. Looking at her heroic sacrifice, Gao Feng was not angry but smiled. He appreciated this kind of anger, even if the Destruction Guards wanted to If they want to destroy her, she will not betray and destroy the Imperial Guards. In other words, she will not betray herself in the future.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

There was another roar in the sky, and Gao Feng saw three more rockets flying through the sky. They were only ten minutes apart from the three rockets just now. Gao Feng didn't feel anything, but Masati was surprised.

"That's Vanguard No. 5, an individual carrier rocket used to land the Doomsday Slayer. It's expensive to build. What exactly is here? Why is the headquarters..."

The words stopped abruptly in the middle. Masati looked at Feng Feng in surprise, obviously not wanting Feng Feng to know too much, but Feng Feng did not look at him. He was still looking at the rocket pulling out of the cloud track. The air birds that had previously chased the material rocket happened to return. Rockets were flying noisily at the individual soldier in the air, and he saw groups of fireballs bursting into the air, injuring two hundred people.

When Gao Feng thought that the Doomsday Slayer inside was over, three flying coffins that were exactly the same as when he first met Aiselin flew out of the smoke of the explosion, flying towards the battleship like meteors, and a beautiful golden cicada escaped from its shell. The scene was unfolding in front of Gao Feng, and he couldn't help but cheer.

"Hurry..., hurry over, there are the Doom Slayer's individual equipment there. If we find them, we will have weapons..."

Masati suddenly shook Gao Feng's arm excitedly, pointed to the fallen wreckage under the smoke and said to Gao Feng. Her eyes were no longer empty and empty, and they were as bright as stars. The shaking made Gao Feng almost blind, and his mind went blank. He could not help but follow her instructions. If so, it will lead the big flower to run over there.


A scream made Gao Feng come back to his senses, and she saw small tooth marks on Masati's green-white fingers, which were oozing with red blood. She looked at the small pink ball on Gao Feng's shoulder in surprise. The little fantuan never spoke or moved at will. It looked like a smart doll. I thought it was Gao Feng's bad taste, but I didn't expect that this little guy was alive and could bite people? So the surprise is greater than the pain.

Gao Feng stretched out his fingers and stroked Xiao Fan Tuan's hair soothingly, making her feel comfortable. She squinted her eyes and leaned against Gao Feng's cheek, staring at the surprised Masati with a dangerous light in her eyes. The little thing looked at Xiao Fan Tuan in a rare way. Any cry of appreciation that is hostile to a woman is worthy of appreciation.

"What happened just now?"

Gao Feng frowned and looked at Masati. He would never lose his mind because of a woman's begging. But just now, he acted like a puppet. A strong murderous intention emerged in his heart. If Masati did this, Without an explanation, he would destroy the flower with a ruthless hand.

"Yes, it was due to mood swings that the charm was spontaneously activated. Charm is a prelude to complete private work, allowing men to be obsessed with my body and enjoy physical and mental relaxation. According to the procedure, I should not induce it at this time. It must be I violated the regulations on the management of non-natural persons and was controlled by my emotions..."

Masati was also in a panic. It was not because she felt Gao Feng's murderous intention, but because she was afraid that she would be affected by her emotions and do something she shouldn't have done. When Gao Feng heard her explanation, she suddenly became depressed. In other words, The girl in front of him started the seduction process because of her excitement, and he also said that if the little fan didn't like other people touching her, maybe he would make a fool of himself.

"What exactly are the Regulations on the Management of Unnatural Persons? Are they specifically used to control clones and modified humans?"

There was still some distance from where the rocket crashed, and Masati took the initiative to speak again. Gao Feng seized the opportunity to ask about his doubts. This time Masati did not use formulaic language to refuse, and said seriously:

"The Management Regulations have thirteen major items and thirty-seven minor items, with only one core: thought. Thoughts are unique to natural persons. No non-natural person can have his own thoughts. All tasks must be completed in accordance with the framework of the Management Regulations. Once Violations will be removed as hidden dangers..."

Masati's explanation was quite accurate, and Gao Feng understood it as soon as he heard it. It was just like the three laws of robots in science fiction novels in previous generations, but it was just a mental collar imposed by humans on artificial humans.

"When did you violate the ordinance? Should you know the cost of violating it?"

Gao Feng asked curiously, not missing any expression on Masati's face. The distance between him and Masati was less than ten centimeters, and he could clearly see the smooth skin and the lines on the red lips. His heart began to stir again, he was really a charming little goblin.

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