Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 488 Barrier

The lonely Gao Feng took Da Hua and the two little ones back along the original path. On the vast grassland, they were just a thousand miles apart. If it weren't for the crashed battleship stuck in the ground like a cigar, Gao Feng wouldn't necessarily be the same as Gao Feng. The remaining teams gathered together.

When he was extremely tired and arrived at the wreckage of the battleship with Da Hua, he found that the crashed battleship had been roughly transformed into a temporary fortress. The bottom defensive circle had been removed. Several thousand square meters of outer positions were scattered around. There are hundreds of landmines and metal debris buried with explosives. Once something attacks from the outside, no matter how many there are, the first wave will definitely lead to death or death.

The side of the battleship is full of holes. The holes near the bottom have all been repaired, as if they were full of patches. There are automatic machine guns placed in the holes above. I don’t know where they were found. One and a half Closed combat nests are spread around the outer shell of the battleship, and several scouts are looking toward the peak from the combat nests.

Obviously, Charles has decided to rely on the crashed battleship to lay a nail on the grassland. The purpose of this nail is naturally to target the energy node. Gao Feng is extremely entangled in his heart. He suspects that Charles' purpose is to target the energy crystal of the energy node. But there were also the horrific beasts Charles spoke of, and he didn't know whether to tell the truth.

The ground marked a safe passage sign. Following the directions marked by arrows, Gao Feng and Da Hua arrived at the smallest side of the battleship unharmed. Not long after, a lifting platform slipped from the battleship and stopped in front of Gao Feng. A man who originally belonged to The scout from Peak Team nodded to him.

"General Charles already knows that you are back and asked you to meet him. In addition, you can replenish supplies here..."

The supplies were boxes placed on the platform. Gao Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the soldier whose appearance was unclear under his helmet. The other party was obviously not prepared to let him enter the battleship and urged him to leave after replenishing the supplies.

Apart from water, Gao Feng didn't have anything to add. All his guns were destroyed in the energy storm, and even the individual aircraft was on the verge of collapse. But what the other party did made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Captain, we have detected strong radiation waves on your body. Please understand our difficulties..."

When Gao Feng was silent, the soldier spoke, which made Gao Feng slightly stunned. When he glanced at the radiation data, he saw a row of beating numbers. The numbers were not big and the numbers were not beating much. Compared with the surrounding energy nodes, they were not worth it. Just mention it, but for normal people, it is enough to attract attention.

"Where's Masati?"

Gao Feng didn't want to get entangled here anymore. He didn't see the surviving woman in the battleship. According to the previous agreement, this woman already belonged to him, but he didn't see it at this moment, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Captain, what General Charles means is that after you return, he will replenish you with modulators of the same specifications. Masati was found to have violated the "Regulations on the Management of Non-Natural Persons" and needs to be quarantined for review..."

"Go, bring her down here. I don't care if she violated any regulations. Her identity is in my hands. She is my property. I won't allow it..."

Gao Feng was furious when he heard that. In any case, Masati had fought with him. He agreed with this woman's will to survive. He didn't want it to be destroyed because of Charles' words. He even didn't want it, but She was not allowed to be killed.

Gao Feng's request obviously embarrassed the soldier, but Gao Feng stubbornly raised his chin and persisted, releasing the suffocating and oppressive aura of Xianjun Jialuo. Even if he felt embarrassed, the soldier could not resist.

"Please wait a moment, I will contact General Charles first..."

Looking at the elevator rising again, Gao Feng looked lonely. He opened his mask, took out a cigar and lit it for himself. He could only use tobacco to fill his loneliness. No matter what, he thought that Charles had hidden a lot of things from him. From the time he set off to the present, Putting aside the dangers and battles he encountered, he was unhappy just saying that Charles was controlling things from afar. He was nominally the person in charge, and everything was under his control. Once Charles interfered, he felt like he had become a puppet, and from that scene During the radiation storm, he subconsciously believed that Charles actually knew, but he did not tell himself.

Gao Feng's persistence was not rejected. Perhaps what Charles needed most now was the information on energy nodes, rather than the regulations on the management of unnatural persons. After changing into clean clothes and cleaning herself, Masati stood on the elevator and arrived in front of Gao Feng.

As beautiful and charming as the image on the ID card, or more vivid than the photo, the delicate cheeks are perfect, the charming eyes are captivating, the proportions of the facial features are just right, every detail is so amazing, as if God has a special preference , to create such a perfect human being.

Gao Feng finally understood what it meant to be a modulator. A modulator is a perfect creation, using biotechnology to create a peerless beauty. Such a beauty appeared in the previous life and was the best that men expected. To be honest, Gao Feng has seen all kinds of things. Such a beauty, no one can match her in details.

But just because it is too perfect, it creates an unreal illusion. The beauty in front of her seems as if she should not appear in the world. She is like a goddess who does not eat fireworks. She has no desire to possess her, only an indifferent barrier.

"General Charles has ordered that if your Excellency needs it, he will provide you with more moderators, but this has already been flawed and may have unpredictable consequences..."

Masati was escorted down. Her eyes were vacant and she seemed to be heartbroken. Her hands were cuffed with exaggerated and ferocious handcuffs. Two thin black threads protruded from each of the dark handcuffs, which penetrated into the pair of hands. The skin of Haobai's arm arched with a black scar. It was obvious that these handcuffs not only restricted the freedom of life, but also had the workmanship to kill in an instant.

Unlocking the handcuffs not only requires the scout's fingerprints, but also requires a thirty-two-digit password. When the ugly and dangerous handcuffs are untied, two thin black tubes are like dying snakes, flowing out from Masati's delicate skin. He pulled it out, swung it wildly for a few times, and then hung down feebly, making people feel heart-stopping.

Masati was roughly pushed off the lifting platform, followed by several boxes to Gaofeng. Without saying anything, the soldiers went up.

Looking at the leaving lifting platform, Gao Feng understood that his command authority had been relieved and these soldiers would no longer take orders from him. Their new mission was to guard this place and build an advance base for Charles.

Dahua and Liangxiao had been watching around, but they couldn't figure out the situation. When they saw that there was a beautiful woman in Gaofeng, the little pink ball jumped on Gaofeng's shoulders, biting her little paw curiously, and looked at the woman with her head lowered. The little thing was on guard, fearing that this woman would cause harm to him.

"If I don't show up and ask you to come over, what will happen to you?"

Gao Feng looked at Masati, who was hanging his head, and felt a little unhappy. It seemed that Masati was still sad about being captured. He didn't understand what was so sad. The other party should be grateful that he had escaped and be grateful to his savior. Giving thanks, at least in his philosophical mind, he said it in English for fear that Masati wouldn't understand Chinese.

"It will be destroyed. Before it is destroyed, they will conduct an autopsy on me to find out the reason for my alienation..."

This time Masati spoke Chinese with a clear accent, which surprised Gao Feng slightly. Then he saw Masati's crystal clear little ears with transparent and delicate earplugs. He once again recalled the time when he had barbecue with him before. Several scouts have these earplugs and have a better understanding of the technology that destroyed the Praetorian Guards.

"I'll give you two choices. First, you can take these supplies and leave on your own to fend for yourself. Second, follow me, but I won't protect your safety. I know you have a strong desire to survive in your bones, so just It's up to you to choose..."

Gao Feng said these two choices with a headache. He didn't want to be a nanny, and he was also very dissatisfied with Masati's current decadent appearance. Wasn't it just breaking away from the old body system? Is it more difficult than hiding in the dark alone to hunt monsters?

The two choices given by Gao Feng made Masati raise her head in surprise. Seeing the inquiry in her eyes, Gao Feng said patiently:

"I have nothing to do with the Destruction Guards, nor with the Chaos God King. If you follow me, you will go to a brand new place, but you must obey 100%..."

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