Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1999 Collective Action

The Asura species have become the latest species of destruction. Red Charm and Purple Shadow have also greatly improved their strength and become more sensitive to danger. The detection range is even wider than the needle mouse radar. With them, they will not be afraid of insect ambush.

When I acted in a small team before, I didn't realize how difficult the alliance was until Gao Feng led a fleet. The wreckage of countless battleships and the corpses of insects were floating in the starry sky. Whether it was a plane or a three-dimensional space, there was almost no clean place to be found. It was as if the fleet was surrounded by wreckage on all sides.

If you just think this is the case, you are totally wrong, because the wreckage is likely to hide scattered bugs. After the bugs lose their swarm, they hide in every corner, waiting to be forgotten or recruited. They will also hide in the corners of the battlefield. As a power territory, once other bugs invade, they will be killed and dragged into the nest for food, and warships are also included in this list.

Therefore, many times, dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of bugs will suddenly appear, which will inevitably make the fleet confused. If you are not careful, it is not impossible to destroy several battleships. Compared with the battleships, the transport fleet following behind is more powerful. It is fragile, but it is a dexterous reconnaissance ship, but it can react immediately.

The Wilderness Fleet lost more than ten Kong Ya ships in a row. Although they were only second-class battleships, it also meant a lot of wealth and materials, especially the loss of personnel in the sunken battleships, which made Gao Feng heartbroken because most of these personnel were soul awakeners or soul-awakeners who controlled the ships. It is difficult for ordinary creatures to escape when a battleship sinks, which makes Gao Feng feel that the tactics should be changed.

As a result, more than 40,000 galactic powerhouses were divided into countless squads. These squads were mounted on pinrat reconnaissance ships and patrolled around the fleet. Once an early warning was detected, they would be dropped as soon as possible to block the approaching approach. At the same time, a large number of industrial robots were dispatched to use various metal armors to temporarily strengthen the vital points of the battleship, at least so that they would not be easily penetrated by the insects.

As a result, the speed will inevitably be slowed down, but Gao Feng has no good solution. Neither he nor Phantom can take care of the entire fleet. But as the fleet continues to move forward, the battle losses continue to decrease. In addition to accumulating combat experience, He also learned the correct defense strategy, allowing Gao Feng to finally lead the fleet out of the battlefield that spread for countless billions of kilometers.

As the wilderness fleet walked out of the battlefield, the fleet of about a thousand ships grew a lot, because there were at least 300 dilapidated and incomplete main battleships. These battleships were severely damaged and were lost on the battlefield. Originally, they were simply After repairs, power has been initially restored, but there is no way to avoid the bugs everywhere on the battlefield. They can only wait for death. However, the intrusion of the wilderness fleet has given these battleships a chance to survive, so they join the fleet without hesitation and look for opportunities to return. rear.

These warships are from various forces, and at the same time, almost all warships are better than Gao Feng's main warship. Xuan Kong has more advantages, otherwise it would not be possible to survive under the harassment of insects. The problem is that Gao Feng has no command authority over them. , so he felt quite depressed. If he could incorporate these battleships into the fleet, even half of them would be enough to make him happy.

Of course, Gao Feng was not completely without gains. They did pick up a lot of good things on the battlefield. The Alliance had a great cause and would not slow down their retreat by carrying more combat supplies. Relatively speaking, many abandoned Supplies cannot be used by bugs to attack the alliance. In this way, a large number of weapons, supplies, medical treatment, medicine, and movable armor have become trophies. The only pity is that all the abandoned energy has been lost to bugs. It was swallowed up, so there was nothing left. Gao Feng had no more demand for energy, but instead favored those expensive regular military supplies.

At this time, Gao Feng even had the feeling of returning to the trial space, driving an N-hand transport ship, and scavenging on the battlefield. This kind of big harvest without money feels really good, especially the harvest of many powerful secondary guns, which even makes When the peak occurs, do you want to hold on to the illusion for a while, because the power of these secondary guns disassembled from the alliance's main battleships is comparable to the main guns of Kongya.

In addition, an abandoned giant transport ship was unexpectedly discovered. The hull was intact and the internal energy system was also intact. It is suspected that during the retreat, this arms ship filled with anti-matter mines and various ammunition was lost because of its speed. Due to the slow relationship, it was completely abandoned and did not even open the self-destruction. This was a benefit to the Wilderness Fleet. This giant transport ship is equivalent to a space station, enough for 100,000 people to live inside. More importantly, this Each transport ship also carries a large amount of supplies and spare parts, including even the large engines of the battleships. Therefore, Gao Feng can piece together dozens of top-level battleships on the battlefield.

Of course, all this must wait until we return to the stronghold before starting. If it is launched hastily, it is likely to be targeted by some interested people, but the transport ship is too huge, like a turkey mixed in among a group of chickens.

In order to speed up the turkey, Gao Feng dispatched twelve tractor transport ships to accelerate the speed of this behemoth through particle traction. Finally, they came to the first target, a battle fortress that had fallen for an unknown period of time.

This time Gao Feng did not go out, but guarded the fleet. The fleet was no longer a long snake formation, but was closely together, forming a circular battle circle. Of course, the ones on the outside were all picked up from the battlefield. The survivors who arrived, as well as Gao Feng's direct troops, were all on the second level, and the core was the giant transport ship.

The unparalleled gunship jumped first and appeared directly above the battle fort. Then the phantom triggered the space trap. In an inexplicable state, countless insect swarms were strangled by layers of dense space gears and turned into dust-like wreckage. The battle fort was then destroyed. Wrap it up.

At this moment, the Insect King appeared in the battle fort. The flaming Insect King spewed out a torrent of energy that resembled a cannon in the starry sky, instantly evaporating the insect remains that covered the starry sky into particles. However, no trace of the phantom was found. While it was trying hard to search for the enemy, Ying'er appeared silently behind the Insect King. This huge, round Insect King, covered with barbs, didn't even notice the ant-like Ying'er behind it, and was hit by a The sharp scales smashed into the back of its head, and then a spatial storm exploded in its head...

The moment the Insect King died, Gao Feng put on the Destruction Armor and rushed into the largest insect swarm manically. The blue aura expanded to the extreme, like a vacuum cleaner in the starry sky, absorbing countless insects and turning them into corpses. , after Gao Feng wiped out this insect swarm numbering one million, there was not a single insect left around the battle fort. Instead, there were many messy small insect swarms around the wilderness fleet, which were killed by layers of gunfire.

There seemed to be a lot of bugs, but in fact they were only hundreds of thousands. Compared with the bugs that surrounded the battle fort before, they were nothing to mention, let alone the main battleships in the wilderness, even those dilapidated battleships that could not even fire their main guns at full power. It can also be dealt with. In less than half an hour, the small insect swarm besieging the fleet was cleared away.

The next step is to occupy the fortress, then report to the alliance, collect the insect eggs in the battle fort, sell them to the slave consortium, and then hand over the corpse of the insect king to the slave consortium for sale. This time, the high score is determined. Buy more warp gunships, this thing is simply the first choice attack for elite troops.

In addition to the battle fortress, the death bug swarm itself is also a huge asset, because on the battlefield, the alliance's firepower rarely leaves corpses, so although countless bugs are killed, the price of the materials has not dropped, and there are only things like Only when Gao Feng can kill the elite of the insect swarm can he harvest various precious materials.

When the alliance and the slave consortium both sent people to take over, Gao Feng handed over all the burdens and took the thinned fleet to start a new round of conquest. Because of the power of the Phantom, the tyranny of the withering of all things, and the The wilderness fleet's combat experience was getting richer, so the subsequent battles were not too troublesome, and hundreds of millions of bugs were annihilated. Among them, the corpse of the killed bug king actually filled a transport ship, and at the same time a large amount of bug materials , are also continuously sent to the market.

Even so, Gao Feng has never noticed any fluctuations in material prices. The alliance is like a black hole of materials. No matter how many times there are materials, it will continuously suck in materials, and then use its powerful technological reserves to supply countless equipment that only exist in the laboratory. It was not until one day that the Alliance fleet that came to accept the battle fort provided hundreds of top-level battle armors to Gao Feng. Only then did Gao Feng understand what the Alliance had done to the materials he sold.

Hundreds of top-level battle armors almost have the defense power of about three levels of the Destruction standard battle armors in the hands of the peak. In addition, the micro master brains that assist in combat are even more extraordinary. Even if they are trapped in a swarm of insects, the Silver Heart Warriors have a high chance of escaping. , so it is the top and most expensive equipment in the league.

But when Gao Feng saw the cost of selling the armor to sixth-class citizens, he couldn't help but curse. He knew all the materials on the armor, but when combined, the price increased more than a hundred times. Gao Feng He also saw the customized armor specially awarded to him by the alliance, and found that most of the materials were treasure-level materials that he had traded to the slave consortium, which allowed the armor to achieve half the combat efficiency of a monthly sacrifice, which was much higher than the standard armor. There are so few, which makes Gaofeng full of a sense of powerlessness, after all, the technology is backward. It can only be reduced to an exporter of raw materials.

It is precisely because of this that Gao Feng no longer continues to provide treasure-level materials to the slave consortium, but keeps them in his hands. Even if there is no technology to turn them into various battle armors, they can always be regarded as non-renewable precious resources and slowly try their own. development.

When the peak was completed, the recovery of one hundred battle forts meant that the fleet had also completed its first-level mission, which immediately caused a sensation in the alliance, because never before had a fleet been able to recover one hundred battle forts in such a short period of time, and these The battle fort can be combined into a huge starry sky position to ensure that the defense line of the Galaxy Alliance can continue to be supported. Therefore, Gao Feng and his fleet have officially entered the sight of the Alliance Parliament, and at the same time, everything behind Gao Feng has been excavated in detail.

As a result, those high-ranking congressmen discovered that it turned out that Gao Feng was always fighting with his own private fleet. In order to obtain the command of his fleet, Gao Feng even had to hand over a large amount of supplies and materials to compromise, which turned out to be a lot of bullshit. The conspiracy and calculations of Taizao were exposed under the eyes of the alliance's big shots.

The adults, who were struggling because the war was gradually collapsing, felt almost at the same time that their chance to get rid of their reputation as fools had come. Why was the alliance not well connected, and why was the war collapsing day by day? This is all corruption within the alliance. Countless strong men are fighting at the front, while poaching from behind. Even the top ten strong men in the Star Challenge rankings have been calculated to this extent. If they hadn't set out to find out, I'm afraid that even when the alliance is defeated, there will be no evidence of the crimes of these rats.

As a result, the Wilderness Fleet was involved in a huge whirlpool, and the fleet no longer had to go on missions. A large number of liaison officers came to the fleet every day to collect evidence, and then Minnie added fuel to the fire, turning it into a shocking case. , as more clues and behind-the-scenes were dug out, Gao Feng shook his head.

The cause of all this turned out to be the revenge of several top forces on Gao Feng. No matter how secretive Gao Feng was, the fact that he killed the purges would eventually be exposed, and the death of a large number of powerful people also indirectly weakened the power of several major forces. High-end combat power, that's why so many things happened. Fortunately, Gao Feng himself was strong, and there was a slave consortium to deal with it, so the wilderness fleet was not reduced to a wreckage on the battlefield.

The alliance has informed the galaxy for such a long time that the most indispensable thing is various means, especially at the critical moment of resisting foreign enemies. Any issue that may affect the war is an unforgivable problem. Soon these top forces will Under the alliance's continuous defeat, it quickly collapsed and disintegrated. A large number of star sectors were divided, and a large amount of wealth and fleets were directly confiscated by the alliance. Then, after various whitewashings, they were equally distributed to various vested interests, including Gao Feng.

Suddenly, Gao Feng owned an entire star district, and this star district was even more prosperous than the former Sirila Star District. In this star district, Gao Feng was the emperor who ruled everything, with taxes, tolls, and conscription. , construction, resource collection and other rights. In addition, he can even become the law of the star region. As long as he says it, it will be the legal provisions of the star region.

This sector makes Gao Feng quite satisfied. At least the Wilderness Fleet is no longer a rootless tree. It has the wealth supply of the sector, a large number of manpower supplements, and various lands where wounded soldiers can be arranged to retire. Even if Gao Feng withdraws from the public planet He no longer has to be a pirate to plunder everywhere. He has been promoted from a rogue to a warlord.

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