Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1998 The situation is changing

After Gao Feng dropped the bomb, he had basically completed the mission. After finally getting in, Gao Feng felt that it was necessary to continue exploring to at least learn more information, so Gao Feng analyzed the isolation flesh membrane of the ammunition compartment to reveal the human body. He stepped into the high hole and came to the place where the corpse was melted.

There are countless corpses piled up here, including bugs, galactic races, and many species that Gaofeng has never seen or heard of. These species are in the form of weird beasts, with bodies as huge as mountains. Even if they die, there are still huge remains. The biological energy and even the breath of some creatures made Gao Feng feel depressed.

Obviously, these corpses came from another galaxy and were brought over as combat rations for the giant insect mothership. Compared with the previous corpses, the corpses of these strong men from other galaxies received the best treatment. The more powerful the creatures, the more they were preserved. The more intact they are, some bodies are even coated with a layer of unknown biological wax on their surfaces, making them even more perfectly preserved.

Seeing these many corpses, Gao Feng was hesitant to find another place to explore. Then he suddenly thought of something and quickly passed through the pile of corpses and collected the corpses of strong men from different galaxies. Anyway, It is also a kind of research material, and the materials of some corpses may not be lower than those of the Insect King.

After coming down, the space gems carried by Gao Feng were filled to eight levels, and he felt satisfied. At this moment, his feet shook violently, and then he was pressed by countless dumped corpses. Before Gao Feng could get out, he felt a strong sense of weightlessness. Let him fall down together with countless corpses, all the way to the huge lake.

During the fall, Gao Feng felt an unprecedented crisis and wanted to escape from this place, but there was still a steady stream of corpses tilting above his head, just like thousands of tons of sand falling from the sky to bury Gao Feng. In this situation, Even with the monstrous means of the peak, there is no way to avoid it. The only thing he can do is to condense the dark beast, protect himself, and sink into the lake with the falling corpses.

At this time, Gao Feng discovered that the so-called lake was the stomach of the giant shipworm. Countless corpses fell into the stomach and were quickly dissolved by a strong acid ten thousand times more terrifying than aqua regia. Also dissolved were the dark behemoths, and even though Gao Feng was Even if you want to struggle, there is no way, because the stomach acid is so sticky that even light can be stuck.

Gao Feng suffered from arrogance because he was too confident in himself and fell into a life-threatening danger. If he was not careful, he would become the food of the giant insect mothership, the fruit on the lips of the breeding mother insect, and the energy reserve of the ammunition compartment. .

Fortunately, this was not the first time that Gao Feng fell into this situation. He quickly calmed down and tried his best to analyze the stomach acid of the female worm. During the analysis process, his mental energy was also used as nutrients, and was continuously decomposed and absorbed by the stomach acid.

This is not the first time that Gao Feng has encountered this situation. In the Devil's Triangle, the scales of the giant beast were shattered with his mental power. The only good thing is that the strength and toughness of Gao Feng's mental power are a hundred times higher than before, so he can still Barely supported and will not be easily dissolved.

This is like a game of two snakes swallowing each other. Either the mental power will analyze the gastric acid, or the gastric acid will swallow the mental power. As time goes by, the mental power that was originally at a stalemate and at a disadvantage suddenly has a knife. Under the operation of intense mental power, the peak inspired the gift of the Broken Tooth Sword. The sharp attributes lurking in his mental sea shattered all the gastric acid that was clinging to the mental power and melting away. Then, the analysis of mental power suddenly increased sharply, and the momentum was overwhelming. Suppress all stomach acid.

It's just suppression. If you want to continue the analysis, it will take a long time. According to Gao Feng's estimation, there is not a month that he can't get it. Of course he doesn't have a month, but he can do it by preserving himself in the stomach acid, so Gao Feng is not anxious, just Swimming in stomach acid, looking for a chance to escape.

Never would I have thought that there are still many undissolved things in the stomach acid, and most of them are the scales, horns, claws, and beaks of living creatures. These things are the remains of the corpses of strong men or the corpses of insects. They are very important to the giant insect mothership. It's useless, but to Gao Feng, these are treasure-level materials, especially after being refined by stomach acid, they are a bit better than the materials found in the stars.

In addition to biological materials, many crystals, meteorites, bark, grass stems, and even metals, mica, sand, gravel, or sediments similar to bezoar and horse treasure were found. These things may seem inconspicuous, but they are It has been soaked in stomach acid for countless years and has still not been digested, which shows its strong material.

For these things, Gao Feng never let go and collected them all. Then he got out of the stomach acid and came to a place that looked like a honeycomb. There were tens of thousands of honeycombs here, each honeycomb was hundreds of square meters, and the inside was like The pools of water emitted strong energy fluctuations, which were so large that they were more than ten times more powerful than the previous ammunition bay. Therefore, Gao Feng suspected that he had finally found the ammunition bay for the main gun of the mother insect giant ship.

Looking at it, most of the hives are empty. Obviously, before reaching the Milky Way, the mother insect giant ship consumes a lot of reserve energy, so it does not use the main gun. But if it is given enough time to absorb the cosmic energy, Maybe it won't take a few years for the alliance to realize the true power of the giant insect mothership, and Gao Feng will unceremoniously drop the bomb.

After finding the fatal point, the peak no longer stayed, but turned into a cannonball, blasting away various biological tissues above the head, like a broken knife cutting into butter, heading towards the starry sky outside the giant insect's body, with broken teeth. The sharpness was fully displayed at this moment. No biological tissue or bone could stop it in the slightest. It was easily separated, leaving a channel for the insect's blood.

When Gaofeng pierced the thick skin of the female insect and appeared in the starry sky, he paid no attention to the surrounding insect swarms and violently activated the two bombs he had planted before. One of them had an explosion yield of at least hundreds of thousands of tons. Explosive anti-matter bomb.

For more than ten seconds, the giant ship mother did not change at all. Even the plasma balls that continued to erupt did not decrease. But when the peak began to have doubts, a violent energy erupted and suddenly broke through the giant ship mother. The flanks of the insects were like erupting volcanoes, and the energy flow they ejected was thousands of miles long, destroying all the insect swarms encountered along the way and grinding them into particles. The collapsed biological tissues spread around like a volcanic eruption, and were then ejected again. The energy impact was completely wiped out. When the energy eruption disappeared, the insect swarms surrounding the giant ship mother worm fled one after another, leaving only the mother worm whose body was damaged with a huge gap of up to one-third, floating motionless in the starry sky.

Killing this mother insect triggered a chain effect in the attacking insect nest. Many mother insects that had been traumatized began to retreat, and the swarming insect swarms launched a desperate attack on the distant fleet, covering the retreat of the giant ship mother insect. , Gao Feng did not attack again at this time, because his mission target was only one giant ship mother insect. Even if he kept all the giant ship mother insects, it would not add much benefit, but would expose himself to the limelight. .

After experiencing the final madness of the insect swarm, the defensive fleet finally held up. Then dozens of needle rat reconnaissance ships came to the vicinity of the peak. After receiving the holographic information of the peak's destruction mother insect, they sent back the confirmation key, which meant that the peak and this The female insect doesn't matter anymore, he only needs to return to the station to receive more compensation and rewards.

The alliance's reward system is very rigid. There is no peak that indirectly helps the fleet to win, but there are redundant rewards. In fact, the alliance does not welcome some guys to actively intervene in the battlefield in order to be heroes, thus causing various accidents. After all, from When formulating the war plan at the beginning, the alliance took all kinds of accidents into consideration, but never the man-made accidents of some idiots. Therefore, if Gao Feng completed the mission and the alliance determined the rewards after the mission was completed, everything would be OK.

After the Wushuang took Gao Feng back to the starting point, Gao Feng received an unexpected message. Then he became gloomy and did not return to his residence. Instead, he drove the Wushuang and jumped to another unfamiliar starry sky. The same thing happened here. It is the gathering point of the Alliance's forces. Countless ships make the place seem to be filled with stars. The occasional reflection of the ship under the stars makes this place like a new galaxy.

Soon they met the Moonlight, which came to greet them, and then the Wushuang was swallowed into the belly of the ship by the Moonlight. Not long after, Gao Feng saw Minnie and Lila on the Moonlight, as well as Chanel, Burr Flower and other fleet senior officials.

Minnie's explanation was full of helplessness. Because of its affiliation with the Alliance, the Wilderness Fleet was actually part of a new round of troop gatherings. This round of gathering was not specifically for the Wilderness Fleet. In fact, it was almost in the surrounding starfields close to the public starfield. , were all forced to assemble fleets. Except for those fleets whose warships were really rubbish and even inferior to the Planet Guard, the rest were all included in the assembly.

There is no good way to deal with this peak. After the appearance of the giant ship mother worm, the alliance's direct fleets continued to lose. As for the battle fortress, not even 5% was left. Even so, thanks to the absence of the giant ship mother worm, if Otherwise, no battle fort can block the firepower of the giant ship mother insect.

Since the wilderness fleet must be put into the battlefield, Gao Feng hopes to have the fleet under his own banner. In this way, many losses can be avoided. The problem is that even if Gao Feng is a fifth-class citizen, he still has shortcomings in commanding a fleet. , even if this is his own fleet.

As a last resort, Gao Feng took out a large amount of treasure-level materials obtained from the giant ship worms and handed them over to the Slave Chamber of Commerce for operation. He even contributed hundreds of rations to the breeding worms. This attracted the attention of the alliance, because these The fruit has terrifying biological energy and can be directly used as a high-level potion material. One fruit can produce two thousand doses of high-energy potion, which can turn two thousand awakened souls into galactic warriors. Except for the first time, this thing has no drug resistance. , as long as the quantity is sufficient, it can be promoted to the peak of the galactic center.

But what really attracted the alliance's attention was not these biological durians, but the holographic images captured by Gao Feng inside the giant ship mother insect. These images have unimaginable research value for the alliance. Overall, Gao Feng should be rewarded at least three times as much as the kill. The mother worm's reward is because the body of the giant ship mother worm was severely damaged, and many important organs were evaporated by energy. Even if it was fully dissected, the research value would not be as great as that of live photography.

After some difficult operations by the slave consortium, Gao Feng finally became a direct citizen of the sixth level and had the power to command the fleet. Because he had never held a formal military position within the alliance, Gao Feng could only command a fleet of miscellaneous names. This was not the case. got his wish.

The main mission of commanding the fleet has a certain conflict with Gao Feng's own mission, because the damage done by the fleet is not counted in Gao Feng's mission, and with the extremely fierce galactic war, the killing points of basic bugs have continued to decline. Only specific tasks with relatively high risks can earn a large number of points, but this also means that the mortality rate is increasing.

Having your own fleet cruising the battlefield has another advantage. The transport fleet where Gao Feng was previously located has also merged with Gao Feng under the operation of Toad Spirit. In this way, it is quite a logistical force for this fleet. The transport fleet is equipped with a dedicated escort fleet, which also saves the alliance's strength.

In addition, many fleets of the slave consortium itself were severely damaged in previous wars, and some fleets were even broken up. Originally, these broken-up warships would be collected on the battlefield and continue to be used as cannon fodder, but now After the Wilderness Fleet served as the escort fleet, these warships were also withdrawn from the line of fire. While resting, they trained with the Wilderness Fleet for combat coordination, and at the same time imparted battlefield experience to the Wilderness Fleet. It was a win-win situation.

With the help of the slave consortium, Gao Feng will naturally not challenge the alliance's bottom line of endurance. He will hand over all the loot to the slave consortium to make new energy potions, and he will bring thousands of the most elite battleships with him. Heading to the starry sky battlefield, this peak is prepared to capture hundreds of battle forts in a row to prove the value of the wilderness fleet.

Because of the unexpected rendezvous, not only the Peerless Team but also all the top experts from the Wilderness Fleet were included in the lineup for this peak attack. Although these experts have not yet broken through to the Destruction Species, they already have the strength of the pseudo-Destruction Species, especially Lily. Momo and Chanel all got a complete bioenergy durian. This fruit, which is taller than a person, became their exclusive bath. They soaked in the fragrant energy liquid all day long, letting their own foundation The accumulation is more abundant.

But compared to them, whether it is the fox-tailed girl or the Asura species, their absorption of biological energy is astonishing. On average, one biological energy durian is absorbed by them in twenty-four hours, and their absorption efficiency is , almost as good as Gao Feng, while Gao Feng passed analysis and then devoured them all at once, but they only relied on racial talent, and the gap between the two sides was indescribable.

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