Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1973 Connecting to Bad News

The next moment, Gao Feng discovered that although the silver-haired girl was young and almost exactly the same as Aurora, she had a small horn that had just emerged on her forehead. She was obviously a member of the Moko royal family.

"My name is not Aurora, I am Marielle..."

Manlier answered Gao Feng with her clear and sweet voice, then looked around and found no other tribesmen. She suddenly became frustrated, lowered her head and cried secretly. In Gao Feng's eyes, it was the ten-year-old Aurora who was sad, and she suddenly forgot Knowing that Manlier was from the Moko royal family, he touched her little head and said:

"Follow me from now on, uncle will protect you..."

Ackerman shrugged his shoulders and had no doubts about Gao Feng's declaration. He just regarded it as a trivial interlude and continued flying to the City of Behemoths. This time, no accidents occurred. He smoothly merged into the hundreds of thousands of spaceships. Driving into Behemoth City.

When Gao Feng took Manli'er back to his residence, he suddenly felt relaxed. He immediately put on his beach pants and ran to the beach to bask in the sun. However, Manli'er was forgotten by him. In the end, it was Luo Li who was overflowing with maternal love. Ta took over, adding clothes, buying supplies, and preparing food for her.

"How long until the challenge continues?"

Yawning peak, asking around in an extremely lazy tone, Ying'er nodding constantly, it is obvious that this girl is also starting to feel sleepy.

"There are about thirty days left..."

Mei'er doesn't have a good grasp of the earth's concept of time. She likes to use "" to express the number of days every time, and she doesn't correct the peak. She continues to close her eyes. Since there is still time, let's continue to enjoy it.

"Lila's communication request..."

Manlier wore a bib and held the spatula made by Gao Feng in her hand. She shouted to Gao Feng from a distance, dressed like a housewife, which made Gao Feng dissipate her sleepiness.

Previously, a large amount of Star Chrome and Shining Tree were obtained, which were accepted by Lila and turned into high-quality spare parts for the transformation of the Moonlight through various processing orders. Now the Moonlight has been completely changed, whether it is the energy transmission system, power system, or protection. The system has been fully upgraded and is now undergoing final debugging. Is it already completed?

After getting through to Lila, without waiting for Gao Feng to ask, she heard Lila say anxiously:

"Sir, there is something wrong with the Moko fleet transporting the mother tree. They were ambushed by an unknown civilization and are now escaping in the star area outside the public area. If they don't support it, they may lose the mother tree..."

The mother tree of the Eldar is not only the embodiment of faith, but also the hope for the reproduction of the Eldar. Every five hundred years, it will bear 200,000 fruits. If these fruits receive the blood of the Eldar, they can become new spiritual beings. clan, so there is no room for loss. In this way, Gao Feng has to take action even if he is reluctant.

With the excited Phantom and the beautiful crew members, they arrived at the Moonlight as quickly as possible. Soon the Moonlight rushed out of the Beast City and flew towards the stars. This time, they were a little nervous at the peak. They would use the Moonlight for the first time. The space jump engine of the No. 1 completed a starry sky jump.

If there were no Moonlight, Gao Feng would definitely try his best to get Akmo's coffin spaceship. Without him, it is so useful. As long as the spaceship passes, it can reach it quickly through space jump, just like now, Gao Feng can use the Moonlight to reach the Sirila star sector at any time, and can return to the public star domain from the Sirila star sector. This is much better than the previous Kodo war.

As the Moonlight began to accelerate, Gao Feng waited for a few seconds, his eyes wide open, waiting for the last jump. Suddenly, a strange communication request interrupted Gao Feng, which made him angry, but he had to press the button. I am irritated and connected to the communication. The starry sky is no different than others. Some things have to abide by the rules. Just like communication, I will not refuse easily.

"Who are you? What race do you represent?"

Gao Feng saw a strange-looking guy. Although he looked familiar, he was unwilling to talk in depth and directly asked the other person's purpose.

"I am Lulu. On behalf of the Luosuo tribe in the Dawen Star Region, I would like to express my greetings to you..."

There are as many star systems as there are in the galaxy, and there may be as many races as there are, so don’t be surprised when you see strange creatures, there will always be stranger creatures. Gao Feng has never been in contact with the Luosuo tribe, so he said impatiently:

"What's going on...?"

"We ask you to hand over the Moko refugees who were taken in last time. In order to express our gratitude, we will pay you two thousand Semithril coins, which is a huge wealth..."

"Get out, get out as far as you can..."

Gao Feng roared and cut off the communication regardless of politeness. Then, the Moonlight finally turned into a particle wave and disappeared into the starry sky. The next moment, it reappeared in the Moko tribe's star area. Then the Moonlight's powerful radar discovered thousands of Thousands of kilometers away is suspected to be a fleet.

In the past, with the Moonlight's small size, finding a spacecraft within a million kilometers, let alone tens of millions of kilometers, would have had to be lucky. This shows how powerful Star Chromium is. When the Moonlight flies to the battle area, the peak will suddenly reach its peak. If you want to scold your mother, this is obviously the internal strife of the Moko tribe, right? Where did the unknown civilization come from? The two sides fighting were Constellation-class destroyers, nuclear-class star destroyers, Burt-class heavy battleships, and small assault ships. For a while, Gao Feng couldn't tell who was the enemy and who was the ally.

"Moonlight, is it Moonlight..."

While they were hesitating, an unfamiliar communication suddenly cut into the Moonlight's communication crystal, which shocked Gao Feng and Lila. Then Lila said weakly:

"I am Moonlight, who are you?"

"Oh my god, Lila, is it really you? Where is the leader? Is the leader here..."

Gao Feng had been listening nearby, but he was not familiar with the voice of the communication. It was neither Minnie, Lily, or Momo, but a relatively unfamiliar voice, which made Gao Feng a little suspicious, but Lila did not doubt that he was there and said directly:

"The leader is on the Moonlight, please identify yourself..."

"The New Wilderness Pirates would like to pay tribute to the leader and request your immediate support..."

"Stop fighting immediately, stop fighting immediately, I am the captain of the wilderness pirates, I am the king of pirates..."

Gao Feng interrupted the other party's request for support. The overbearing request was very hot. Following his request, the communication fell into silence. After the most intense outbreak, the firefight in the distant starry sky finally became calm, although small-scale firefights still occurred. , but the main gun level is already quite popular.

Gao Feng immediately connected to the Moko fleet and said in a tone that left no room for doubt:

"I am the Destroyer that Kodo requested for support. Now that I am sure that you are safe, please stand up immediately to avoid new misunderstandings..."

Following Gao Feng's communication, the Moko tribe became completely angry, and then they met with representatives from both sides on the Moonlight. Coincidentally, the representatives from both sides were all Moko tribesmen, which made Gao Feng feel like a dog. .

When the commanders of both sides appeared, Gao Feng understood why the voice of the communication felt a bit strange. It was just because the commander of the pirate group turned out to be Chanel, whom he had not seen for a long time. If it were before, he would naturally be surprised by Chanel's different appearance, but now , the identity of the royal family was confirmed without a doubt. As for the commander of the Moko fleet, he was still the green-faced and fanged one-horned ghost king, which made Gao Feng somewhat friendly. He had been able to kill monsters for a long time.

"Sir, Commander of the 102nd Fleet, Nanlimo is reporting to you. The royal family has given me instructions to hand over the mother tree to you..."

Nanli Mo was suspicious of Gao Feng. Fortunately, Gao Feng's appearance was transmitted to Nan Li Mo. At this time, Chanel bit her lip stubbornly. Although she didn't question it, she didn't look happy either.

"Then let's hand it over. It's better to finish it as soon as possible..."

Gao Feng said nonchalantly. At this time, Meier wisely gave Gao Feng a cigar, while Ying'er acted like a dog and lit Gao Feng's fire, making him look like an uncle, raising his head and pretending to be arrogant.

"Sir..., sir, due to the attack by your subordinates, we lost three nuclear-class battleships, seventy-three Burt-class ships, and..."

Nanli Mo now had a bitter look on his face. He was the commander of the fleet. If something went wrong, it was only his responsibility. Faced with such a huge loss, he even thought about dying.

"Mei'er, give me the money..."

Gao Feng had no intention of defaulting on the debt, not to mention he was not short of money now. He just gave a few instructions, and then Meier threw an arm-long metal pipe over with a look of displeasure, almost knocking Nanli Mo over. As Yin Xin The Nanli Demon at his peak had good vision. He was able to hit himself in the head despite his precautions. At least he was a pseudo-destroyer. He immediately put away the little anger in his heart and hesitantly opened the jar, only to see a bunch of Something he didn't recognize looked at Gao Feng hesitantly, with a pitiful cuteness.

"Idiot, this can of Star Chromium is enough to buy more than two Constellation-class battleships..."

I had heard of Star Chromium Nanli Mo, so I stood up immediately and respectfully said to Gao Feng:

"Then I will move the mother tree. Please allow me to say goodbye first..."

It can be seen from Nanlimo's excitement when he walked out that the other party's excitement at this time is that whether it is a nuclear-class star destroyer or a Burt-class battleship, they are all made locally by the Moko tribe and do not require a large amount of top-level energy metals, while the stars Chromium is the top energy metal, and the gap between the two cannot be expressed in words.

"Where's Shampa?"

Gao Feng looked at Chanel with a gloomy face and asked, his heart hanging.

"Dead, died in battle a long time ago..."

When Chanel talked about Xiangba, her face became even more ugly, while Gao Feng bit off the cigar in his mouth and asked in a hateful voice:

"How did you die?"

"In order to snatch the energy ore, they were ambushed in the Davin Star Region, and most of the Scarlet Legion died..."

Gao Feng felt that the Dawen Star Sector sounded familiar, but he didn't think much about it. After all, the universe was huge and there were so many star sectors. He was more concerned about who killed Shangba.

"Where's Minnie? Didn't her Martial Gods take revenge?"

"How to repay? They have the Destruction Seed, what do we have? A pile of rags. If it weren't for rescuing the Scarlet Group, Minnie wouldn't have been seriously injured and taken away..."

"Who is it? Who dares to do this? Tell me..."

Gao Feng stood up suddenly, and his powerful breath instantly filled the Moonlight. At this moment, all the female sailors were suffocated, and even their hearts stopped beating. Chanel in front of him was equally unbearable. She looked at Gao Feng in horror and wanted to speak. But she stuck out her little tongue helplessly, and she was almost suffocated by the momentum.


Gao Feng breathed a sigh of relief, took back the aura he had inadvertently emitted, and then calmly let Meier give Chanel a glass of wine to calm her shock. It wasn't until she drank a glass of top-quality wine that Chanel came back to her senses and looked at Gao Feng in horror. I had never thought that someone could be so powerful, so powerful that he would even lose the ability to breathe.

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