Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1972 Involved in an accident

After Gao Feng collected the folded space gems he could find, he suddenly discovered that the broken tooth was merging with the broken horn. It turned out that the broken tooth was once the tip of the broken horn of the giant beast, but the broken tooth was taken back by the Behemoth Empire, but the broken tooth was not found. angle, so they have a common origin.

For a while, it seemed that they couldn't fuse. It was more like broken teeth devouring the broken horns between the two. The problem was that the broken horns were at least several thousand meters long and the broken teeth were only three meters long. Gao Feng doubted whether he would see the fusion succeed in his lifetime, so He began to explore this area isolated by countless space cracks.

Many new space gems were found one after another, and I became more and more certain that the space gems were condensed from the blood of the giant beasts. In addition, I also found many corpses of strong men who followed him in the trial space to resist the empire of giant beasts. Loyal subordinates also bear a blood feud and risk everything for revenge until they die together in battle.

For these corpses whose names could even be called, Gao Feng did not take away the equipment. Although the value of these equipment was no less than that of Destruction, as more and more corpses were buried in the void by Gao Feng, more memories emerged in Gao Feng's mind. The one who impressed him most was his foxtail wife named Qingtong.

Even in the trial space, Gao Feng did not find any similar ethnic groups, and there seemed to be even fewer in reality. Whether it was the beautiful appearance or the tenderness that made people feel tender to the core, Gao Feng was always unforgettable, and the most unforgettable thing about him. It was the sincerity and perseverance that saved the peak in the most decadent period in the trial space. It can be said that Qingtong was able to pass the second act, and Qingtong took the greatest credit. Unfortunately, he could not be sure whether it really existed.

Burying countless found corpses in the starry sky, Gao Feng returned to the broken tooth, only to see that the whole broken tooth was transparent, like an eight-kilowatt light bulb, and the broken corner was nowhere to be found. He suddenly became depressed and found that Gao Feng seemed to be full of food. Broken Tooth turned somersaults, jumped awkwardly towards Gaofeng, and caught Gaofeng casually. Gaofeng fell downwards like a meteor, and instantly hit the gap in space in front of him, nearly scaring Gaofeng half to death.

Even if he thinks he is several times stronger than before he lost his energy, he will not be any stronger than Ackerman if he hits a space crack. If he cuts his butt, he will never cut it on his thigh. He will twist like a loach at the peak. , wanting to cut himself as little as possible, the big sword hit the space cracks, sucking in all the space cracks like water like a sponge. The next moment, Gao Feng passed through the space that was once full of cracks intact. place.

It took a long time for Gao Feng's heart to return to his original position and he grasped the weight of the big sword. He had been fooled by the big sword because he didn't check it before. Only then did he realize that the weight of the big sword had not only increased. A thousand times? It's obviously a sequelae of swallowing the broken horn.

With Gao Feng's current strength, let alone a big sword, even a destroyer can easily move it, but it can only be moved and cannot be lifted. The weight of the big sword seems to be not much less than the weight of a destroyer of several thousand tons. No wonder the big sword can move up a mountain with every step, and even somersaults are not very neat.

Looking at the sword in his hand that doubled in width, like a door panel, he felt like crying. He was not an anime character, so why should he carry a Claude sword? What's more, even if Claude came, he might not be able to carry this big sword, so Gao Feng became a strong turtle attribute. He carried the big sword on his shoulder and a huge package in his hand, and swayed towards the spaceship to join, and then No more chic and elegant than before.

After finally seeing the two women operating in the edge area, Gao Feng was almost in tears because the sword was extremely sensitive to things with spatial attributes. Under the attraction of the space gem in his hand, it seemed to be several times heavier, making it even more difficult for him.

"Master, look, we found a lot of space gems and some smaller scales..."

Seeing Gao Feng, the two girls rushed forward like offering treasures and showed their trophies to Gao Feng. They were three space gems and seven or eight palm-sized scales. Seeing these things, Gao Feng's face twitched. , then threw the package in his hand towards the two women, and was caught by Ying'er who was one step ahead. When he opened it, he looked Spartan.

"Wow, is this all? It's a lot of money..."

Seeing hundreds of space gems, both of Ying'er's eyes turned into the shape of silver coins, while Mei'er said a little dejectedly:

"It seems that the operation to keep the master failed..."

"Hahahaha, I'm so sorry, I really never thought about asking you to compensate..."

The huge mouth laughed wildly, even the small tongue was exposed, especially the four upper and lower canine teeth, which made everyone shudder. The owner of the mouth was laughing so hard that he couldn't even find his eyes, and held the star chrome jar in his hand tightly. Hold on, you're going to grab someone and beat them up.

Akmo is obviously extremely satisfied with Gao Feng's compensation. Can he be dissatisfied? Tens of thousands of sets of exclusive equipment may sound like a lot, but in fact they are all cut corners, otherwise they would not become standard equipment. The so-called standard equipment is synonymous with large quantities, cheapness, and easy replenishment.

"Are you satisfied?"

Gao Feng's weird smile left Akmo confused. Then he hugged Xing Chen Chrome even tighter, shook his head pitifully and said:

"I have a bad mind and don't know how to do business. You can't even try to get me to join..."

After saying this, his eyes were indescribably wary, as if he thought Gao Feng was a pyramid schemer. Without saying a word, Gao Feng threw out a Shining Tree. The huge tree body hit the deck with a loud noise, and Akmo saw him. He rushed forward like a mad dog, hugging the huge tree body, with a happy and intoxicated face, and really wanted to step forward and slap him twice.

"The Spirit-Gathering Vine is really the Spirit-Gathering Vine, but why is it so thick? Doesn't it seem right?"

The Juling Vine is also a treasure of the Galaxy Alliance. It can be used as the highest quality energy transmission. It also has the effect of absorbing energy and converting it into treasure-grade liquid. In fact, Moko Spirit Spring is one of them. But in fact, Juling Vine is one of them. The vine is just a variant of the Shining Tree. Because of its cookie-like appearance, it was once transplanted to various gardens by the Behemoth Empire as an ornamental plant. After the Shining Tree became extinct, it became its substitute. It was once the most important star cannon. Except for this kind of energy-guiding material, nothing else can conduct such a large amount of energy.

"This is the Shining Tree, which was once the core material of the Star Cannon..."

Gao Feng decided to do some popular science for the guy in front of him. Unexpectedly, the other guy just shook his head and said:

"You are so stupid. Has anyone heard of the Shining Tree? Will anyone buy it if you give it away? We might as well cut it into rattan and sell it pretending to be a gathering of souls. We will definitely be able to sell it for a big price and make a fortune. Finally Got rich..."

These words left Gao Feng speechless. His words were rough and unreasonable, no one knew him, and no matter how good the materials were, he couldn't sell them. Occasionally packaging and selling gems as crystals is also a way, although the price of crystals may not be worse than gems.

"In this way, your kindness in guiding me will be repaid..."

Gao Feng remembered how much he owed Akmo and decided to use this infinitely valuable Shining Tree to repay him, but Akmo shook his head repeatedly and said:

"How can this be counted? It didn't take much effort to guide you. Do you know that this thing is always valuable? Are you stupid?"

Hearing this, Gao Feng shook his head helplessly, but he didn't say anything. Akmo might think it wasn't worth anything, but it was worth thousands to Gao Feng. Even a million Shining Trees might not be able to repay it. You know, he couldn't. Not only the increase in strength, but also the Star Wars experience, countless years of life experience, and the command methods of large-scale Star Wars, etc., the indirect wealth of knowledge is immeasurable.

After receiving the benefits, Akmo returned energetically. As soon as they jumped to the public star field, they saw a fierce battle. One side was a wolf-like fleet, and the other side was also a battleship, but due to the small number of Relationship, fight and leave, and Gao Feng saw at a glance that it was the model of the battleship that Kodo brought him here.

"Haha, starting so soon? Losers will eventually become prey..."

Akmo obviously had no intention of joining, and stood aside to watch the excitement, and those battleships had no intention of taking care of Akmo. In fact, in the public star field, the only time to launch an attack was to win the starry sky offensive and defensive battle. , you can hunt down your opponents without limit, and completely occupy the loser's star field. The law of the jungle is the basis for leaving the alliance.

"Hmph, you deserve it..."

"That's right, that's right. When we were expelled from our home star, we seemed to be just a little bit older. Alas, reincarnation is the order of the galaxy..."

The two girls let out their own sighs. At this moment, hundreds of silver-centered warriors suddenly rushed out of the battleship and launched a charge without hesitation. But the next moment, ten times the silver-centered enemies jumped out of the battleship like a dense mass. The swarm of insects repulsed towards hundreds of Silver Heart warriors. Just after contact, hundreds of Moko warriors died in the battle. Although they killed many enemies, it was a pity that they could not defeat four hands with two fists, and they were eventually submerged in the starry sky.

Countless beams of light instantly hit the battleship whose energy shield had collapsed. The next moment, a light more dazzling than the sun illuminated the starry sky. The battleship shattered into pieces, turning into countless wreckage and flying around. There were also many life-saving things like date seeds among them. cabin, but the enemy is too ferocious, and even the survivors in the rescue cabin are not willing to let go.

Seeing this, even Phantom's breathing began to quicken. Obviously, this was no longer a battle, but a naked massacre. The galactic warriors walking in the starry sky did not need to enter the rescue cabin, and the crew of the battleship would be there as soon as possible. Buried together with the battleship, most of the people who actually entered the rescue cabin were women and children.

At this moment, Gao Feng snorted coldly, stepped into the multidimensional space, and appeared in the starry sky the next moment. Behind him, a rescue capsule was floating towards Akmo's spaceship. It was obvious that he had calculated beforehand that the rescue capsule He was able to get shelter, but the enemy refused to give up and chased the rescue capsule until he was within the weapon firing range of the spacecraft.

According to a certain default method of the Galaxy, if there is an accidental seizure in the starry sky, a third party will not be involved. However, the two parties in the firefight cannot get too close to the third party. The criterion is to touch the third party's defensive weapons. Within range, in addition, the rescue capsule does not belong to both parties in the firefight.

The silver-centered man chasing after the rescue capsule clearly crossed the line. When he saw the blocking peak in front of him, he did not stop for a moment and continued to chase. He obviously believed that he had great strength behind him and did not need to abide by certain defaults.


The peak of mental shock hit the opponent's spiritual sea like a cannonball, causing the silver-centered man to hold his head and roll in the starry sky. The acceleration allowed him to spin infinitely. If no one helped him, he would keep spinning until he was killed by someone. The planet's orbit is captured and turned into a satellite.

Perhaps sensing Gao Feng's hostility, more Yinxin experts flew towards this side. Just when Gao Feng was about to start a killing spree, an angry roar suddenly spread across the starry sky:

"The Mok tribe is crowned the King of the Dawn again. Who dares to offend..."

Akmo's roar immediately caused the incoming Yinxin to scurry back like a rabbit. Even if they didn't know Akmo, the powerful person with a title could not be impersonated by just anyone. Therefore, this accident Then the curtain came to an end, and only the rescue capsule was still floating in the starry sky.

Gao Feng returned to the spacecraft with the life capsule. As soon as he entered, he saw Akmo with a serious face, seemingly thinking about something. When he saw Gao Feng, he said:

"Normally, the strong people in the Silver Heart will not destroy the life capsule. This is not the behavior of a strong person and will be despised by others. The only possible reason for this is that there are important people in the battleship that they must kill. No matter you save No matter who you are, they will target you..."

These words are just a reminder, but who does Gao Feng need to be afraid of now? Without saying anything, he opened the rescue cabin. After a burst of white mist, a silver-haired girl sat up from the rescue cabin. When he saw her for the first time, Gao Feng exclaimed:

"Aurora? Why are you here?"

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