Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1945 Identity Revealed

As the second phase of the battle unfolded, the two sides fought countless battles around the core defense line. During the battle, the starry sky cannon unleashed its power several times, severely damaging the poorly prepared Moko fleet. At least tens of thousands of warships were destroyed by the terrifying cannon light of the starry sky cannon. Next, the Moko Protoss asked the surrendered pirates to take the initiative to attack. Only then did those people wake up from a dream. Even the Moko Tribe had to fight hard, so how could they have a chance to stay out of it?

The ultimate defense line built by the starry sky cannon is too powerful, especially the forty repaired star-destroying cannons and four destructing cannons, coupled with the 1,200 rail guns, plus the insurmountable starry sky barrier like a city wall, it can resist any The level of attack is like an unsinkable starry sky fortress.

In this case, the pirates who were conquered by the Moko tribe began to repeat themselves. After all, the purpose of surrendering to the Moko tribe was because the Moko tribe's fleet was powerful and to avoid becoming cannon fodder. Since the Moko tribe asked them to be cannon fodder, why? Do you still want to stay under the Moko clan?

For a time, countless star thieves swarmed and fled. Although they could not escape into the six star sectors, they were familiar with the Sirila star sector and knew countless hiding places. At the same time, in order to obtain supplies or other things, they targeted the fleets of the six star sectors. Supply transport ships are like mosquitoes surrounding the supply lines. They bite and run away, which annoys the Moko army. The main force is confronting the starry sky cannon, but the hierarchical fleet responsible for safety behind them may not belong to the pirates. opponent.

So the Moko Protoss sent two legions of the Wilderness Pirates to destroy the Star Thieves, and used pirates to deal with the Star Thieves. Only then did the back line of defense stabilize, and then came a stalemate. At this time, the opportunity to break the deadlock finally appeared. , Xiangba, who was called a bloody mad dog, suddenly contacted the Moko tribe to discuss their recruitment. At the same time, the Moko puppet army was also willing to surrender.

The Moko fleet, whose strength has been damaged, is extremely optimistic about it. After all, both the puppet army and the Scarlet Legion are all Moko people. They are more willing to trust their own people than the miscellaneous star thieves, so they show the greatest sincerity. , recalling the Second and Fourth Legions who destroyed the Star Pirates to participate in the peace talks together.

But no one expected that the Moko clan would be crazy enough to launch an attack on the day of the peace talks, just like the replica of the habitation planet that day. The difference is that the combat power of the Scarlet Legion far exceeded the imagination of the Moko fleet. Tens of thousands of people surrendered The pirates of the Moko tribe were slaughtered, and the Moko puppet army, with the support of Chanel, took the initiative to attack the Moko surveillance fleet.

When everything ended, the two legions ceased to exist, and the Moko tribe also lost two first-class fleets. It can be said that the Wilderness Pirates Group won a great victory, but they never expected that SpongeBob's Angry Star Pirates Group would have problems. , they colluded with the Third Army of the Wilderness, launched a rebellion on the pretext of the Scarlet Legion's surrender to the enemy, and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to seize the three Constellation-class flagships of the Wilderness Pirates. Due to lack of preparation in the Wilderness, the core defense line suffered huge damage, and even the energy source was lost. Factories were also captured one after another.

Fortunately, Xiangba's false surrender caused the Moko tribe to suffer huge losses, so they did not launch a general attack as soon as the energy factory was occupied. At the same time, it also gave the Moko fleet an opportunity to take advantage of the situation and break into the final line of defense, disrupting the two sides' battle lines. The group turned into a criss-crossing melee.

At this time, the method of war has changed from bombardment with giant cannons to fighting between strong men. The main force is the strong men of the Silver Heart. In order to regain the Sirila star area in one fell swoop, the Moko tribe mobilized a large number of Silver Heart warriors, which once reached more than 30,000. Thirty thousand Silver Heart warriors who have been trained for a long time and are good at cooperating have caused huge casualties to the star thieves. Even if they use angry roars and bright flashes, they still cannot withstand the surprise attack of the powerful Moko tribe.

The cruel strangling battle of the strong caused a large number of star thieves to exhaust their lives and wither in the starry sky. More star thieves were unable to evacuate when they were weak because they used the angry roar potion, and were massacred in the starry sky by the starry sky infantry of the Moko tribe. Around the cannon, even the powerful Martial God Regiment was suffering heavy losses. They were constantly pressed against the defense line and completely lost the starry sky cannon.

After sacrificing tens of millions of lives, the cannon in the sky was not saved. All the star thieves thought they had failed completely, so they collapsed and fled. A large number of star thieves fled from the launch line, thus losing more rail guns, and Moko The clan occupies more and more core defense areas, and it seems that victory has become easy.

Just when the Moko people's offensive was at its peak, an unexpected fleet was making waves, blocking the Moko people's front. In an instant, tens of thousands of dead soldiers using the destructive flash were like a torrent. The vanguard who broke into the Moko tribe and strangled tens of thousands of Silver Heart warriors were then bombarded into ashes by three constellation-level destruction cannons, wiping out most of the most powerful Silver Heart warriors of the Moko tribe. The commander of the fifth fleet, Boerhua, led all the remaining warships and relied on a chance to withstand a fleet several times larger than his own. Even if the Moko Protoss used wheel warfare, they still did not fall behind.

At this time, Burr Flower was the most brilliant. He used his understanding of Star Wars to stage a show for the Moko tribe. The classic victory of the weak against the strong replicated the miracle of the British fleet counterattacking the Spanish Armada in the history of the earth. , although the improvised fleet could not really defeat the opponent, it still maintained the integrity of the defense line, so that the Moko fleet could only see the hope of victory, but could not occupy the final position.

At this time, in the final battle of the Silila Attack and Defense, the Wilderness Pirates used their persistence and pride to maintain the last dignity of the Star Pirates. At the same time, the joint commander of the Moko Fleet felt incredible and at the same time even more angry. He made He made an astonishing decision. Since the Wilderness Pirates wanted to defend the last position, let the position and the Wilderness Pirates be destroyed together by the terrifying power of the Star Cannon.

Therefore, the Moko fleet stopped attacking, concentrated all warships around the starry sky cannon, and tried their best to repair the damaged energy factory, hoping to resume the firing of the starry sky cannon and allow the wilderness pirate group to become the Sirila star region and resist the rule of the Moko tribe. The perfect sound.

The escaped star pirates consciously came around the final line of defense and watched helplessly as the starry sky cannon turned its muzzle and aimed at the stubborn wilderness pirate group. At the moment of launch, Minnie's back-up plan finally succeeded. When the Starry Sky Cannon was dug out for repairs, Minnie had considered the consequences of the Starry Sky Cannon falling into the hands of the enemy, and as she was familiar with the history of human wars, she knew better than to leave the cannon with the enemy.

The most dazzling light illuminated the entire final defense line. The moment the starry sky cannon was charged, the self-destruction device was activated due to a small verification code. The huge cannon body instantly evaporated the upper half of the barrel and gathered around it. The Moko warships were also blown to pieces.

Before the flashes of continuous explosions completely stopped, the long-awaited Jedi counterattack of the Wilderness Pirates sounded the horn. After losing most of the Galactic Warriors and more than half of the fleet group, the panicked Moko finally They were broken up and were chased by the Wilderness Pirates to the other side of the highway. Countless fleets surrendered along the way.

When this counterattack-style turn made the star pirates stunned, they suddenly discovered that the pirate group chasing Moko's fleet suddenly lost traces, and even the battle-damaged ships, corpses floating in the starry sky, and silver The exclusive weapons of the Heart Pirates have not been restrained and have completely disappeared in the Sirila star area. Also disappearing together are the tens of thousands of captured Moko warships of various types.

This is a war without a winner. Whether it is the Star Pirates, the Wilderness Pirates, or the Moko tribe, they all suffered heavy losses. The Wilderness Pirates' four basic legions left in Sirila betrayed three. At the same time, the Martial God More than half of the legion was lost, and only 30% of the Scarlet Legion was left. And none of the three major star pirate forces remained. They either disappeared with the wilderness pirate group, or took refuge with the Moko tribe and were killed, or became cannon fodder in the war. Die Jue.

As for the Moko fleet that covered the starry sky, the losses were even more shocking. Of the twelve first-class fleets, only two were able to return and were half-disabled. The total number of warships reached 70,000, and only less than 8,000 were left. As for following the fleet to fight in clusters The 50,000 transport ships and more than 10,000 special ships were completely wiped out. Only two or three kittens ran back. Not even one of the 30,000 Silver Heart warriors survived, and the rest were all destroyed. The three constellations Destroyer ships, more than a dozen nuclear-rated Star Destroyers, and nearly three hundred rail guns concentrated fire and attacked indiscriminately, leaving an everlasting fear in their powerful minds.

"Yes, they disappeared. Neither the Moko clan bastards nor the Star Thieves' cubs have found them, but..."

Having said this, the old pirate cracked his yellow teeth, picked up a cigar again, lit it, and whetted his appetite, he said in a low voice, almost a whisper:

"Their departure was premeditated. Some people found the base of the Wilderness Pirates. There was nothing there. In addition, there were also rumors that the Wilderness Pirates had mastered a large smuggling channel, so they could all retreat. After all, Sili was completely beaten. The Laxing District can no longer keep them...

They are legends. The legends are not just these. There are also people who swear that the Wilderness Pirates are actually going to find the Pirate King, to the Devil's Triangle where no one returns, but I know that these are not true, because I once Have seen their secrets…. "

After the old pirate said this, he never spoke again. He decided to take this secret into the Starry Sky Crematorium. Gao Feng frowned and took out a sharp three-edged sword and placed it next to the cigar box. When he saw this thin sword Sword, the old pirate's eyes nearly popped out. He looked at Gao Feng in shock and asked in a low voice:

"The sword of the captain of the Pirate King's guard, you are..."

"You followed me from the edge star region to here, and you still can't guess who I am?"

Gao Feng looked at the old pirate with a smile. He was so frightened that the old pirate fell to the ground, put his forehead on the floor, and said in a trembling voice:

"Is it you? Are you finally back?"

"The Devil's Triangle is scary, but it can't keep me..."

Gao Feng's indifferent expression was always suspected of being pretentious, but the old pirate had no doubts. The captain of the guard's stabbing sword was the only one in Xilila. Many people had seen the Queen's captain of the guard, Lily, in a leather outfit, with accessories on her waist. The slender stabbing sword and the white bone whip that never leave his hand are custom-made weapons that the Glory Chamber of Commerce has never obtained. They only exist in legends and no one can obtain them.

"Back then, I used the Roar of Anger to overdraw my vitality and was accepted by the rescue ship of the Fifth Legion. Later, I followed the fleet to hunt down the Moko tribe. After returning to the star area, the fleet prepared to leave the star area through the prehistoric space gate dug by the leader of the Burr Flower Army. , I and some others did not want to be a burden, and swore not to disclose the whereabouts of the fleet, so we stayed in the star area and survived until now..."

The old pirate simply explained the whereabouts of the wilderness pirate group in a few words since he believed that Gao Feng was the king of pirates. But then he said with a sad face:

"Among the people who stayed with me that day, some could not resist the temptation and led other forces to search for the space gate where the wilderness pirate group left. Only to find that the space gate had been completely destroyed. Even the space coordinates no longer existed, and there was no one left. Take it seriously..."

The joy of just getting the news immediately dissipated, and Gao Feng felt more powerless in his heart. If he didn't know which star field was on the other side of the space gate, he wouldn't know the final whereabouts of the pirate group. The destruction of the space gate was obviously part of Minnie's plan. , and Weiyi's clue may be Tie Zuan's First Legion, but Gao Feng cannot guarantee whether the First Legion will rebel. After all, he has failed very much in employing people. Three of the original four legions have rebelled. , but the bloody and puppet troops, who had always been suspected by him, fought with the pirate group until the last moment. It really felt like he was blind.

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