Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1944 Narration

The girl naturally didn't know the resentment of the peak. At this time, she made a new discovery. She became more and more comfortable. Layers of black substances were continuously discharged from her body, and then quickly weathered, and her dirty body became refreshed. Neat, and what’s even more amazing is that her rough pores are shrinking, and her dry skin has become moist and smooth, like a freshly peeled egg. This is just the beginning, and even her strength has begun to become stronger, and she feels like she can punch with a punch. Dead lion.

Just when the girl was confused by her changes and didn't know what to do, Gao Feng suddenly stopped and stood in front of an extremely luxurious store. There was only this one shop on the entire floating platform, with countless items on display. The products range from large light cannon models of main battleships to small destroying flashes, as well as various rare-to-find luxuries. Even the store clerks are all Eldar men. The reason why Gao Feng stops here is that the core of it is, The three bone weapons on display are the bone changmai, the bone giant axe, and the bone long sword.

These three weapons reminded Gao Feng of the ecstatic look of every Yinxin pirate who accepted them. As long as they had costume weapons, they would regard them as the most important treasures, because having weapons meant that the Yinxin primary battles High-level players are undefeated, high-level players cannot lose against peak players, and peak players can kill people of the same level easily.

Taking the little girl with him, Gao Feng walked towards the store. A charming and charming Spirit Tribe man stepped forward, raised eyebrows at Gao Feng, shook his round buttocks, and whispered softly:

"This guest, the Glory Chamber of Commerce only accepts Silver Heart warriors..."


Without seeing any movement from Gao Feng, the Eldar man flew backwards like a volleyed football and hit the wall on the other side of the store a thousand meters away, causing a noodle effect. It took him a while to slide down, but at this time , the second, more beautiful man from the Spirit Race said in an extremely gentle whisper:

"Sir, please come inside..."

At this time, the little slave girl was completely silent, because she unexpectedly discovered that there could be such a beautiful Keren, even more beautiful than her mother. What made her even more speechless was that such a beautiful and perfect Keren could be treated without mercy. Kicked away, at least for her, no one would fly backwards like that except with their feet.

Gao Feng walked directly to the three bone weapons and looked at them complicatedly. The spirit tribe around him wanted to get close to Gao Feng and use his body to assist in the transaction of goods, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not get within two meters of Gao Feng. It seemed that There are invisible walls blocking it.

"Sir, you are really discerning. These three dream weapons are the treasures of our store. Countless silver-hearted experts want to obtain them, but they can only fail. If you want any of them, you need massive resources. In addition to resources, only main battleships can be exchanged..."

The Eldar man warned Gao Feng from the side not to have any expectations for these three weapons. In fact, in this star area, the main battleship is the top luxury product. Many medium-sized pirate groups, busy for a hundred cycles, do not Probably affordable.

"Do you know the origins of these three exclusive weapons?"

Gao Feng closed his eyes and pretended to look at the surrounding products casually. The elf man explained proudly:

"They are all famous. They are the Martial God Long Sword, the Bloody Giant Axe, and the Thunder Spear. I heard that they are the most powerful star thief ever, the exclusive army of the wilderness..."

Halfway through, the Spirit Tribe man seemed to have a dry mouth and pretended to take a rest. Gao Feng threw him a bottle of Spirit Tribe wine, which made the Spirit Tribe man tremble with excitement and held him tightly in his arms, fearing that he might accidentally fall, even if he fell. , and it won’t hurt at all.

"Sir, if you want to know more, you can follow me to the VIP room, where someone will answer your questions..."

The Spirit Tribe man regarded the wine as reward for Gao Feng's desire to learn the information, and made the most correct arrangements immediately. Gao Feng nodded, suddenly thought of something, and threw out a small box.

"I've given it to you..."

After the Eldar man delivered the wine and peak to the VIP room and returned to the hall, he began to open the box. Other companions gathered around him. When the box was opened, everyone was carved into wood. Inside the box were four superimposed crystal boxes. , this is the legendary crystal box of spiritual power, a top-notch treasure that can enhance the strength of the Silver Heart Warrior. It has long been extinct in the star region. Now it appears, but it is just a tip thrown out casually. I thought that the owner of the Glory Merchant Group was rich, but it seems The man just now is the real rich man. No matter whether it is rewards or transactions, no money is needed. They are all top-notch luxury goods that cannot be bought with money.

The person who explained the intelligence to Gao Feng in the VIP room was not a spiritual warrior, but a scarred old star thief. This old star thief seemed to be about to die, but the sharpness in his eyes was not something ordinary people could possess. Judging from the terrible scars on his body, he must have gone through an extremely desperate war before leaving them.

"Sir, no matter what you think you know, I can tell you. If I don't even know it, I believe no one can know it..."

The old star thief was very confident. After saying these words, he fumbled for the Eldar wine and said with a little melancholy of memories:

"Back then, we followed the Pirate King and fought from the Edge Sector to the Olimar Sector, and then from Olimar to here. It was really fun. What couldn't we enjoy at that time? The fine wine of the Eldar was also eaten by me. Use it to take a bath, take a bath, drink wine, and fuck the most noble noble lady of the Moko tribe, can you imagine it? "

No need to ask the peak, the old pirate opened the topic himself. Although it was all memories and boasts, they were all truth. In fact, only those who have truly experienced it can understand what happened at that time. But now, many people can no longer believe it. How great and powerful is the pirate king?

"What I regret most in my life is not joining the Pirate King's legion. I was young and ignorant at that time. The Pirate King's rules and training were strict. I always wanted to enjoy more before dying in battle, but... ..., can you imagine? In fact, when they captured the Sirila Star District, all the pirates never thought that they could continue to live. They were always worried that the Moko tribe would send troops to kill us all. At that time, we always thought that the Moko tribe was the strongest. The big one, he became a star thief because he was bullied so hard that he had no way to survive..."

Gao Feng did not interrupt the other party, but listened quietly. In a sense, this old star thief was also his old subordinate. He had been fighting from the edge star area to here. I don’t know how many people died, and I don’t know how many people there were. The man was still alive, so he took out the cigar box and placed it on the table. Gao Feng signaled to the other party to be casual and lit one himself, which was regarded as Longmen Zhen's leisure enjoyment.

The old star thief was very generous and did not have the admiration for top-grade luxury goods like others. He took one at random and lit it, then enjoyed it intoxicatedly. After a while, he shook his head and said:

"Phantom Mist Cigar, the favorite cigar of the Pirate King, has almost never entered the market. It only exists in legends and is rarely tasted by people. I happened to go there often. At that time, the Wilderness Legion wanted to select the Expendables. I was the first to sign up, hoping to be able to I had more enjoyment before I died, but it was a pity that I was brushed off in the end, but I also got a box, a whole box. I smoked each stick ten times, and each time was an important day. I smoked a whole box of ten. Cycle, what a pity... If I could keep one, I would be rich..."

"I've always heard you talk about the King of Pirates. It seems that many people call him the King of Star Thieves?"

Gao Feng was quite resentful about this. He originally wanted to commemorate the Earth, but no one acknowledged it, and he was never able to turn the star thief into a pirate.

"Hmph, only cannon fodder and bastards would call that person the King of Star Thieves. There has never been a Wild Star Thief Group in this world. It has always been a Wilderness Pirate Group. Isn't the King of the Pirate Group the King of Pirates?"

"By the way, the three weapons in the store are all legion standard weapons of the Wilderness Pirates. They are generally not lost. Why do they appear here?"

Gao Feng changed the topic and finally got back to the topic. Unexpectedly, this topic made the old star thief silent. After a while, he put the cigar in his hand into his mouth and took a deep breath to calm down.

"God of War, Blood is the legion directly under the king, and there are five other legions. Among them, God of War is the most powerful, Blood is second. Among the five basic legions, the fifth legion ranks third, and the first legion has never appeared... "

As the old star thief narrated, a past event unfolded. Gao Feng listened quietly, and the smoke of the cigar continued to linger around him, taking his thoughts back to one hundred and eighty years ago, when he had just left.

The pirate group without a peak is still the most powerful pirate group. It occupies a single residential star, which also allows them to rarely have disputes with the outside world. At the same time, other star pirates do not want to provoke the most powerful wilderness pirate group, so they can follow them as they wish. As time goes by, many things will change. The biggest change is the attitude of the Moko Protoss towards the Sirila Star Region.

The behavior of flexing muscles and returning captives in the early stage of the peak indirectly allowed the Moko Protoss to step up. Although the Sirila star area occupied by the star thieves has made the Moko Protoss have a stranglehold in their throats, it is not that easy to conquer them. According to Moko According to the calculation of the Protoss, to completely eliminate the star thieves in the Sirila Star Area, they must prepare for the casualties of 20 first-level fleets, 80 second-level fleets, and 300 third-level fleets. At the same time, they must be prepared to kill more than 50,000 silver soldiers. Heart Warrior.

But if you don't do anything and seal off the six major star sectors tightly, these star thieves will just stay there. This account is far better than recovering the Sirila star sector, not to mention that the Moko Protoss has more important things. We do not want to put too much force and energy into this hedgehog-like star area where we have no way to attack.

I don’t know who noticed it, but the Moko people regard the Sirila Star Sector as a natural prison. They do not need to increase costs and manpower. Instead, they can save costs and expenses. At the same time, they can clear up a large number of hidden dangers and avoid causing a second Sirila Star Sector incident.

As a result, the Sirila star sector has become an absolutely closed star sector that can only be entered and cannot be left. Every year, a large number of mortals and undesirable people are sent in. The reason for sending them is not called expulsion, but interstellar immigration. In fact, Just send people to the star area, and then give them some basic supplies such as food and medicine, and then don't care anymore.

The large number of foreign populations has strained the resources in the star region and also created a backlog in the living space. After all, many settlements have been destroyed in the turmoil, so the residential star has become the first choice for immigrants. At first, the wilderness pirate group was able to suppress it. But later on, all kinds of temptations always appeared one after another, and the Moko Protoss did not really intend to give up this star region. A large number of spies arrived with the expellers, stirring up trouble in the star region.

Countless small contradictions add up and eventually become irreconcilable big contradictions. Minnie's personality is not suitable for managing large teams, but Lily, because she has no authority, can only be a support at most. Inadvertently, there will always be mistakes in connection. , especially when they didn't return to the peak for a long time, even there were disputes within the wilderness pirate group.

The first one to be instigated by the Moko tribe was the Second Legion. This legion had always been unwilling to be supervised by the Scarlet Legion and looked down on Minnie's management methods. Especially after receiving a large amount of foreign aid and Moko's divine blood, they had independent ideas.

The Second Legion pulled up the Fourth Legion and began to negotiate with Minnie. At this time, internal disputes broke out among the three major Star Thief groups. The situation in the entire star area was strange. Just as the Star Thieves were troubled by internal conflicts, At that time, the Moko Protoss began to publicize, recruit Star Thieves, and gave the name of five first-level fleets, fifteen second-level fleets, and fifty third-level fleets. As long as they agreed to change their flag, whether it was battleships or supplies, all of them would be replenished. Qi, and retained the fleet to continue stationed in the star area, extending their sincerity to the extreme. In this way, the hearts of the star thieves began to change.

The long period of comfort has caused many star thieves to lose their determination to fight to the death. The olive branch of the Moko Protoss is like the nectar of the desert, making people unable to control themselves. Minnie naturally opposes it with all her strength. The problem is that two of the five basic legions have colluded. At the same time, at both ends of the Third Legion, only the Fifth Legion firmly supported Minnie.

Suddenly one day, the Moko Protoss decided to start a formal negotiation, gather all the star thief leaders, and then discuss the future of the star area at the star thief's home ground, at least to ensure that the star thief will not be short of supplies. It is with this root that Carrot, so various forces began to gather on the residential star occupied by the three star thieves.

The final result is not that everyone is happy, but a complete conspiracy and betrayal. The two legions who have been promised and appointed intend to control Minnie and assassinate Shamba. However, after Chanel desperately rescues her, they use the high-speed spacecraft arranged in advance to take the lead. After escaping from the habitation star, the two legions began to openly rebel.

In addition to the rebellion of the two legions, the star pirates in the entire star region also began to fight. I don’t know the reason and origin of the fight. In short, no one is safe, and no one can be trusted. There will even be fighting within the pirate group. Phenomenon.

At this moment, the Moko Protoss invaded. A total of twelve first-class fleets and several hierarchical fleets of several times the size continued to enter the star area. Only then did many star thieves wake up, but some people still persisted in their obsession. The Moko people who are willing to believe in their wealth include the Second and Fourth Legions.

The war in the star area was extremely cruel. Faced with the crisis of internal and external processing, Minnie finally decided to guard the core defense line. The remaining pirates from the three major forces also began to gather towards the final defense line. The forces of the Moko Protoss were like broken bamboos. Under the leadership of a large number of spies, Killed countless star thieves, destroyed countless armed spaceships, and finally blocked the remaining star thieves at the core defense line.

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