Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1923 The Red Sand of the Destroyer

"Do you want to let Hongsha act alone? She can't let go when she's by your side..."

Minnie rolled her eyes, licked her lips, and looked at Gao Feng expectantly. There was something else in her words. If Hongsha left, wouldn't Gao Feng be her exclusive possession?

"No, Hongsha's power has been stuck. It shouldn't be solved by killing. There must be some reason..."

Gao Feng shook his head. Since the last time he raided the Silver Heart Warrior training camp, Hongsha's strength has never increased. Compared with the previous triple jump, he is simply two people.

"It's a burden, it's a burden. Now the Young Patriarch has many powerful subordinates. I can't help the Young Patriarch like before. I hate this, so I want to kill them so that I can replace them and help the Young Patriarch kill them." More enemies…”

Gao Feng and others were guessing when Hong Sha suddenly said these words, tears rolling down like pearls, leaving Gao Feng speechless. He suddenly discovered that he had actually killed Hong Sha's talent because he was worried that Hong Sha would lose control. Therefore, Hong Sha's unnecessary killings were avoided, which resulted in Hong Sha's heart knotting. The knots in his heart were like a suppressed volcano, which would either erupt or turn into extreme entanglement.

"How could it be? Hongsha is the most powerful little goblin. When you came from your hometown, I took you without anyone else. Can't you see?"

Gao Feng held Hongsha in his arms, rubbed her temples, and comforted her gently in her ears, but Hongsha stubbornly shook her head and just cried.


Minnie slapped the table and said harshly:

"Let Hongsha go on a mission to the two Silver Heart Warrior training camps, and let her go with the Fire Dragon..."

After hearing this, Gao Feng felt that the suppressed volcano in Hong Sha's heart suddenly erupted, turning into an invisible fighting spirit, permeating the conference room. Lila was so scared that she fled back to the tattoo, and Minnie's face turned pale. In this powerful scene, In her fighting spirit, even her strong heart as a god of war was suppressed, and the only thing she didn't care about was Gao Feng.

"Go early and come back early, don't be naughty outside..."

Gao Feng gently brushed Hongsha's hair behind her ears, kissed her on the lips, and said in a childish tone, "Hongsha just did this," and the depression on his face disappeared, revealing a bright smile. , nodded heavily, and Gao Feng sighed in his heart. He had already predicted that he had released a terrifying demon king with his own hands. Without his restraint, Hong Sha's nature would surely cause a bloody storm.

Before Hong Sha left, she was entangled with Gao Feng to death, melting Gao Feng with endless tenderness. I don’t know where she learned many tricks. She was extremely happy to serve Gao Feng. When everything subsided, she disappeared quietly, leaving only Gao Feng, the exhausted cow, fell asleep on the bed after pleasure.

When Gao Feng opened his eyes again, he hugged Hongsha out of habit, but couldn't catch anything. He suddenly felt lost. Hongsha had finally grown up. She was no longer a little girl who needed his protection, but a girl walking on a bloody road. The terrifying powerhouse, he felt, would not see the red sand for a long time.

Also leaving with Hongsha was the Fire Dragon. Gao Feng believed that according to the Fire Dragon's unscrupulous character, even if the universe collapsed, he could still live happily. Bullying the weak and fearing the strong might not be an excellent life-saving strategy, with the Fire Dragon accompanying him. , Hongsha should not suffer a big loss.

After seventy-two hours of continuous rest, the pirate group finally regained its strength. Without any hesitation at this peak, they waved their troops to crush the only first-level fleet station in the sector. The huge fleet was like locusts flying in the starry sky. It will devour everything it encounters, whether it is a resource collection point or a transport fleet. As long as it encounters it, it will completely lose contact with the star region.

The first-level fleet is the strongest mobile force of the Moko Protoss. It has super strike capabilities and will not be used easily. Once it is used, it means that a new civilization will be conquered. The Milky Way is so big that even the Moko Protoss can only Occupying an insignificant area, every moment, new life stars may be discovered, new species hunted, and new civilizations conquered.

Perhaps they have enjoyed comfort for too long. Even if there are internal resistance forces, they are mostly small fights. The third-level garrison fleet can easily quell them. The first-level fleets left behind on the native star have almost no chance to dispatch, thus forming a fixed formation. The concept is that the first-level fleet conquers alien civilizations, the second-level fleet protects the key points of the sector, and the third-level fleet is responsible for suppressing rebellions.

The pirate group was sweeping forward in an overwhelming manner. The high-level officials in the sector were not unaware of it, but their consistent ideas did not allow them to pay attention to it. They did not even notify the first-level fleet to warn them. The hierarchical fleet that received the report, because of the direction in which the pirates charted their advance, It happens to be the station of the first-class fleet, so I am indifferent, and I even secretly amuse myself in my heart. I have never seen such stupid interstellar pirates, and they don't even understand the information about the obstacles.

It is with this feeling of watching the excitement that the entire sector is silent, waiting for the collision between the pirate group and the first-level fleet. However, those who did not know the existence of the pirate group turned out to be all the officers and soldiers of the first-level fleet. At this time They were lazily enjoying their rest time, either going shopping with their families, or meeting up with a few friends to pick out new goods in the slave area, while others were accompanying the goddesses in their hearts, spending time in front of and under the moon, buying two pieces of blood. Even the officers and soldiers on duty at the station were mostly sleeping or watching the latest hunting competition on the three-dimensional projection. As for the battleship group, they were all leaning on the dock, and even the fuel rods were being pumped out. Come down for maintenance.

When the fleet at the top of the peak triggered the air defense alarm at the fleet station, the fleet officers and soldiers still had not figured out whether it was an exercise? Or did that bastard mix up the button and hit the alarm by mistake? Only a few galactic warriors who stayed behind lazily came out of the room carrying various luxury drinks, stood on the balcony and stretched, then opened their mouths and looked at the countless people with dumbfounded eyes. The strong man with a silver heart falling from the starry sky let out an off-key wail.


Carrying a giant bone ax in the shape of a spine, Xiangba slammed it on the deck of the dock. His fierce and vicious eyes swept across the disheveled fleet officers and soldiers around him, and he roared with revenge:

"The empire has long been decayed. I will become a burning firewood. Weep and wail. The anger of the Shambha family will ignite the flames of destruction..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiangba turned into an arc-shaped flash of light. Wherever the flash of light passed, the fleet officers and soldiers were cut to pieces. The blue blood covered the reflective deck of the dock, turned into a river, and spread into the starry sky.

The Iron-Blooded Revenge Team is always the team that charges at the front. With the roar of Xiangba, more than two hundred strong Moko tribesmen wielded standardized bone giant axes, killing their fellow tribesmen one by one. The backbone of the Silver Heart Strongman The giant ax manufactured can cut through even super strong alloy armor. Laser fortresses, turrets, and tanks are all being destroyed by the brutal revenge team. Even with powerful firepower, those at the forefront will be destroyed. The pirates tore them apart, but no one stopped charging, especially Xiangba. Wherever they passed, there was no grass, and the only thing left behind were corpses and a river of blood.

According to Gao Feng's plan, the Blood Sea Revenge Team will be the first battle line, followed by the 1, 2, 3, and 4 teams, and finally the Martial God Team. After all the teams land, the vassal cannon fodder will appear on the scene to clean up the remaining enemies, count the seizures, and complete the complete occupation.

As a result, before the main team was officially committed, Minnie complained that the first-level fleet was simply inferior to the cannon fodder pirate group. At least the cannon fodder pirate group could resist, and the first-level fleet collapsed.

Stepping onto the bloody shipyard deck, Gao Feng still thought he was dreaming. Huge steel battleships were like giant beasts of death, making no sound. Battalions of terrified prisoners were like cannon fodder under the guns of pirates. Timid rabbits, cowardly and restless, the last terror still lingered on the faces of the three or five Silver Heart Warrior corpses, and the disbelief in their eyes showed that they had no room for resistance before they died.

The Iron-Blooded Revenge Team sat casually on the corpses, comparing the number of enemies killed with each other. A large part of them were the Silver Heart Warriors who had been captured. Now they have all become Shangba's subordinates, but they are no longer just stepping into the Each of the rookies in the Silver Heart is covered in thick blood.

Xiangba quietly wiped the giant bone axe. He cherished his weapons very much. Except for Gao Feng who could use his analytical ability to manufacture exclusive weapons in large quantities, the galactic warriors in the galaxy rarely had the opportunity to obtain weapons that matched their own energy attributes. Equipment, that's why the Revenge Team is so powerful, even the weakest warrior can exert twice its own strength.

"One Constellation-class super destroyer, twelve nuclear-class star destroyers, two hundred Burt-class heavy ships, four hundred Apple raiders, and more than six hundred Harik transport supply ships..."

Lila, the caring little secretary, immediately reported the statistics of the seizures to Gao Feng. Gao Feng was immediately troubled. It seemed that he did not have more manpower to operate these warships, especially the Constellation class warships. Each one requires thousands of crew members. And he can only guarantee the sailors of one Constellation-class and five nuclear-class battleships at most. As for the other battleships, he can only look forward to it with excitement.

"Captain, there is no need to worry about the manpower of the battleship. There is a large slave market three divisions away. There should be a large number of Lightstone slaves. The First Fleet also has many slaves who control the transport ships. As long as they are implanted with self-destruct monitoring chips, There is no need to worry about them rebelling, and I also found the fleet’s exclusive prison, which contains many death row prisoners... "

Gao Feng's worries, in Xiangba's view, were not a problem. As a former upper-level member of the Moko tribe, he understood the details of the Moko tribe far better than ordinary pirates and resistance forces. In response, Gao Feng destroyed three nuclear-class ships. Starships and fifteen Burt heavy battleships were awarded to the Iron-Blooded Revenge Team, and the Revenge Team was reorganized into the Scarlet Legion, and Shamba naturally became the commander of the Scarlet Legion.

Of course, Gao Feng would not be too arrogant and indulged Xiangba, and soon expanded the four teams into four legions. The original captain became the legion commander. As for Minnie's Martial God Team, it was naturally adapted into the Martial God Legion. The only difference , each legion only has two nuclear-class star destroyers, but there are many other warships, because Gao Feng always controls the size of the Scarlet Legion.

After some plundering, distribution, and reorganization, the strength of the Wilderness Pirates Group expanded rapidly. Even the cannon fodder pirates replaced their main battleships that the Moko clan never sold to outsiders. The base of the Wilderness Pirates Group was even better than that of the Moko Protoss. Regular military firepower is even stronger.

After the pirates led by the senior leader and changed their costumes captured the largest slave market in the Olima sector, the missing crew members were also replenished. The fleet was finally no longer an empty frame and had basic combat effectiveness. In addition, after capturing the slave market, they also obtained It was a big surprise. Because I got a large number of slaves without owners, I easily collected them and became pirate reserves. In addition, I also got more than a hundred silver-core slaves. These people were captured by the Moko tribe after conquering other civilizations. The raw materials used to condense soul gems have now become the high-end weapons of the wilderness pirate group.

After Gao Feng captured the first-level fleet station, the top management of the entire sector was in panic. The first thing they did was not to gather troops to attack the pirate group, but to gather all the troops to protect the core residential star. Indirectly giving up control of the entire star sector.

After Gao Feng captured the slave market, he suddenly discovered that the entire sector had become an unguarded orchard. As long as Gao Feng was willing, he could choose the most delicious fruits to eat. At this time, news came that the two Galactic Warrior training centers had been destroyed. , spreading in the star region like a plague.

You must know that the training camps in the Aulima Sector are not the edge sectors when the peak comes, but the core sectors. Each training camp has one hundred galactic instructors and five hundred galactic students, plus Up, there are a total of 1,200 silver-centered warriors. This is a very terrifying combat power. Even a first-level fleet with complete combat power may not be its opponent. But now, it is destroyed silently. If not When the top brass of the sector asked for help from the training camp, almost no one noticed.

This information was only learned after Gao Feng personally attacked the communication station in the astrology area. He couldn't believe that this was done by Hongsha? When Gao Feng decided to send Hong Sha to attack the training camp, he didn't expect Hong Sha to really do it. He thought that it would be a harassment war at best and contain the training camp to a certain extent. After Gao Feng took control of the communication station, he would go back to help Hong Sha. .

Not only Gao Feng didn't believe it, Minnie and Lila also couldn't believe that even the Destruction Species couldn't possibly slaughter all the 1,200 Star-Shattering warriors in less than seven Earth days. Even if they were replaced by Gao Feng couldn't do it. Even if he had the strength of a catastrophic expert, he could only do it piecemeal and gradually weaken it. The last blow would kill him, and he had to be prepared to be seriously injured.

The fourth legion was left to garrison the communication space station, while the other legions attacked from all sides. Gao Feng personally took the two legions of the Blood God to inspect the training camp. As soon as they arrived at the training camp, they saw the wreckage of countless battleships floating around the training camp.

The camp of the training camp is a huge meteorite that was transformed into a space station by the Moko tribe. It has enough space to house a dock and an anti-air defense turret. But now, except for the training camp itself, nothing is complete.

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