Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1922 The Mutation in the Red Sand

The flower tattoo on her wrist is getting brighter and brighter, and Oslila, who has obtained more than ten soul fragments, is becoming more and more sinister. Gao Feng has regarded her as his right-hand man, and often consults Lila first. As for Minnie, she has Going further and further into the role of a violent revenge woman, Gao Feng no longer believes that this guy can really use her brain. Even though she has mastered the tactics and strategies of the entire human race, she still likes to speak with her fists.

One thing that makes Gao Feng feel strange is that it seems that he came from the solar system with Assassin's Creed as the program and tried to destroy the ruling foundation of the Moko Protoss as much as possible. However, under Oslila's suggestion, he unknowingly turned into StarCraft. When he came back to his senses, he discovered that almost all the resistance forces in the entire sector were loosely united around the pirate group. With an order, no one dared to object.

The person who caused this phenomenon turned out to be the hard-core mad dog, the God Son of Xiangba. This guy’s iron-blooded revenge team has already reached the size of a regiment, and all of his subordinates are Moko people. They are all Moko people living under various social hidden dangers. A group of people at the bottom, these people are the most ferocious in killing their compatriots, and they also have the most military exploits, so Gao Feng has to tilt a large part of the loot to them, causing their strength to grow the fastest, and they are also the most powerful. The strongest team.

Xiangpa made Gao Feng truly realize the violent character of the Moko tribe. Even if they become pirates, the Moko tribe is still a murderous race and will destroy those who resist unconditionally. Gao Feng himself does not care whether the pirate group can rule the sector, he needs What happened was that more troublemakers destabilized the Moko Protoss, but Xiangba eradicated all the dissidents who were unwilling to join the pirate group. Wherever they went, there was no grass growing, and the pirate group became the de facto emperor. When Gao Feng noticed , it’s already a done deal.

Gao Feng couldn't say anything about Xiangba's self-assertion. As long as he said a word, Xiangba would chop off his head. He was always the first in the charge and would not flinch even if he faced an enemy a hundred times stronger. Every time, he was the most seriously injured, the most miserable, and the bloodiest one. If Gao Feng hadn't asked the fire dragon to take care of him, Xiangba might not even have ashes.

On this day, Gao Feng broke away from the lazy embrace of the red sand. With a hint of earth-tone decadence, he came to his exclusive garden with a cigar in his mouth, enjoying the warmth of artificial sunlight, but in his heart he was thinking about how to break through the edge of the star zone. Star Fortress, go to other star regions to continue to harm the Moko tribe.

As he was thinking about it, Gao Feng felt tired and sleepy. Yesterday, the red sand was too crazy and he dared to unlock it in any position, which made Gao Feng unable to stop. As a result, he became depressed. Just when he was about to squint his eyes and take a nap, Minnie's dreamy and beautiful figure appeared. A new image appeared. As soon as it appeared, he threw off his clothes, revealing his extremely perfect body. She came back to the peak like a female leopard, which made him burst into tears. He really couldn't be squeezed anymore, he was about to change. It's a waste of medicine.

Minnie galloped wildly on the peak like a dead dog, letting out a low roar like a wild beast. Minnie was quite satisfied with the body of Broken Star. She felt that she had become a powerful girl of destiny again, killing powerful Moko clan members. The soldiers were bleeding like rivers, but in fact, only Gao Feng was defeated by her.

"Honey, I found the way..."

Minnie frowned slightly and was very unhappy with Gao Feng's reaction. You must know that when she used this body to have sex with Gao Feng for the first time, Gao Feng lay on her for a whole earth rotation cycle. Now she is too lazy to move. Could it be that she has already No more charm?

As soon as Gao Feng found the way, he was immediately in a state of capture. He held Minnie in his arms and stood up, launching a charge-like impact, which made Minnie fascinated and moaned incoherently. Until he completely straightened his body, Gao Feng finally let her go.

"It's a smuggling channel. When the second team wiped out the remnants of the Moko fleet, they accidentally discovered a smuggling fleet. They are a second-class interstellar merchant group in the Olimar sector. They have a complete star map of the route."

"Aulima has one of the twelve resident stars of the Moko tribe, with a permanent population of 120 million, 109 resource stars, 2,300 large and small space stations, two galactic warrior training camps, and a first-level There is one fleet station, two secondary fleet stations, three large battleship factories, twelve small battleship factories, 300 industrial motherships, in addition, there are three combat readiness storage centers and one war fortress..."

In fact, Oslila has been able to leave Gao Feng's wrist and move freely like Minnie's ball of light. But for some reason, Lila just doesn't want to move. She shamelessly stays on the tattoo on her wrist, and at the same time transmits information and consultation to Gao Feng at any time. , feels like a personal assistant. The cutest thing is that every time Gao Feng rides on the red sand and Minnie, Gao Feng can feel Lila's mental fluctuations, secretly observing like a voyeur.

"How about it? Do you want to take a vote? I have analyzed it, just grab a handful and leave, it should be fine..."

Minnie licked her lips and looked at Gao Feng excitedly. The Valkyrie's blood was not rushing in her body. She felt that she was about to be burned by the strong fighting spirit, while Gao Feng frowned and thought. Just when Minnie was about to bear it no longer, Gao Feng said:

"Do you really think we are pirates? Don't forget what the original goal was?"

"you mean……."

Minnie couldn't figure out Gao Feng's thoughts. The tattoo on her wrist suddenly lit up, and a delicate little person only three inches long appeared. It was Lila.

"The material supply in the sector has reached its limit, and the production facilities and reserves have been completely destroyed. If there are no new supplies, the external forces will gradually collapse. Instead of just waiting, it is better to go to the Olima sector..."

Lila, who is still dark-hearted and shy, is as considerate as the roundworm in Gaofeng's belly. From the beginning, Gaofeng never restrained the pirates, but allowed them to destroy them wantonly, just because he didn't want the pirates to stay in their fixed territory and lose their wild nature. Wolves will only become house dogs.

"Okay then, I'll mobilize the God of War team to collect supplies. Let me know when we set off..."

Minnie is not a little woman who hangs around men. She is also the captain of the Martial Gods. The Martials are all Eldar women. Unfortunately, these women have been tortured into human form. They have an indelible hatred and are hostile to almost any male. Living things, this peak can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be approached.

After sending Minnie away, Gao Feng came to the command center of the pirate group. After the communication station was destroyed, the only one that could communicate freely was the nuclear-class star destroyer, the flagship of the expeditionary force, which had the ability to communicate over long distances. Every command Pirate operations are all orders issued by the flagship.

There are dozens of luminous humanoid creatures in the bridge controlling the equipment. These people are all beautiful female figures, and they are pleasing to the eye if you keep them around. The problem is, these guys actually have no gender. The body is a light stone, and the so-called image is also The only characteristic of the virtual is that they can communicate with each other. No other race can surpass them in controlling the battleship. They are privately called the eight-grandmother clan by Gao Feng, because what one person knows means that their entire clan knows it.

Soon Gao Feng contacted the five direct lineage teams. These teams were scattered throughout the star region, hunting down the remnants of the Moko clan, and at the same time suppressing the strength of the disobedient pirate group. Their real combat power was no better than the second-level Moko clan. The fleet is poor.

With an order, the entire sector became busy following Gao Feng's orders. Energy and arms were plundered. Some large industrial motherships also began to manufacture various space fighters. A large number of slaves were gathered together to distribute weapons and catch up with the transport ships to become a group. An interstellar infantryman who can't change magazines and can only shoot. As for the hyenas who dig for wealth everywhere, they also swarm towards Gao Feng's flagship, hoping to follow Gao Feng and make another windfall.

Perhaps anticipating the cruelty of the war, both the pirates and the resistance forces preparing to move in with the pirate group spent a lot of wealth in brothels, and the most popular ones in the brothels turned out to be the women of the Moko tribe. For Gao Feng, they are just one-horned evil spirits with little hair. The problem is that they used to have a very high status. Most of them were the family members of officials or the harem of the Silver Heart Warriors, which triggered the desire to conquer across races.

In contrast, the Eldar men, second only to the Moko women, are the second choice of many races. Perhaps due to the influence of the Moko, they all like the gentleness of the Eldar men. Once they fall in love, they will fall in love with them. The male is obsessed with it, its price has been rising, and it has become the dream god of many males.

As for the third class, there is nothing special. Most of them are native females or males of various civilizations. After all, some civilizations, like the Eldar, mostly rely on females to fight, so males have begun to play the role of females.

Gao Feng was also interested in visiting the Starry Sky Brothel, where many species gathered. As a result, the Starry Sky Brothel's spaceship was resolutely not allowed to come within a million kilometers of the pirate group, which made many pirates feel resentful because of the Wilderness Pirate Group. Except for the Martial God Team, which hates men, the other teams are basically male. There is no such thing as robbing beautiful women or keeping them under control, which ensures the team's basic combat effectiveness.

When most pirates returned to the fleet from the interstellar brothel, they were basically in a state of abject poverty. Gao Feng admired this very much. Only hungry wolves are the most dangerous wolves. Don't let pirates start families, so there is no need to worry. Combat effectiveness declined.

One thousand two hundred shabby spaceships and battleships, large and small, entered the interstellar smuggling channels one after another, passed through more than 20 cosmic traps and dangerous areas, large and small, and then passed through an unrecorded medium-sized wormhole. , Gao Feng's expeditionary force finally arrived in the wealthy Aulima Star District, the true core star district of the Moko Protoss.

The expedition force that arrived in the Olimar sector was severely reduced, with only more than 900 large and small ships left, one-third of which were wilderness pirates, and the rest were peripheral pirates and resistance forces. The rest were either destroyed. The cosmic trap swallowed up, or the ship malfunctioned and disappeared without a trace. In this regard, Gao Feng decided to use a feast to stimulate everyone's depressed morale.

This time, a smuggling fleet also came with the large force. After receiving Gao Feng's promise to become the exclusive agent for selling stolen goods, this unscrupulous smuggling fleet surrendered to Gao Feng wholeheartedly, regardless of the fact that they were also from the Moko tribe and did their best. Inform them of all the key points and resource points in the star area.

Gao Feng's combat meeting can also be called a family meeting, because only Hong Sha, Minnie, and Lila attended the meeting. Hong Sha didn't worry about anything. As long as Gao Feng was around, everything was fine. Minnie was the soul. The extremist of the tribe, for her, as long as the Moko tribe is killed, it is enough. As for the strategy and tactics, she hates them the most.

Therefore, the only person Gao Feng can really discuss with is Lila. The problem is that Gao Feng only needs to be alone to complete the communication with Lila. Therefore, the main purpose of this family meeting is not to disrupt the Aulima Sector, but to target Problems with red sand.

During this period, the red sand would pester Gao Feng every day and play the flute every night. This was normal, but when crossing the smuggling channel, the red sand became even worse. It still clung to Gao Feng almost day and night, and even Minnie had no chance to enjoy Gao Feng. , this is not normal. If this is the case, Gao Feng does not need to do anything and directly becomes Hongsha's 24-hour standby massage stick.

In the serious atmosphere of the meeting, Minnie ignored her natural fear of the red sand, folded her hands in front of her chest, and made an angry gesture. The three-inch little Lila sat on Gao Feng's wrist, looking at this, looking at that, Her eyes were rolling, and no one knew what she was thinking, while Gao Feng had a pale face, sunken eyes, and deep tiredness. It seemed that even the powerful catastrophe couldn't bear Hongsha's madness.

"I..., I don't know why this happens. If I don't do it every day, it feels like something is about to explode in my body. I always want to kill everyone..."

Faced with such a situation, Hongsha finally told the truth. His clear eyes were a little aggrieved, and he lowered his head, like a child who had made a mistake.

"Is it the awakening of the species of destruction? I really want to hear that the species of destruction needs more killings to grow..."

Minnie tapped her chin in confusion. If anyone saw her seductive look, she would definitely have a myocardial infarction, but not Gao Feng. To Gao Feng, women were now tigers.

"The species of destruction only exists in legends. Even the Moko tribe doesn't know much about it. This information is classified as top secret. I don't know the details. I occasionally hear the Moko tribe talk about it, but only a few words."

Lila spoke softly with a delicate voice. Because she was only three inches tall, even her speech became cute.

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