Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 1920 Fortunately, I lived up to my destiny

"Now, kill..."

Gao Feng roared loudly, his speed instantly increased tenfold, and he turned into a meteor and rushed into the Yinxin warriors whose formation was disrupted by the shock thunder and seriously injured. Two huge black claws swept left and right, grabbing more than ten Yinxin soldiers at once. Warrior, then the analysis flashed, and in less than ten seconds, he used the wither of all things to turn all the captured Silver Heart warriors into energy gems.

With one blow, one-tenth of the enemies were killed, which immediately aroused the fanatical fighting spirit of all the pirates. This was the time to beat up the drowned dog. If you didn't seize it, you would regret it for the rest of your life, or at least flirt with a prostitute. At that time, there were no ostentatious stories for them to throw themselves into their arms.

Before the pirates could come forward, the fire dragon, who was good at stealing chickens, shuttled obscenely behind the Silver Heart Warrior. With a single horn and eight sharp claws, he snatched away the nine most seriously injured prey and disappeared into the distance in an instant. No one could find him. to the location,

Fire Dragon took action, and another tenth of the score was gone. This made the pirates start to get anxious. If Gao Feng takes action a few more times, it seems like they don't have enough points? But at this time, Hongsha appeared again, and Hongsha's methods were cruel. Before the Silver Heart warriors had recovered from the shock, when they were at their weakest, spines appeared around her, these jade-like spines appeared around her. The spines exude strong energy fluctuations and are the source of the Silver Heart Warriors' power. Stealing twelve spines at once means that the twelve Silver Heart Warriors have become limp slugs.

Hong Sha was not stupid, and ran away with twelve spines, while Gao Feng's death sigh once again grabbed more than a dozen Silver Heart warriors, instantly eroding away the energy, and then was crushed to pieces by sharp claws. At this time, Silver Almost half of the warriors suffered casualties, and the pirates finally rushed into the battlefield with tears in their eyes and began to fight against each other.

Nineteen Silver Heart Pirates fought against more than fifty Silver Heart Warriors, but the battle turned out to be one-sided. First, they were hit by a concussive explosion. Almost all the Silver Heart Warriors suffered from dizziness and tinnitus. Then they were defeated by Gao Feng, Fire Dragon, and Red Sand. The attack resulted in the loss of more than forty comrades in an instant, which frightened the remaining Silver Heart warriors. However, the nineteen Silver Heart pirates who were waiting for work were eager to fight, so it was easy to get to the top, not to mention that there were three great gods watching them. .

People continued to die in battle. These rookies, who had just been promoted to Silver Heart Warriors, had completely lost their will to fight. They wanted to escape, and were often sent into the mouth of the fire dragon. They tried to gather resistance, but were broken by the red sand in the end. Under heavy casualties, some people finally began to surrender, and then like dominoes, everyone surrendered.

Just when the last Galactic Warrior surrendered, a roar came closer and closer. The God Son of Shamba, who was blown away by the shock wave, finally returned to the battlefield, roaring that he would fight for three hundred rounds. After he glared at the enemy and looked for the enemy, he finally When he found out that the battle was over, he was so angry that he fainted.

The pirates happily loaded the captives of the Silver Heart warriors onto the battleship, and used the restraints brought from the prison to turn these powerful warriors into soft-footed shrimps. Afterwards, the entire fleet fell into jubilation, although they did not grab a single point. Although they only had money, they wiped out five times the number of Silver Heart warriors. This was a miracle that had never happened before.

You must know that even the most skilled civilization, facing five times the galactic enemy force, can at best fight and leave to minimize losses, which is extraordinary. In turn, it can completely annihilate or even capture twice as many powerful enemies. It’s simply a fantasy.

For this miraculous ambush, the pirates were not stingy. Gao Feng distributed a large number of soul crystal boxes obtained from the prison to each of the Silver Heart pirates, and also rewarded ordinary pirates with a large amount of wealth, most of which were Moko. Since the hard currency used by the gods or interstellar settlements cannot be brought back to the solar system, it is suitable to be used to win people's hearts.

While the pirates were intoxicated with various methods, Gao Feng was summarizing the gains and losses of this battle. In addition to the carelessness of the Silver Core Warrior Training Center, the just-in-time explosion of the space shock thunder, and the pirates' fear of themselves, they were able to achieve a complete victory. As well as the power of the red sand and the fire dragon, these factors are indispensable.

At the same time, many problems were exposed. If nearly half of the strength of the Silver Heart Warriors had not been eliminated from the beginning, relying on this group of undisciplined pirates, I am afraid that this ambush battle would probably turn into a counter-ambush battle in the end, especially in Hong Kong. Bashenzi, this guy almost ruined his big event, and he didn't achieve any results afterwards. The problem was that Gao Feng couldn't say anything about him. After all, Xiangba was not afraid of life and death, and the fury of being the first to charge was exactly the trait that superiors appreciated.

Minnie's ball of light bounced to the top of Gaofeng's head, and she lay down quietly, as if she was drunk. Gaofeng knew that Minnie was too happy, and she was overjoyed and consumed a lot of energy. As for the red sand, she was always confused with the ten people around her. The two vertebrae were competing against each other, because these vertebrae contained terrifying energy, and she couldn't eat too much, so she was thinking about storing them as snacks.

Everyone else is reveling wantonly, but Gao Feng is worried about the next move of the Silver Heart Warriors training camp. After all, ambush can only be used once. I believe that next time, he will encounter a real tough battle, and the Silver Heart Warriors are not real. It is so easy to solve them. Once the number reaches hundreds, even if he takes action personally, he is still in danger of being defeated.

This peak captured more than ten Silver Heart Warriors at once. The energy-absorbing properties of the Death Sigh were almost unbearable. After all, he got the Death Sigh from someone else. When encountering a truly powerful enemy, time became a shortcoming. If he was not careful, He will be attacked by more galactic warriors. At that time, even if he is a catastrophe, he may not be injured.

As for the problem of the red sand, it was also exposed in this battle. The red sand is very powerful, and its plundering ability is super domineering. But the problem is that the capacity of the red sand itself is limited. It may be dozens of times stronger than ordinary broken stars, and it can be used as more After the Broken Star powerhouse was plundered by her, she was exhausted.

The strength of the Silver Heart Warrior comes from its own energy accumulation. Hongsha cannot convert the plundered energy into combat power immediately, so she can only replenish herself. If her own energy is full, even if there is energy everywhere, she can only watch. As long as the energy of the Silver Heart Warrior is not consumed, he is almost immortal, and the red sand may not be able to kill him easily. Just like in the previous battle, if there were not the shock wave caused by the space shock thunder, many Silver Heart Warriors would have a physical impact on their bodies. If it loses control, Hongsha may not be able to take the opportunity to take away the twelve vertebrae.

As for the fire dragon, let alone not mention it. The nine silver heart warriors that the fire dragon kidnapped have not been eaten yet. It seems that it has reached a limit. After eating two mouthfuls, it will take a while to digest. Instead, it is the corpses of the silver heart warriors and below. , no matter how much, the fire dragon can digest it quickly.

At this time, neither the pirates nor the red sand fire dragon actually have the strength to fight anymore. Even if the Silver Heart Warrior Training Camp loses half of its guard force, it is still a tough nut to crack. Thinking of this, Gao Feng is a little frustrated. It's just a silver warrior training camp. The Heart Warrior training camp is so difficult, wouldn't it be even more difficult on the home planet of the Moko Protoss?

Looking at Hong Sha playing with twelve bones, and then looking at the fire dragon that was lazily coiled in the shape of a stool, Gao Feng suddenly realized that he did not lack powerful power. Whether it was the fire dragon or Hong Sha, the accumulation of their bodies had reached its peak. If you want to go further, you must break through yourself. Just like back then, after he was promoted to Broken Star, in order to kill the Chaos God King, he did not hesitate to let himself be swallowed by him. He used the analysis of all things to confront the Chaos God King, and finally turned the Chaos God over. The king was devoured, thus breaking the Broken Star's path to high levels.

The promotion from Broken Star to Catastrophe was not smooth sailing. Instead, on Mars, I experienced all kinds of unimaginable horror traps. In the inevitable trap, I found a glimmer of opportunity to merge with the origin of consciousness, and only then did I complete the transformation of my second life. , has mastered the power to destroy heaven and earth. In comparison, Red Sand and Fire Dragon are too smooth, but they are easily blocked. After all, the ferocious beasts waiting to be fed, no matter how powerful they are, have lost their wildness.

Kick kick, a sound of footsteps came, Xiang Ba, who was covered in blood, stood in front of the top of the aisle with a fierce look, hammered hard on the hairy muscles on his chest, and roared like thunder:

"Captain, we have obtained the confession. There are less than ten Silver Heart warriors left in the training camp. When will we kill them?"


Gao Feng immediately sat up straight, obviously very interested, and Minnie also pricked up his ears to eavesdrop.

"There have been many attacks during this period. A large space station of the Moko tribe was massacred. Counting the prison you attacked, and the surrounding resistance forces are relatively active, the sector commander transferred a hundred Silver Heart warriors from the training camp to form a defense force. , stationed around important space stations, so..."

It is obvious that the Moko tribe is not a tortoise that can only be beaten but cannot move. Three consecutive attacks before Gao Feng allowed the top management of the sector to deploy the most powerful warriors and station them in key areas around them. This inadvertently helped Gao Feng, and he was unlucky. Wrong, after killing the remaining guards, it can be said that the training camp has opened his legs to him at this time, waiting to be humiliated by the bandits.

"Okay, very good, very good, Xiangba, you lead ten Silver Heart pirates to attack immediately. If you can't win..."

"If you can't win, I'll give you my head..."

Xiangba was even more arrogant than Gao Feng thought. He dropped these words, turned around and walked out, while Gao Feng picked up a cup of the top-notch Eldar Baihua Brew and tasted it slowly. He had already forgotten the training camp in his mind. On the side, think of new attack targets.

"The Sherman Sector is a fringe sector of the Moko Protoss. Its reign lasts no longer than one-tenth of the expansion period. There should be many resistance forces. If we can find them to unite..., the question is, how long will the expansion period be? ? Why is there no unified time standard..."

Compared with Minnie, Oslila is more suitable to be a staff officer. Unlike Minnie, there is only fighting and killing. Her mind is full of destruction and destruction, and she has no constructive opinions at all. An intelligence gathering officer.

"It is not easy for the resistance to persist under the eyes of the Moko Protoss until now. They may not believe us. What's more, we are not the same race. We are not my race, so our hearts must be different..."

After five thousand years of love and killing on earth, Gao Feng has seen countless conspiracies and intrigues. For example, a race, even a family, will have all kinds of internal strife and entanglements. He will not easily trust a group of weird-looking guys.

Oslila obviously did not understand the complicated and brain-burning history of the earth. She pondered for a few seconds and then said:

"It doesn't matter if you don't need to unite. If you destroy the training camp, the Moko tribe will lose half of their high-end combat power in this sector. If you destroy the sector communication station again, they will lose their eyes and ears. The remaining Moko tribe will We can only fight on our own. With this foundation, even if we don't take action, the resistance forces will automatically launch an offensive..."

"Do you know your mother is very powerful?"

Gao Feng did not answer Oslila, but turned to ask Minnie, who was lying on his shoulder pretending to be a pet. Minnie seemed to be unable to digest it. In less than a week, she had devoured nearly a hundred spiritual bodies in a row, leaving her in a state of depression.

"She? She was the most unpopular Daughter of Destiny in the Spirit Clan back then. She couldn't even find a mate. She had to pay a lot of money to give birth to me through parthenogenesis. I really don't know if she owes me a mate. Damn, she has such a stupid guy..."

Minnie revealed Oslila's secret, Gao Feng was extremely surprised. Later, when he listened to Minnie talking about the past, he realized that the Eldar had never been good at strategy and tactics. They appreciate martial arts and heroism more, and Oslila is a rare wise general. The problem is that in the general environment of the Eldar, she has become one of the few heretics who are excluded, especially those who are too timid and cannot be accepted. Forgive me, but in the end, I threw her as cannon fodder to the Moko tribe in the first battle.

Hearing this, Gao Feng felt that it would be unreasonable for the Spiritual Tribe not to be exterminated by the Moko God Clan, and he also knew why he always felt that Minnie was not qualified as the mastermind. It turned out that this guy had always been the fierce general brother, and let the fierce general serve as a staff officer. Isn’t it just a dead dog?

"If Oslila had been allowed to become the commander of the Spiritual Tribe, you would not have been exterminated..."

Minnie did not refute Gao Feng's sighing conclusion. She has a large amount of human history and classics in her database, but she has never paid attention to humans who have not yet left the earth. This is why she has not understood the true meaning of wisdom. Human beings use wisdom. If there were a terrifying group of people who took war to the extreme, and there were powerful individuals who could traverse the starry sky, which civilization in this galaxy could resist?

During the conversation, Shangba had already returned. At this time, he was seriously injured, with wounds and blood stains everywhere on his body, but he was in good spirits and was still in a state of excitement. The first time he saw the peak, he knelt down on one knee. , shouted loudly:

"My lord, you are fortunate to have lived up to your command..."

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