Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1919 The First Battle of Pirates

If some time passes and the criminals are able to recuperate, Hongsha will have to go through a lot of trouble to kill them. At this moment, they have just been released, and both their mental strength and their own energy are at their lowest ebb, even if Silver Heart warriors are not more difficult to kill than ordinary people. Hongsha completed the task perfectly without missing any one. The end result is that the hill where the corpses are piled up is higher.

"Fire Dragon, clean this place up..."

Gao Feng was not afraid of corpses, but he would never like them, so the fire dragon began to work. With a big mouth suck, dozens of corpses were swallowed. At first glance, it looked like a dragon-shaped vacuum cleaner, cleaning the hall dry. Clean.

Gao Feng touched Hongsha's bright red mouth with his thumb and asked in a low voice:

"How did you get it so clean today? How did you kill them?"

Hongsha raised her chin proudly and said proudly:

"This is simple. Send the brain to the stomach and clean it in one step..."

Minnie was on the side. When she heard this, she suddenly felt a tremor, and Auslila, who was hiding in the tattoo, said to Gao Feng:

"What gift does Miss Hongsha like? Maybe I can get the coordinates of some noble manors of the Moko God Clan..."

"Now, is there anyone who doesn't want to join the Wilderness Pirate Ship?"

Gao Feng asked again, with a kind expression and gentle eyes, as if he was asking everyone if they wanted freshly baked cookies.

At this time, a three-meter-tall Silver Heart warrior with extremely muscular muscles suddenly stood up, knelt down on one knee towards Gaofeng, and roared loudly. Oslila quickly translated for Gao Feng:

"I am a warrior of the Iron Tribe, Iron Diamond, and I am willing to follow you..."

After hearing this, Gao Feng became more and more satisfied with the muscular man with two horns in front of him. He threw the two crystal boxes over and nodded:

"You are the captain of the first team of the Wilderness Pirates..."

After being rewarded by the peak, the muscle man was so grateful that he almost cried out of gratitude. You must know that he took the initiative to stand up, but risked death. Fortunately, he flattered the right one and could finally take a breather.

With the first one, there is naturally a second one, but this one makes Gao Feng unsure of paying attention, because this guy is a one-horned evil ghost, that is, the Moko Protoss.

"The last divine son of the Shampa family is willing to be loyal to you. Your enemies will be crushed by me..."

"The Shampa family was destroyed by the royal family. I didn't expect their last divine son to be hiding here..."

Oslila is obviously a know-it-all in the Moko Galaxy and knows many secrets. Gao Feng thought for a moment and nodded. No matter which race, clan traitors are always inevitable, and sometimes clan traitors are even more ferocious than foreign enemies.

"My goal is to destroy the home planet of the Moko Protoss. If you don't want to, I can let you go..."

The enemy of an enemy is a natural ally. Even if the Son of God of Shampa is a Moko, Gao Feng is willing to let him go, because it is really impossible for him to kill all the more than one billion Moko people and leave some ruthless characters behind. Maybe he will get twice the result with half the effort. Unexpectedly, the eyes of the Son of God Xiangba suddenly brightened, and he shouted loudly:

"Destroying the mother star is what I want. The first family is the actual ruler of the mother star. All the bastards of the mother star deserve to die..."

Well, for the first time, Gao Feng felt that the Moko people were pleasing to the eye, so he gave him ten crystal boxes at once, and also gave him a soul gem. Finally, he appointed God Son of Shangba as the captain of the Iron-Blooded Revenge Team, directly subordinate to him, the leader of the pirate team.

Gao Feng organized the nine hundred psychic awakeners into four brigades, one directly under the command, and 20 galactic warriors, evenly distributed to five teams. He then plundered the prison's supplies and weapons, and piloted the captured second-level fleet. Walk away.

Gao Feng stood in the largest flagship and looked at the vast sea of ​​​​stars. He felt that he had forgotten something. After a while, he said to Minnie:

"I remember there is a mastermind in the prison, why didn't you go and see?"

Minnie's light ball lay on the top of Gaofeng's head and answered lazily:

"There is no fragment of my soul there, and there is no fragment of Oslila's soul there, so why go there?"

"What if it's one of your tribe? Wouldn't it be missed?"

"Are you looking for trouble? You can't even get enough of Oslila's soul fragments, so why bother with others? Back then, all the guys in the tribe had eyes on their heads. To save them, it would be better to raise a humming pig. , at least I will bark at you for feeding..."

Gao Feng was completely speechless at this time. It turned out that the elegant spirit clan also had disputes. After all, it was his woman who knew what she could do and what she couldn't do. Although she was a little selfish, he liked her.

"My journey is the vast sea of ​​​​stars. My goal is to let the sea of ​​​​stars remember my name. Therefore, our first business is to fill the battleship with wealth..."

As the leader of the wilderness pirate group, Gao Feng preached his ideas to his subordinates. Although they didn't understand, everyone pretended to understand. After Gao Feng finished speaking, they all nodded in praise. Then Gao Feng said something, and almost all the pirates They all had heart attacks.

"Everyone, let us attack the Silver Heart Warrior training camp. I heard that there is a treasure left by the Moko royal family there..."

"My lord, think twice..."

"The Silver Heart Warrior training camp has two hundred Silver Heart Warriors..."

"Sir, although I am very good at fighting, I can only fight two at most. There are two hundred there now..."

"What are you arguing about? Shut up and listen to the adults..."

A standard bitch, Shangba Shenzi stood up immediately. He used his unique loud voice and a mouth full of fragrance that made people spit out the overnight meal. He stopped the noise of the crowd and glanced at several inmates fiercely. I am secretly happy in my heart.

"You even dare to set up a training camp for galactic warriors. It seems that the destruction of the mother planet is real. The lonely ghosts of the Xiangba family, have you seen it? I can finally avenge you..."

"Ahem, actually, fighting requires strategy. I didn't tell you to attack by force. Why are you so anxious? Don't worry, everything is under control. If you have learned about the third planet in the solar system, you will be able to master Sun Tzu's Art of War from ancient China. Understand, strategy is a very complex yet simple thing... In short, listen to me..."

After finally fooling a few new subordinates, Minnie quietly went to the top and said secretly:

"Are you really sure? Why do you feel like you are letting them die?"

Gao Feng didn't like hearing this and said with a straight face:

"How can it be said that they are willing to die? I am training them to become real soldiers. A real soldier must have a sense of honor. Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, when the order is given, they must rush forward even if they die..."

"The problem is, what you established is not an army, but a pirate group. They are not soldiers, they are criminals you released from prison..."

"Can you still talk properly? Really, I don't have any opinions at all. I just like to follow what others say. I really play the piano randomly..."

Gao Feng turned away from Minnie, got up and walked out, looking for Hong Sha to comfort his injured heart and compensate Hong Sha for the rewards he deserved. At this time, Oslila secretly said to Gao Feng:

"Maybe it's better for us to grab other treasures first. After all, the guards are not that strong..."

"Idiot, do you really think I'm here for the treasure? I gave up my family, wife and children, and traveled thousands of light years to come here, wasn't it just to destroy the Moko Protoss? The Silver Heart Warrior Training Camp? Hmph..."

The raid on the Silver Heart Warriors training camp was officially launched. The fleet of the Wilderness Pirates sneaked up at the training camp's cordon, immediately triggering a battle alarm. Hundreds of Silver Heart Warriors immediately attacked the fleet. Unexpectedly, the fleet Just a feint shot and Sayazi ran away.

As the new generation of silver warriors of the Moko Protoss, although the students in the training camp do not have much experience, they have a stronger sense of honor than the veterans. The training camp that has trained countless heroes was actually provoked by a group of pirates. How can we keep them calm? ? With a shout, all the fighting Silver Heart warriors chased towards the fleet. At least in terms of short-distance acceleration, the Silver Heart warriors completely destroyed ordinary battleships.

When the fleet came to the ambush circle set up by Gao Feng with the fear of having no way to the sky and no way to the earth, Gao Feng still couldn't believe it, so easily lured the Yinxin warriors in? How stupid are they?

"The Shamba family officially takes revenge, you bastards, grandpa is here..."

With a roar, Shenzi Xiangba rushed out immediately, causing Gao Feng to cover his eyes in pain and groaned:

"It seems that our side is equally stupid. Now let's see who is slightly less stupid..."

"We will definitely win this battle, let's all fight together..."

Gao Feng finally understood that if he led a group of bandits in an ambush, he could not use the tactics of the regular army. Instead of being dragged to death by his own people, it would be better to swarm him. No matter how many people died, he would be fine.

Following Gao Feng's order, nineteen Yinxin warriors followed behind Shenba Shenzi and charged against five times the enemy. Gao Feng was a little proud. Although his troops were rubbish, at least he had the courage. Not just anyone would dare to attack five times the enemy. Charge?

"Everyone, hurry up. Death in battle is considered the destiny of a warrior. If you are tricked to death by the captain, you will really die in peace..."

The unique charge slogan made Gao Feng almost fall into the starry sky. What were these words? He, the upright guardian of the earth, is so evil? This is a complete slander. When this battle is over, we must let that guy wear small shoes.

Neither the pursuing Silver Heart Warriors nor the fighting pirates discovered that the fleet used as bait to lure out the Silver Heart Warriors was only half its original size, and the other half used the meteorite belt to quietly ambush at the sides and rear of the battlefield. At this time, Minnie In the form of a ball of light, he was jumping on the captain's throne and ordered with his soul sound wave:

"Detonate the space shock thunder immediately..."

In the center of the preset battlefield, God Son of Shamba is about to rush into the effective attack range of the Silver Heart Warriors. More than ten Silver Heart Warriors are ready to focus their fire. Just when they are about to kill God Son of Shamba in an instant, the space junk floating around them simultaneously After being detonated, a strong shock wave formed a visible ring and spread suddenly to all sides.

The God Son of Shangba finally rushed forward, preparing to use his own life to win the opportunity for his comrades behind him to take the initiative to attack. The powerful shock wave knocked him back hard. In the vacuum environment, he was like a stamina. The electromagnetic artillery shells were full of electromagnetic artillery shells, and as the pirates tilted their heads and squinted their eyes, they headed towards the ambush point where they launched the charge.

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