Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1902 The Tomb of Mars

As the giant claw went away, more black material rose from the Great Rift Valley and spread in all directions. In less than ten minutes, it changed from hundreds of kilometers long and more than ten kilometers wide to hundreds of kilometers long and tens of kilometers wide. Dark sky.

As the overall increase in black matter increased, its relative density weakened, and the efficiency of absorbing energy suddenly dropped by several levels. At least for a short period of time, Gao Feng was not afraid of being sucked dry, but it was just black matter above, below, left, and right, and he could not tell the specific direction. I can only continue to fall downwards, hoping to find the ground and re-establish my position.

If there is no black matter, perception is the best way to determine the direction. The problem is that black matter can absorb even perception, which makes Gao Feng feel as if he has seen a ghost. He has no choice but to make the decision to descend, but this time it did not happen. As expected from the peak, we have descended several thousand meters and still haven't touched the ground.

At first, Gao Feng thought he had landed in the Great Rift Valley. The problem was that the Great Rift Valley was only a thousand meters deep. What did the gap of several thousand meters mean? Then it fell down again, I don't know whether it was 300 or 500 meters. The peak finally landed. At the same time, it was discovered that the black matter here was almost zero, and the energy in the body finally stopped losing.

The absence of black matter meant that perception could be used normally. Gao Feng soon discovered that he had come to a huge space. It was like a newly excavated underground city that had not yet been officially built. It had a radius of at least hundreds of thousands of square meters. Most places The ground was all flat, and only a few corpses wearing space suits made Gao Feng think.

Perception can scan corpses and items on the corpse, but it cannot present detailed pictures. In other words, Gao Feng cannot tell whether these corpses are the forerunners of the American Aeronautics and Space Administration, the native life of Mars, or the explorers of the Moko Protoss.

Gao Feng was not in the habit of checking corpses. He just continued to move forward in the direction where the corpse fell, because there seemed to be energy fluctuations ahead. If the lost energy could not be replenished, Gao Feng might not be able to pass through the black matter again.

After a few flashes, the peak reached the end of the corpse, and suddenly he saw a huge door. This door was at least fifty meters high and twenty meters wide. There was a slightly open gap. From the gap, you could see that the door was at least Five meters thick, it is made entirely of white jade-like positioning materials, and it faintly emits light, which is exactly the energy fluctuation felt by the peak.

Dozens of mummies wearing spacesuits were lying in front of the gate. The faces of these mummies could no longer be seen clearly. Only the American flag and the logo of the Aviation Administration on the helmets were still conspicuous. This gave Gao Feng a strange guess. According to the Americans, A character who habitually seeks death, maybe the black substance is what they release.

With the light this time, Gao Feng was able to examine the corpse. Not long after, he discovered that the energy source of the space suit on the mummy was all miniature nuclear batteries. Almost all the nuclear batteries were minced, like squeezed fruit pulp. .

Through the vague residual radiation, Gao Feng was able to figure out what happened. When these death-seeking guys thought they had discovered the secret of extraterrestrial civilization and opened the door, the result was that boundless black matter erupted from inside, plundering all the energy. Empty, including everyone's life.

There is no doubt that the source of danger is behind the gate, and perhaps the culprit that prompted the Moko Protoss to abandon Mars is the same. Gao Feng has few choices at this time. Either enter the gate to find energy to replenish himself, or enter the black matter and risk The danger of being swallowed rushed into space. As for hiding in multi-dimensional space, Gao Feng didn't consider it at all, because he didn't know if he would get lost in the mantle of Mars. You should know that he was deep inside Mars at this time.

For a moment, Gao Feng seemed to be back to a normal person. He took a deep breath of non-existent air and walked forward until he reached the door. When he approached the door, the skin all over his body was tingling, even Even his soul is trembling. It is a terrifying threat that the Chaos God King has never brought to him. You must know that at this time, he is no longer weak to the Chaos God King's peak state. Even if the Chaos God King has an immortal body, he can still reach his peak state. Easily burn it to ashes.

When Gao Feng put his hands on the door, hundreds of tons of force suddenly surged out. The powerful power of Broken Star Gallo was undoubtedly revealed at this moment. The heavy door groaned unwillingly and slowly opened to Gao Feng, revealing what seemed to be made of white light. world.

Tens of thousands of jade-like boulders build an arched sky. Each jade jade is a square five meters wide and five meters long. It is carved with reliefs full of alternative styles. One boulder is a relief, tens of thousands of boulders, and so on. It's the entire history of Mars.

Gao Feng never stayed on the relief for even a second, because he saw a huge stone platform in the center of the space. A huge corpse could be vaguely seen on the stone platform, but Gao Feng could not get close. Because the powerful coercion was centered on the stone platform and spread throughout the space. If the peak was not at the Broken Star level, he might have been pressed to the floor and unable to move during his first step into the room.

Gao Feng is no stranger to coercion. The Chaos God King has coercion, but it is ineffective against Broken Star. Everyone below Broken Star is an ant, and they are not even qualified to look up to the Chaos God King. Similarly, Gao Feng himself also has coercion. If Released, I believe no one can stand in front of him and look straight at him, but now, even he feels the pressure that is so heavy that he can't breathe freely. You can imagine how terrifying that corpse is. Just one corpse has such power. If it is still What kind of monstrous flame will it be like to live?

Suddenly, the word "catastrophe" jumped into Gao Feng's mind. Once upon a time, the Jialuo people had vague guesses about the improvement of power. They walked all the way from showing the front, regretting the army, splitting the mountain, and collapsing the cloud, and finally crossed the The legendary Broken Star. When he reached the Broken Star level, Gao Feng began to doubt whether there was a way forward. After all, except for him and the Chaos God King, no one had really entered the Broken Star Garro. When he reached the high level of Broken Star, I don't know how to find the rest of the way.

Gao Feng looked at the corpse in front of him with hot eyes, as if it was no longer a source of danger, but the most delicious food in the world. Gao Feng hoped to find a way to move forward. Maybe the final road lies with that corpse. At this time At this moment, all the black matter and the biological fleet were completely forgotten. The hope of the peak was to find the hope of promotion to the catastrophe. Only in this way could he have the hope of challenging the entire Moko Protoss.

He walked forward step by step. With each step forward, the pressure on Gao Feng doubled, as if he was walking under gravity. As Gao Feng moved hard, his mental space became more active, and he became more powerful. Pressure is also a type of mental power, especially here it is like substantive pressure, which continuously replenishes the spiritual power of the peak.

These spiritual powers were only a part of the corpse that had dissipated after countless years of death. Even a trivial part allowed Gao Feng to absorb it freely like a mouse falling into a rice vat. What made him even more happy was that during the absorption process , the coercion still acting on him will also forge the absorbed spiritual power, making the external spiritual power pure and avoiding the hidden dangers caused by the mixture.

It was supposed to be more difficult the further forward, but with the continuous replenishment of mental power, the peak became easier the further forward. Such a strange phenomenon made him hesitant, wondering whether it was the corpse that had been planted during his lifetime. A trap, a bait prepared for resurrection.

Gao Feng is able to reach this day, even though the world is destroyed, and still live freely and freely, it is not only relying on strength and luck. Gao Feng knows the way of choosing and choosing, and also understands some strategies and tactics. Resurrection of corpses is one of the thirty-six strategies. He does not I believe that the so-called strong man in the catastrophe will be willing to make wedding clothes for others.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Gao Feng decided to move forward. He had no way out. The threat of the Moko Protoss was always hanging over the heads of mankind, not to mention the future war between the Spirit Tribe and mankind. All of this would require destruction. the power of.

Gao Feng believed that except for himself, even if other Broken Stars came, they would not be able to get close to the corpse, because no other person could replicate the miracle of the Blue Cross Star. The existence of the source of consciousness allowed him to easily swallow the spiritual power of the outside world, and After several purifications, Gao Feng's capacity for spiritual power has exceeded Broken Star's limit. Even though he gave the source of his consciousness to Zhuang Midie, there are still some seeds left. Even if he cannot actively absorb the spiritual power around him, he can still feel at home here. . ,

With the determination to move forward, Gao Feng took the initiative to absorb more spiritual power. At this time, the spiritual power dispersed in the space changed. A series of mixed pictures flowed into Gao Feng's mind as the spiritual power was absorbed. These pictures were not continuous. Sex is like a broken jigsaw puzzle with no trace of inertia connecting the past and the future. Even so, Gao Feng has some understanding of the corpse in front of him.

Gao Feng didn't know the name of this corpse, but he knew his past. He was an indigenous strongman from the last civilization on Mars. Mars was once like the earth. Mass extinctions would occur every once in a while, and Moko was The Protoss harvested the consciousness of the world. After breaking through the Broken Star rank, this strong man once led the entire Martian civilization to resist the Moko Protoss. Due to the huge power difference, even the Moko Protoss suffered heavy casualties.

In order to avoid greater casualties, the Moko Protoss launched a biochemical weapon that changed the composition of the atmosphere. Three sunsets wiped out all life on Mars, leaving only the last refuge led by the strong to survive. The changes in the composition of the atmosphere were also irreversible. On the road to the revival of civilization, at the most desperate moment, this strong man swallowed the world consciousness of Mars first, thus breaking through the barrier of the broken star level and becoming a powerful catastrophe strongman.

It is a pity that even when he became a catastrophic expert, he still could not save the fate of civilization extinction. In extreme despair, he destroyed all the Moko Protoss in the entire solar system. In order to no longer let Mars become the harvest farm of the Moko Protoss, he further destroyed He destroyed the ecology of Mars, turned it into a dead planet, used the entire planet as his own cemetery, and committed suicide with grief, anger and strength.

This is the biggest secret of the Moko God Clan, a horrific incident that even Minnie cannot know about. It is also the most painful harvest battle for the Moko God Clan. Even death cannot quell the resentment of this catastrophic strongman towards the Moko God Clan. Black Matter It is the source of power of the powerful catastrophe, a terrifying method that can absorb all energy. Facing the powerful but fragile Moko Protoss, they are the natural enemies. Only Gao Feng can grow to the Broken Star level by himself. , a strong man with a strong physical body and a spiritual sea can walk in and get the hatred and gifts buried deep in Mars by the catastrophic strong man.

From the memory fragments, Gao Feng also learned some interesting information. Just as humans in previous lives were curious about Mars, the former Martian civilization was also curious about the earth. The distant starry sky cannot block the attraction between the two parties. As twin planets that share the basis of life, Mars Exploration satellites have been launched to the earth, and among them are biological matrices carrying native genes from Mars. Perhaps the biological populations on the earth have genetic fragments from Mars.

When various memory fragments turned into the dust of history and dissipated in Gao Feng's mind, he had already walked to the stone platform and was able to carefully observe the body lying on the stone platform. This was a man with male characteristics. The red race's strong body is like a rock carving, full of explosive power. Even if it has been dead for countless years, there is still no trace of decay, as if the owner of the body is just sleeping.


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