Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 1901 Shock

"Why are you disobedient, kid? You know there is danger, but you still insist on rushing into death. If something unexpected happens, it will be too late to regret..."

Gao Feng persuaded Alpha earnestly, and the black boy beside him nodded seriously. He had no interest in exploring Mars at all. The astronauts who landed hundreds of years ago should have become mummies long ago. They are not archaeologists. Why did you come here to collect the body?

"The engine is overloaded and takes twelve hours to cool down. Does the leader really want to take the risk of overhauling and overloading the engine again?"

Alpha is more difficult to deal with than before. He just uses engine overload to talk about things. He can't say anything about this. After all, he doesn't know anything about biological battleships. He just looks at Alpha with a lot of serious expressions until Seeing that Alpha's cheeks were red and veins appeared on his forehead, he was about to go berserk. Then he shook his head in disbelief:

"Then twelve hours, one more minute, I will slap your little ass hard..."

Hearing that Gao Feng spanked him, Alpha's cheeks turned red, like boiled shrimp shells. The little confused egg jumped and clapped his hands in cheers. Even the black boy lost his serious expression. He wanted to laugh but was embarrassed to do so.

‘Humph, I know how to bully people, but I didn’t steal anything again…. "

Alpha bared his teeth and claws in anger, looking as if he was full of energy and was about to take revenge, but he was not as persistent as before. After all, as a general, it was very embarrassing for her to have her vagina broken in front of her subordinates. Since she couldn't beat the peak, she could only Be obedient and obedient.

"By the way, the last time Alpha sister was spanked, she seemed to feel very comfortable. I didn't see her cry..."

The little confused man stabbed him at the most critical moment, causing the furious Alpha to shut down the communication, leaving Gao Feng and the black boy looking at each other, confused about the situation.

"Be vigilant at all times. If something goes wrong, enter the multidimensional space immediately..."

"Yes, sir……."

Don't expect the black boy to say more. Although he is young, his rigid and rigorous character is deeply rooted in his bones, and his face is as dull as a rock. If he were older, he would definitely be the best officer.

As the fleet flew earlier, Gao Feng became more and more uneasy, like countless caterpillars crawling around on his body. His scalp suddenly exploded. He couldn't help but ask Alpha to turn around and leave. The problem was that it would take twelve hours after the engine was overloaded. Cool down, even if you leave, you will still stay on Mars.

The ground veins of Mars are very similar to the desert Gobi on Earth. There is no trace of life. Looking down from the sky, the endless desert plain seems to have no end, all the way to the sky. As time goes by, a huge scar appears. On the earth.

This scar is also an iconic landmark of Mars, a Great Rift Valley hundreds of kilometers long. Gao Feng didn’t know why the fleet came here, but he knew that the Great Rift Valley was the fleet’s destination. As it approached the Great Rift Valley, the fleet Then he started to slow down, as if he was looking for something.

"The Great Rift Valley is the most likely place to hide underground water. If you want to establish a colony on Mars, the Great Rift Valley is a good choice. In addition, the temperature difference on Mars changes greatly, and the underground is more suitable for construction than the ground..."

Seeing the confusion on Gao Feng's face, the black boy took the initiative to introduce Gao Feng. At this time, Gao Feng's uneasiness had reached its peak, and he suddenly cut off the communication and connected to other battleships at the same time.

"Now, as the supreme commander, I order all warships to immediately return to their original route and run as far as they can. Anyone who disobeys the order will be expelled forever..."

As soon as Gao Feng finished speaking, Alpha was about to refute, but the black boy suddenly roared:

"Alpha, be careful to avoid it. There is an abnormality in the Great Rift Valley..."

Alpha didn't know what happened, but suddenly he screamed, and his whole body spun around, falling from the deck to the ceiling. However, Alpha's flagship rolled 180 degrees, as if it had been caught in a storm and capsized.

In addition to the Alpha flagship, another frigate also began to roll and completely lost control of the battleship. The remaining battleships had already obeyed Gao Feng's order and retreated at full speed, narrowly escaping the fate of capsizing. At this time, Gao Feng His pupils dilated to the limit, looking at the black storm erupting from the Great Rift Valley in shock.

This is an unknown black color that looks like thick smoke and has unimaginable kinetic energy. It can easily roll thousands of tons of boulders into the air and then grind them into grains of sand, just like dust rolling in the black mist. The two ships The battleships were also scarred under the huge force. The Alpha flagship even broke a few wings, like a dying bird, letting out its last cry.

"Supply ship, launches simulated energy black hole, reconnaissance ship, shuttles through multi-dimensional space..."

Gao Feng did not rush out rashly, but ordered the fleet to start fighting. Under his order, five simulated micro black holes appeared first in the black mist, neutralizing a large amount of black matter, revealing five huge blank areas, which happened to be The two battleships were surrounded by the black material, giving them a chance to adjust their posture.

The next moment, the golden ram of the fast reconnaissance ship broke through the barrier of space, emerged from the side of the Alpha flagship, and sprayed out hundreds of tentacle-like connecting bridges, connecting the Alpha flagship with the frigate, forming a patchwork of three warships. , is accelerating to break through the interception of black matter.

All this happened in an instant, from the appearance of the black matter to the union of the three warships, it took less than three minutes in total. In these three minutes, the Alpha flagship and frigate had lost one-third of their hulls. If it hadn't been for the core cabin not yet being Damaged, probably crashed.

If there is only a fast reconnaissance ship, it may only take a few seconds to crash into the multi-dimensional space, but if you want to drag two severely damaged warships into the multi-dimensional space together, it will take at least thirty seconds, just waiting to re-enter the multi-dimensional space. At that time, the entire Great Rift Valley erupted like a volcano, spewing out countless amounts of black material, like a black sand storm rolling up for hundreds of kilometers. Compared with the black material that hit Alpha before, it was like the sea and a stream.

Now even Gao Feng couldn't calm down anymore. The danger lingering in his mind had reached its peak, making him feel needle-like stings all over his body. He knew that no matter what, the fast reconnaissance ship would not be able to enter before it was torn apart by the black substance. In multi-dimensional space, the only way is to artificially create opportunities to buy time for the three warships.

Instantly appearing outside the battleship, Gao Feng felt the pain of being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. The energy lingering around him was also swallowed up one after another, like being absorbed by a black hole. Even Gao Feng's exclusive energy could not withstand it. If it were Bengyun Jialuo, maybe In an instant, it will be crushed into dust.

Gao Feng cannot analyze black matter. The only thing he can do is to shoot the blue exclusive energy clusters around and then detonate them. As a high-level Broken Star, the energy he possesses far exceeds the energy contained in the crystal sand. At the limit, each split-off exclusive energy cluster is equivalent to ten grains of crystal sand, and the instantaneous detonation yield is no less than a small nuclear bomb with a kiloton yield.

Even if the black matter has the ability to absorb energy, it cannot absorb the detonated energy storm in an instant. After more than ten exclusive energy groups are detonated, a powerful energy tide is formed, and in this manic energy tide, there is still a peak hidden in it. Even if they were thousands of meters apart, the peak of mental power could roughly control it, so this energy tide was like a protective shield, rotating around the three battleships, entangled and fighting with the eroding black matter.

The black matter was too powerful and overbearing. Even if Gao Feng tried his best, it still could not stop the energy from being absorbed. In less than ten seconds, the energy tide had been reduced by one-third. As time went by, the black matter's response to the energy tide The absorption will be faster and faster, and Gao Feng is worried that the remaining energy tide will not be able to buy more time.

Just when the peak was about to consume a large amount of energy again and re-ignite the energy tide, a huge black claw suddenly pressed towards the three battleships. The huge air pressure caused a huge roar like an explosion in the air-deficient mid-air. The next moment , the three battleships trembled violently amidst the huge roar, as if they would disintegrate at any time, and that was just a precursor to the fall of the giant claws. Facing such terrifying giant claws, the three large battleships were as small as miniature toys.

Even if Gao Feng wants to preserve his strength, he can't do it at this time. Whether he is a black boy or a little confused guy, they are all extremely important people to Gao Feng, and the alpha who is full of scheming and likes arrogant girls is in his mind. There is absolutely no room for error in the appointment of a Space Fleet Commander.

Facing the huge black claws like mountains, Gao Feng roared with all his strength and rushed towards the palm. At first glance, it looked like a speck of dust about to collide with the huge claws. However, in the process of approaching, Gao Feng's own energy It is also losing rapidly, almost three times the absorption of ordinary black materials. If it were replaced by other Beng Yun, it might turn into an ordinary person with no power in an instant.

Gaofeng's biggest killer move is energy analysis and the withering of all things. Most materials are as fragile to him as sand sculptures and can be easily destroyed in a short time. However, this does not include black matter. Black matter is an energy black hole. As long as If it is related to energy, it will be swallowed up and absorbed, leaving not even a trace of residue behind.

Faced with the extremely dangerous and unknown black claws, the only thing Gao Feng could do was not to use the mantis as a car, but to open the door to the multi-dimensional world in the center of the claws, hoping to use the weird rules of the multi-dimensional world to control the big claws to grab the three warships. speed.

In fact, this is not the first time Gao Feng has done this. Last time, he threw the space locator of the Moko Protoss into the multi-dimensional space, causing a complete blockade of the multi-dimensional space near the earth's orbit, thereby avoiding a catastrophe, but Gao Feng did not Just clarify the details.

The multi-dimensional space of Mars can still be opened. Gao Feng easily opened the entrance. If he wanted to escape, he only needed to jump in. The problem was that he had to fight for time. Multi-dimensional space does not blend with reality. Countless tiny grains of sand Rocks and rocks were ejected from the multi-dimensional space one after another, and countless black substances were also involved in the multi-dimensional space and suddenly dissipated inside.

The entrance to the multi-dimensional space is like a vacuum cleaner, which can suck in the outside gas. The inexplicable black matter can't escape the suction of the multi-dimensional space. It passes by Gao Feng and is sucked in. However, Gao Feng feels extremely tired because he maintains The passage requires a lot of mental power. Every second, his mental power consumes at least five percent.

In less than ten seconds, the peak consumed about 50% of the mental power. Around him, countless broken rocks and ores appeared continuously like hourglasses and fell to the surface. At the same time, black matter formed The sharp claws are also imprisoned, constantly in a stalemate between disappearance and replenishment.

Obviously, this giant concrete claw has quite abundant backup. No matter how much black matter is absorbed into the multi-dimensional space, the Grand Canyon will still continuously replenish its energy. Unfortunately, the peak cannot be replenished with spiritual power. Once the consumption exceeds 60%, , he will fall into a dizzy state, and if it exceeds 80%, he will definitely fall into a coma.

At this time, Gao Feng didn't think about anything. He only hoped that the black boy could live up to his expectations and crash into the multidimensional space a second earlier so that he could be freed. He stared at the three warships in a daze for a while, and then disappeared completely. Gao Feng's heart, which had been hanging for a long time, finally dropped. , it is necessary to squeeze into the multi-dimensional space and have a good rest.

Unexpectedly, a repulsive force came from the multi-dimensional space, suddenly closing the entrance to Gao Feng's maintenance, and also squeezed Gao Feng out of the multi-dimensional space, and fell into reality. In just a moment, Gao Feng understood the problem, multi-dimensional space It is impossible to maintain two passages at the same time. If one is opened, the other will inevitably be closed, and Gaofeng becomes a rejected heterogeneous molecule.

Gao Feng was drawn into the black matter without any resistance, and the energy in his body continued to leak out at an unimaginable speed. The only consolation was that the overall energy of Broken Star Gallo was huge, and even if it leaked, it could still support some Time, at the same time, the peak was not the main target of the giant black claw. After it lost the traces of the three warships, it continued to grab the other two fleeing warships, as if it must get something before it could give up.


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