Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1871 Stalemate and Change

This roar echoed in everyone's mind. Because of the changes deep in their hearts, the pressure of the Chaos God King relaxed slightly. The Dark Demon and Yue Lasha, who had been accumulating power, released their most powerful attacks at the same time, like two free-spirited attacks. The dragon made of light ribbons flew towards the Chaos God King.

Such a powerful energy attack was disintegrated by the Chaos God King before he could reach him, but he didn't care to clean up the two bugs that offended him, and looked around for the guy who could whisper deep in his heart.

The Chaos God King likes to whisper in the hearts of others, as if he has insight into everything about the other person, and has a sense of superiority brought about by complete control, but he never wants anyone to whisper in his heart, just like a little thief who has been hiding for years, and does not want to save his own money. The money was stolen by other thieves.

"Don't you know who I am? I'm not that easy for you to digest..."

Gao Feng's whisper echoed deep in the Chaos God King's heart again. This time he deliberately spoke slowly, so slowly that the Chaos God King could hear Gao Feng's voice. After all, Gao Feng was one of the few opponents who could make the Chaos God King take it seriously. .

"It's you. How could you not be dead? No, it's the source of consciousness. It must be the source of consciousness. No wonder I can't absorb the source of consciousness. You must be at fault..."

The Chaos God King no longer cared about eating Gao Feng's wife and children, and desperately questioned in his heart. Because of his anger, his pressure was even more terrifying, and everyone in the entire valley fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

"You are not dead yet, so how can I die? The battle between you and me is not over yet. I will haunt you forever until you die, unless you spit out the source of your will..."

Gao Feng originally planned to use intimidation to upset the Chaos God King, but when he thought that his wife and children were the food ordered by the Chaos God King, he could intimidate but could not stop him. He could only divert the Chaos God King's attention to his will. Basically, he pretended that he deliberately said the wrong thing to make the Chaos God King think that he was afraid of death.

"Don't even think about being swallowed by me. Apart from becoming a part of me, you will never appear again. Just wait..."

When the Chaos God King spoke, he mobilized all the energy in his body and accelerated the devouring. In his body, countless tiny creatures were grinding the ball that wrapped the source of will like a millstone. Under the grinding of these tiny creatures, the peak reached the Chaos God King. The angry cry in my heart:

"Do you really think you can devour me like this? You are just dreaming. I will fight you until death..."

"Hahaha, don't worry if you keep talking even when you are about to die. Your woman and child will be with you soon. After you are digested by me..."

The Chaos God King felt that he had found a flaw in Gao Feng and was extremely happy. While it undermined Gao Feng's confidence, he was also accelerating his devouring speed, causing the size he maintained in front of him to shrink.

Gao Feng was completely relieved now. The Chaos God King would not touch his wife and children again before he was killed. However, Gao Feng did not really think that the Chaos God King would stop. At least before the Chaos God King was killed, his My wife and children are still under threat.

Although the Chaos God King decided not to eat Aurora for the time being, it did not mean that he would let it go. In his eyes, everyone in the valley was just a group of ants, and he did not take it to heart at all. They just sat carelessly on the roof of the float prepared by the chief judge. , working towards peak digestion.

The terrifying pressure disappeared when the Chaos God King turned his attention to the peak. Yue Lasha and Dark Demon were the first to regain their freedom, followed by most of the middle and low-level Jia Luo and women and children who were almost shocked, but they could not leave the valley. , because the Chaos God King has left a warning in their minds.

The valley just returned to calm. The Chaos God King sat motionless on the roof of the car, trying his best to digest the peak in his stomach. However, everyone in the valley still lived in the same way as before. Apart from being unable to leave, there were no changes. The only change was , neither the people inside the valley nor the convoys transporting supplies outside can cross the dividing line at the valley mouth. Once they get close, the opportunity will turn into fly ash and disappear completely.

After Kalea woke up, she tried her best to send Aurora and Xuantian out of the valley. Unfortunately, even if the Chaos God King sat still, they were not something they could deal with. Lightning, flames, miniature black holes, and inexplicable The violent winds that appeared were terrifying weapons that killed people without blood. Anyone who came into contact with Aurora and Xuantian would disappear in an instant.

As the days passed, the food stored in the valley became less and less. In order to ensure food rations, acres and acres of fields were reclaimed one after another, and wild beasts in the mountains slowly multiplied and multiplied. Sufficient snow water made the valley full of water and grass. If Without the terrible scourge of the Chaos God King, the Raging Snow Valley would be a true paradise.

Fortunately, the Chaos God King did not make any unnecessary moves other than not letting people leave or come in. Even if he was worried every day, he got used to it over time. Yan Twenty-Nine and other high-level officials in the wilderness temporarily gave up the rescue operation. Focus more energy on the packaging of the space city in lunar orbit. Once the packaging is completed, it means that the space city can be completely isolated from the vacuum and initially build an ecological cycle system.

Of course, giving up rescue does not mean completely ignoring the Raging Snow Valley. On the edge of the Raging Snow Valley, there are three weird biological warships cruising around day and night. If it weren’t for the comfort of Gao Feng’s family, the stubborn Alpha would have taken the initiative more than once. The urge to attack the Chaos God King, fortunately, Wen Xin'er always has a way to soften Alpha's attitude and make the other party obey her words.

After the space city was encapsulated, another half year passed. In half a year, the oxygen generation system was almost completed. Then the launch of artificial gravity equipment and the installation of the water circulation system began. As long as these two systems are completed, in theory, people can be stationed and start the starry sky. life on.

The faster the construction progress of the space city, the more serious the wilderness's expropriation of the interior. Too many materials disappeared in the earth's orbit. It is impossible to build a space city with the wilderness alone. Fortunately, there are hundreds of years of essence of the underground world, and countless underground cities have been destroyed. After being completely dismantled and refined into raw materials, countless tree people occupying the underground city were cleared out, and many warehouses that only existed in secrets were dug out to provide various materials and resources.

The alien fire dragon and the little thing are the two main forces in the conquest of the underground world. With the cooperation of the underground people, many cities that have been occupied for decades have been recovered. Factories and research institutes lost due to the black magic virus have also been reopened. Many Recovering the lost technology was an unexpected surprise. The biggest surprise was a completely sealed biological cultivation center. Terrifying beasts that could rival Bengyun Jialuo were once cultivated here. This also allowed the savage beasts to immigrate to space. Basically, at least there is no need to worry about the beasts starving to death due to lack of food.

The development of the underground world eventually has its limit, and after a brief period of reflection, the changes in the world's environment have become more intense. Yellow sand has gradually appeared in the prairie that once stretched for tens of thousands of miles, and the places with abundant water sources in many rivers and lakes have gradually begun to lack water. Water, as for the originally arid area, had long been deserted for thousands of miles, but it was the outbreak point of disaster. A huge lake with a radius of thousands of miles appeared in the southeast, submerging the traces of Gao Feng and his comrades after the battle.

In order to obtain resources, he joined the Blood Sea Fleet of Charlotte and Adriana's fleet. After completing the deep space transformation, he officially embarked on the road of plundering resources. The first step was to demolish the cities built by the Chaos Front in the prairie, regardless of the buildings. Still steel walls, they were all turned into raw materials and transported back to the wilderness. They even went on an expedition to Europe to reach a trade agreement with Charles, who was still living. He exchanged Charles's scarce food for a large amount of equipment and materials, and even moved the moderator training base back. set.

Not only the land of Europe, but also the land of the Americas cannot escape the raids of the fleet. With the map provided by Alpha Little Loli, the Blood Sea Fleet has almost swept across the entire America. It grabs the things that are worth it and grabs the things that are worth noting. If you need what you need, use the large amount of meat hunted by the fleet as a bargaining chip to exchange for mined ore. Even the most mysterious place in Africa is visited by the fleet. For a time, the entire world provides resources for the wilderness.

Even so, the life of ordinary people in the wilderness is not good. Most of the materials are sent to space, and the various foods produced in the underground city are loaded on transport ships and sent to various parts of the world to exchange for ores and semi-finished products. Material control is originally The more severe the situation, even the Blood Prison family was affected. For supplies and food, high-ranking Jialuo directly put down his face and followed the fleet to burn, kill and loot around the world, just to provide more food and treatment for the family's children.

The desolate people were the first to be unable to bear this kind of slow death. They robbed transport convoys more and more frequently, but never succeeded. Haidongqing, who was spread all over the wilderness, fed back countless intelligence to the wilderness. The desolate people who robbed had just set out. The team got the news, and then they sat back and waited for their arrival.

Even so, the desert people never tired of it, because they were either shot for robbing the convoy, or they stayed in the tribe and starved to death. At first, there were young and strong desert warriors who went out to rob. Later, almost the entire tribe’s elders Weak women and children participated in the looting, leaving thousands of deserters to die in vain under the automatic weapons of the convoy.

The almost suicidal plundering method of the desert people has made many management of the wilderness criticized. They have raised objections to Yan Twenty-Jiu again and again, preferring to give the desert people more assistance than massacre. Unfortunately, Yan Twenty-Jiu has a heart of stone. , never wavered.

The final result was that the northern desert people began a long migration. They either entered the land of ice and snow and disappeared silently, or entered the underground world and became cannon fodder for exploring unknown areas. Some also took the initiative to learn the farm technology of the underground world and became resources. Provider, and the powerful Jade Clan was reduced to the ordinary Jialuo Clan through splits and became part of the wilderness system.

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