Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Age of Darkness at the End of the World Text 1870 When you succeed, you become rampant

The Chaos God King laughed wildly. He won, he won completely. The peak does not have the characteristics of immortality, let alone super self-healing. If the arm is cut off, it will not grow back, and if the internal organs are torn apart, it will not grow back. Put it back, as long as he swallows the peak, there will no longer be this annoying guy in the world.

Before the wild laughter from the soul stopped, the arm that passed through the chest of the Chaos God King suddenly broke and dissipated like floating petals. The three-edged sword also fell from the air and fell straight into the clouds. Then, the peak His body was also collapsing. The Chaos God King stopped all movements and began to twist and grow. In order to restore his original body shape, only the eyeballs on his chest stared at the collapsing peak, waiting for the source of his will to appear.

The peak is like a person made of ashes. When blown gently, it turns into thousands of dust and flies away with the wind. In the blink of an eye, the peak disappears with arms, legs, body, and finally only the head remains, but the head is also gone. It didn't last long before it dissipated completely, leaving behind a strange halo as big as a button. This halo was like a brilliant galaxy, shining with countless tiny stars.

Seeing the halo composed of stars, the one-eyed pupil on the Chaos God King's chest suddenly expanded to the limit, filled with greed. If the Chaos God King's chest opened his mouth, he would definitely be salivating. The source of consciousness he desperately longed for finally appeared. The quality is still higher than before the integration peak of the day.

The unparalleled sharp golden arm knife quietly transformed into an arm. The blade-like palm slowly split and opened to form slender fingers. Each finger was perfect. The palm made of five fingers was equally perfect, just like a peerless one. The beauty's slender little hands were only a few sizes too big. When she held her palms towards the halo suspended in the air, the Chaos God King, who had not yet grown his head, seemed to be intoxicated by the intoxicating fragrance of the halo.

The next moment, the palm of his hand changed from grabbing to grabbing, and from grasping to planing, but no matter how he changed, he couldn't get it in his hand. It was like there was an invisible film between him, which made the Chaos God King anxious. Fortunately, no one was fighting with him at this time, giving him time to return his body to normal.

Under the premise of lack of energy, the Chaos God King's recovery was only roughly normal. His originally straight legs were shorter than his arms, and his arms were also abnormal. Except for the original arms, the newly grown arms were obviously shorter. It was half in length, with only three fingers, like chicken feet spread out in the wrong place. As for his head, it is very appropriate to describe it as a new bamboo shoot. It was only the size of a fist, and it was hard to tell whether it was a head or a rough stone.

In any case, the Chaos God King must also take down the source of consciousness. Only by obtaining this, can he have the legal identity to replace the world's consciousness. He no longer needs to spend endless time learning how to condense the source and how to grow into a new world source. Just like taking a body, if you eat the host's soul, you will have the host's memory, instead of starting from being literate and becoming a postdoctoral fellow.

At first it was greedy joy, then impatience, and finally boundless anger. The Chaos God King completed the changes in three emotions in less than an hour. Because the source of consciousness did not give him face, he would not be disrespectful to him at all. He can see it, but he can't eat it.

But the extremely angry Chaos God King couldn't even find a place to curse. He could only form a terrifying coercion, twisting and squeezing the storm of hundreds of miles, and finally turned into a storm ball less than a mile, a huge storm. The ball contains unimaginable terrifying power, but under the terrifying pressure of the Chaos God King, it can only rotate steadily, not even a trace of airflow can escape, and the hundreds of years of angry snow storms have completely dissipated. The chasm between the wilderness and the Rus people quietly disappeared.

When his anger failed to allow the Chaos God King to obtain the button-sized source of will, he calmed down completely. After a long time, the Chaos God King suddenly changed again, lengthening and widening himself, like a giant human skin, and then It covered the source of will, then shrank, and finally formed a basketball-like ball inside his body. With this ball, the Chaos God King tried to move, and then felt a little relieved. At least he had a way to bring this thing with him. Walk.

The Chaos God King never imagined that he would take away not only the source of consciousness, but also the peak. At the last moment, the peak analyzed himself as a material and completely abandoned the energy incarnation body. Only the spiritual power is retained as the core, the energy transformed body is completely crushed, and then the essence is refined.

It's a pity that Gao Feng ignored the carrier of spiritual power and completely analyzed himself, which also meant suicide, because he eliminated the carrier of spiritual power. Without the source of consciousness, perhaps the moment he analyzed himself, his thinking and spiritual power would be lost. It will fade away with the wind, and its soul will be scattered.

Fortunately, the source of consciousness can serve as a carrier for the time being, but it is very different from Gao Feng's own body, and the effect produced is less than one out of ten. And Gao Feng's perception also collapses with itself, and there is not much left, making the integration even more difficult. Difficulty, the most important thing is that essence is a process of eliminating the unnecessary and retaining the essential, which means that most magazines will be discarded. Even if Gao Feng has been promoted to Broken Star Gallo, the essence that makes up his body still retains biological characteristics. If it is After all these are removed, the rebuilt body is probably no bigger than a basketball, and is as concentrated as the crystal sand he refined.

These mistakes should not have happened. If Gao Feng had not reached a desperate situation and did not want to be killed and eaten by the Chaos God King, he would not have taken this step. Fortunately, after Gao Feng refined himself, he divided himself into invisible The spiritual body no longer needs to be afraid of the harm from the Chaos God King, and at the same time it retains the origin of consciousness. The problem is that the peak has no more material to build itself.

Just like a person preparing to complete a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation, preparing countless treasures as raw materials, only to find that the resources he prepared are only enough to complete one-tenth of the content, and this one-tenth cannot even build the skeleton. Gao Feng's The situation is worse than this. If he uses existing materials to build himself, he may become a newborn baby at most. And what makes him even more depressed is that this baby will never grow up, because growth does not require nutrition. , but the same refined substance, where can he find several of himself who are also at the Broken Star level?

The Chaos God King placed the ball formed by Gao Feng in his stomach. He thought arrogantly that he would be able to digest it in just a certain amount of time. However, Gao Feng thought depressingly that if he could build a new body, then he would be eliminated. Was he born from the Chaos God King? Thinking about it makes me feel sick. I shouldn't be too sad to be born by a male.

The Chaos God King did not understand Gao Feng's thoughts, and he did not know that he had put a scourge in his belly that he wanted to die with at any time. He thought it was a treasure. He could not travel through multi-dimensional space with the ball, nor could he move quickly, but he did not He didn't care, without the peak, there would be no opponents worthy of him in this world, and the rest would be just food.

Holding his round belly, the Chaos God King descended excitedly, landing in the Snowy Valley where there was no ice or snow anymore. On the vast black land, streams criss-crossed, and the sound of gurgling water created a crisp and sweet symphony in the mist that shrouded the valley. Song, the mountain forest not far away shakes off the white frost, showing the delicate green color. Although it is not spring and the flowers are blooming, it still has a unique natural beauty.

The comatose people in the valley have woken up, and most people still have traces of blood on their facial features. They are busy crazily, packing all kinds of food, preparing transportation vehicles, and making preparations for evacuation. Obviously they don’t think that the Raging Snow Valley is still there. Safe, and in the center of the crowd, the Chief Justice was commanding the maintenance of vehicles with ease. The white-haired Youming was like an old lady who had run out of energy. She was supported by Yue Laisha. She looked eagerly at the convoy that was about to set off, anxious from time to time. And looking longingly at the sky, when she saw the bright golden figure falling from the sky, she suddenly turned into infinite despair.

Invisible pressure came from the sky. The busy people seemed to have pressed the pause button and stiffened at the same time. Even the strong ones such as Kalea and Dark Demon could not move freely and could only look at the round belly helplessly. The rolling Chaos God King descended from the sky.

The Chaos God King who fell to the ground was not anxious. He was as relaxed as a tourist. He looked around at the desperate expressions of everyone and savored the details. It was like walking in an art exhibition and appreciating the unique and obscure beauty of the artwork. .

At this moment, the Chaos God King shed the humility and insignificance of the God Lord Xingjie. His dignified, noble and elegant demeanor was a standard example of a nobleman. Even though his head was rough and weird, and his legs floating on the ground were deformed and ugly, but It still didn't affect his gentleness at this time, even though the eyes on his chest seemed to have nothing to do with humans.

"Oh..., isn't this my dear brother? You finally found Kalea and the family was reunited?"

Like a wandering spirit, the Chaos God King floated to the side of the Chancellor. The eyes on his chest looked at the other person strangely. In the Judge's obscure and desperate eyes, he echoed in the other side's mind with an unusually proud soul whisper.

"Let my granddaughter go, I am willing to obey any order you give, even if you let me die..."

The chief judge blocked the naughty Aurora behind him and begged the Chaos God King in a humble manner. Unfortunately, his pleading was destined not to impress the Chaos God King. His old body was floating as if it had lost gravity, revealing the curiosity behind him. silver-haired little loli.

The moment he saw Aurora, the one eye of the Chaos God King suddenly released a look of surprise and greed. He stretched out his only intact arm towards the ignorant Aurora, just when his finger was about to touch Aurora's. When his hair was stranded, a shrill wail suddenly interrupted the movements of the Chaos God King. He felt strong mental fluctuations like a hurricane. This mental fluctuation had a strong emotion of despair to the extreme. It was the awakening of Kalea. mental strength.

Because of despair that her daughter was about to be harmed, Kalea awakened her spiritual power. At the moment of awakening, she turned into an invisible hurricane, sweeping and impacting in all directions. But before she could show her powerful power, she was under the pressure of the Chaos God King. Down, dissolved into nothingness.

Without the suppression of the Chaos God King, the spiritual impact of Kalea's awakening would kill the entire valley in an instant. It is a qualitative change that relies on perfect genes and is the source of power beyond ordinary life. It is also the source of power for the Chaos God King. The enviable perfect awakening. Once awakened, you will have the peak combat power of the Chaos God King before his transformation. There is no need to devour countless humans and creatures to perfect yourself, and there is no need to endure torture-like genetic collapse. This is the uniqueness of the naturally strong. Enjoying a patent, it is also a unique ability that the Chaos God King is jealous of.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a pity. If you had awakened earlier, I wouldn't have been able to kill that person so easily. The only enemy that could pose a threat to me. It seems that heaven and earth still love me more..."

Facing Kalea who immediately fell into a coma after awakening, but was floating in the air without dust, the Chaos God King sighed in his heart, but he was even more joyful. After awakening, Kalea was more valuable. If she was eaten by him, not only would she be It can replenish plump energy and increase his mental strength.

Then he turned his attention to Aurora. The value of this little girl is not inferior to Aurora. This is the combination of perfect genes and Gaara. She is also born strong, but she has not grown up. If she eats her now , seems a bit wasteful?

As the evil research of the Chaos God King continued to release malicious emotions, Aurora also felt the terror of the other party. Her little mouth tightened and she cried loudly. The Chaos God King couldn't stand the noise, and the palm he stretched out to Aurora suddenly cracked. He opened it, revealing a big mouth full of fangs, and was about to tear the tender Aurora into pieces and devour it. He only heard an angry and crisp roar, like the roar of a cub, and a small figure hit like a cannonball. To the back of the hand of the Chaos God King.

The Chaos God King was disdainful and mobilized the energy around him to smash the guy who interrupted his eating. Unexpectedly, the little energy he mobilized was knocked away by another weak exclusive energy, and then the back of his hand was knocked away.

A small lolita, not much bigger than Aurora, stood behind him. Xuan Tian glared angrily at the Chaos God King, baring his teeth like a wolf cub demonstrating after being threatened. While growling, Aurora tightly grasped the corner of her brother's clothes, stared at the Chaos God King with her big tearful eyes, and made a babbling scream.

"Hahaha, today is really my lucky day. Another delicious dish is served. I can't bear to eat it all at once. Good things should be shared slowly..."

When the Chaos God King saw Xuantian, he was immediately surprised. This five- or six-year-old little boy also possesses unimaginable energy. Perhaps he is like the so-called Bengyu Jialuo, but he has unimaginable purity. This kind of pure energy , is most suitable for the Chaos God King to replenish himself. Even if it is only a little bit, it can be used as a primer to continuously attract the energy scattered between the heaven and the earth, allowing him to devour it.

"As long as I'm here, you will never be able to eat..."

The cold voice that seemed to come from hell echoed deep in the heart of the Chaos God King, like thunder, making all the muscles in the Chaos God King's body tremble at the same time, and he couldn't help but roar:

"Who are you……"

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