Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 1854 Regardless of Face

The misfortune-ridden God Lord Xingjie no longer had the arrogance of before. Dragging only his upper body, he continued to pursue the direction in which Maple Leaf Madness disappeared. If anyone observed his expression carefully, he would definitely be able to find the desolation in his six eyes. And sad emotions, this kind of emotion can only appear in unlucky ghosts. Obviously, the Chaos God King who possesses it is the unlucky ghost. The continuous heavy injuries have damaged the clone. In order to save the clone, he even slept in the multi-dimensional world. The main body also had to take action.

The main body, whose strength has been weakened to the extreme, can only save the clone. Unexpectedly, the fast reconnaissance ship will follow it into the multi-dimensional space. If the fast reconnaissance ship discovers the reality of the main body, there is no need to wait for the clone to bring back the energy. The biological warship can In the multi-dimensional space, the Chaos God King completely fell and became one of the many broken lines in the multi-dimensional space.

In order to scare off the biological warship, the Chaos God King had to use the remaining energy of the main body again and tried his best to leave a mark on the fast reconnaissance ship. Even so, the fast reconnaissance ship took the opportunity to take away half of the clone's body, resulting in The powerful God King couldn't even muster the energy to repair the clone. As a last resort, he threw the clone out in order to take another gamble.

At this moment, the Chaos God King was desperate, and even gave up on himself while holding a broken jar. If he hadn't vaguely felt that the enemy with the source of will was also sleeping in the multidimensional space, it is impossible for him to let the clone launch a suicidal attack. At least he persisted. The final dignity.

Fearless and believing that nothing in the world could stop him, His Excellency the God-King hesitated amid various traumas and worries. It took him a while to get rid of the negative emotions. He did not dare to turn his half-broken body into a big golden light bulb. He learned to hide himself and groped forward quietly in the direction of the top family. In this way, his speed became even slower. By the time he found the first top family's residence, it was already a mess.

Most of this complex of buildings hidden in the mountains are only ruins, and even neighboring peaks have broken and collapsed. People like ants cried and rummaged through the bricks and stones, digging out the mutilated corpses one after another. Luo gathered together and argued with each other about something. After the family suffered a drastic change, these so-called strong men did not want to face each other with unity. Instead, they immediately had differences and divided into several factions, competing for leadership.

If you are familiar with the rules of Gallo, you will definitely become accustomed to it. When the peak combat power of a family falls, the first thing that the remaining high-level Gallo in the family will think of is to separate the family. After all, there are differences in closeness within the family, and some people will always be marginalized. Suddenly After discovering that he has become one of the strongest members of the family, he naturally has the idea of ​​​​turning over and becoming the master.

When the Split Shangaras were arguing with each other, they heard a burst of shrill laughter, like the roar of a ghost, piercing their hearts, and then each Split Shankara lost his head in the flashing afterimage and spurted out The bloody spring water forms new blood cells...

Easily killing the Rishan Jialuo who once didn't even look at him, the God Lord Xingjie regained a little bit of confidence. With majestic and indifferent eyes, he looked at the middle and low-level Jialuo who were running around, thinking about whether he should not do that. Picky eaters and devour the blood of these people?

After a few seconds, God Lord Xingjie still gave up this undignified idea. It was not that he maintained his own identity, but that the blood energy of these ants was so meager that even if they absorbed it, there would be no benefit and it would be a waste of time. So he turned around gracefully, He headed towards the second top family station with his body without legs and waist.

Just as he crossed the broken mountain peak and continued to move forward, he suddenly saw a corpse with half of its chest missing. This was the corpse of Bengyun Jialuo. The missing part was the part of the energy-incarnated body. It should be They were leftovers eaten by vine-covered barbarians.

"It seems there is still some energy left, would you like it?"

This shameful thought flashed through the mind of God Lord Xingjie. It took less than a second for him to shake his head and get rid of this crazy idea. No matter how downcast he was, he was still a powerful Chaos God King. How could he pick up what others left behind? ? Isn't this a beggar?

God Lord Xingjie gritted his teeth, closed his eyes to the corpse, and continued to move forward. In the blink of an eye, his figure was no longer visible. Only the corpse remained on the ground, waiting to be transformed into free energy. Completely disappear, maybe there will still be some energy pool left.

Suddenly, a shadow covered the corpse, and the God of Punishment reappeared next to the corpse. With a fierce determination on his face, like a desperate desperado facing a desperate situation, he picked up the corpse and stuffed it into his mouth, eating it while eating. While muttering:

"It's the clone that wants to eat, not me. It's the clone that wants to eat, not me. How could I, the Chaos God King, be so mean? It's all the clone's fault. It lacks energy. Even the clone is no longer obedient. I really can't help it, ah ah Ahh..."

The giant ape self-destructed at the last moment of the battle with the Chaos God King, which not only severely damaged the Chaos God King's body, but also triggered a devastating explosion, causing a chain reaction in the earth's climate, causing global catastrophic changes, not only causing the southeastern land to become a lifeless place The restricted area has also caused biological extinction in many places due to natural disasters.

However, this kind of biological extinction does not happen overnight. It takes more time to simmer. After a fierce rebound, the climate environment begins to gradually calm down. There may still be deeper changes, causing the biological environment that countless creatures rely on to become Even worse, but in a short period of time, it gave those biological populations on the verge of extinction a breath of relief, just like a noose that was extremely strong at first. When the noose was loosened, the oxygen around them continued to lose, until it completely changed. It creates a vacuum that cannot survive, but before the vacuum is formed, the creatures living in the house can still survive with difficulty.

Not everyone knows about the irreversible catastrophic changes in the world. Most people cheer for the natural disasters that gradually subside. The remaining humans around the world come out of their strong shelters and start to reclaim land, build houses, and hunt wild beasts again. , rebuild their home from the ruins, and continue to thrive according to the life patterns of their ancestors for hundreds of years. They may encounter drought, famine, beast attacks, and plunder from wandering tribes, but as long as they can still breathe, they will continue to Survive until the final disaster strikes.

The heavy rain in the wilderness and the violent electromagnetic storm caused countless busy people to press the pause button on their work, and the returning light of the world once again filled countless people's short leisure with arduous work, and countless mines were flooded by floods. , pumping water day and night, some mines that are in urgent need have taken the lead in restoring production.

The wilderness with tens of thousands of refugees in the Free City alleviated the lack of manpower. In order to have a full stomach and obtain an above-average living standard, the refugees who lost their homes had to complete various tasks as assigned by the senior management of the wilderness. For this kind of work, they may not be able to compare with the efficiency of industrial robots, but under the guidance of the plan formulated by the deputy brain, their role is no worse than that of machines that only follow the program.

In addition to the refugees from the Free City, the northern wilderness people who have been unable to integrate into the wilderness system also lost this year's food harvest due to floods. Not only did the grain in the fields fail, but also when the floods flooded, the livestock kept in captivity There were also a large number of deaths. After the corpses were soaked in floods, an irreversible plague occurred. Due to lack of food and rampant diseases, the Jade tribe had to put down their posture and bow their heads to the wilderness. A large number of young and strong laborers walked out of the conservative tribe. Trying to participate in the production and construction of the wilderness, they may not be able to master various technologies in a short period of time, but they can do some simple physical work and free up more people.

Not only the northern wilderness, but also the Ross people behind the raging snow storm also took the initiative to send personnel to communicate with the wilderness. With Anastasia's best efforts to moderate, the Ross people were not hostile to the wilderness forces. In addition to the Snow Queen's strict order, there were also That day, the threat of the scale-armored clones to drive away the Abyss Demonic Eagle, coupled with the various material support Anastasia shamelessly obtained, allowed the two peoples to begin a limited integration. However, in the territory of the Ross people, Xian Zhao led the two More than a thousand troops were stationed to guard the passage connecting the two sides.

With the influx of a large number of people into the wilderness, the food crisis in the wilderness has been aggravated, and many management problems have also arisen, especially when the locals have formed a fixed scope of interests, and there have been many frictions between outsiders and locals, but these have It cannot be concealed. The productivity of the wilderness is gradually expanding. New factories are being built every day. Countless ores are refined and processed to become parts or raw materials for production. There are also a large number of engineering equipment assembled and produced. It presents a kind of morbid prosperity, just like a country that is about to fall. The artist desperately consumes his energy and energy, just to complete his most proud work at the moment before dying.

In less than three days, the electromagnetic launch track had been repaired, and hundreds of material space capsules were transported from underground to the launch site, and soon they were continuously sent into space. Before that, the Shahu battleship in May had already Take off first and head to the moon.

The Shahu warships are now very different from before in terms of number and appearance. Seven Shahus are enough to form a small formation. Each Shahu is loaded with four half-arc external storage compartments outside the hull. Each external storage compartment can carry Eighteen tons of supplies. In addition, every time Shahu takes off, it can also carry ten additional industrial robots that can operate in space. In this way, the efficiency of transporting supplies is even higher than the electromagnetic launch track, especially in the Charlotte fleet. After officially entering the wilderness, more Sand Fox warships will be transformed in a short period of time.

Of course, Yan Twenty-nine will not do this for the time being. First, she must convince the fleet commander that Charlotte and Adriana voluntarily accept the battleship transformation. In addition, she must retain the always powerful sky fleet in the wilderness for defense. Top family offense.

The information brought back by Xiao Tiange aroused the strong attention of Yan Erjiu and the senior officials of the Wilderness. Although Bengyun of these top families had been expelled after the emergence of Maple Leaf Mania, they were always uneasy, especially inside the Wilderness. Several Bengyun Jia Luo are from top families. On the premise that Gao Feng has not returned, even Yan Twenty-Jiu dares to trust them too much. As for the alien beasts, fire dragons and little things, they have nothing to do with Half-Step Broken Star. For those who knew Yan Erjiu, he could only barely defend the wilderness and could not even talk about taking the initiative to attack.

In this way, the wilderness and the top families have become two enemies. Although the wilderness has resumed the upsurge of mass production, there is always a faint cloud permeating the sky in the wilderness. Even Anastasia, who is good at dancing with long sleeves, He also warned Yan Erjiu that the Qingcheng family was thinking of ways to recall Qingcheng Feixue and Qingcheng Wushuang. This made Yan Erjiu even more vigilant. He once wondered if he was too anxious and let the top families notice in advance. Danger, so the dog jumps over the wall.

In fact, Ye Ye's strength is not bad, but Yan Twenty-Jiu has always felt insecure. In addition to her nature as a woman, her shallow understanding of Jia Luo is also one of the reasons. The disadvantage of having no strength, Yan Twenty-Jiu has Jiu's performance was vivid and vivid. If Gao Feng hadn't once joked that the alien fire dragon could easily kill the three Bengyun Jialuo in Freedom City, she might not have been able to make up her mind to eliminate the hidden dangers in Freedom City and plunder the Freedom City. The civilians were used by the wilderness. Even so, she was still afraid of not being safe, so she sent the little ones out.

While ensuring the safety of the wilderness as much as possible, the senior management of the wilderness has almost confirmed the damage to Gaofeng. Moreover, the return of the fleet has proved that the Chaos God King is too powerful to resist. Although except Masati, who firmly believes that Gaofeng will be fine, who can say the final outcome? Gotta be clear? Especially the battle in the southeast caused catastrophe, sweeping almost two-thirds of the Chinese land. At one point, the returning fleet had to make an emergency landing and wait for the electromagnetic storm to subside.

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