Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1853 Tragic Encounter

If the sky is as bright as before, standing at the top of the sky, you will definitely be able to see a strange chase taking place in mid-air. At the front are several Bengyun Jialuo with light wings, who are stimulating energy regardless of the cost. , fled towards the family station, followed closely behind them was a tree demon-like creature. Different from the tree man, the tree demon's body was covered with vines, like an evil tentacle monster, but its face was that of a bearded man. The middle-aged man's eyes had no emotions that humans should have, only an indifferent pale color. There were still dark red blood stains on his mouth and beard. The blood stains had dried up and could not nourish his bloodthirsty heart.

Behind Maple Leaf Madness, the demon-like God Lord Xingjie was following in a sneaky manner. Compared to the two chasing and escaping parties in front, he was the fastest, but he never surpassed him. Instead, he followed closely, looking for opportunities to do that last thing. oriole.

The two parties chasing each other unexpectedly encountered a dilapidated fleet. This fleet obviously did not belong to each other and was vaguely divided into three parties. On one side was a blood sea fleet composed of seven or eight dilapidated warships, and on the other side were several monster-shaped creatures. Among the battleships, there is another side with the largest number and the strictest formation, consisting of hundreds of light and heavy battleships and various auxiliary ships. Although the appearance is also dilapidated, it looks extremely bright compared to the Blood Sea Fleet.

The fleet unexpectedly encountered the chasing Bengyun Jialuo, but their routes did not intersect, just like two parallel lines. Neither Holy Lord Bengyun nor the fleet had any intention of taking action. Even the Maple Leaf Maniac, who was full of appetite, There is no intention to deal with a fleet that does not even have Bengyun Jialuo.

The two sides passed each other like this. Not long after, God Lord Xingjie appeared within the scanning range of the fleet. Seeing such a huge fleet, God Lord Xingjie was also stunned. He suddenly muttered in his heart that it seemed that this fleet belonged to the Chaos Front. It was a standard battleship. I didn’t expect that after experiencing the catastrophe, there would be no less than an integrated fleet left.

Because they were not under each other's control, and because there were too many Adriana ships, the Blood Sea Fleet and the Biological Fleet were inadvertently pushed to the back. They were not seen by the God of Tribulation, causing an unexpected misunderstanding. Just as the fleet was preparing While waiting for this weird guy to pass by, God Lord Xingjie took the initiative to greet him, conveying his voice with a thunderous roar.

"I am the clone of the Chaos God King. Which army group do you belong to? Come and report to me quickly..."

In the eyes of the Chaos God King, the Chaos fleet and its officers and soldiers are equivalent to disposable tools. It is only natural to serve him. Keep them by your side first, and let the fleet come when you need cannon fodder. It is better to find opportunities to collect benefits by yourself. It's better to do it yourself.

But he would never have thought that his fleet would defect to the enemy. What he never thought was that one of the commanders of the fleet, Charlotte, was once a persecuted veteran of the human eradication operation and had a blood feud with him. While he was waiting When the fleet obeyed him, nearly a hundred heavy warships were ready to fire their electromagnetic main guns.

Therefore, what God Lord Xingjie is waiting for is not the fleet commander bowing his head in worship, but the firing of nearly a hundred electromagnetic guns. Not to mention the initial speed of the electromagnetic guns, they are definitely faster than missiles, not to mention the range, even if it is more than 100 kilometers, It can still break through mountains and rocks, and kill high-level Garos without any pressure. The most terrifying thing is its lethality. Otherwise, it would not be used as the main gun by the heavy battleships of the Chaos Front. It would be willing to sacrifice thirty seconds of energy control to use it as a weapon. The killer weapon.

If it weren't for the handover between God Master Xingjie, and if it weren't for the unparalleled spiritual power of the God King of Chaos leaning over him, this unexpected encounter would have definitely changed history. The God King of Chaos would have lost his last clone and would not be able to replenish his energy. He will sleep in the multidimensional world for decades. By then, even if he wakes up again, he may not be able to pose a threat to the peak and the remaining humans.

The crisis transmitted by the spiritual sense made the Lord Xingjie move at the critical moment. He was no longer a dead target suspended in mid-air. However, there were too many electromagnetic artillery shells fired, forming a high-density network. Even if he could dodge, he could not move. It is possible to avoid it completely and get hit one after another. If you don't avoid the vital point, you will lose more than just one thigh.

The Xingjie God Lord, who only had one thigh left, was extremely angry. He was not his true body and could not recover from his injuries quickly. The lost thigh needed energy to regenerate. The energy he had accumulated from absorbing the blood of dozens of split mountains before might not be able to offset the lost thigh. It pissed him off to the point of madness.

"I will turn you traitors into ashes..."

With an angry roar, God Lord Xingjie rushed towards the fleet. As long as he came within a thousand meters of him, most of the warships would explode into fireballs and then completely turn into ashes under his power. This was God Lord Xingjie. Innately terrifying, but not all battleships are like this, at least not biological battleships.

If Charlotte loses her mind in revenge because of the blood feud, then the commander of the biological fleet is absolutely crushing her. Alpha, who also bears the blood feud, has long been unable to bear it. Anything related to the Chaos God King will be destroyed. In her list of destruction, even the body of the Chaos God King can fight to the death, so why would she be afraid of a clone?

Alpha's main warship appeared before Lord Xingjie, and the invisible impact exploded on the chest of God Lord Xingjie. It could break through the solid bow of the multi-dimensional space and broke the straight body of God Lord Xingjie in half, making the guy bow. As if, he made a ninety-degree salute in the direction of the fleet.

Of course, this was not the Chaos God King's original intention. It was just that the fast reconnaissance ship appeared too suddenly and jumped directly in front of him from the multi-dimensional space. There was no room to dodge. The damage caused by the impact was not as good as the electromagnetic artillery shells, and it only caused damage to the God Lord Xingjie. Delay, but it was this insignificant delay that allowed Alpha's main battleship to appear like a seraph.

Seeing that strange warship with six wings, how could the Chaos God King not recognize it when he was possessed by the God of Tribulation? The next moment, five miniature black holes appeared next to the God Lord Xingjie. This was the signature killing move of the Chaos God King. It was perfectly copied by the biological battleship. It was ironic to deal with the clone of the Chaos God King.

The fact that the Chaos God King can skillfully use micro-black holes does not mean that the God of Punishment can also use it. In fact, in front of as many as five micro-black holes, even the Chaos God King who is possessed by the clone feels helpless, and there is a strong feeling in his heart. The God of Punishment is his only avatar. Once lost, he will be beyond redemption. But facing the murderous miniature black hole, even he has no way to escape.

Seeing that Lord Xingjie was about to be swallowed by a miniature black hole, a big golden hand suddenly appeared out of thin air next to Lord Xingjie, grabbed his neck, and suddenly pulled him into the multidimensional space. The moment he was about to disappear, an almost transparent rapid detection The ship followed closely behind the Xingjie God Lord, who had only his calves left, and disappeared into the barrier of multi-dimensional space, leaving only five micro-black holes that were taking shape, absorbing everything around them.

In less than a blink of an eye, the fast reconnaissance ship reappeared in the sky. The transparent and bright hull seemed to have been splashed with sulfuric acid and was stained with rust. A large piece was missing from the edge of the hull, and a black viscous liquid was faintly oozing out. , obviously suffered a lot, but the fast reconnaissance ship did not simply suffer a loss. There was still half of the body on the bow, which was the trophy intercepted by the God Lord Xingjie in the multidimensional space.

Half of the God King's body quickly disappeared on the bow of the fast reconnaissance ship, and finally a green bean-sized amount of golden blood was poured out. This insignificant blood of the God King quickly disappeared into the ship's body, making the fast reconnaissance ship seem to have broken through a certain critical point and began to There was a new change. The oblate bow of the ship quickly grew sharp corners like bamboo shoots. Then the sharp corners suddenly rose up, forming a giant collision angle more than eight meters long. The sharp collision horn was shining with golden light, and the whole body was like forged gold, the sharpest. At the top, the air was vaguely stirred and torn, black cracks flashed, and it seemed that even the space could be torn apart.

Just when the collision angle of the fast reconnaissance ship was officially formed, an angry will suddenly descended on the entire fleet. The will contained extremely terrifying spiritual power, causing everyone to suffer a huge blow, as if their head was suddenly hit hard with a hammer. , causing a strong dizziness. If the intensity were stronger, many people might be brain-dead and turn into corpses unable to actively breathe.

For a moment, the fleet began to be in chaos, and the biological warships completely broke away from the fleet and were ready. As for the Blood Sea Fleet, they had released the energy-absorbing jellyfish long ago, but the expected attack did not come. The will of the Chaos God King first appeared and disappeared, and there was no more. The traces, just like the spiritual tsunami that happened before, were just an illusion that happened in front of everyone. The fleet set off for the wilderness again, and the God of Xingjie did not appear. It was not until ten hours later that the God of Xingjie, who was only half of his body, appeared. Carefully appearing in the real world, the six evil eyes still retain the lingering horror.

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