Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 1851 Cannibal Nightmare

When Maple Leaf Hill saw this scene, he was completely dumbfounded. Xiao Tiange no longer asked who this terrifying strong man was who blocked Bengyun Jialuo's siege, because no matter who it was, he would not go up to thank him, but would only Stay far away and never see each other again.

This is a nightmare, the most terrifying nightmare in the world, especially for the stupid Bengyun Jialuo who is around them. They never thought that the powerful Bengyun Jialuo would one day become someone else's mouth. Blood Food never thought that there were strong people in this world who regarded Bengyun Jialuo as food.

"Chaos God King, he must be Chaos God King..."

Suddenly someone woke up, wailing and shouting loudly. The out-of-tune scream contained extremely terrifying horror. They had never seen Maple Leaf Mania, and they had never heard of any normal person eating Holy Lord Bengyun alive. , the scene in front of them completely subverted their outlook on life, making them connect with the legendary Chaos God King in extreme fear.

Bengyun Jialuo has always been aloof. They are like the incarnation of gods in the human world. No matter ordinary people or Jialuo, they can't look at them on an equal footing. They can only kneel on the ground and look up, and long to be like them, but the fact is cruel. , Without the accumulated foundation of the family and the huge energy absorption, even the most talented Jialuo cannot become the Bengyun Jialuo. They are the rules and will of the Jialuo world, and everything in the world must obey them.

This group of top powerhouses who thought they were standing above the clouds and holding the whole world in their palms suddenly discovered that they were just fresh meat in people's mouths. They were suddenly reduced from the top powerhouses to be eaten by everyone. They watched helplessly. The bloody bodies of their companions were torn apart by the man's sharp teeth, and drops of blood dripped down the man's red beard. The shock of fear crushed the courage and pride in their hearts, and they were unable to maintain their grace. With dignity, the psychological trauma caused by the powerful visual impact was unparalleled, causing one of the Holy Lords Bengyun to collapse mentally. He let out a shrill cry and fled into the distance. He wanted to leave this terrible demon.

Bengyun Jialuo lost his fighting spirit because of fear, and was even more afraid of being eaten as food, so he collapsed and ran away. With the first escapee, the remaining Bengyun Jialuo also turned around and ran away. They would never go. No matter what revenge they want, in their opinion, the most intuitive ending of the Southeast War is the evil of the terrifying and powerful man, the Chaos God King, who devoured Holy Lord Bengyun.

Maple Leaf Kuang was recognized by Bengyun Jialuo as the Chaos God King. If Maple Leaf Xiaoshan hadn’t been watched by Maple Leaf Kuang since childhood, he might have thought so. After all, no one has really seen the Chaos God King. Everything is According to hearsay, the greatest knowledge given to them by the Chaos God King is that they can eat people. Even if they eat countless people, they cannot satisfy their appetite.

No matter whether they can confirm whether the person in front of them is the Chaos God King, they cannot arouse their will to fight. Escape becomes the most obvious choice, because they know that the Chaos God King is no longer a terror they can deal with. Faced with the inhumane way of death, even Holy Lord Bengyun didn't have much courage left.

Maple Leaf ate Bengyun Jialuo very fast, and the position of eating was very clever. It was almost the part where Bengyun Jialuo had completed the energy conversion. These flesh and blood bones, which contained Bengyun Jialuo's original energy, were torn apart by the sharp teeth. They were ground and chewed, and fell into Maple Leaf Maniac's belly one after another, while the remaining half of the body was thrown to the ground without any regard.

All this happened in the eyes of Maple Leaf Hill. He had deeply realized that the person in front of him was no longer his arrogant and violent father, but an unknown and strange creature. Especially which creature used its pale eyes to look at the fleet. When he glanced around, he couldn't see even the slightest emotion in the other person's eyes. No matter it was evil, irritable, or crazy, there was only stone-like indifference and a hint of hungry greed.

Soon, Maple Leaf Kuang’s pale eyes shifted from the fleet and the tens of thousands of refugees below to the escaping Light Wings in the distance, because there was no food he needed in the fleet and refugees. Only the powerful Lord Bengyun could provide food with The flesh and blood with wonderful energy, the sweet and delicious crispness are not something ordinary Garo and humans can enjoy.

Maple Leaf Maniac had no nostalgia for his former son, and he had no sympathy for the tens of thousands of refugees below. He did not hesitate to pursue Bengyun Jialuo, who had fled in all directions. He wanted to start a hunt for a feast of blood. Catch and eat those delicious delicacies one by one.

In the blink of an eye, the sky returned to calm. Only the severely damaged airships were still emitting fire and black smoke, but they no longer threatened the safety of the fleet. In fact, the fleet's losses were not large. Hundreds of floating airships Only less than thirty ships were destroyed by Bengyun Jialuo, almost one-tenth of the number. If it weren't for the wreckage of crashed airships scattered on the ground and the huge crack on the flagship shell, Xiao Tiange would have thought that before Everything that happened was a nightmare.

"When did Bengyun Jialuo become food?"

Xiao Tiange squeezed out these emotions from his throat with difficulty. Maple Leaf Xiaoshan did not answer, but squeezed the metal arm hard. The hard super alloy was pinched out with clear fingerprints by his fingers. Under the action of huge force , the finger bones were also creaking, as if they would break at any time, but Maple Leaf Hill didn't seem to notice it. In his heart, he was always thinking about the strange changes in Maple Leaf Mania. Suddenly, he remembered the strange legend he heard when he was a child, in the Black Market Mountains There is an opportunity in the depths for the family to be promoted from Split Mountain to Collapse Cloud, but it is too dangerous. Almost everyone who goes to Maple Leaf Split Mountain never returns. Could it be that the place where Maple Leaf crazily promoted is in that legendary place?

"Act quickly, something big is going to happen this time. The top families are no longer a problem for us, but Bengyun Jialuo in the wilderness may also be..."

Maple Leaf Xiaoshan did not tell Xiao Tiange the true identity of Maple Leaf Maniac, but he was sure that his father was definitely not the God King of Chaos. The problem was that he could feel that Maple Leaf Maniac had become a beast that only thirsted for food, and the target of hunting was It was Bengyun Jialuo, and Bengyun Jialuo was not only from the top families.

"I'm afraid that guy is not the Chaos God King. If he is the Chaos God King, none of these Bengyun Jia Luo should be able to escape. What is going on in this world? There are all these monsters, which is an ominous sign..."

Xiao Tiange has a relatively simple personality and does not think too much. While complaining, under his instructions, the fleet began to officially operate, taking the frightened refugees below back to the airship. At least he witnessed this rare cloud collapse. Jie, they will become more compliant.

Maple Leaf Hill took back the family members, but did not tell them the news about Maple Leaf Mania. The Maple Leaf Garos did not expect that the clan leader who had disappeared for a long time would appear here. Maybe in their eyes, it was too late to show up for such a long time. The patriarch of the clan has died somewhere long ago, just like the once powerful Rishan Jialuo of the Maple Leaf clan, who never showed up again when they were about to break through.

It is not an easy task to transport tens of thousands of people, especially after heavy rains, in places where water accumulates everywhere. This place has already penetrated deep into the southern wilderness and is about to approach the central wilderness, but it is at least two hundred kilometers away to reach the new city. , what is most lacking here is not supplies and transportation, but lifting platforms that can park airships, especially in flat places. Not to mention that even the hills that have not been flooded are still crowded with countless people. More and more people stay in The people in the water are still trying to squeeze in to get a place that is not so cold and wet.

The transportation of people is not the most troublesome, but food and various supplies are the most difficult. In order to bring these supplies out of the Free City, countless refugees died in vain, and it was precisely because the supplies were forcibly withdrawn from the Free City. , 100,000 refugees were relocated involuntarily. If they were not relocated, they would have to wait to die.

So the scene was chaotic. Countless people were like ants falling in the water, struggling desperately just to be able to board the airship in advance. More people were shouting and wailing, praying for others to leave a place for them. They didn't know what would happen next. A takeover will take place in a few days. They don't want to stay in this place for a day longer. Cold and disease can take away their lives at any time. The earlier they enter the warm and dry new city, the earlier they can escape the threat of death.

The chaotic refugees are like a group of humble ants biting each other in order to climb the branches in the flood. In this farce-like chaos, the withering of life is common, but there is a group of people who are always watching with cold eyes, although they are also part of the refugees. The elements, however, occupy the best dry land, the most abundant supplies, and the most spacious space. They even light blazing bonfires and feed their pets luxurious meat porridge.

These people are not many in number, but their classes are clearly defined. On the hills of thousands of square meters, the best places are occupied by less than a hundred people, and the remaining places are occupied by thousands of people. Compared with the hundreds of people who enjoy luxury and are accompanied by beautiful women, The remaining people also have tents to sleep in, dry blankets, warm hot water and food. While allowing their wives and children to eat and drink enough and enjoy the warmth, they can also use superior Look at the tens of thousands of people struggling to survive.

They are the Jialuo of the Free City, the Splitting Mountain Jialuo, the Xianjun Jialuo, and the Xianfeng Jialuo, who are the largest and at the bottom. They are proud. Even if the whereabouts of the three major collapse clouds in the Free City are unknown, they still They believe that being strong must be superior to ordinary people. They do not cooperate with the relocation, but they do not oppose it because they know that anyone in power will cherish the Gallo class so that they can continue to enjoy the benefits of the strong. privilege.

Therefore, these people are not worried that they will not get the location of the airship. However, compared with the noise and noise made by tens of thousands of people, the atmosphere here is a bit dull. It is a silent mourning for the fall of Bengyun Jialuo. The low-level Jialuo obeys. Jialuo, middle-level Jialuo obeys high-level Jialuo, and all Jialuo obeys Bengyun Jialuo. This is the rule and order of Jialuo world. No one can break it. The weak can aspire to be strong, but they must not resist the strong. Or, the belief and belief that the powerful Bengyun Jialuo is the ordinary Jialuo, but when they watched Bengyun Jialuo being eaten alive, their belief was shaken.

The dull atmosphere did not last long, and soon those Rishan Jia Luo picked up their wine glasses again, and the beauties around them also began to laugh wildly. The atmosphere was more wanton than before. No matter what, life still has to go on. As long as they always live better than ordinary people.

Just when the Garos were drunk and dreaming, a slender figure quietly appeared in the center of the camp. This figure was covered with scales and had three spiral horns on its forehead, one long and two short. At first glance, it looked like a trident growing on its head. On its face, six eyes are separated to the left and right, arranged on its face. Each eye exudes evil, madness, bloodthirsty, violence, indifference, and majesty.

This evil figure is none other than the God of Punishment who was sealed into the multi-dimensional space by the fast reconnaissance ship. After the appearance of God of Punishment, it did not arouse the reaction of the Galos. In their perception, the position where the Lord of Punishment stood was empty. They were accustomed to using perception instead of eyes, and they would never have imagined that there was a terrifying clone of the God King standing right next to them.

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