Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Age of Darkness at the End of the World Text 1850 Father and son meet but do not recognize each

Maple Leaf Hill didn’t know that the impact of the War in the Southeast was deepening day by day. Most areas around the world were suffering from natural disasters. Strong climate changes also caused drastic changes in the living environment. Many biological populations were completely wiped out, and more organisms were being destroyed. On the verge of extinction, the boundless and infinite forest has completely disappeared, and the huge biological population of the vast grassland is also dying on a large scale. Even the most powerful disaster beasts and the four-eared pink marten, which is the most sensitive to danger, It is also on the verge of extinction with the disappearance of the Infinite Forest.

"Ha, ha, ha, isn't it just the Thunderstorm Plateau? As long as you are willing to pay the price, what's the big deal? Energy crystals, coolie population, food and cloth, precious elixirs, and mine resources can all be exchanged. But over there? Thousands of miles of fertile land, hundreds of thousands of bison and deer, and a large lake as clear as crystal..."

Maple Leaf Hill doesn't think that the other party really wants to enter the Thunderstorm Plateau. If you want to enter the plateau, you must cross the Western Wilderness, carry a modified sealed battleship, and then enter in the mysterious jungle. If a top family wants to do this, it is simply impossible to send tens of thousands of people to the plateau. The population and millions of tons of materials were transferred, so he just said haha ​​at will, waiting for the other party to lose control and take the initiative to reveal his intentions.

At this moment, Maple Leaf Hill's heart suddenly throbbed, as if he sensed something, an indescribable kindness and sadness. Then new changes occurred outside the airship, and one by one the Holy Lord Collapsed Clouds They screamed and flew randomly, and the dazzling halos of light intertwined with each other in the air like braided ribbons.

"not good……."

Bengyun Jialuo suddenly shouted, turned around and broke through the barrier he had set up, and plunged into the air. Before the strong wind swept through, Maple Leaf Hill saw a majestic voice covered with vines, fighting with seven or eight Beng Yunjia Luo in mid-air. When Yun Jialuo fought, it was that figure that made him feel extremely friendly and familiar.

"What is that? Chaos God King?"

Xiao Tiange has been acting like a wooden man, neither talking nor moving. Although he has a hot temper, he is not stupid. As long as he has a chance to live, he will not deliberately seek death. The moment Bengyun Jialuo left, he recovered Vigorous, he approached the dull Maple Leaf Hill and kept asking questions to prepare for the imminent retreat.

In Xiao Tiange's view, neither Bengyun Jialuo from the top family nor the Chaos God King are the ones they can provoke. If they are involved in this asymmetrical battle, it is better to find an opportunity to retreat. As for waiting below The rescued civilians of Liberty City can only depend on luck.

"It's him, it must be him. This old guy is finally willing to come back..."

Maple Leaf Hill shuddered slightly, looking at the shadow that looked like a tentacle monster, curling up the vines all over the sky, fighting with the seven or eight Bengyun Jia Luo, gritting his teeth and speaking out the words in his heart.


Xiao Tiange looked at the majestic figure in confusion, as if he felt familiar. If Gao Feng could recognize it here, the person who made Maple Leaf Hill so excited was the patriarch of Maple Leaf Family, the heroic Maple Leaf Maniac, but Maple Leaf Kuang's image changed so much that Xiao Tiange, who had met him before, did not recognize him at the first time.

The strength of Maple Leaf Madness that can compete with many Bengyun is definitely at the level of half-step Broken Star. If compared with Gaofeng, it may be nothing. After all, Gaofeng's strength can completely crush anyone below Broken Star, even Broken Star Jia Luo He can also win in battle, but to Maple Leaf Kuaikai, who was still half-stepping into Collapse Cloud before disappearing, this is already considered a miracle. After all, no one can have the strength of half-step into Broken Star just after being promoted to Collapse Cloud Gallo. It can be said that if Maple Leaf Kuang is still at the beginning of Beng Yun, any Beng Yun Jialuo here can easily suppress him.

Maple Leaf Kuang possesses such powerful power due to his weird fighting method and his weird non-human appearance. If you look closely, you can see that Maple Leaf Kuang does not have the unique energy shield of Bengyun Jialuo. When he strikes, there is no such brilliant The gorgeous light and illusion colors are just green vines growing out of his flesh and blood. At first glance, Maple Leaf Maniac looks like a man wearing a vine hood, a vine grass skirt around his waist, and hanging on his back. The vine cloak is crazy, but in fact, every vine grows from his flesh and blood. One end is connected to the flesh and blood, and the other end turns into a strong long whip, whipping the light shield on Bengyun Jialuo's body. On, with a little more force, the visible and intangible light mask was shattered.

Each of the seven or eight Bengyun Jialuo is a long-established strong man. They have grown up step by step from low-level Jialuo. They have rich combat experience and can become the top powerhouses in the world. Their minds are not tenacious, but they have no way to quickly resolve the battle against the crazy Maple Leaf Maniacs. No matter it is an energy attack or a crowd siege, they can't do anything to Maple Leaf Maniacs' elegant and dancing vines. Be careful if you get hit by the vines, it will destroy their defense.

In just a few minutes, the Bengyunjiaros realized that they couldn't continue fighting like this. Before they could kill Maple Leaf Kuang., they had to drain their own energy first. Besides, the seemingly majestic energy attack felt like It was like replenishing the vines on the opponent's body. Under such a fierce attack, the green vines were not damaged, but became more beautiful, with a green and tender feel.

After careful observation, Beng Yun discovered that Maple Leaf Madness had not made any defensive movements from beginning to end, and was indifferent to the attacks from the enemy. He just focused on beating randomly, and could not even find the center of gravity of his attacks. It was not like fighting, and even more so. Like a lunatic slashing with a knife.

Maple Leaf Xiaoshan, who had been watching the battle, accidentally encountered Maple Leaf Maniac, and suddenly felt horrified. There were no pupils in Maple Leaf Maniac's eyes, only a snow-colored blank. Those were not normal eyes, and they didn't even have any sense at all. They were like a crazy person. A beast that bites like any creature that can attack.

This was not his irresponsible father, but a beast that had lost its mind. The beast let out a miserable roar and roared at Bengyun Jialuo who was surrounded by him and could not move forward or retreat. What was more, it was the desire and greed for food. There was glistening saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth, dripping all the way to his chest, accumulating a large piece of sticky liquid.

Suddenly he pounced forward, waving more than a dozen vines and swept towards the nearest Bengyun in front of him, like a spider with a web waiting for him. Facing him, Bengyun Jialuo accumulated light yellow light groups in his hands, and rushed at the opponent. The moment it came, like two high-speed cannonballs that broke through the air, they hit Maple Leaf Kuang's rough cheeks at a speed faster than the naked eye, and then flew back.

Just when the pale yellow light flashed on Maple Leaf Kuang's cheek, a silent figure appeared behind him. Bengyun Jialuo, who had a sword in his eyebrows and sinister eyes, was holding a sharp sword with a condensed halo. Stab Maple Leaf Maniac in the back. This is a method unique to high-level Beng Yun. The energy becomes substantial. It seems inconspicuous. In fact, the killing effect of the energy is increased several times. Once stabbed, even the strongest energy The shield will also be broken. If someone hadn't diverted Maple Leaf Maniac's attention, Bengyun Jialuo would never have taken the risk of close combat, which meant that it was difficult to avoid the opponent's counterattack.

Seeing that Maple Leaf Kuang was about to be killed by a sword, the vines that were looking for the enemy suddenly rolled back, forming a large net that suddenly covered Bengyun Jialuo behind him. More than a dozen vines growing on his back The vine, like the sharp edge of a meat grinder, easily crushed Bengyun Jialuo's protective light shield, and completely shattered the energy-like sword.

Bengyun Jialuo, who was caught in the vines, let out a shrill howl and asked for help from other Beng Yun. Unfortunately, everything happened too fast. In the blink of an eye, Beng Yun Jialuo was wrapped into a rice dumpling by the vines and easily moved to Maple Leaf Madness. In front of her, he hugged her like a little girl holding a doll. However, the little girl with beards obviously had a wrong style.

What's even more wrong is that Maple Leaf opened his mouth wildly, revealing white fangs. They were not human teeth, but more like wild beasts. In the horrified eyes of Bengyun who was about to launch a rescue, the sharp teeth Finally, it landed on the trapped Beng Yun's face. With a shrill scream, his teeth tore through the bloody flesh and easily swept away half of his face.

All Beng Yun were stunned. They watched blankly as Maple Leaf's sharp teeth chewed up the piece of flesh dripping with blood and swallowed it into his stomach. Beng Yun, who was missing half of his face, struggled crazily, like It was as violent as a pan of oil splashed with water, but his struggle triggered a second feeding. The torn throat kept spraying blood like sharp arrows. Like a high-pressure water gun, the blood was sprayed into Maple Leaf Madness one after another. Maple Leaf Mania, whose face was covered in blood, looked more like a terrifying ogre at this time.

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