Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1716 Come and Drink

Shi Minggong knew the results of the battle, which meant Gao Feng also knew. Even though he had achieved good results, Gao Feng's heart was still heavy. He walked out of the room blankly, and instantly thick smoke poured out from behind him, as if the house was on fire.

Hongsha, who had been waiting outside the door, didn't care about these things. She was holding a cup of steaming jujube wine in her hand. Jujube wine was the most primitive brewed wine in the wilderness. Whether it was the underground world or the world of Gala, there were countless wines that were more delicious and mellow than jujube wine, but Gao Feng just liked this spicy and pungent wine. Like most men in the wilderness, perhaps only by drinking jujube wine would Gao Feng remember the hard struggle in the western wilderness and remind himself not to get lost.

After drinking the jujube wine in one gulp, Gao Feng's heart was slightly relieved in the hot feeling. He touched Hongsha's hair and walked ahead by himself. Hongsha didn't follow him. She knew that at this time, Gao Feng needed a quiet walk alone. She understood these things clearly without anyone telling her. Only Hongsha, who only had Gao Feng in her eyes, would understand him so well.

Without the need for sensory coverage, Gao Feng could vaguely hear the faint cries coming from all directions. This cry was low and suppressed, just like crying in a quilt. If he had not been promoted to Collapse Cloud, even Lieshan might not have heard it clearly.

In the suppressed cry, Gao Feng's heart was also suppressed. He walked alone on the street, crossing with the oncoming Jia Luo or soldiers. The soldiers were all soldiers of the Blood Sea Fleet. Like Jia Luo, they were indifferent to Gao Feng who walked silently in the shadows, but showed joy and talked with the people around them. The content of the conversation was naturally the loss of the Chaos Front.

It's not that no one knows that none of the low-level Jia Luo who attacked today survived, and it's not that no one knows that only three of the fifty Lieshan Jia Luo came back, but they didn't care. Maybe they had already understood that after this war, neither themselves nor the comrades he knew might be spared, but so what? As long as they can see the hope of victory, this war is not as terrible as imagined.

Maybe everyone has a different definition of war. The families of the dead soldiers will be sad because their relatives died in the war, some will be happy for the hope of victory, and some will walk silently on the street in sorrow. But no matter what, this war must be fought. The Chaos Front will not give China a chance to compromise, and Gao Feng will not believe that the Chaos God King will let his wife and children go.

Unconsciously, Gao Feng walked to a small and lively camp. This camp is located in the center of the temporary barracks of the Jade Family. It should be a place with strict security, but it is as lively as a festival. Hundreds of majestic Jia Luo are making loud noises and playing around the bonfire. The grill on the bonfire is turning huge beasts. The beasts dripping with fat seem to be covered with golden brilliance under the baking of the fire.

The shining light reflected on the countless wine bottles around, making the people who were reveling here seem to be in the starlight. The galos ate barbecue and drank strong liquor. Even if someone vomited, he would vomit while drinking. Even if his nose was choked and bubbles were sprayed, he was still unwilling to let go of the bottle in his hand, as if this thing was more precious than his life.

Hundreds of galos seemed to want to drown themselves with wine, wantonly enjoying the joy of wine and barbecue. Less than ten meters away from them, there was another scene. Hundreds of people sat beside their tents, silently watching the galos who were reveling in wine.

The galos were also silent. Most of them were not alone. Some were holding their young children, or accompanying their gray-haired parents. There were also young and handsome men, hugging their beautiful wives, whispering love words. The eyes of the newly married girl were soft enough to drown people. Her bright lips opened to reveal the most beautiful smile, but tears flowed down her lips, chin, and dripped onto her chest.

Suddenly, Gao Feng knew where this place was. This was the concentration camp of the death squad. Those who were drinking and reveling, and even vomiting to get drunk, were the death squad who were about to set off tomorrow. Those who were quietly accompanying their families were Jia Luo who was waiting in line to die. They were all heading to the battlefield where they would die without words because of the decisions made by Gao Feng and other high-level officials. So they laughed loudly, sang loudly, and used fire and wine to cover up their cowardice, just to let the final bravery be remembered in people's hearts, so that their wives and children would know that they were not afraid and would not leave a shameful reputation before they left.

Suddenly, Gao Feng's hair stood up all over his body. He knew how the top families selected the death squad. Only Jia Luo, who loved his family and regarded his family as above everything else, would be willing to die, because they were full of love for their family in their hearts, knowing that if they did not die, their family would die. This was the most ruthless threat of the top families.

Only this kind of people are the perfect cannon fodder. Those who are cruel, only care about themselves, and do not know how to be grateful and have family affection are absolutely not qualified to join the death squad. Even if they are forced to join, they will disrupt the plan because of resentment, or escape, or create various accidents, so that the airship carrying them will never reach the battlefield. Such people can destroy the outcome of the war for their own selfishness.

Anger rushed to Gao Feng's heart, Gao Feng's brain was congested, and his eyes were scarlet. He turned around to question Shi Minggong. He never believed that this matter had nothing to do with Shi Minggong. Only those who know how to love their families know how to be grateful and dedicate themselves to China. Such people are people of noble character. Why should they be allowed to die?

Before he could take a step forward, his figure suddenly stopped. Did Mr. Shi Minggong do something wrong? Did the top family do something wrong? While he was secretly preparing and stalling for time, a large number of Chinese people were kidnapped by the Chaos Front every day and given to the Chaos God King as ingredients. What did they do wrong?

They are not wrong in anything, just because they are weak, worthless in the eyes of the peak or top families, useless people who cannot prove themselves, so using their lives to delay the pace of the Chaos Front's attack is a relatively low-cost method. , but how have they ever expressed their feelings?

Gao Feng thought he was just, but he suddenly discovered that from the beginning of the war, no one was just. In order to win, no matter which side would use all means to achieve the final victory, no matter how dirty those means were.

He looked down at his hands. Under the flickering light of the fire, his hands were like red jade, revealing a crystal texture. This was Bengyun Jialuo's unique physique. His perfect skin and powerful strength were hidden in his body. Climb to the pinnacle of human evolution.

These hands are so bloody. The owner of these hands has pushed countless people into the abyss of death. These people have families, wives and children, friends, and responsibilities. They may not be perfect people, but they are all flesh and blood. People with ideas and dreams are not barbarians who have lost their cultural inheritance after the end of the world, but are integrated with the vivid faces of the previous life. They are his compatriots, Chinese people.

"Boy, come over and have a drink and spend the last night with me..."

Suddenly someone shouted, interrupting Gao Feng's resentment towards himself. He looked up blankly and saw a strong man named Jia Luo, who had a sinister face and looked like he was not a good person, raising a bottle of wine towards him.

For some reason, he walked towards that Garo, and the aura of the strong man disappeared without a trace, and the aura of the Xianfeng Garo vaguely appeared. Maybe it was because he was unwilling to use the aura of a high-level Garo to scare these cute death squad members. It was he who wanted to get drunk with these warriors and wash away his disgust for himself.

Gao Feng's body was much shorter than the opponent's height of more than two meters, but he casually took off the wine bottle that the opponent was holding tightly in his hand, raised his head and poured half a bottle of liquor down his throat, making the fierce guy's eyes freeze. He was stunned and stunned for a full minute.

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