Apocalyptic Dark Age

The End of the Dark Age Text 1715 Results

Early on the morning of the fourth day, Gao Feng felt enlightened and flew up into the sky. He watched thousands of soldiers and warriors lined up in a long line and boarded the airships that had been prepared. These airships were all old-fashioned airships. Many thermal weapons are not equipped. The only new equipment is the Split Mountain Radar Amplifier developed by the wilderness forces, which allows Lieshan to monitor equipment 20 kilometers around, and it does not affect its use even in clouds.

A total of fifty airships were the main force of this expedition. Before departure, the Zhanlianhui prepared funeral arrangements for Jialuo in advance, and even prepared their condolences for them to see with their own eyes, because these people knew that, Today is the last day of their lives, and it will also be the first day when the horn of the Gallo's counterattack is blown.

Shi Minggong is right. No matter how the war proceeds, the outcome will ultimately be determined by the number of cannon fodder. No matter how many Chaos fleets there are, they will never exceed the number of Jialuo. Even if Jialuo is completely consumed, there will still be a large number of ordinary people. People can be pushed onto the battlefield and let these people wait to be slaughtered after defeat. It is better to contribute the last effort to the fate of the race.

One after another, airships were launched into the sky. This process was quiet and strange. No one cheered, no one made any noise, and no one cried. It was like a silent movie, everything was going on in a dull suffocation, but when the last one A floating airship left the ground, and the voice suddenly came to life, with shrill calls ringing from all directions.

Thousands of old, weak, women and children appeared out of nowhere, crying, shouting, shouting, and making noises, running towards the place where the airship was previously parked. This time, no one stopped them, and they were allowed to stumble to where their relatives would stay. position, looking at the sky to see off.

This is also the only humane side of the Zhanlian Association. Before this, no matter how reluctant they were to give up, they were not allowed to speak out, let alone disturb the minds of the dead soldiers, and mobilize Jia Luo, who knew he would die but still went to the battlefield. It is not easy to join the war. Even the top families cannot make their children seek death. They can only be driven by the determination to let them know that if they don't die, their family members will die.

Seeing this, Gao Feng almost couldn't bear to look any further. Even Jialuo was not a monkey jumping out of a stone, but a human being of flesh and blood. They had families, wives and children, friends and old friends, their own joys, sorrows and joys, and their own dislikes. After all, their things and proud deeds have their own lives and personalities. Now all these will be lost. The only last thing that can be done is to stick to the battleships of the Chaos Front as much as possible before dying.

Falling from the sky, Gao Feng didn't see anyone. He locked himself in the room, didn't drink or eat, just smoked a cigar, or in other words, lit a cigar, staring at the curling smoke in a daze, waiting for the unbearable time of the cigar to burn out, in Each cigar turned into ashes, and when no fingers could be seen in the sealed room, the windows also dimmed.

No news came, and no airship returned. Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, Gao Feng still felt uncomfortable in his heart. Not only him, but also the Jialuo and other people gathered in the Biyu family felt uncomfortable. Many people's necks are so stiff that they cannot move because they have looked up to the sky too many times.

The Zhan Lianhui was also feeling uncomfortable at this time. They were sitting in the conference room, discussing various matters in low voices, while also waiting for news. However, there was a Dinghai Shenzhen among them. Whenever they felt uneasy, they would look at the person sitting in the corner. Shi Minggong, who was looking at the electronic soft screen, saw that he never frowned at all, his eyes were calm and profound, and even his heartbeat did not fluctuate. Under the perception of this group of Bengyun Jialuo, there was nothing strange. This made them feel more relaxed.

"Everyone, the results are out..."

Just like the action he had done countless times before, he naturally put down the electronic soft screen, picked up the tea cup to drink water, put down the tea cup, waited for his throat to be moisturized, then glanced at the Holy Lord Beng Yun present, and said in a calm tone as usual in a family. It reveals something that has been hanging in everyone's mind.

"After feedback from the Haidongqing reconnaissance system and reconfirmation, we dispatched fifty airships, carrying 988 Garo death squads, and shot down a total of 366 enemy warships and severely damaged four More than a hundred ships were damaged, dozens of ships were slightly damaged...

The focus of this battle was on surprise, attacking from all directions at the same time. The Chaos Front was not given time to react, nor was it allowed to release its unmanned attack aircraft in time. Except for a small number of people who were shot down in advance due to psychological factors, most of the Garro They all completed the mission successfully, and it was a successful assault battle...

However, the Chaos Front's retaliatory actions were also very decisive. The unmanned attack aircraft were no longer limited to the clouds. They rushed up to the clouds to find the airships for a decisive battle. Therefore, forty-seven airships were damaged and no one attacked. The number of aircraft damaged is unknown... "


A Bengyun Jialuo couldn't control the joy in his heart. He slapped the table, stood up and roared loudly:

"Thousands of low-level Garos, fifty airships, and fifty Splitting Mountain Garos. This account is not a loss. It is a huge profit. We will continue tomorrow. Our Meteorite family is willing to provide another eight thousand Revered Garos." …….”

"My Qingcheng family is also willing to provide another 6,000 Xiangfeng Garo and 3,000 Hanjun Garo... In addition, we will also hand over all the floating airships. As long as the new warships can compensate us in the future..."

"Don't fight with us. Our Biyu family has long been prepared to become a benevolent person. No one in the family is willing to die fighting against the Chaos Front. Until the children of the Bilong family are completely dead, don't even think about it..."

For a moment, all the Bengyun Garos started making noises. No one wanted to suffer a loss, and no one wanted to fall behind. They saw the hope of defeating the Chaos Front, and they didn't care about the casualties of low-level Garos. As long as they could win, it would be considered low-level. After all Ji Jialuo is consumed, the family will regain its strength twenty years later. At that time, it will depend on who has the most achievements to divide the greater interests. During the third ground war, many top families started like this.

"Tomorrow may be different from today. Even if three times the Garo force is deployed, we may not be able to achieve the same results as today..."

Shi Minggong was holding a water glass and smoking a luxurious cigar sent by Gao Feng. He sat quietly aside. After everyone's emotions were aroused, he suddenly poured a ladle of cold water on everyone present and calmed down Beng Yun. If it were different. In the past, these Beng Yun might have looked at Mr. Shi Ming in high regard, but would not buy it. After all, they were all top Jia Luo, and Mr. Shi Ming was just a mortal. But now, Mr. Shi Ming's achievements forced them to accept it with an open mind.

"The Chaos Front is an army. They have unified command, information sharing, and communication within them. They don't need to wait until tomorrow. They can re-simulate today's battle losses and methods for raids. Maybe you don't believe it, just one night , every battleship and every officer in the Chaos Front will know how to deal with the attacking Garo..."

These words made everyone present silently say that the attack team was a lesson learned from the past. Five powerful and young Bengyun Jialuo destroyed more than 400 warships in a day and a half, but in the end they were trapped by the Chaos Front and almost returned. If not, the five Beng Yun are not the enemy of the powerful Chaos warriors alone. God knows how many powerful warriors there are in the Chaos front? It seems that there is more than one clone of the Chaos God King?

"And it is not safe to travel through the clouds. A few days ago, the strong men of the Chaos Front launched a surprise attack on the five-man team through the clouds, which resulted in the injury of two Beng Yun. He could hurt Beng Yun and kill dozens of people in the clouds. Hundreds of floating airships are not a problem..."

This was the second wave of cold water thrown by Shi Minggong. Even Holy Lord Bengyun, who was the most enthusiastic before, could not calm down at this time and thought about the possible disadvantages.

"Are we going to wait for the opportunity again? Is the low-level Jia Luo still training?"

Some people couldn't help but ask. They were stirred up by Shi Minggong like a roller coaster, and they were confused and unable to make effective judgments. After all, they still didn't know enough about the Chaos Front, so they still used the method of the Garo World to find battles. Opportunity.

"Of course not. I hope to train as many Garro as possible, but we cannot send out a thousand people at once like today. There will be no more than ten airships and no more than two hundred dead soldiers every day. They will mainly attack lone warships. Once If there are more than five ships, we would rather return than attack.”

Seeing that everyone was still confused, Shi Minggong shook his head and said:

"Shooting down on a large scale will cause pain to the Chaos Front. Only piecemeal attacks will make them careless. As long as they can continue to lose blood, even a behemoth will bleed to death..."

Now everyone understood that their admiration for Shi Minggong has been deeply rooted in their hearts. Only in this way will the Chaos Front not go crazy, and only in this way will they not be easily caught. Even if the Chaos strongman discovers the floating airship in the clouds, It is only a very small number, and the loss will not hurt. On the contrary, there will be a steady stream of more minorities, making the Chaos powerhouses exhausted.

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