Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1294 A strange situation

"Old guy, it turns out you've been playing tricks on me. If the coffin wasn't broken, you wouldn't have come out, right?"

Before a smile appeared on Xing Wuming's face, Gao Feng took the initiative to attack. He was already depressed to the extreme, but this old guy came to add to his troubles. Now he was wailing. There were too many problems that needed to be dealt with, otherwise Gao Feng really wanted to slap him to death. This guy, No. 2 naturally saw the old and dishonest Xing Wuming, but she always looked at the stranger's eyes, as if Xing Wuming had nothing to do with her. Only then did Gao Feng remember that he had just asked No. 2 about Sen Luo's whereabouts. , but was accidentally interrupted, now that Xing Wuming had the opportunity to run out on his own, he could ask again.

Ever since Xing Wuming got out of the coffin, he has always followed Gao Feng, as sticky as brown candy. No matter where he went, he would never leave Gao Feng. But when he saw the happiness sleeping in No. 2's arms, his old eyes suddenly flashed. He was stared at to the extreme, as if he couldn't believe what he saw. He couldn't help but step forward, wanting to get closer and take a closer look. No. 2 had been protecting Gao Xing according to Gao Feng's instructions. When he saw Xing Wuming coming up to him shamelessly, he didn't even think about it. As soon as he kicked him up, he heard a scream, and Xing Wuming fell to the ground far away, like a vicious dog grabbing food.

Gao Feng did not expect such a change. Xing Wuming's strange actions made him full of doubts. Although he had many questions, but there were many people around him, Gao Feng never asked. At this time, Xianjun Jialuo of the Maple Leaf family came over and whispered Said to Gao Feng:

"Two are dead, eight are injured, and three of them can't move. Do you want to deal with them?"

When the two said these words, their eyes were cold and thin. In their hearts, the lives of three Garos were not worth mentioning. Gao Feng felt pain in his heart when he heard this. There were not only three Garos who were seriously injured who could not walk, but also two. There are more than a dozen clones. Although the ownership of the clones has not yet been officially divided, judging from the actions of the clone girl and No. 2, it seems that it depends on their own plans.

Maple Leaf Garo's suggestion is the best way at present. They have just experienced a catastrophe, with serious personnel losses, not to mention material losses. There is also a war between armored trains and giant apes not far away. All they can do now is to escape quickly. Laboratory, save your own life first, nothing else. Even if the Maple Leaf family or themselves are seriously injured, they will suggest this to Gao Feng. This is a habit developed in the cruel environment of the Blackstone Mountains. Be cruel to the enemy and even more cruel to yourself. ruthless.

Gao Feng refused without any hesitation. In the last era, he had never given up on any of his subordinates. As a front commander, if he gave up even the wounded in desperate battles, it would be impossible to win one victory after another. After all, people's hearts They are all grown from flesh.

Regarding Gao Feng's rejection, the two Jia Luo had nothing to say. They turned around and tried to figure out how to take away the three seriously injured people. As long as Gao Feng made a decision, they would not bargain. With Gao Feng's opinion as the main factor, Jia Luo left. , but the clone girl came to the door, secretly pulled Gao Feng aside, and mysteriously handed Gao Feng an electronic book.

The small electronics were already in the activated state. After Gao Feng took over, he was surprised to find that it was Sen Luo's video. Sen Luo was still the same, sitting in a wheelchair with his head tilted to death, while No. 3 was standing behind Sen Luo. The expression is calm.

"Here, I want to say sorry, I lied to you..."

Senluo said these astonishing words as soon as he opened his mouth. Gao Feng frowned, but did not ask. He saw the seconds below the video. The video had been recorded. Gao Feng could see, hear, but not speak. If he had any questions, he could only Can hold it in the stomach.

As Sen Luo told Gao Feng, he gradually understood the cause and effect. Sen Luo had been entangled with the laboratory all his life. He was born and raised here. Here are the teachers he respects most and the cloning project he hates, so he is the biggest His only wish is to rescue Xing Wuming and destroy the laboratory.

For this reason, Senluo made two preparations. On the one hand, he asked No. 2 to assist Gao Feng in rescuing people. On the other hand, he was prepared to destroy the laboratory. Destroying the laboratory was not easy. It exhausted his efforts and energy. For this reason, he You must personally take charge and use your own life to accomplish this arduous goal.

The ten-minute video tells the story of what happened, and also brought a lot of trouble to Gao Feng. Sen Luo knew that it was difficult for clones to survive in the underground world, so he entrusted the clone girl and No. 2 to Gao Feng, and asked Gao Feng to take care of him. Xing Wuming was willing to sacrifice everything for this, including the supplies and medicines he had obtained piecemeal from the biological laboratory over the years. It could be said that he had packed up all his family's wealth for Gao Feng.

When the video ended, Gao Feng only did one thing. He threw the electronic notebook in his hand to the ground and smashed it to pieces. He felt extremely depressed. After all, he was tricked by Sen Luo. Did he feel angry? When the place came, Sen Luo patted his butt and threw the person to him. What could he do?

At this time, the dust in the dark sky gradually fell, and a thick layer of dust fell on the ground. The previously blocked lights returned to light, revealing many neglected things, such as the broken carriage that was thrown over and caused the collision.

The fighting in the distance was getting farther and farther, and the movement was getting smaller and smaller. Many people let out a big sigh of relief, and the pressure was much less. At least they didn't have to worry about the seriously injured people slowing down their speed, and Gao Feng also had time to see the troublemaker. Root seedlings.

Just now, Gao Feng was very curious about the material of the train armor that could survive the crazy tearing of the giant ape. You must know that even metal walls cannot stop the impact of the giant ape. It is a fortress-level material that can withstand rocket explosions.

The carriage was larger than expected, about seven or eight meters in total, and was composed of three to four split carriages. Even after experiencing impacts, explosions, flames, and torn fractures, the carriages remained intact and did not suffer much damage. , at the huge torn fracture, you can see that there is not much space inside. Most of the space is composed of various parts and pipes. There is only a passage in the center that is barely accessible for people to pass. Even if it is separated from the main body of the train by a huge force, The internal system of this carriage is also generally intact, and at least half of the lighting has been preserved.

Standing barely in the three-meter-high carriage, Gao Feng felt like a giant beast lying in front of him. The sensory scan was also interfered with to a certain extent. There was nothing that could be done about it. The biological laboratory was best at counting sensory interference. Fortunately, The carriage was damaged, but the interference was not too serious. I could barely figure out the details inside the carriage.

Unexpectedly, Gao Feng discovered that there was something inside this carriage. There was a strange space in the middle of the carriage. There was only three square meters of space protected by numerous mechanisms. It was like a safe filled with gold. The temperature inside was constant. Even under the high temperature baking outside, the display cases inside are covered with a thin layer of cold frost.

The cabinets were made of unknown metal. Because they were not visible to the naked eye and were blocked by many obstacles, Feng Feng didn't notice any difference. What caught his attention were the hundreds of test tubes in the display cabinets. These test tubes were even more tightly protected. Each one is suspended in a small space. No matter how the carriage is turned over, it always maintains stability and balance. In addition to the test tubes in the display cabinet, there are four empty boxes stacked behind the ceiling compartment in the space.

The box was specially customized, with complex circuits and honeycomb-like holes inside. The holes could just accommodate the test tubes, and were obviously a means of carrying the test tubes. This aroused Gao Feng's greater interest. The armored train itself was not built for the purpose of carrying people. , being able to tie with the giant ape shows that most of the space is a defense system. There are such strange spaces in weapons built for the purpose of war, which itself explains the problem.

In addition to the mysterious space and various equipment inside the carriage, the most attractive thing is the exterior protective armor of the carriage. This armor, which is dark in color and composed of countless ridges, has unimaginable protective power. Its appearance is almost as hard as a diamond. At least it has gone through various disasters without seeing any obvious scratches, let alone cracks.

Because of the excellence of its materials, Gao Feng was even more wary of the scientific and technological strength of the biological laboratory, but he was also overjoyed. This armor material was not a high-tech ceramic, but a solid metal material. This showed that it could be controlled by metal. extraction.

When Gao Feng thought of this, he started to use his ability to separate the protective armor from the carriage. Due to the hardness, the armor was not pieced together and then welded, but was forged entirely by a giant hydraulic press. Gao Feng, who had certain industrial knowledge, even doubted , the armor on the outside of the carriage is forged by a giant million-ton hydraulic press.

It's a pity that in the face of such excellent materials, Gao Feng's invincible ability was a bit underwhelming. After the clones and Jialuo were prepared and a lot of supplies were collected, he got one-tenth of the metal materials, and because of time, There was no time to further refine the relationship. I only had time to get a tower shield and a straight-backed sword that was nearly two meters long.

After getting these two things, Gao Feng was full of helplessness. The metal material was too good and it was troublesome. All his senses were exhausted, and he only got less than one-tenth of the materials. If he was happy and still awake, under the condition of being possessed by the shadow, The triple amplification ability can completely extract all the materials into Thousand Tribulations Silk, which is really a pity.

The efficiency of the clones was not slow. They quickly sorted out the needed floats and were ready to set off. Gao Feng also packed and put away his harvest. At this time, people gradually gathered in the square from all directions. The spontaneous gathering of these people showed that the square was the gathering point for the evacuation of the biological laboratory.

Gao Feng did not expect that hundreds of people survived in the biological laboratory after the catastrophe. Some of these people were laboratory staff, and some were clones and guards. When they saw the clone team ready to set off, they all They were shocked, but no one came to stop them. At present, there was no senior leader in the laboratory to step up and direct, and the people below became a mess, and no one was able to take the lead.

The giant ape did not destroy the armored train as Gao Feng thought. The place where the two sides fought had become a huge crater. Except for scattered gravel and damaged parts, no trace of the two sides could be seen around the crater. , I don’t know where I am.

Without the threat of the giant ape, the square fell into a strange state of peace. Some clones were summoned by the girl and spontaneously joined the team, but there were other clones who were indifferent and always stood behind the staff and watched coldly. It can be seen from this Yes, not all clones agree with the Hermits.

The clone girl saw that Gao Feng didn't like her killing the laboratory staff for no reason, and she didn't open fire as wantonly as before. In fact, not everyone who works in the biological laboratory is perverted, and many people just focus on their own research and development work. , only those middle and senior managers will come up with perverted things because of their emptiness and boredom.

Gao Feng did not interfere with the retreat. He sat on the float and waited quietly. He believed that Sen Luo would arrange everything, including how to send them out. In fact, without Sen Luo, Gao Feng would not have been able to find a way out. A way out. Right at the edge of the parking lot, it is the most heavily defended place. There are more than a dozen identity verification procedures, dozens of detection methods, and countless murderous weapons and mechanisms.

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