Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1293 The Unavoidable Disaster

Compared with the huge train, the tiny black shadow was like an ant. But the moment the ant landed on the armored train, the train seemed to have been hit by an invisible giant hammer. It suddenly sank and tilted, and rolled sideways towards the peak. .

Without waiting for the peak to make a move, the rolling train retracted its twelve turrets in an instant, and suddenly the light burst out. Electric arcs like the roots of thousands of old trees entangled with each other, forming a huge egg of light that enveloped the train. In the dazzling arc, a sudden burst of light appeared. Ya's figure appeared clearly in Gao Feng's eyes.

Seeing Huo Ya, Gao Feng had a vague feeling in his heart. As soon as the feeling appeared, he saw Huo Ya's whole body was as transparent as a jellyfish in the flash of electric arc. The veins and bones of his body were clearly visible. What surprised him was that Huo Ya's body was as transparent as a jellyfish. There were many things added to the bones that did not belong to normal people. The ultra-high voltage arc did not kill Huoya. Instead, it stimulated the layers of intertwined foreign objects in his body to unfold, propping up his body and expanding it.

The giant ape quickly took shape in the flickering arc of electricity. Hundreds of rockets and countless high-explosive grenades did not cause harm to Huoya. The arc with a voltage of more than one million volts did not kill him. Instead, it stimulated Huoya to transform again. During the flying-like expansion process, Huaya roared crazily, grabbed the external weapon rack of the armored train and tore it off fiercely. The continuously flashing electric arc was like thousands of vines entwined together, like a storm jumping on the giant ape, but It was unable to harm the giant ape at all, but instead stimulated the giant ape to expand continuously like fire cooking oil, exceeding the size seen at the previous peak, and easily rushed to a height of ten meters.

The armored train also discovered that something was wrong. Not only could the ultra-high voltage arc not harm Hua Ya, but it was like a Shiquan Dabu Pill, stimulating the expansion of Hua Ya. The sound disappeared immediately. The falling boulders continued, forming a large area behind the two trains. Collapse, billions of tons of sand and gravel poured down, rolling up dust in the huge space, sweeping and spreading like a roaring sandstorm, chasing the two hovercars, just like the waves chasing two small sampans.

Gao Feng always abides by his duties as a spectator and does not take sides. He sees that Hua Ya has lost his mind again and is even crazier than before. Under the bombardment of Hua Ya, the armored motor vehicle is not without the power to fight back. Except for some insignificant external weapons In addition to being destroyed, the armor of the train itself was not damaged. Even the giant ape could not be convinced. At this moment, the armored train had not counterattacked. Officially, the tsunami of dust and crumbling sand and gravel behind it might collide with the giant ape once it slowed down. Buried together by sand and gravel.

If we use vivid words to describe Gao Feng's mood at this moment, it would be like gods fighting and mortals suffering. Whether it is an armored train or a giant ape, the train under his feet is not something he can resist. If they hit each other, the car may be destroyed and people will be killed. If Gao Feng There was only one person, so I wasn't too scared, but now there were at least hundreds of people inside the train, including Gao Xing. Gao Feng didn't feel like taking risks and hurting Gao Xing.

The two trains had a tacit understanding of increasing their speed to the maximum and running away. Gao Feng kept looking at Huatao, wanting to know more. The giant ape kept attacking the outer armor of the armored passenger car in vain, and his claws were like frosted sand. Like a plane, sparks flew across the dark ridged bullet-proof armor, giving Gao Feng a new understanding of the protective capabilities of the armored train. Strong melancholy arose in his heart. If such a powerful armored train rushed to the ground, it would still be possible. What can stop it?

Suddenly, Gao Feng felt that the train under his feet was slowing down. A huge square appeared in front of the train. This square was the size of five or six football fields and was divided into three equilateral triangle areas. Among the three areas, one area was full of parked cars. Large and small vehicles, these vehicles have different uses. There are two-person floats with smooth lines that look like one body. There are passenger floats that look like buses. There are also cargo floats that have a rough appearance and spacious compartments, and floats with unknown purposes. There are more, hundreds of vehicles of different kinds.

The second area is much looser, with seven or eight suspended trains parked there. It is obviously the departure station for public trains. All trains set sail from here. Even the appearance is exactly the same as the trains at the foot of the peak. As for the last area, there are many Full of various supplies and maintenance tools, some vehicles in need of repair were cut into pieces here, and various damaged parts piled up like mountains.

There is no doubt that their destination has been reached. Not only did they reach the destination, the armored float also arrived at the destination and began to slow down. Fortunately, the violent landslide in the rear finally subsided, except for the billowing dust. , the spectacular sight of the boulders falling off can no longer be seen.

There was no surprise when Gao Feng arrived at the destination, only anxiety. Apart from the accident caused by the broken tooth, they and the laboratory could be said to be mortal enemies. How could they stop at the most critical moment? The armored train on the opposite side seemed to have this concern. When the collapse of the rear did not affect them, the long-awaited counterattack finally launched. The multiple trains were twisted into a figure-eight shape like a twist, and the front of the auger was like a flexible snake head, suddenly He twisted his body and dived towards the stubborn giant ape that refused to give up.

From the distinctive front of the armored train, Gao Feng guessed that the need to drill through mountains and rocks was taken into consideration when the train was designed. It can be said that the cost of the front of the armored train is equivalent to the entire body, and the spinning drill bit is ten meters long. Like a huge gun head, it pierced the giant ape's chest fiercely. At the same time, dozens of bright lasers focused on the giant ape from different positions on the car body, like a fence composed of lasers, surrounding the giant ape tightly. In the center.

Seeing this, Gao Feng could no longer remain calm. No matter what, he didn't want Hua Ya to die in front of him. Even though Hua Ya had now become disowned, what could he do? The battle over there was not something he could get involved in. If he were not careful, he would lose everything. He always remembered his purpose. From the beginning to the end, he came here to save Jia Luo. Even if he stepped forward to help Huo Ya now, It may not be a good thing, Huaya doesn't recognize his relatives, and he almost overturned the train just now.

The swirling dust arrived as expected, covering the armored train and the armored train in an instant. Feng Feng could not see the details behind him. There were swirling dust in front and behind him, with large and small gravels sandwiched between them, like bullets. For Gao Feng, even if he sensed it, he couldn't separate the dust and figure out the situation on the other side. In desperation, Gao Feng re-entered the train and made preparations for evacuation.

No. 2 was always guarding the carriage where Gao Xing was, and Gao Xing was still unconscious. People in the carriage were in panic. They had all seen the previous battle between the armored train and the giant ape. In the face of such a powerful enemy, almost no one had confidence, especially The clone girl thought that she had led a very powerful team, but when she compared with her opponent, she found that they were not even a ragtag group of people. They could destroy them to nothing without any real action. How could she feel comfortable?

Fortunately, the EMU does not require a driver and runs automatically throughout the entire journey. Even if there is dust covering the sky, the EMU can automatically land according to the program. When the conditions are zero, every second seems extremely difficult, and the peak is even more difficult. It is to release the senses to the maximum extent to ensure that there will be no accidents. The train landed hard under the dusty gravel. The clanking sound of the gravel was like rain hitting banana trees. It was so dense that no gap could be heard. Everyone in the carriage held their breath, waiting for the final landing.

During the landing, Gao Feng frowned, looked at No. 2 with doubtful eyes and said: "There is no one down there, why don't you see Sen Luo? Where is he?"

Gao Feng's question left No. 2 unsure of what to say. He gritted his teeth and was about to tell the truth when he saw Gao Feng change his color in shock. Without saying anything, he tore open the solid carriage and rushed out. The moment the carriage was torn apart, the sky was filled with Dust and gravel rushed into the car, instantly reducing the visibility of the entire car to zero. No. 2 could not see anything. The only thing he could do was to carefully hold the sleeping Gao Xing in his arms and rush after Gao Feng. Got out.

Gao Feng rushed out of the car and immediately activated the individual flight capability of the Nirvana Armor. It was like a meteor rushing towards the front of the car. The dust was so thick that he could not see his fingers. No one knew what was going on at the front of the car. The gravel hit the car intensively. The crisp sound of the sound covered up the movement of the giant ape and the armored train, but Gao Feng's keen ears could hear the long roar of tearing metal and the roar of heavy objects breaking through the air.

The broken armored car flying at high speed was crashing into the front of the train. The process from being sensed to the impending impact only lasted a few seconds. There was no time to do anything in these few seconds. If you just sit back and watch the collision, it would cause a disaster. In a sexual accident, everyone on the car will definitely suffer heavy casualties. Now that it has reached the last step, Gao Feng does not want to waste all the previous efforts.

Just when the peak was about to rush to the front of the car, I sensed that the locked carriage was already approaching. At this time, the Thousand Tribulations Silk had already been activated, and it quickly shuttled through the outer shell of the carriage, carving out spider web-like cracks. The metal control ability also disappeared. Started at the same time, trying to disintegrate the huge carriage.

It's a pity that the carriage is too huge. Both in terms of weight and volume, it is comparable to that of a heavy-duty truck. The peaking method has no fundamental effect on the high-speed rotating carriage and cannot prevent the collision between the carriage and the train, let alone He personally stepped forward to stop him. The carriage had huge inertia. Even if it collided with him at the peak, it would not be able to stop him at all. Instead, he would be seriously injured. He had never been so helpless as now. He tried his best to prevent this from happening. From the beginning, Gao Feng was afraid that driving back would affect Chi Yu because of the fighting there, so he kept his troops stationary. He never expected that the disaster would happen anyway.

The huge collision produced an ear-splitting roar, and the powerful air waves shook the air and caused the dust to roll and fly. In this huge impact, the long train rolled down like a long snake that was severely beaten by a stick, and fell together. The carriages collided with each other, arched, and were torn and broken under the force. Countless boxes scattered from the carriages and fell everywhere. There were also screaming clones tumbling and colliding in the boxes.

Unable to withstand the force of the shock from behind, the front end of the train tore off from the body, and together with the rebounding armored carriage, fell into the middle of the parked trains in the square, where they rampaged, causing explosions and flames, and the carriages of the train also fell to the square. , fortunately, it disconnected from the front of the car in time, fell to an empty place, and was not involved in the explosion and flames.

Gao Feng tried his best, but it was impossible to save more people. On the long metal chain in his hand, there were more than a dozen clones and Garo strung like candied haws. He was helpless for the rest and could only watch most people being killed. Get involved in this space catastrophe.

The only thing that comforted Gao Feng was that No. 2 and Gao Xing were fine. Before the collision, No. 2 carried Gao Xing outside. There was nothing wrong with Maple Leaf Cirrus and Maple Leaf Cheng. Their sensitivity to danger was not as high as Gao Feng's. , each grabbed a clone and escaped. As for Xuanye Jialuo and the clone team, things were not so good. Under this earth-shattering overthrow, at least more than twenty people died on the spot, and nearly half of them suffered serious injuries. There are less than twenty injured and intact ones, and most of them are Garo. At least in the face of disaster, Garo's ability to survive is much stronger than that of clones.

The roar of explosions and the roar of the giant ape continued to be heard in the distance. Gao Feng had no mood or energy to pay attention to that side. He went all out to rescue the surviving personnel and rescued the injured clones or Jialuo who was trapped in the deformed carriage. , more than ten people who had been taken down by him earlier were also helping. Everyone's face showed emotions of grief and anger. They knew what happened. Everything was caused by the giant ape and the armored train. Hatred and anger were inevitable.

With perception, the rescue operation was precise and efficient. Many people who were stuck in the deformed carriage were found when they were still alive and rescued as soon as possible. There were also clones using first aid equipment and medicine. Within ten minutes, all surviving personnel received first aid, and even the dying were stabilized.

But this is just the beginning. Some people need amputation, some have internal organ damage, and some have severe bleeding. All of these require surgery, but there is no condition to do this at the moment. The most terrible thing is that the battle between the armored train and the giant ape is not over yet, and no one can I don’t know if the disaster just now will happen again.

Everyone was busy. The clone girl who was caught by Maple Cirrus and jumped out of the carriage suppressed her grief and anger and counted her remaining companions. Although she pretended to be strong, the sadness on her face could not be faked. Her only friend was The young and mature woman who died in the impact just now and has never been liked by the clone girls is actually intact and is running back and forth playing the role of a doctor. She was rescued by Feng Yecheng and has an incomparable passion for Feng Yecheng. From time to time, she will Send some food or water to Maple Leaf Cheng.

After No. 2 got off the train, she always stood aside and watched. Even if the injured person was pressed at her feet, she would not look at it. Gao Gao was not hurt in her arms. She was not allowed to do anything else except Gaofeng. She was happy to be close. As for Xing Wuming's coffin, she had long forgotten it. Fortunately, when Gao Feng was rescuing people, she discovered Xing Wuming who had a life signal and dug his coffin out of the metal debris that looked like a garbage dump. find out.

There was a howl outside, and Xing Wuming was not having a good time. The violent impact made his crystal coffin look like the windshield after a car accident, covered with spiderweb-like cracks. When he saw Gao Feng, he was as enthusiastic as seeing his biological father, and his mouth He said various words of thanks. After the coffin was taken out by Gao Feng, he did something jaw-dropping. He opened the coffin himself and crawled out. His pale face made him look like an awakened vampire. .

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