Gojo Family

"Hahaha, come and catch me, Vanilla, lalalal——, you can't catch me, hahaha"

"Meow, Siha——"

In the spacious living room, the figures of Huangfen and Xiangcao kept shuttling back and forth.

As the masters of these two stupid cats (?), Kanono Hongxu and Koumaro chose to ignore them and even stretched out their hands to command them.

"Come on, Huangfen, Vanilla is catching up with you! Come on, do it... Good! You did a good somersault, I'll ask my brother to give you a chicken drumstick tomorrow!"

"Come on Vanilla, come on Vanilla! Let's choke you to death! Oh! What a pity."

Obviously, the two women were not afraid of the furniture being knocked over.

Or rather, they did not realize the consequences of knocking over the furniture.

Finally, after a fierce chase, the shameless Huangfen used the powerful jumping power of the Shikigami and jumped directly onto the balcony curtains.

07 Poor Vanilla was constantly trying to jump, but she could not reach that height, so she had to raise her head and look at Huangfen meowing.

"Meow meow——"

The sound of the TV mixed with the meowing of cats made it seem a little warm.

After the chase was paused, Komari looked unsatisfied and withdrew her gaze. She picked up a piece of cut apple and put it in her lips, while mumbling the question she had just asked.

"It’s been almost three hours, why hasn’t that stinky brother come back yet?"


Huaye Hongxu hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice uncertainly

"Was Mr. Gojo delayed by something?"

"Do you believe what you said?"


Kanono Hongxu touched the back of her head in embarrassment. Komari on the side also pouted.

Although Vanilla's cat food was indeed insufficient, according to normal time, it would take two hours to buy it back, but two hours have passed, why hasn't it come back yet?

According to the guesses of the two girls, there are two ideas.

Gojo Satoru found the girl, and the girl found Gojo Satoru.

Well, that's the reality.

"How about I call my brother and ask him what he wants to do?"

As she said that, Komari picked up the phone on the sofa.

It looked like she was going to call immediately after getting the consent.

But Kanano Hongxu stopped her with a weak tone.

"Forget it? Gojo-sensei knew that she was back."

As a good student, she felt that she should cover for her teacher, especially since she hadn't returned yet after the time limit.

Although she didn't know why her most beloved teacher hadn't returned yet.


Komaru narrowed her eyes and snorted suspiciously, then moved her delicate face closer to Kanono Kou.

"Hongxu, are you covering up for your stinky brother?"

The clever Komari saw through the other party's intentions.


Kanno Hongxu was extremely embarrassed.

How could she be seen through so easily?

"No, I just thought that Gojo-sensei must be busy, or he is already on his way back by bike, so there is no need to call."



Otherwise ?

"I'm coming down, come and chase me, Vanilla!"

Huangfen suddenly landed and jumped directly to another area, saying meanly. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Seeing this stinky thing that looked like neither a cat nor a fox but could speak the language of bipeds coming down, Vanilla was shocked and chased after it on all fours.

"Slightly, slightly, can't catch up, can't catch up——"


The chase between a cat and a shikigami started again.

The TV, sofa, vase, refrigerator... all left their footprints.

The two women sitting on the sofa had no intention of stopping it, and watched with interest.

The idea of calling Gojo Satoru just now was long gone.

Five minutes passed.

Huangfen stuck out his tongue, panting, and wiped the sweat from his forehead like a human.

But just because it was tired, it didn't mean Vanilla was tired. Seeing it always kept an excited look

"Hey~, I haven't moved for too long, the meat has piled up, and I can't even compare to the little cat Vanilla in terms of physical strength."

Huangfen said inwardly in annoyance, and at the same time, the little claw poked the fat on his body.


It shook a few times.

This can't be blamed on it, it's just that the food made by Gojo-sama is so delicious, it just ate a little too much.

Hehe, a little


Xiangcai seemed to see that Huangfen was very tired, and suddenly rushed over with a sprint.

With the sound of a cat, Huangfen ran towards the door with a distorted face of fear, and even stood up and jumped up.


But at this time, the door opened. A sound came from the corridor into the living room.

A white figure also appeared at the door.

"Oh, my lovely sister and student~ I……"

Bang— before he could finish his words, the yellow powder hit the white figure's face directly, and the soft abdomen twisted wildly.


""Hey, yellow powder."

A low groan like the abyss calling for his life came from Gojo Satoru's mouth, and two beams of red light seemed to flash at the eye mask.


Huang Fen's body froze, and his expression gradually became dull.


(There is a car, fast forward)

Don't worry: 『тʀuᴇ oмɴıᴘoтᴇɴт』

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