Female companion?

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help but cough lightly a few times, with a strange look on her face.

As the second daughter of the Yukinoshita family, or as a person of the 21st century, how could she not know what a female companion means.

These hooligans not only have insufficient brains, but also have problems with their ears?

The scumbag teacher has explained it clearly enough, but they still treat me as a girlfriend or something?


Although she thought so in her mind, Yukinoshita Yukino did not explain again.

Firstly, there was no need to explain again to this group of hooligans. If she explained again, she felt that her IQ might be pulled down to the same level as them. Secondly, she did not have much resistance in her heart

"So, what is this for?"

Looking at the white figure in front of her, Yukinoshita Yukino fell into a brief contemplation.

Back to the topic.

Gojo Satoru waved his hand casually and said lazily

""You guys hurry up and get out of here, take your boss with you.""

It's time to go!

" The three thugs were delighted and quickly stood up from their sitting position, but after standing up, they did not forget to bow 90 degrees to Gojo Satoru.

After bowing, they quickly squatted down and tried to help the thug boss walk.

But as soon as they touched

"Ouch! It hurts so much!"

"Don’t touch it, don’t touch there, it’s broken!"

"Ryuji, do you really want to die? I'll tell you... Ah, it hurts so much!"


The gang leader screamed in agony.

Fortunately, the gangster named Long Er was ruthless and just carried him away without caring where he was hurt.

After all, he didn't want to be beaten.

Feeling the disgusted gazes of passers-by around them, the four gangsters finally left.


"If apologies are useful, then what is the use of the police?"

Gojo Satoru's mouth curled up and he whispered with a sneer.

Dare to touch his students, are you tired of living?

Just a dozen seconds ago, Gojo Satoru sent the appearance characteristics of the four gangsters to the police station.

I'm afraid that within an hour, the police who specialize in handling extremely serious cases will arrest the four gangsters and send them to jail for ten or eight years.

People with status are so tough and arrogant.

"Ah, yeah~~——"

After stretching comfortably, Gojo Satoru turned around lazily and looked at Yukinoshita Yukino who was still in deep thought, and asked lazily and teasingly:

"What are you thinking about, Yukino? Or are you scared by these little hooligans? If you are scared, Gojo-sensei's arms are always open to you.~"


Yukino Yukinoshita, whose thoughts were interrupted, uttered a sound of confusion, but when she came to her senses and thought about what Gojo Satoru had just said, she immediately glared at him fiercely and started to attack with her venomous tongue.

"The eyes of a certain scumbag teacher can be donated if they are not used. After all, that person wears an eye patch every day, and it is almost as if he doesn't use it. Besides, even if that person is scared, I won't be scared. Does that mean I practiced Aikido in vain?"

""Oh, right, right."

Gojo Satoru said perfunctorily at first, then bent down and faced Yukinoshita Yukino face to face, with a nasty smile appearing on the delicate lower half of her face.

"I don’t know which girl was chased by four hooligans just now. I won’t tell you who it was." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Yukinoshita Yukino lowered her head and stammered, her gray-blue eyes floating around, and she didn't even notice Gojo Satoru approaching so close.

It was true that she was being chased by four thugs, and it was also true that she didn't want to be taken advantage of.

But if she told Gojo Satoru that she ran away just because she didn't want to be taken advantage of, it would be a bit embarrassing.

After thinking about it, Yukinoshita Yukino simply chose to play badly and didn't bother to pay attention to this white-haired guy.

But, when she looked up


Yukinoshita Yukino was frightened by the infinitely magnified face and took a step back........

This made Gojo Satoru speechless.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you serious about taking that step back?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you this?"

Yukinoshita Yukino's mouth twitched, and she said, trying hard to resist the urge to give this white-haired bastard a shoulder slam.

"It's so close, can't you see it?"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you anymore, just get in the car and go. You don't want to be a monkey in the zoo and be watched all the time, do you?"As he said that, Gojo Satoru glanced at the crowd around him who were always watching.

He always kept an indifferent attitude towards such people.

It was obvious that Yukinoshita Yukino was being harassed by four hooligans, but no one was willing to come to help. I'm afraid that those who wanted to come would only come when the four hooligans really started to fight, or when someone took the lead.

If Gojo Satoru's six eyes hadn't noticed that Yukinoshita Yukino was in trouble, he wouldn't have arrived at the back of the other party.


Hearing Gojo Satoru's words, Yukinoshita Yukino also glanced at the people around her who were pointing fingers, and nodded, suppressing her disgust towards such people.

""Let's go."

She understood what Gojo Satoru meant.

She also understood why these people didn't come. They were just afraid.

Wearing the cat helmet and holding the cat food belonging to Vanilla in her arms, Yukinoshita Yukino hesitated for a while, and finally chose to hold the corner of Gojo Satoru's clothes.

Buzz, buzz -

Kawasaki started


(I feel like I'm almost adjusted, but I've been very sleepy lately. I can't get up without sleeping for more than ten hours a day. I just feel sleepy.)

(There are hentai and car dramas, just understand what they mean.)

(I don't want to update once tomorrow~ but I just feel sleepy every day.)

(I'll try to resume the four updates as usual in the future.~~~Although it may be a little late to say this, I still wish you a happy 2023.)

Don't worry: 『тʀuᴇ oмɴıᴘoтᴇɴт』

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