Monday, Sobu High School.

In the teacher's office, Totsugi Nanazhai was wearing a cute pajamas, her cute face was filled with deep fatigue, and there were extremely thick dark circles under her eyes.

Her hands kept turning over the bags, which seemed to be... clothes?

Chihiro Chiishi, who was sitting on a chair nearby, crossed her arms speechlessly.

"So, you stayed up all night last night, overslept, and didn't change your clothes for fear of being late, so you planned to change clothes directly in the office? You are indeed, Cai Zhai."

"Hey, thank you for the compliment."

Huci Caizhai stuck out her tongue, looking naughty.

"I'm not praising you at all."

Chihiro Chigoku said weakly.

To this, Toji Nazhai chose to keep silent and slowly took off her pajamas.

Last night, she looked at the photos she secretly took of Gojo Satoru. She looked at them all night and imagined their married life. She even named her children.

The boy will be called Gojo Yuu and the girl will be called Gojo Kyon.

Ah~ I'm really looking forward to my married life with Gojo~

But it seems that whoever I think of will come.


The office door was pushed open.

Gojo Satoru and Hiratsuka Shizuka appeared at the door.

"Want some cake? I just bought some cakes on the roadside."

"You are the only one who can eat cake without changing your expression so early in the morning, aren't you tired of it? Eh~"

The voices of the two made Chihiro Chigoku's face stiffen.

You know, Totsugi Nanai is changing clothes, Hiratsuka Shizuka is fine, but Gojo Satoru is a man!

"A morning supplement...sweet...points, isn't that good?……"

Gojo Satoru smiled carelessly, but his tone weakened as he spoke, and his eyes with the eye mask fixed on Toji Nanashi who was changing clothes.

But Toji Nanashi just glanced at her shyly, and then... continued to change clothes without blocking her way.


Hiratsuka Shizuka roared as usual

"I'm changing clothes, Xiao Jing."

Toji Nazaki pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

You still know that you are changing clothes?

Hiratsuka Shizuka's mouth twitched wildly, and she closed the door with her backhand.

Wait, why should I close the door, there is a white-haired bastard in here.

She stared at Gojo Satoru with her lifeless eyes, not wanting to miss any details.

"Wu, did I ask you to go out, or did I beat you out?"

"What? Xiaojing, I'm picking vegetables.……"

Gojo Satoru subconsciously retorted, but when he saw the raised fist, he instantly became timid and smiled awkwardly.

"I will go out by myself, so don't bother my lovely Xiao Jing to ask me to go out."

After saying that, he opened the office door and walked out.


The door closed.

However, Shizuka Hiratsuka, who knew Gojo Satoru well, opened the door again with a blank expression.

Gojo Satoru was lying on the ground, looking inside through the small gap under the door, muttering to himself.

"Tsk, this angle is not very good, how come I can only see a section of legs, should I climb to the window to see it?"

But as the door opened, the words changed.

"How did the door open? No, this familiar scent is from Shizuka!"

Gojo Satoru looked up in horror and saw Shizuka Hiratsuka rubbing her fists.

"HI, Xiaojing"

"HI you head! Go to hell!

"I was wrong!"

Daily'Go to hell'/1



After the episode, Totsugi Nanazhai finally changed into her white dress.

But now, she threw herself into Gojo Satoru's arms and laughed obscenely under the murderous eyes of Hiratsuka Shizuka.

"Hehehe, Wujun, after seeing my body, you will take care of me for the rest of my life~——"

After saying that, she took a deep breath of her body fragrance. Her little face was filled with deep intoxication.

However, before she could enjoy this comfort for a few seconds, Shizuka Hiratsuka grabbed the collar of Toji Nanami's clothes and lifted her up like a chick.

""Eh, eh, eh?"

She shook her legs in mid-air and cried out in panic.

"Natsuki, tell me, why didn't you cover yourself when you changed your clothes? You said that if you saw me, I would take care of you forever. Do you think Chihiro and I will take care of you too?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka kept a 'kind' smile. Natsuki, who was lifted up in the air, looked at the other side timidly, poking her fingers together, and spoke carefully.

"If Xiaojing and Qianxun are willing……"

"I don't want to do that! Give me a taste of my fist!"

"Yamete butterfly!"


‘Ding, ding——’

The bell for class rang.

Gojo Satoru pushed open the door of Class F of the first year while eating cake, poked his white-haired head out first, and then walked in.

He walked to the podium, glanced around, and found that there were no fewer people.

And Chitanda Eru also moved her seat last week and sat in front of Natsukawa Masu.

Looking at Gojo Satoru's mouth while he was eating cake, Kitagawa Umi also felt a little dry in the mouth, and her tongue stud was itchy. He even felt that he wanted to try it more.

After all, that feeling is really addictive.

There is no meaning, I just want to learn some knowledge.

After all, Gojo Satoru is a teacher and Kitagawa Umi is a student. Isn't it normal for a teacher to teach a student knowledge?

"How about finding a time when no one is around and give it a try! ?"

This thought came to her mind.

Kitagawa Umi was shy and thought that it was okay.


(For May, I have to arrange the order. Nino's love story is almost over. Kitagawa and Umi can just start at a certain time. Miku's story is not yet fully developed. I have to finish Miku's love story halfway before I can arrange it slowly.)

(For the King of Filth, see the sequel.)

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