In the evening, at eight o'clock.

Gojo Satoru and Nino came out of a Haidilao restaurant.

As everyone knows, the waiters in Haidilao all have social phobia.

However, they met a social phobia"Gojo Satoru" who is even more terrifying than the social phobia. Nino walked aside, trying to hold back her smile, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but turn up.

I remember just now, someone had a birthday, and the waiters of Haidilao went to congratulate him, but Gojo Satoru also ran to congratulate him. After a series of actions, he made the other person feel confused.

After taking a sip of the water she brought with her and suppressing the smile in her heart, Nino was about to ask Gojo Satoru whether he wanted to go home or go shopping for a while.

When she looked at him, she saw the oil stains still left at the corners of his mouth.

""Wait, Gojo-kun."

The serious voice made Gojo Satoru stop.

"What's wrong, Nino?"

"Bend down."

Nino still had a serious expression.

Although this request was strange, Gojo Satoru still bent down.

A body fragrance slowly entered his nose. Nino leaned closer, stretched out her index finger, and carefully wiped off the oil stains at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, it's the oil stain."

After saying that, she put her oily index finger into her mouth without hesitation and took a sip.

But judging from her flushed cheeks, her mood was not as calm as it seemed.

"I thought it was something else."

After muttering, Gojo Satoru pointed to the other corner of his mouth and said with a smile

"I have some here too~"

There was a hair, clean and tidy.

Nino knew it all at once.

She rubbed Gojo Satoru's cheeks with both hands and said venomously with a cute face

"Gojo-kun is climbing up the pole. No, I said no, no."

""Okay, no, no."

Gojo Satoru quickly begged for mercy.

It wasn't that he was not doing well, but his handsome face was in the other's hand.


With a proud snort, Nino wanted to loosen her hands, but after thinking about it,……


A little peck

"Just now, my vision was not very good, and there was indeed an oil stain. I was just helping you remove it."

Nino let go of her hands and said with a stubborn look.

""Hi hi (yes yes)" was a vague response.

But from the way she smiled, she was in a good mood.

Gojo Satoru held Nino's right hand with his left hand, interlocking their fingers.

The close contact of the two hands did not cause much ripples in the latter's heart. The main thing was that they had already kissed and held hands countless times, so she couldn't be shy even if she wanted to.

The two walked on the street and prepared to go to the parking lot.

"Are you going home? I'll take you home."

Gojo Satoru asked.

Going home so early?

Nino began to doubt her own charm. This shouldn't be the case. According to what the Internet said about boys, uh..., it seems that Gojo-kun is a man, oh, it's almost the same. When a woman and a man are alone together, shouldn't the man stay as late as possible at night?

Why is it the other way around ?

She wants to play later, and Gojo Satoru wants to go home early

"No, and I just didn’t eat enough at Haidilao. There are many food courts nearby. How about we go eat first, and then send me back after we are full?"

Nino directly hinted and hinted.

Although she is very proud, she is willing to be frank with the person she likes.

"But I'm full, I don't want to eat any more, I'm going to explode if I eat any more."

Gojo Satoru looked pitiful.

He rubbed his slightly bulging stomach as he spoke, as if he was really full.

"Well, well, okay, I'll just go home for a midnight snack."

Nino forced a smile.

She couldn't help feeling lost.

Gojo Satoru smiled but didn't say anything.

He just turned a corner from the parking lot and went to the food court.

Nino was absent-minded and didn't notice the change in route. She remained in a lost mood. After walking for about a few minutes, she felt something was wrong. Why was the noise getting louder and louder?

She looked around and found that the place they came to was... the food court.

"I'm a little hungry, let's eat something."

Gojo Satoru's deliberate muttering came to her ears, which made Nino's feeling of loss disappear, and she smiled.

"Gojo-kun, are you a pig? You're hungry after just a few minutes of walking."

"I don't care, I don't care, I'm hungry anyway, and you didn't say you weren't full"

"Okay, okay, you are hungry and I am hungry too, let's go eat, be good, be good"

"Kuso (damn it), are you just coaxing the child?"

"Is not it?"



Ten o'clock.

The scenery flashed across his eyes quickly. Nino's hands were wrapped around Gojo Satoru's waist, and his face without a helmet was pressed against his warm back.

After a while, Gojo Satoru, who was being held, spoke.

"Arrived at Nino."

So fast?"

Surprised, Nino looked up and saw that they were indeed outside their high-end residential area.

"All right then."

She got off the motorcycle carefully, holding the latest fighting game console in one hand and the swimsuit she bought in the other.

Looking at Gojo Satoru who had taken off his helmet, Nino subconsciously pursed her lipstick-coated lips.

Never mind!

With a determined heart, she put the two packaging bags on the ground, took a step forward, and pressed Gojo Satoru's head with both hands.

Very moist!

A little sweet!

The taste of lipstick, right?

About a minute passed.

Nino, who couldn't hold on any longer, let go, took a breath of fresh air, turned around, picked up the bag and ran away, and the sound came slowly from a distance.

"Good night, Wu-kun!"

The address has changed unconsciously.

And Gojo Wu, sitting on the motorcycle, scratched his head helplessly and thought

"Does this count as being prostituted?""

Yesterday it was Kitagawa Umi, today it was Nakano Nino, and both were at night, did you two come here together?

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