
The sound of a door closing was heard.

Gojo Satoru turned his chair.

"What's wrong, Haimeng?"


Kitagawa Umi didn't say what she came for, but sat on the bed and smiled innocently.


The two of them stared at each other


On the other side, Nino was still waiting for Gojo Satoru's reply.

But after a few minutes, there was still no response.

This made her very distressed.

"I'm so blatantly saying it's a date, will Gojo-kun be disgusted?"

This thought made Nino more and more irritated.

She rolled over on her bed and made a sad and cute cry.

‘Buckle, buckle——’

There was a knock on the door, and Ichika's worried voice came from the other side.

"Nino, what's wrong with you?"

Nino's body stiffened, and her rolling body stopped abruptly.

She moistened her throat, and before she could say"I'm fine", the door was opened.

Not only Ichika was outside the door, but also Miku, who looked curious.

"Why did you come in without my permission?"

Nino leaned on the bed and said dissatisfiedly.

Ichika smiled mischievously and sat on the chair in the room and said

"Don't worry, we are sisters."


Miku also sat on another chair and nodded in agreement.

Nino curled her lips speechlessly and was about to kick them out, but then she thought about telling them about the conversation just now and getting their opinions.

However, the three of them were girls who had never been in a relationship, so what opinions could they have ?

"Ahem, there is just something I am curious about."

Nino said in a relaxed manner

"I have a friend who likes someone. When he sent him a message, he said he was going to a swimsuit store to buy a swimsuit. The person also readily agreed. But when he said he wanted to date, the person didn't respond. What's going on?"


Ichika and Miku looked at each other and saw the other's confused look.

This, it seems, maybe, is about you?

Making friends out of nothing?

"Hey, why are you two looking at each other? Answer my question."

"Oh, okay."

Ichika put her white index finger against her lips, thought for a while, and said with difficulty.

"Maybe, that person doesn't like your friend?"

"How is that possible? They have dated many times before."

Nino retorted.

"So, that person must have something to do, so he can't reply?"

Miku asked tentatively.

What she didn't know was that her answer was the most correct answer, but Nino didn't buy it.

"Impossible, they were chatting one second, how could something happen the next second."

Nino said affirmatively.

So this is not okay, that is not okay, what else do you want?

The two women were at their wits' end.

"Nino, is there a possibility that the friend is you?"

Ichika stared at him helplessly.

In an instant, Nino's face turned red, and she waved her hands in a mess, stammering

"No, no, it’s not me. I told you it’s my friend. Yes, a friend!"

"Yes, yes, it's your friend."

"What! They are my friends. I won’t say anything to you. Get out now!"

Nino got out of bed and pushed Ichika and Miku with her little hands.……


Putting the phone on the table, Gojo Satoru looked at Kitagawa Umi, who was sitting on the bed with a red face and was shy.

"Hai Meng, are you here for photos? Just tell me on your phone, no need to come over"

"I didn't come here to take photos."

Kitagawa Umi explained in a low voice

"I'll keep the photos I took, I don't plan to post them online"

"That's fine."

Gojo Satoru nodded.

To be honest, he didn't want to post Kitagawa Umi's COS photos online. If a bunch of otaku saw them, who knows what they would do if they got excited.

Although nothing would happen, he still felt bad mentally.

"So, what are you coming here for?"

"This word……"

Kitagawa Umi hesitated.

She couldn't say that she came here to do something rebellious, right? And although she wanted to confess her feelings, she was afraid that the other party would reject her. After all, a teacher-student relationship would be criticized by public opinion.

""Forget it, have a sip of black tea."

Gojo Satoru also saw Kitagawa Umi's nervousness, and said, he handed over a mouthful of untouched black tea.

After taking the black tea, Kitagawa Umi whispered"thank you" and drank it in small sips.

The two fell into silence again.

After drinking the last sip of black tea, Kitagawa Umi's hesitation in his heart was reduced a lot. He pursed his lips and looked at Gojo Satoru with firm eyes.

"Wu Jun!"


""Huh, nothing, I just have something to tell you."

Kitagawa Umi was like a soldier about to go to the battlefield. She stood up very stiffly, but she kept reminding herself in her heart.

"It's okay, Haimeng, you've kissed me several times before, this time it's just a different place, it's okay, it's okay."

After getting closer to Gojo Satoru, Kitagawa Haimeng's face became redder and redder, and even her eyes seemed to be rolling.


Before he could even finish his words, Gojo Satoru pulled him into his arms.

"Wu, Wu Jun……"

Leaning in his arms, Kitagawa Umi blinked blankly.

What's going on? Wasn't it me who took the initiative?

Gojo Satoru smiled slightly.

He understood the girl's mind, from the moment she said 'I have something to tell you'.

Slowly, the snow-white hair moved closer to the long golden hair.

Hmm~ There is a cold feeling, is it the tongue stud?……


(I don’t understand why I was banned for 150, and I didn’t even drive my car. I give up.)

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