On commercial building

"So, among all of us, I am the only one who doesn't know that Wu-kun is an Onmyoji?"

Kitagawa Haimeng said in a daze.

When Gojo Wu was playing tricks on Louhu, Kanano Hongo also explained the true inside story of this world. After the latter was taken away, Natsukawa Masu also told her about the Shibuya incident.

So, she is the only one who doesn't know?

Looking at this thief's happy expression, Natsukawa Masu held back a smile and shook her head.

"I don't know the details."

"Well, then."

Kitagawa Umi said gloomily.

She had been worried about Wu Jun and wanted to find him.

In the end, the clown was me?

The yellow fans sitting on the ground ate melons silently.

After a few minutes, the figures of Gojo Wu and Kanono Hongxu appeared on the roof of the commercial building.

"Lord Hongxu, Lord Gojo!"

"Wujun, Hongxu"

""Go-kun, Hongxu."

The three shouted in unison.

Huang Fen threw herself into the arms of Huano Hongxu, and kept shouting,"Are you not hurt?" and"If you are hurt, hurry home."

Although the latter was slightly moved in his heart, he pressed the other's head and said helplessly,"It's okay."

Unlike the warm scene between the two masters and servants, Gojo Gojo's side……



Kitagawa Umi's eyes stared straight at Gojo Satoru

"What's wrong?"

Gojo Satoru scratched his head in confusion, but the next second he suddenly realized and clapped his hands.

"I understand!"

Then he took out his camera from his pocket.


The crisp sound of shooting was heard.

Kitagawa Umi's sad expression was frozen in the photo album.

"You think I didn't take enough photos for you? Humph, I guessed it right."

Gojo Satoru looked proud.

This operation made Kitagawa Umi want to laugh but couldn't laugh. She just thought that the other person was really a little silly and cute.


Kitagawa Umi rolled her eyes coquettishly and continued

"It's just that you deceived me so badly"

"What did I lie to you about? You are accusing me of lying about your feelings or your body?"


This made Kitagawa Umi completely confused.

You really cheated on me... Oh, that's not right, it's not cheating on my feelings, but cheating on my body... It seems that I should be the one to cheat, right?

Looking at Kitagawa Umi who was hesitating, Gojo Satoru walked over and rubbed her long golden hair, and said gently

"Don't think too much, I will always be myself."

At this moment, Kitagawa Umi, who felt disappointed because of Gojo Satoru's identity as an Onmyoji, suddenly became clear-headed.

Yes, I will always like teacher Gojo Satoru, not Gojo Satoru who I feel is not worthy of because of his identity as an Onmyoji.

Watching the girl regain her original smile, Gojo Satoru saw Natsukawa Masuyoshi with a look of loss in his eyes.

Then he raised his left hand and put his big hand on the other's silver-white long hair, stroking it like a puppy.

Comfortable, happy...

This was Natsukawa Masuyoshi's first feeling.

"It seems that I really like Wu-kun."


In the evening.

Because of the coral leak incident, Natsukawa Masuzu and Kitagawa Umi were both shocked and came to the Gojo family.

Anyway, they both lived alone, so they didn't have to worry about their parents.


When I opened the door, I saw Koumaru sitting on the sofa eating potato chips and drinking"fat house happy water"

"Good evening, Mamoru-chan. X2"

The two girls greeted together

""Haimeng, Zhenliang, why are you here?"

Koumaro was a little confused.

After she woke up, she didn't see Kanano Hongxu, and thought that she went downstairs to buy dinner. As a result, when she opened the door, there was a group of people. It's okay that it's Zhenliang, maybe they met on the way and invited them here.

But didn't her brother and Haimeng say that they would not be back in the evening?

"Hey~, Umaru-chan, you mean you don't welcome me and Masuzu."

Kitagawa Umi said with a 'sad' face

"That's right, I'm so sad."

Xiachuan Zhenliang also cried sadly.

"No, no, that's definitely not the case."

Komari stood up from the sofa and explained anxiously.

"I mean, how did you get here? Did you take a car or... Oh no, it's really cool. How did you get here? Pfft, no, I... I won't say anything more. I welcome you.……"

The more she explained, the less she felt like herself. She sat on the sofa with no hope in life.


Suddenly, the Gojo family was filled with laughter.


After dinner,

Gojo Satoru sat on his computer chair with his legs on the table, looking relaxed and at ease.

He was also replying to Nino's message.

【Nino: Gojo-kun, are you free tomorrow? I also want you to accompany me to a swimsuit store. Summer is coming soon. Last year's style doesn't fit now. I want to buy a new one.

Gojo Satoru: Do I need to pay for my own expenses to accompany you to the swimsuit store?

Nino: Are you talking about your swimming trunks? I can buy them for you.

Gojo Satoru: No, I mean is there such a good thing as accompanying you to a swimsuit store? I have to pay to accompany you, right?

Nino: I punch you.catjpg.

Nino: How is it possible? Aren't we...dating? 】

After Nino sent this message, the door of Gojo Satoru's room was opened.

A little head popped out of the door of the room. A closer look revealed that it was Kitagawa Umi who had returned to her daily dress. In Gojo Satoru's puzzled eyes, she walked in quietly and closed the door again.

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