Eh? It doesn't hurt anymore.

Kitagawa Umi opened her eyes in surprise.

Gojo Satoru had already let go of his hands and was drinking his coffee calmly.

"Teacher Gojo, how did you do it? I'm very curious!"


After taking a sip, Gojo Satoru suddenly spat out the coffee when he heard this, and looked at Kitagawa Umi with a strange look on his face.

You are not a girl, you have been replaced, right? Chitanda Eru replaced you, right?

How come you even said"I am curious".

Kitagawa Umi seemed to understand the meaning of Gojo Satoru's strange expression, and he chuckled.

"I learned Airu's catchphrase"


Speaking of Chitanda Eru, her family asked her for a week off and she will not come to school until next Monday.

After all, such a big thing happened, she still needs to adjust her physical and mental state.

"Let's not talk about this for now, Gojo-sensei, how did you do it?"

As he said this, Kitagawa Umi poked the spot where the tears had just appeared with his fingers.

Well, he didn't feel anything at all.

"Just do this, then do that, and finally exhale and it's ok, don't you know that?"

Gojo Satoru said, looking at him like a fool.

"Huh? Do this, then do that, and it'll be fine?"

Kitagawa Umi even gestured foolishly.

This made Gojo Satoru want to laugh.


He quickly suppressed his laughter, cleared his throat and changed the subject.

"Okay, stop thinking about it. Aren't you hungry? Let's go eat."

"Oh, right, let's eat!"

Kitagawa Umi's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard about eating. She instantly threw the previous topic behind her.

Picking up the bag, the two of them left the cafe, and the coffee money was also placed on the table.


Gradually, the sky darkened.

In a fried rice restaurant, Kitagawa Umi was eating fried rice with a happy look on her face.

But Gojo Satoru next to her had a twitching mouth.

"What's wrong, Mr. Gojo?

Kitagawa Umi asked vaguely while chewing the fried rice.

"Why are you looking at me? Why don’t you eat?"

"No, it's nothing, I'll eat it right away."

Withdrawing his gaze silently, Gojo Satoru scooped a spoonful of fried rice.

Kitagawa Umi brought Gojo Satoru to this fried rice restaurant. She said that this is a restaurant she often visits. Not only does it have fried rice dishes from various countries, but the fried rice in it is also very delicious! Gojo Satoru and Kitagawa Umi both ordered a Yangzhou fried rice and a serving of udon noodles.

After it was served, Kitagawa Umi actually poured the udon noodles into the fried noodles in front of Gojo Satoru's horrified eyes, and seemed to eat it very deliciously. Not a girl, although this is not a dark dish, don't you think it tastes weird?

Udon noodles covered with fried rice, doesn't the taste very weird?

A few minutes later.

Kitagawa Umi patted his slightly bulging belly with satisfaction, and exclaimed happily.

"Ah~ Rice is indeed the most delicious food in the world"

"You've finished eating already?"

Gojo Satoru was a little surprised. He glanced at the other person's empty plate, then at his own plate which still had half of the fried rice on it. He also sighed.

"You really can eat, Kitagawa-san"


Kitagawa Umi's happy face froze, her cheeks turned red, and she shamelessly grabbed the clothes of a white-haired monster, pulling and shouting

"You are not allowed to say that I am a big eater. You cannot say that, Mr. Gojo. You are bad!"

"I'm just telling the truth!"

Gojo Satoru was shaken and couldn't speak clearly.

"I won't let you tell the truth... Hey, hey, why are you climbing on me?——"

Kitagawa Umi seemed to want to cover Gojo Satoru's mouth, but her height was not enough, so she crawled into his arms and finally blocked his mouth with both hands.

"Don't say it."

She blushed and said softly.

Gojo Satoru, who was covered with his mouth, nodded and hugged his thin waist with both arms, afraid of slipping down.

The wine-red eyes of the two and the pale blue eyes revealed by the sunglasses slipped off looked at each other quietly, and the atmosphere began to be ambiguous~……

"Whoosh, whoosh——"

Feeling the big hand on her waist, Kitagawa Umi's breathing quickened.

Her eyes gradually blurred.

Gojo-sensei is so handsome. He is exactly my ideal boyfriend. He is tall, handsome, and willing to make COS clothes for me. He also accompanies me out on a hot day.……

"If possible, let Gojo-sensei be my boyfriend."

An idea popped up in Kitagawa Umi's mind.

She was an open-minded girl. Although she had never had a boyfriend or had close contact with any man in 16 years, she was indeed an open-minded girl. The taboo love between a teacher and a student might even be discovered in the future and judged by others from the moral high ground, but she didn't care at all.

Kitagawa Umi only cared about whether she liked the other person.

"It seems that I do like Gojo-sensei a little bit~"

She thought to herself with certainty.

In this ambiguous atmosphere, the curtain in front of the fried rice restaurant was suddenly pushed open, and a middle-aged female boss walked in, saying

"Hai Meng, do you have enough udon noodles? If not, I'll give you another bowl."

Before she finished her words, she stared at Gojo Satoru and the other two in amazement.

""Sorry to bother you!"

The middle-aged female boss ran away after leaving a word.

Looking at the fleeing figure, Gojo Goku stretched out a hand, pulled away the hands covering his mouth, and said in grief:

"It's over, my innocence"

"It should be my innocence, Mr. Gojo.

Kitagawa Umi said with a pout.

"You don't understand this, right? Logically, even though you are a girl, you are so familiar with the boss, so my innocence must be lost."

"Uh..., that seems to be true."

"Right, hehe."

Seeing the cute girl who was confused by the words and even nodded in agreement, Gojo Satoru smiled extremely evilly.

"But, I always feel like something is wrong."

"Oops, you overthink it."

"Really? Okay then."


(Kitagawa Umi's love story is slowly unfolding~ I wonder if it will be banned, alas.)

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