Afternoon, 5 o'clock.

Somewhere in a cafe.

Gojo Satoru and Kitagawa Umi sat opposite each other, drinking coffee.

There were many shopping bags beside them.

Most of these bags were about materials for making clothes, wigs and stockings, and a few were some new clothes. After all, the weather was getting hotter and hotter.

It would be nice to buy some summer clothes in advance.

"Thank you so much today, Gojo-sensei."

Kitagawa Umi smiled sweetly, full of gratitude.

Not only was he willing to help her make clothes, but even though it was so hot today, Gojo Satoru still came out as promised to accompany her to the mall to buy COS materials. She was really grateful to him.

"You're welcome……"

Gojo Satoru, who was lying backwards, waved his hands weakly.

He was really scared. He was afraid that he would not accompany anyone to the mall for a while.

You know, it was extremely hot today, and he spent several hours in the mall. If it weren't for the [Reversal Technique], he would have died in the mall like other men.

Women are really scary creatures.……


Seeing Gojo Satoru's expression, Kitagawa Umi covered her mouth and laughed softly.

But she seemed to have thought of something, hesitated for a moment, and slowly spoke.

"Gojo-sensei, you are like what people say online, you need a kiss to be fully revived, do you need a kiss from me?"

After saying this, although there was no change in her expression, her red earlobes revealed her mental state.

Kitagawa Umi is also shy.……

"Kitagawa-san, I am your teacher~"

He raised his head slightly, stared at the"rebellious" student with dead eyes, and said speechlessly.

Why are all of them craving for my body?

It's OK for Mikujima Takashi and Hiratsuka Shizuka, but why are my own students also craving for the teacher's body?

"I'm just kidding."

Kitagawa Umi smiled mischievously as she stuck out her tongue.


After two ruthless dry laughs, Gojo Satoru once again became a salted fish.

However, the words came out of his mouth.

"If we start sewing the COS uniform tomorrow, it will be ready in a few days, but I'm curious, Kitagawa-san, can you do that kind of makeup?"


Kitagawa Umi thought for a while, then smiled awkwardly.

""Yes, a little bit."

It's true. She knows the most basic makeup techniques for girls.

"If that's the case, then it's a bit difficult for you to COS Kuroe Shizuku, because her makeup doesn't quite match yours."


Kitagawa Haimeng was so scared that he stood up, but sat down again the next second, holding an object with his arms, and said smugly

"But I'm not afraid, after all, I believe Gojo knows how to make up."


Even Gojo Satoru was speechless.

How much does this girl trust him?

Kitagawa Umi put his hands on the table and said jokingly

"Hey, right, Mr. Gojo?"

""Yes, yes."

Gojo Satoru responded helplessly.

He wanted to tease the other party, but he didn't play by the rules.


After spending about half an hour in the cafe,

Kitagawa Umi suddenly spoke

""Teacher Gojo, we can't go to dinner, it's almost six o'clock now."

A pitiful look appeared on his little face, and his white right hand covered his little stomach, as if he was really hungry.

Gojo Satoru raised his eyebrows, and then said with a pitiful look on his face

"But I'm not that hungry."

"No no no, you are just hungry, let's go have dinner"

"No, no, we're not going to eat."

"Eat it, eat it"

"No, no, I won't eat."


It seemed that there was really nothing he could do about Gojo Satoru. Kitagawa Umi had a gloomy face and silently left his original seat and sat next to Gojo Satoru.

"What do you want to do?"

Gojo Satoru hugged his body with some caution.

He stared at his teacher with a gloomy look. After about three seconds, Kitagawa Umi suddenly burst into tears.

""Wuwuwu, I want to eat, I want to eat."

While crying, she threw herself into Gojo Satoru's arms.

This coquettish attack might work on other men, but for Gojo Satoru...

Gojo Satoru hugged Kitagawa Umi and cried loudly.

""Wuwuwu, I don't want to eat."

The two people's crying attracted the young lady at the front desk. She looked hesitant and seemed to want to come over to ask what was wrong.

However, it might involve privacy, so she had to stop and wait and see.

After crying for about half a minute, Gojo Satoru finally stopped making trouble and patted the girl on the back and said

"Okay, okay, stop crying, let's go have dinner"

"Um (second tone)! Okay, hehe……"

Kitagawa Umi immediately climbed up from her arms and smiled triumphantly.

But her slightly swollen eyes and tear marks looked particularly funny.

Apparently, during her fake crying, she actually cried.

"There's no need to fight so hard."

Seeing the tear marks, Gojo Satoru helplessly took out a tissue and handed it to the other party.

""Thank you."

Said politely, Kitagawa Haimeng took the paper and gently wiped her tears.

But the burning feeling made her grimace in pain.

"Do you feel the pain now?"

"I didn't expect that I would actually cry."

Kitagawa Umi said innocently, pouting her pink lips.


Gojo Satoru gently held Kitagawa Umi's head with both hands, and said in the other's puzzled eyes.

"Close your eyes"


Kitagawa Umi closed her eyes obediently, but her eyelids were trembling nervously, and her lips were pursed involuntarily.

Could it be, could it be that Gojo Sensei is going to kiss me? Should I learn from those videos on the Internet and slap him, but... I don't want to slap him, I don't feel disgusted at all, could it be that...

I like Gojo Sensei?!

While Kitagawa Umi was thinking about it, Gojo Satoru exhaled a breath at the location of the tear mark, but used the [Reversal Technique] in his hand.

A cool feeling emerged, and Kitagawa Umi suddenly felt that the burning feeling of his tear mark was gone


(I have to go on a long trip tomorrow, so I’ll see if I can finish the update tonight.)

(The relationship between Gojo Satoru and Kitagawa Umi is slowly unfolding.)

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