Ah this...

Seeing that smooth and even somewhat pleasing action, Kitagawa Umi was stunned.

With an awkward smile, he pointed his finger at the door and said

"Teacher Gojo, is that student okay?"

"Not dead"

"Uh, I mean, is it okay?"

"Yes, that dead fish eye is not gone."

Gojo Satoru said with a nonchalant look.

Well, if it is not gone, then it is not gone...

Quietly skipping this topic, Kitagawa Kaimeng looked at Yukinoshita Yukino, as if to ask what to do next.

The two looked at each other.

Yukinoshita Yukino made a"please" gesture and said lightly

"Scumbag teacher, you can get out now"

"Can I not go out?"

Gojo Satoru sat down on the chair and said seriously.

"If you want to try it"

""If you die, you die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Gojo Satoru turned around and left without hesitation.

What do these words have to do with my body?


The sound of the door closing was heard.

Seeing the closed door, Yukinoshita Yukino walked over with concern and locked it directly.

"Well, the scumbag teacher and the dead fish classmate are out, now I will help you measure your measurements, Kitagawa classmate"


Kitagawa Umi's face flushed, and she began to take off her clothes gently.

When it came time to measure her measurements, she was still a little shy, even when facing the same girl.


Yukinoshita Yukino went from being calm at the beginning, to being surprised, to twitching at the corners of her mouth, and finally to having a dark face.

Her expression changed in various ways.


Outside the door.

Hikigaya Hachiman squatted in the opposite corner, looking like a prisoner.

Behind his drum, there was a very eye-catching shoe footprint.

"Hey, dead fish eyes."

After coming out of the service department, Gojo Satoru raised his hand and greeted

"You've been kicked out, Gojo-sensei (Gojo A-mon)."

Hikigaya Hachiman said with a gloating look on his face. Of course

, he didn't dare to say the last sentence out loud, but only said it secretly in his heart.

Also squatting in the corner, Gojo Satoru glanced at the other person and said

"I always feel that you are happy that I was kicked out, right?"

"No, how could it be possible? Don't talk nonsense. I just feel sorry for you, teacher! Yes, it's a pity!"

Hikigaya Hachiman denied three times in a row, and said it with a straight face.

But in fact, he was laughing in his heart.

Gojo Amen, Gojo Amen, in front of the"Ice Queen" of Sobu High School, you are still suppressed, hahahaha.

Gojo Satoru tilted his head. The six eyes told him that this kid was lying.

Without hesitation, he grabbed the other's shoulders and neck with his big hands, and slightly forcefully

"Ah, it hurts - I was wrong, I was wrong, Gojo-sensei, I was really wrong."

Hikigaya Hachiman immediately screamed and began to beg.

"What went wrong?"

"My fault is that I shouldn't laugh at you."

"Oh my, you really dare to laugh at me!"

The big hand exerted more force.

"I'm so wrong, so wrong, it's all wrong for Gojo-sensei, ah ah ah……"

Hikigaya Hachiman let out an even more miserable cry.

The whole corridor was filled with the scream of a dead fish eye.

The members of other departments also curiously poked their heads out and looked over.

This lasted for more than ten seconds, and Gojo Satoru also let go of his hand.

Hikigaya Hachiman was sweating profusely, panting heavily, as if he had run ten kilometers.

In fact, Gojo Satoru had controlled the force just now very accurately, not only did it not hurt the body, but it also loosened the bones.

"Gojo teacher, you……"


Seeing that threatening expression, Hikigaya Hachiman chose to keep his mouth shut.

He began to suspect that this white-haired teacher had the ability to read minds. Why did he suffer whenever he talked about Gojo Amen?


In this way, time passed by minute by minute.

About seven or eight minutes later, Kitagawa Umi, with a red face, opened the door, poked her head out and shouted

""Gojo-sensei, you two come in.""


The two stood up and walked in.

However, Hikigaya Hachiman's walking posture looked like a freak. After all, he had been squatting for so long that his feet were numb.

After entering, Gojo Satoru saw Yukinoshita Yukino sitting on a chair, not saying a word, and even looking dazed.

‘Puff, haha——’

Gojo Satoru laughed out loud.

He had guessed why Yukino looked like this. Perhaps her self-confidence was hit by her cute student.

It was really funny that the second daughter of the Yukinoshita family cared so much about her figure.

Hearing the laughter, Yukinoshita Yukino looked over with a dark face.

Sure enough, it's you, the black-haired idiot again.

After glaring at the other party fiercely, Yukinoshita Yukino pulled the chair to sit by the window and looked out the window.

Today's scenery is particularly beautiful.~……


At this time, Kitagawa Umi let out a silly laugh, holding a notebook in both hands.

"Here you go, Gojo-sensei"

"Ahem, okay."

Gojo Satoru took the notebook and read it directly.

Measurements: 86.8 (68.2 underarm) D/58.7/84.8.

In general, it's curvy.

I finally understand why Yukinoshita Yukino has a gloomy face. She is curvy, but not convex, hahahaha

""Well~ You are worthy of being my lovely student, you are so great!"

Gojo Satoru gave a thumbs up.

This made Kitagawa Umi embarrassed.

On the other side, Hikigaya Hachiman also wanted to come over to take a look out of curiosity, but Gojo Satoru patted his head and said,"You are a pervert, don't look."

Hikigaya Hachiman, who successfully put on the pervert hat, sat in his seat speechlessly.

If you can look, you are not a pervert, and if I want to come over to take a look, I am a pervert. What kind of person is this...

Family members, I am so sad.

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