Kitagawa Umi also knew after observing the helpless expressions of Yukinoshita Yukino and Hikigaya Hachiman.

I'm afraid neither of them can sew clothes.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that I had something to do, so I left first.

She made up a random excuse and said.

In fact, she said this just to avoid embarrassing them.


Gojo Satoru next to him suddenly spoke up

"If you want to sew clothes, I'm afraid I'll remember a little bit."

He pinched his fingertips and gestured.

Fingertip universe, right?

""Eh! Really, Gojo-sensei!!!"

Kitagawa Umi held Gojo Satoru's right hand, her eyes seemed to be sparkling, and her expression was extremely excited.

Even her own buns pressed against her, she didn't notice it at all.

Feeling a touch of softness, Gojo Satoru smiled arrogantly, and raised the Dragon King's exclusive Nike mouth

"Who am I? I am Gojo Satoru, I know a little bit about everything."

He really didn't lie when he said this. For him who is omnipotent, he can also sew clothes. Just like he said, he knows a little bit about everything.

"Teacher, I hope you can really do what you say."

Yukino Yukinoshita said lightly.

She was skeptical about Gojo Satoru's ability to sew clothes. You know, even she couldn't do it...

And Hikigaya Hachiman continued to play dead.

He was afraid that if he spoke up, he would be rebuked by this white-haired teacher. This rebuke would either be dead fish eyes or dead fish eyes. There was really nothing to say.

"So, Mr. Gojo, are you going to start measuring my measurements now?"



Hikigaya Hachiman and Yukinoshita Yukino said at the same time.

This made Kitagawa Umi look at the two of them in confusion.


Clearing her throat, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at a certain white-haired man with dead eyes warily, then pulled Kitagawa Umi to the other side and whispered something. Gojo Satoru, who had a strong sense, did not show any expression, but listened quietly.

"Kitagawa-san, there are two men here, you can measure your measurements at home!"

This is the voice of Yukinoshita Yukino

"It's troublesome to measure your own measurements, and I don't think it's a big deal. Just kick the other boy out and leave Gojo-sensei behind. Anyway, I trust Gojo-sensei."

This is Kitagawa Umi's voice

"What?! Huh——, Kitagawa-san, you have to know that no matter how much you trust Gojo-sensei, he is still a man. What if he gets wild and does that to you?"

"That's right, but if Mr. Gojo doesn't measure my measurements, he won't know my size and it will be difficult to make clothes for me."

"I'll measure it for you!"

Yukinoshita Yukino said firmly.

In order to protect her classmate's chastity and prevent Gojo Satoru from succeeding, she chose to measure the other person's measurements herself.

""Okay, that's fine."

Kitagawa Umi nodded gently.

But somehow, she felt a little regretful that she didn't ask Gojo Satoru to measure her measurements in person.

You know, Kitagawa Umi is not the kind of girl who is thick-skinned and has no common sense. On the contrary, she is an 'old driver' who has read all kinds of materials.

The fact that she asked Gojo Satoru to measure her measurements in person shows how low her vigilance is against him.

"We are done talking. Do you need me to measure your measurements?"

Gojo Satoru said with a smile on his face.

He heard everything they said.

Hmm~~ As expected of my"wife" in my previous life, you trust me so much and it's not in vain.

Yukinoshita Yukino glanced coldly at the white-haired monster, crossed her arms, and said coldly

"Why, the scumbag teacher wants to measure the other person's measurements so much?"

"How did I become a scumbag teacher again?"

Speechlessly supporting his chin, Gojo Satoru continued to speak.

"It was Kitagawa who asked me to help him measure, right, Kitagawa?" Kitagawa

Umi nodded her head quickly.

This made Yukinoshita Yukino glare at her, causing her to smile awkwardly.

"Okay, scumbag teacher, I will measure it for her myself, I don't need you anymore."

Yukinoshita Yukino said

"Eh? That's a pity."

Gojo Satoru showed a regretful expression.

This made Hikigaya Hachiman's mouth twitch a few times.

You're not a teacher, how dare you help others measure their measurements?

"However, we don't seem to have a ruler to measure our measurements, right?"

Kitagawa Umi put her scallion-white fingers against her lips and said with a confused look on her face.

"That's right!"

Yukino Yukinoshita also just realized it.

If you don't have a ruler to measure your measurements, you can't measure them at all.


Gojo Satoru hummed twice, and his face became mysterious.

"It all depends on me."

After saying that, he took out a ruler from his pocket.

"Gojo A-Dream!"

Hikigaya Hachiman exclaimed

"Go away, who is that blue fat guy?"

Waving his hands, Gojo Satoru looked disgusted.


Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly snatched the ruler away

"Very good scumbag teacher, carry a ruler with you, I really doubt whether you are a scumbag teacher who likes students."

"As a teacher, it is reasonable for me to carry a ruler with me. Isn't this reasonable?

Gojo Satoru spread his hands, looking innocent.

"What the hell is reasonable about this, Gojo A-Dream!"

"Dead Fish Eyes, if you scream again, I will make you look like Doraemon"

"Uh... please forgive me!"

Hikigaya Hachiman immediately bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

But in his heart he kept repeating, Gojo Ayumu, Gojo Ayumu, Gojo Ayumu……


Suddenly feeling a shadow looming over him, Hikigaya Hachiman raised his head and saw Gojo Satoru with a hideous smile.

"What's wrong? Gojo A... Gojo teacher"

"I think you must be saying something in your heart."

Patting the other person's shoulder, Gojo Satoru maintained a kind smile.

"No, how could it be?……"

Although his body was shaking, Hikigaya Hachiman would never admit it.

If he admitted it, he would definitely be beaten to death!


Pinching the back of Hikigaya Hachiman's collar, Gojo Satoru gently carried him to the gate.

He opened the gate, aimed at the drum, and kicked it. The whole action was smooth and flowing.

"Hmm~ The dead fish eye has been solved."

Patting his palms that seemed to be covered with dust, Gojo Satoru nodded with satisfaction.


(I'll update tomorrow's three chapters overnight.)

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