Although many people and Qin Ding are in a hostile state at the moment, it still feels a pity. One expert who touched the limit of Dao Law is die.

The extreme of the road can have a large terrifying ability. God King Xi is awkward, he is a Heavenly Cave, he is a singer, and he is a natural defying method. Heavenly God can’t imagine it.

Today, Qin Tiangang’s means of display is equally heaven-shaking.

The dead body, returning through Space-Time, with unwillingness.

“My brother, if you hate, you hate me, everything is for the family, I have no worries.” Qin Ding looks at Qin Tiangang.

“Hahaha, a good conscience.” Qin Tiangang said while laughing loudly, I saw his body went to Qin Clan, and said: “For Qin Clan this rivers and mountains, I made a lot of credit, in the end, it is just complete. Your father and son, I smashed the Dangtian Cave, got the secret treasure, and gave it the inheritance to Yuanfeng. You are eager to capture it. Everything about Qin Tiangang, do you want to take it all for yourself? Is this a conscience?”

Qin Clan people have no words to refute, since the ancient interests first, when the year, Qin Ding took power, Qin Tiangang if not dead, can suppress his ambition, but Qin Tiangang husband and wife body, Qin Yuanfeng get the secret treasure, Qin Ding wants to win Of course, Qin Clan people do not think that there is a mistake, obey the fate. At that time, in addition to some servants of Qin Tiangang, some of his cronies, no lineage people stood up to support Qin Yuanfeng’s, and even, there are The cronies have been rebellious.

This is the general trend, but now, Qin Tiangang returns, Qin Clan, what can I say?

“In that year, since I had worked hard for this Patriarch, then today, I personally destroyed it, Qin Clan, owe me.” Qin Tiangang ice-cold opening, a shocking storm in Qin Clan raging, terrifying extreme The Space-Time turbulent flow, the sound of hōng lóng lóng continued to spread, the building collapsed, and many experts screamed.

Qin Tiangang closed his eyes, this is his family, but he hates.

His family not only killed his lineage, killed his son, but also deprived his son of everything, and now, deal with his grandson.

“In those days, the people who killed me, all Heavenly Gods participated, this world, there is such a ruthless family.” Qin Tiangang stepping, Qin Clan earth cracked and collapsed.

“You can’t do this.” I saw a Heavenly God stepping forward and wanting to stop Qin Tiangang. It was Qin Jun. Just now Qin Tiangang said that he had saved his family.

“In that year, I saved your family, you paying kindness with enmity, killing my children and grandchildren, both, Qin Jun, your life, come back.” Qin Tiangang said, he punched, Space-Time broken, Qin Jun body Zhou seemed to have terrifying Space-Time cracks and shred everything.

“No…” Qin Jun’s face changed dramatically, showing endless panic, how could it be so powerful.

“Boom!” Qin Jun’s body burst, and another Heavenly God die, Qin Clan has countless experts, now nobody is fighting again, Qin Tiangang’s return, let the battle of Gods stop, heaven and earth return to silence, he Crossing Space-Time, with unwillingness, come to revenge.

Among the Qin Clan, there is a constant scream.

Qin Ding expression Indifference, he did not go to Qin Tiangang, but went straight to the direction of Qin Wentian.

Stepping on the foot, Qin Ding crossed the void, and Trial Halberd in his hand directly assassinated. There was a devastating light between the heavens and the earth, piercing all Dao Law and move towards Qin Wentian.

A big handprint descended like a hand of Sky, blocking Trial Halberd’s attack, and Headmaster Ye appeared beside Qin Wentian.

“Qin Ding.” Qin Tiangang loudly shouted, he waved his hand and slammed into Qin Clan, then turned and moved towards Qin Ding.

Qin Ding is just to attract Qin Tiangang to fight with him. Although Qin Tiangang has reached the extreme of Dao Law, he is ultimately a dead man. With unwillingness to cross the Space-Time, he has no fighting power. He is not afraid.

The body is swung up, and the hands of Trial Halberd are directly shot out. The heavens and the earth are yin and yang, turned into yin and yang days, and the sky is twisted.

Qin Tiangang screamed and swallowed like a Heaven Swallowing Monster Beast. He swallowed the yin and yang days, and his mouth seemed to have an infinite Space-Time that could swallow everything.

“Grandfather, let’s save Senior Han.” Qin Wentian said that Qin Wentian intended to exchange Qin Clan Heavenly God and Luoshen Han, but Qin Zheng laid a plot and did not exchange success.

Luoshen Han and Luoshen Clan’s top ten Boundary Masters are still trapped in Qin Clan.

“鲲Senior.” Qin Wentian started talking, Kun Lord stunned, crossed the world, went straight to the direction of Qin Clan, surrounded by a lot of experts, those who used the deal with Qin Wentian’s Heavenly God, but no one shot Blocking Qin Wentian, they are now scrupulous in their hearts.

The returning Qin Clan War God Qin Tiangang is too strong, and Heavenly God is also like an ant in front of him. In the case that he and Qin Ding are unclear, all people are scrupulous and dare not do it anymore.

What’s more, Universe Cult’s two generations of Cult Master, Nine Heavens Profound Female, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy’s Headmaster are all there, will not let them kill Qin Wentian.

Under this situation, we can only wait and see, no one wants to fall into it. In the event of Qin Tiangang returning from anger, they are not only the death road.

The Kun Lord crossed the void and landed directly in the hinterland of Qin Clan. Heavenly God Divine Sense enveloped the endless space and instantly found the place where the top ten Heavenly Gods of Luoshen Han and Luoshen Clan were trapped. They were imprisoned in a space divine weapon. Everything that happened outside them was seen, and the heart was excited. Now, there is hope for getting out of trouble.

The light of Divine Punishment came, Qin Zheng wanted to stop, and Luoshen Chuan summoned ten thousand monsters, stepping out and heading straight to Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng’s wife also came to block, the Dragon Lord skyrocketed, the claws tore the sky, move towards him and attacked.

Qin Dangtian killed, Heaven Swallowing Monster Lord stepped out and went straight to the other side.

Jian Junlai also shot, blocking the Heavenly God of Qin Clan, no one can stop the Kun Lord, he ignored Dao Law to block, move towards the destination.

“Kill Luoshen Han.” Qin Zheng ordered, the voice ice-cold is extremely.

Heavenly God, who was there, led the battle, and the space prison suddenly released endless brilliance, and Dao Law strength broke out.

At this time, a sword light crossed everything, with the power of Space-Time Dao Law, and it sounded like a Great Peng, reaching the limit, falling on the space prison, only listening to a loud noise. When the prison broke, Qin Wentian stepped out and went straight to the Heavenly God. The Dimensional Storm killed and the Heavenly God quickly retreated.

At this brief moment, the Kun Lord had already arrived at Luoshen Han, and the Booundary Masters of Luoshen Han and Luoshen Clan were all happy. They were then wrapped in the wings of the Kun Lord and brought them to the body of Kun Lord.

“Go.” Kun Lord started talking.

“I will swear this person first.” Qin Wentian speaks indifferently, Qin Clan Heavenly God has a lot, and has been killed a lot. Now, he can swear by one person.

At first glance, Qin Clan Heavenly God fell into the Qin Wentian’s shrine and entered Qin Wentian’s Space-Time Boundary.

Today, this Qin Clan can block Qin Wentian’s Heavenly God, but not much.

The people in the distance saw the battle inside and the situation of Qin Clan. In the heart of the incoming shiver, today is the day of Qin Clan’s big day, Qin Dangtian greets Heaven Territory number one beauty Goddess Nichang, but I am afraid that everyone will never dream of it. The momentary Qin Clan will usher in a devastating blow today.

This blow, even the Heaven Territory top rank force Qin Clan, is unbearable.

At this time, in the depths of Qin Clan, suddenly there was a heart-warming atmosphere, terrifying to extreme.

“Qin Clan, what is hidden?” Many people looked in the direction, only heard a dull sound, and the breath became more terrifying.

“Wentian, go.” Kun Lord started talking, Qin Wentian killed the Qin Clan’s Heavenly God, and then flashed back, back to the Kun Lord’s back, Kun Lord’s figure glittering, all the way back, Qin Zheng and the others don’t dare to pursue them easily. They are no longer dominant.

“What is that breath?” Luoshen Chuan looked at the depths of Qin Clan, where there was a crack in the stone tablet. The stone tablet was engraved with an ancient character, as if it were a tombstone of Qin Clan’s ancestor. When the tablet cracked, the inscription turned into a blood red, and the stone tablet was filled with blood.

Blood Qi is getting stronger and stronger, a path of terrifying blood light appears, move towards sky.

Qin Ding, who is fighting Qin Tiangang, touches Trial Halberd in his hand and then points to the bottom. In an instant, the endless blood light is swung up from Qin Clan and connected to Trial Halberd, the terrifying bloody Light is constantly flowing into it, and the power on Trial Halberd is becoming more terrifying.

At this moment, the world thinks of the rumor, Trial Halberd, that is a very powerful ancestor of Qin Clan. Before he made the way, it is the owner of the blood, that is… many people are trembled.

“Heavenly Dipper, you are, your ancestors are angry,” Qin Ding said.

“Heaven and earth are not benevolent. If the ancestors think that you are right, then he is not worthy of being my ancestor.” Qin Tiangang ice-cold opened, move towards a punch, Qin Clan bursting deep, as if to smash the face Stone tablet, how is the ancestor, for him, the son and grandson, is the most important close relative, kill him, and want to kill his grandson, what ancestors you are.

The blood line still has not been cut off, and the blood of the ancestors seems to flow into Trial Halberd, so that the sky is covered by blood light, and the pressure is strong.

“Your life is the ancestor inheritance, you are dead, but still return, revenge the family, now, the ancestors are coming back to you,” Qin Ding said, the death word fell, Trial Halberd killed again, At this moment, the endless trial light shrouded the sky, and there was nowhere to escape.

Qin Tiangang felt the power of the light of judgment. He did not dodge, but walked toward the light of judgment step by step. He said, “I am dead, there is nothing to fear, but you must be buried together.”

After all, his hands were smothered, the sky trembled, and the whole sky seemed to be stripped open, and the order of heaven and earth was disrupted.

Days, cracks, incomparable, terrifying, Qin Ding looks at a Space-Time crack around him, his face is blue, staring at Qin Tiangang in front, no longer calm, roaring: “What are you doing? ”

“I want you, in the endless space of Space-Time, sinking.” Qin Ding voice fell, the sky, as if it was really stripped of Space-Time, the body of the two, even disappeared along with the Space-Time, Did not enter the darkness, disappeared without a shadow.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth are silent, quiet to terrifying!

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