Everyone has a number of lives, Headly of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, can he count the number of others?

Such Dao Law is too terrifying, and it is definitely the ultimate Dao Law, which can lead to the supreme road.

In all Heavenly Gods, there was also an expert who stepped into Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Samsara World. They suddenly remembered that in Samsara World, their lives seemed to be similar to the outside world. Could it be that there was a fixed number? At the moment they set foot on Samsara World, their lives have been sneaked out by Samsara World.

Qin Ding expression is also a bit unsightly. Universe Cult and Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace interfered with this matter. Later, there were Monster God Mountain and Luoshen Chuan. Now, there is another Heavenly Dao Saint Academy for Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Headmaster. Today’s strength, the outside world is not so clear, after all, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy does not ask about foreign affairs, but at this moment he shot, knowing that his cultivation base is so strong.

The Patriarch raised his scepter, and the divine formation between the heavens and the earth went crazy. He stepped out, and suddenly, Qin Wentian felt a sense of crisis. The next moment, the divine formation in front of him fluctuated, and the Patriarch came out directly from him. The stick moves towards Qin Wentian and kills it.

Almost at the same time, around the eight sides of the land, 璀璨divine formation crazy evolution, and even out of many identical figures, all of the Patriarch of the family, holding the same Scepter, move towards Qin Wentian kill, this piece of divine formation Under the cover, it is impossible to tell whether it is true or false, or that it is true.

Kun Lord roared, the huge body swayed, the unparalleled wings flashed, directly penetrated the void, move towards a positional impact, but saw the scepter in the hands of a Patriarch in one position, and turned into a Chaos ancient mirror, if it entered, I am afraid that it will be swallowed into it.

“Be careful.” Dragon Lord reminded me, the family, the ancient weaponsmith, the first family, the divine weapon in the hands of the Wanian Bian, there is unpredictable energy.

In the other direction, many Heavenly God came here again, killing Qin Wentian. For the battlefield Ye Headfield, where they will go, the people they want to take are Qin Wentian, who will take the initiative to fight a powerful Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Headmaster.

Qin Wentian’s eyes are indifferent. It seems that these people are leaving themselves at all costs.

He stepped out and walked down from the back of Kun Lord, ready to fight.

But at this time, in his eyebrows, among his last Astral Soul, the vast expanse of the starry sky, as if a ray of light had been drilled out of it, and then turned into a figure, when he appeared, the palm of his hand Grab a forward, five fingers slightly grip, a fierce buckle, instantly, Qin Wentian’s family Patriarch only felt that the entire Space-Time was caught, then collapsed, a loud noise, the direction of the Patriarch Disintegrate, turned into nothing.

In other directions, the family Patriarch figure expression is condensed, staring at the figure appearing in front of the eyes, how can there be an expert?

Qin Wentian saw the moment of this figure, but also couldn’t believe his eyes. How could this be?

The figure was extremely powerful, his eyes swept around the void, the terrifying pressure seemed to envelope the endless sky, the look at the constantly erupting battle of Gods, he opened his mouth and suddenly made a loud noise, in an instant, Space-Time Collapse, heaven falls and earth rends, countless Dao Law crashed directly, all the battles stopped in an instant, countless people gaze fell on him.

In this scream, Thunder God spit out a blood, pale as paper, as a top rank figure, his body shivered at the moment, not because of this snoring, but because of the palm of his hand, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Headmaster caught it as if he had buckled his fate and broke away at this moment.

吼loud sound shattered sky, many people feel the eardrums tremble, some ordinary Heavenly God characters tremble, the surrounding Space-Time seems to be shaking unsteadily, they are inside the raging waves, which is the big terrifying figure?

Some of the older generations of Qin Clan saw the appearing characters, and the body could not help but tremble slightly. Many people even paled and the lines on the face were distorted.

How can this be? How could he appear?

The snoring gradually subsided, and the reverberation still trembled in the sky, echoing in the sky, this stunned, the ancient strong shocked, let the battle of Gods stop.

The figure turned and looked at Qin Clan, then Qin Clan, still standing like that, was so magnificent, but he looked at Qin Clan’s eyes, but it was not as passionate as it was, but There is a flame of anger.

Universe Cult Old Cult Master saw the appearance of the majestic figure first, and then a faint smile on his face, he appeared, this time, the Qin Clan is embarrassing.

Qin Ding looks at this figure, his eyes are condensed there, how can he appear?

“Grandfather,” Qin Wentian shouted, his voice trembled a little. In that year, in Heavenly Cave, he absorbed All Heaven Astral Power, and the gods disappeared. That was the idea of ​​God King Xi, and Grandfather naturally disappeared. Why, today can appear here?

Grandfather once told him that he has been die, no longer exists, so what is going on in front of him?

“Child, don’t go back to Qin Clan, I am unwilling.” Qin Tiangang said, his eyes sweeping around the experts, ice-cold said: “Today, who wants to move my grandson?”

In this matter, how can everyone know the identity of the person.

He turned out to be a rumored person who had already died in the early days, one of Qin Clan’s peerless Proud Duo, an extremely ancient existence, and the presence of Qin Ding, Qin Clan War God Qin Tiangang.

He is back, he does not return to Qin Clan, and his heart is unwilling.

This is unwilling, of course not the attachment to Qin Clan, but because of the betrayal of Qin Clan.

Qin Clan, treated his descendant like this.

After Qin Tiangang said this, he stepped out, and every step seemed to step on the heart of Qin Clan all people.

Those younger generation characters also know the identity of this person, they used to be War God of Qin Clan.

Qin Clan people, when they looked at Qin Wentian’s, they regarded him as a rebellious son. They didn’t have a heart, but for Qin Tiangang, not many, many younger generations, even today’s Qin Clan’s Heavenly God, have looks at him. The legendary growth, but Qin Clan, this is Qin Clan’s former pride, once War God, but Qin Clan, how to treat his descendant, therefore, Qin Tiangang appeared, many people involuntarily bowed their heads, dare not look at him eye.

“Qin Jun, you are now Heavenly God. When your family was besieged, who saved you?” Qin Tiangang’s eyes fell on Qin Clan’s thought that Heavenly God, the Heavenly God expression twitched, bowed, no Dare to look at Qin Tiangang.

“Qin Wang, when you were talented and eager to learn, I often come to ask me, how are I waiting for you?” Qin Tiangang looked at one person again and said, it is still a Heavenly God.

“Uncle Mu, how many times did I do for Qin Clan? You should know more clearly than junior.” Qin Tiangang looks at an extremely old Heavenly God of Qin Clan, whose generation is even higher than Qin Tiangang.

Many of Qin Clan’s people are head down. Many of Qin Clan’s younger generation characters obviously feel this strange atmosphere. Qin Wentian’s Grandfather can have such prestige.

“So Qin Clan, how do I treat my descendant?” Qin Tiangang suddenly became ice-cold, suppressing anger.

“Qin Yuanfeng rebels, death can wipe out the crimes, what’s wrong with the family?” A cold voice came out, that is the heart of Heaven Ding lineage Heavenly God.

“I got the treasure, pass it to me, just for this, Qin Clan, kill me Yuanfeng, take him all, now, and deal with my grandson Wentian, Qin Clan, right?” Qin Tiangang sneer, suddenly His palm moves toward the front and grabs it.

“Be careful.” Qin Ding reminded, but it’s too late, Qin Tiangang’s catch, Space-Time seems to be held by him, the Heavenly God expert, was buckled by an invisible big handprint, let him release Dao Law, can’t get rid of it.

“Yes?” Qin Tiangang whispered, his voice falling, his body traversing the void, hitting him down, hitting Heavenly God’s chest, his body moving away with Heavenly God. Going, a loud bang, Qin Clan stands in the sky building directly collapsed disintegrate, the Qin Clan’s Heavenly God buried.

The loud noise of hōng lóng lóng came out, the building fell from the body of Qin Tiangang, but could not shake his body, he stood on the ruins, the pale face of the people at the look at Qin Clan, said: Yes, Qin Clan kills me, I am killing people today, and I am not sorry for my ancestors.”

Heavenly God, unable to withstand a single blow.

All the experts have nothing to worry about, everything that happened today is completely out of control, no one can expect.

Qin Clan’s War God Qin Tiangang, actually returned.

“Heavenly Dipper.” At this point, Qin Ding stepped forward and went to Qin Tiangang, started talking: “The things of the year, my order, Qin Clan, is your family, why are you involved?”

“My family?” Qin Tiangang looks at Qin Ding, said with a sneer: “My family, I won’t kill me, I want my grandson’s life.”

“Everything is for the strength of the family.” Qin Ding spoke, he looks at Qin Tiangang. “Heavenly Dipper, when you, everything, dissipated, why can you return?”

“You want to ask me if I am alive or dead?” Qin Tiangang sneered: “Qin Ding, you are still so hypocritical, I am not jealous of you, I have already lost my way to God, I must know that you are in the road of God.” When I arrived at Wentian, I was not willing to learn about everything. I want to come to Qin Clan, ask you, ask Qin Clan, why, dare to be so devastated.”

“I still don’t understand, it’s dead, why can I return?” Qin Ding asked again.

“Dao Law’s extreme can pass through the past, I, from the past, with unwillingness.” Qin Tiangang did not hide the fact that he had been die, his voice fell, Qin Ding eyes solidified there, The expert is also trembled, with unwillingness, coming from the past.

He has not died in the past, the past obsession, through the future, sealed in Qin Wentian’s body.

He wants to come to Qin Clan, take a look and ask Qin Clan people!

His way, has touched the scene, many Heavenly God, are realm of yearn for something even in one’s dreams, however, he is dead!

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