Bull God Clan’s voice fell, and people in Luoshen Clan all showed anger.

Their Luoshen Clan, even if it is not as strong as Qin Clan, even if it has experienced a decline, even the original Patriarch was forced to leave, but it is still not possible to pull the Bull God Clan to the wild, but now, now, Bull God Clan is not only in the wild, but also insults them.

Niu Mo, if you want to marry your wife, the Bull God Clan chief said that you want to marry a few beautiful women of Luoshen Clan. The good thing to say is that it is a marriage, not good, this evil creature of Bull God Clan, It is a shame to humiliate to borrow the bloodline of their Luoshen Clan.

“Roll.” Luoshen Clan’s old man couldn’t help but anger, Bull God Clan’s huge eyes looked at the old man, then laughed loudly, void trembled, Luoshen Mu stared at each other, coldly said: “I Luoshen Clan, There is no idea of ​​marriage.”

Qin Clan, there is a Heavenly God who came to Luoshen Clan and then Die, who is still famous, Bull God Clan, which is purely fire.

“Bull God Clan Niu Mo I have heard of it. I heard that having Dao Bone is very good. Since it is possible to marry and improve the strength of future generations, Luoshen Mu, why do you want to refuse people thousands of miles away? I can see this.” At the time, Qin Zheng faintly opened, making many eyes of Luoshen Clan condense, and Luoshen Mu’s face became more and more unattractive. When Qin Clan and Bull God Clan came together, he worried that if the battle broke out, the other party would join hands. Now it seems that Qin Clan Between the Bull God Clan and the agreement, there was some agreement.

Qin Clan, who intends to support Bull God Clan against his Luoshen Clan, can constantly weaken their Luoshen Clan without fighting, which is undoubtedly the result that Qin Clan wants to see. So, while weakening Luoshen Clan, he also gave it to Desolate Territory. They support an opponent.

Bull God Clan chief shouted with a smile : “many thanks Patriarch Qin beautiful words, Luoshen Mu, today I have sincerely, Bull God Clan many Heavenly God simultaneous arrive, such sincerity, I am afraid you have not seen Let’s go, haha.”

This so-called sincerity is naturally a threat, he is Bull God Clan Heavenly God simultaneous arrive.

“evil creature.” A Luoshen Clan old man coldly said.

“What are you talking about?” Bull God Clan’s chieftain laughed abruptly, stepping down the ground, and heavenly coming, making the entire Luoshen Mountain tremble.

“Patriarch, this thing can’t be agreed.” Someone spoke, ignoring the anger of the Bull God Clan chief, it is unbearable.

“I have no opinion if I can’t marry, but the man just said that he insulted my chieftain and handed him over to Bull God Clan.” Bull God Clan Another Heavenly God points to the old man who just shouted the evil creature, that It is a Heavenly God expert.

“don’t tell me Are you not an evil creature?” old man ice-cold.

“Patriarch Qin, you heard it, this thing, what do you think?” Bull God Clan chieftain looked at Qin Zheng.

“If the two are in-laws, this little thing, I believe that the chief is not accounting.” Qin Zheng indifferently said.

“Well, if it is an in-law, it will be gone.” Bull God Clan Chieftain nodded: “Just, if Luoshen Clan does not agree?”

“As a chieftain, insulted, this matter, Luoshen Clan naturally has to give an account, and bring the insult to Brul God Clan.” Qin Zheng said again, the two sang together.

“So today, please Patriarch Qin presided over the fair.” Bull God Clan chiefs said with a smile, then Bull God Clan expert released the pressure, enveloped Luoshen Clan.

“Patriarch, Ning war is not humiliated, who wants to destroy me Luoshen Clan, they also have to pay a heavy price.” Just now the old man coldly opened.

“There is a bone, not the Heavenly God of Luoshen Clan. In the past, there have been many battles between Qin Clan and Luoshen Clan, but there has never been a battle of the family. Today, I may have a chance to teach all the strengths of Luoshen Clan. “Qin Zheng speaks, Qin Clan expert is under pressure, and the two top rank forces are oppressed in the sky. If Luoshen Clan’s people don’t panic, it is absolutely false. If you fight, although Heavenly God has the opportunity to escape, deal with Qin Clan. And Bull God Clan, but they Luoshen Clan, will probably be annihilated.

“How many people does the chief want?” Luoshen Mu asked, making many of the awards of Luoshen Clan look at him.

“Ten people, like Qin Clan, Niu Mo originally intended to Luoshen Lei, but she seems to no longer use Luoshen Clan, or she will choose her. Of course, if Luoshen Clan wants Luoshen Meng to marry me Bull God Clan, I It can be as long as three people, and the other two can be chosen by you, as long as it is a beautiful Boundary Master woman.” Bull God Clan Chief with a smile, among the crowd, there is a beautiful woman, its beauty is not inferior to Luoshen Lei, amazing, temperament, she is a Heavenly God’s descendant of Luoshen Clan, outstanding innate talent, and now Boundary Master cultivation base, one of the many younger generation women in Luoshen Clan, is definitely one of the best.

Luoshen Meng complexion was pale, and just happened, her grandfather, who just angered the Heavenly God of Bull God Clan, saw him coldly said: “I will not agree.”

“That’s good, I have to go to my Bull God Clan, marriage, I will not mention.” Bull God Clan Chiefe coldly said.

“Luoshen Meng, you have seen the situation, your Grandfather is Heavenly God, are you willing to let your Grandfather sacrifice, or do you marry yourself?” Luoshen Mu said to Luoshen Meng sound transmission, Luoshen Meng’s face became paler and paler, looks At the expert in void, she felt a little desperate, did not expect bad luck, actually came to herself.

“I will never agree.” At this time, her Grandfather chop nails and sever Iron said that the body was under pressure and seemed to be a battle.

“Come on, let’s decide if Grandfather wants to fight, Qin Clan and Bull God Clan are oppressed, only one death.” Luoshen Mu again sound transmission, Luoshen Meng eyes slipped and tears, said: “I promised to marry.”

“Dream.” Old man looks at his granddaughter.

“Grandfather, sooner or later, I want to marry, I have nothing.” Luoshen Meng whispered.

“Since Luoshen Meng agrees, then this is the case. I will choose two more, so the chieftain can be satisfied.” Luoshen Mu ice-cold speaks.

“haha, okay, after three months, I will send people to meet and kiss, and they will definitely make them beautiful.” Bull God Clan Chieftain laughed again, he seemed to imagine the future scene, but the scenery will only be Bull God Clan. It will be endless humiliation for Luoshen Clan.

Luoshen Mu’s eyes are extremely cold. Of course he knows how humiliating today is. However, if he starts the war, it will lead to the genocide. After so many years of rights struggle, he finally became the position of Patriarch. Don’t tell me just took office, let Can Luoshen Clan fail in his hands?


What happened on Luoshen Mountain soon spread in Ancient Immortal Territory, and Luoshen Clan, who had just ended the battle for power, was a laughing stock, but the outsider looked at the excitement, but those who had top ranks understood that Qin Clan was under intentional coercion. Luoshen Clan, this humiliation must be withstood, Qin Clan gambled Luoshen Mu did not dare to fight, to withstand the disaster, with the death of Qin Zhong, Qin Clan gave Luoshen Clan a knife, not only took away a Heavenly God top ten Boundary Master also gave them a big enemy, Bull God Clan, in the Desolate Territory.

Bull God Clan, also got what he wanted, the bloodline of Luoshen Clan, and the woman they wanted, the woman who took Luoshen Clan, the thing that Bull God Clan always wanted to do, now, finally finished, pick up The next step is to dominate Desolate Territory as Luoshen Clan weakens.

After the compromise of Luoshen Clan, there was a contradiction in the interior of Luoshen Clan. Some old men went out in anger and could not accept it. They broke with Luoshen Mu, claiming to be separated from Luoshen Clan, Luoshen Mu was furious, and Luoshen Meng was even controlled. In short, After Luoshen Mu took over the role of Luoshen Clan, the entire Luoshen Clan was completely messed up, and there were already obvious signs of decline. The world lamented that the first family of Desolate Territory, the building would be tilted.

Luoshen Chuan didn’t say a word after learning about what happened to Luoshen Clan, but Luoshen Yu seemed to feel the anger in his father. It was his family. Now, with such insults, they fight with Qin Clan. For many years, although the strength is not as good as Qin Clan, but it has never been such humiliation, and even Bull God Clan, dare to ride on the head.

“Patriarch.” Finally, someone contacted Luoshen Chuan through the communication crystal.

“I am not already Luoshen Clan Patriarch.” Luoshen Chuan shouted, the person who gave the sound transmission to him was Luoshen Meng’s Grandfather.

“Can you save Meng’er, I Luoshen Clan, don’t be humiliated, can you go back to Luoshen Clan?” The other side, Luoshen Chuan was silent, and immediately said: “I am going to remove the Patriarch position, the will of the entire Luoshen Clan. Going back now, without any meaning, go to the civil war with Luoshen Mu?”

“Then, I am willing to leave, there are several old men who regret it. They are willing to support you. They can set up another portal. Luoshen Clan on Luoshen Mountain is no longer the former Luoshen Clan.” The old man sighed, Luoshen Chuan for a long time. Silent.

Next, another old man contacted Luoshen Chuan, arguing that he would leave Luoshen Clan and let him set up another portal. Luoshen Chuan was shaken. Now, even if he does not want to split Luoshen Clan, Luoshen Clan has already begun to split and is inconsistent. It is faintly smashed into a loose sand.

Although Luoshen Chuan was shaken, he still hesitated and did not agree. He is now in a hurry to find his grandson Qin Wentian. Now, where is the person?

Qin Zhong, why is it in Desolate Territory die? It is said that Qin Clan has an expert still not leaving the Desertate Territory and is still tracking this matter.


Desolate Territory, there are three giant powers, Luoshen Clan, Bull God Clan, Monster God Mountain.

Monster God Mountain is the Monster Beast country. It is a paradise for Monster Beast. There are each clans Saint Beast. It is against the Bull God Clan. With the powerful innate talent of each clans, it is now the top of Desolate Territory. One of the three major forces of rank, and they, of course, know the recent major events in the Desolate Territory, and know more clearly.

On Monster God Mountain, in an old demon Divine Palace, Qin Wentian’s body lay quietly, Little Rascal is not there, was taken elsewhere, the young men and women who brought Qin Wentian to the interesting look at Qin Wentian.

“I didn’t expect that the people we brought back unintentionally turned out to be the source of the Desolate Territory. Qin Wentian, Qin Clan, the child of Qin Yuanfeng, the former grandson of Luoshen Clan, Patriarch Luoshen Chuan, if he is now handed over, he can definitely It’s a sensation, I’m afraid Qin Clan and Luoshen Clan are looking for him, and Luoshen Chuan.” The demon young man said with a smile, it’s interesting.

“You’d better not have this idea. The Heaven Swallowing Beast around him, now Heaven Swallowing Old Ancestor likes it very much. As a baby looks at, it’s more than you.” The woman next to me said coldly, man A smile: “It’s right, and you didn’t find anything more interesting, Qin Clan Heavenly God Qin Zhong die, and we found him in the place, it should be battlefield, is Qin Zhong, is he killed?”

Ps: I saw a lot of people squirting today, saying that garbage is unreasonable. Anyway, it is not rubbish according to their ideas. Luoshen Clan is very strong, but I have already hinted in the text many times that Luoshen Clan and Qin Clan have struggled for many years. Decline, what does this mean? Explain that Luoshen Clan can’t win Qin Clan, and now there is a Bull God Clan glare like a tiger watching his prey. You will start a war, and Luoshen Mu just became a master, and he will destroy the family? It’s not that Heavenly God has this kind of courage, and some people shouted badly every day, saying that the early stage is so beautiful. In fact, the early stage is also sprayed all the way… It’s almost coming to an end, wanting to climax every day hōng hōng It’s obviously not possible. It’s impossible to finish it without a trace. It’s perfect, no trace will try to write well, but if someone really feels uncomfortable, it is recommended to imagine a perfect ending!

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