Luoshen Chuan They found the battlefield of Qin Zhong and Qin Wentian fighting. There is a residual of Heavenly Dao. It must be Qin Zhong. However, they did not find Qin Wentian. Therefore, it is natural to think that Qin Wentian was taken away by Qin Zhong. Starry night went straight to Heaven Territory, but when they arrived at Heaven Territory, they got shocked news, Qin Clan Heavenly God Qin Zhong smashed Desolate Territory, Qin Clan expert soldier Luoshen Clan.

what on earth is it?

Who is Qin Zhong killed? Qin Wentian What is it now?

“Lei’er, can’t you contact?” Luoshen Chuan asked Luoshen Lei. Luoshen Lei has been trying to contact Qin Wentian with communication crystal, but he has not responded.

Luoshen Lei shook her head, she was very worried about the big brother, Qin Zhong died, where did the big brother go?

“Patriarch, Luoshen Clan over there?” Followed by Luoshen Clan expert looking at Luoshen Chuan, and then, Luoshen Chuan sighed, “Qin Clan Heavenly God die at Desolate Territory, although Luoshen Mu has released the news. It has nothing to do with Luoshen Clan, but the anger caused by the death of Heavenly God’s, even if it knows that it has nothing to do with Luoshen Clan, Qin Clan will not easily stop, Luoshen Mu, this is a disaster for Luoshen Clan. ”

Qin Clan, notified by Luoshen Mu, led Qin Zhong to go, now, lead the wolf into the room, who is it?

Today, he can only pray in his heart, and Luoshen Clan should not be too heavy to lose, and now he is too late to go back.

“Luoshen Mu is not right, and it is better to use Luoshen Clan to seize power. Patriarch is not as good as another portal. It calls on people of Luoshen Clan to come along. I believe that after this robbery, someone will respond.”

“If I re-differentiate the strength of Luoshen Clan, Luoshen Clan is afraid to usher in a bigger disaster.” Luoshen Chuan expression is a bit stunned, and the person next to him hears this in the heart secretly sighed, hoping that Luoshen Clan can spend This robbery, after all, even if it is left, it is still their family, the people there, the same bloodline flowing, the people they hate, but only part of it, most people are ordinary people.


As Luoshen Chuan guessed, Qin Clan lost a Heavenly God, even if they already believed in the news from Luoshen Mu, it was not what Luoshen Clan did, but then how, if the army has come, can you withdraw? ? How do people in the world think about Qin Clan? In the future, no one dares to provoke them to Qin Clan.

At this point, Luoshen Clan, must give an account.

Over Luo City, Shenwei descended, on the Luoshen Mountain, the feeling was more obvious. I saw the sky above Luoshen Mountain, above the Vault of Heaven, and the figure seemed to descend from the sky. The head of the person was Qin Clan’s Patriarch Qin Zheng. Since Qin Zheng took power in Qin Clan, he has rarely appeared outside, but his power is unquestionable. When he was young, he was established as the future leader of Qin Clan. At that time, only Qin Yuanfeng could faintly It is comparable to him, but the ending is that Qin Yuanfeng’s everything is stripped to Qin Zheng, and he is in the upper position.

Luoshen Mu and other lines appeared, he looked at Qin Zheng, and then said: “Bull God Clan, since it has arrived, come out.”

“haha, let’s take a look. Congratulations to Brother Mu for taking power and becoming Luoshen Clan Patriarch.” A rough voice came, and above the void, there was another line of experts coming. They were burly and majestic, and it was Bull God. Clan’s expert, in which several Heavenly Gods exist, the chief of Bull God Clan arrives in person.

“Many thanks Emirates.” Luoshen Mu’s voice was a bit cold. The Bull God Clan chieftain arrived personally. Obviously it was a bad comer. It was a perfect fit.

“Luoshen Mu, my Qin Clan Qin Zhong came to Luoshen Clan with your appointment, but I was killed here. What are you going to do?” Qin Zheng asked faintly, not giving Luoshen Mu’s face, bluntly He made an appointment, this statement said, Luoshen Mu, the Patriarch, it seems very faceless, after all, Qin Clan and Luoshen Clan, there is a bit of hatred, but he colluded with the enemy Qin Clan, deal With Patriarch Luoshen Chuan and Qin Wentian.

“I have already released the news before. I think Qin Clan should have got the news too. The death of Qin Zhong is absolutely not a relationship with my Luoshen Clan. At that time, Qin Zhong went to Qin Xintian, the rebellious son of Qin Clan, Luoshen Chuan. I want to leave, but my Luoshen Clan doesn’t want to interfere with the internal affairs of Qin Clan, leaving Luoshen Chuan and letting Luoshen Chuan abduct the ancestor. At that time, my Luoshen Clan expert was there. No Heavenly God left, Qin Zhong died. It is impossible to relate to my Luoshen Clan,” Luoshen Mu responded.

“Now people are jealous, there is no evidence of death, what do you say, what is it? In any case, after Qin Zhong came to Luoshen Clan, he was stunned. You said that there is no relationship with Luoshen Clan. Who is the letter?” Qin Zheng said: ” Luoshen Mu, this thing, Luoshen Clan must give me an explanation of Qin Clan, otherwise, at your own risk…”

This is already a naked threat. Luoshen Clan all people are embarrassed. They are the forces of Ancient Immortal Territory top rank. Moreover, they have been fighting with Qin Clan. Although they are weak, they have never been so threatened. Qin Clan is coming. Luoshen Mountain, pressed to the head.

“I invited Qin Zhong to come and pick up Qin Clan’s rebellious son. It is to get along with Qin Clan and get along well. Qin Family should understand my intentions. Qin Zhong is dead, I don’t want to, but it is not me. What does the Qin Family want to say now, Luoshen Clan?” Luoshen Mu said, and the people of Luoshen Clan were disappointed when they heard his voice. Compared to Qin Zheng’s hegemony, Luoshen Mu was obviously weak, as if he were a human being. Next, this is simply the shame of Luoshen Clan.

Today, Luoshen Mu is Luoshen Clan Patriarch, and he represents not only himself but the entire Luoshen Clan.

“Since Luoshen Mu, you said so, if you can do what I said below, I will believe in you.” Qin Zheng said.

“Qin Family, please,” said Luoshen Mu.

“Qin Zhong is my Qin Clan Heavenly God. He is behind Luoshen Clan. However, Luoshen Mu, you said that Luoshen Clan wants to make good contact with my Qin Clan. Then, I want Luoshen Clan, a Heavenly God, to go to my Qin Clan. Guest practice, to show friendship, in addition, I invited Luoshen Clan ten younger generation Heaven’s Chosen Boundary Master to visit my Qin Clan guest practice, wait for Luoshen Clan to complete two things, let them return, the first thing, let Luoshen Chuan Come to Qin Clan, give an account, I suspect that this matter is related to him. The second thing is to bring Qin Clin, the rebellious son of my family, to my Qin Clan. I want to see people and die to see the dead.” Qin Zheng said.

Luoshen Clan all the experts heard this, all the anger, said that the good is a guest, but in reality is hostage, to Luoshen Clan for them, take Luoshen Chuan to change Heavenly God, take Qin Wentian to change Luoshen Clan Heaven’s Chosen Boundary Master, This is a shame to Luoshen Clan. If you agree to such a condition, Luoshen Clan will be ridiculed by the world.

But don’t agree, Qin Clan today, I am afraid that I will not be willing to give up, next to Bull God Clan’s expert glare like a tiger watching his prey.

A Heavenly God, the top ten Heaven’s Chosen Boundary Master, this is to weaken the strength of Luoshen Clan again, Qin Clan does not want to go directly to war, although it can win, but their Qin Clan will also hurt a lot, all proposed The requirements, a little bit of eroding Luoshen Clan, Heavenly God and the top ten Boundary Master are on the bright side, and they also need Luoshen Clan to deal with Luoshen Chuan and Qin Wentian, what will happen?

Bull God Clan’s chiefs look at Qin Zheng, it is Qin Clan, and today, Luoshen Clan is afraid that he will not agree, but once promised, Luoshen Clan is not only weakened, but the internal crack is afraid to be bigger, and the distance disintegrate is afraid. It’s not far from them, but they have just experienced the battle for power, and the roots are basically unstable.

“The conditions of the Qin Family are a bit too much.” Luoshen Mu’s face is very unsightly.

“Yes, you said that you want to make a good deal with my Qin Clan. I ask a few Luoshen Clan friends to go to the guest and don’t agree. Then, I can only suspect that Qin Zhong’s death is what you Luoshen Clan did. In this case, there is only one battle. Qin Zheng opened, the pressure burst, in the void, a share of heavenly covered Luoshen Mountain, as if Luoshen Mu said a word, Qin Clan, went to war.

Luoshen Mu’s expression is ugly to the extreme, the first major event he just took, Qin Clan is coming, don’t tell me, is it necessary to promise such humiliating conditions?

But don’t agree, the consequences, can Luoshen Clan afford it?

“Uncle Han, would you like to visit Qin Clan?” Luoshen Mu turned back and said to an old man not far behind him, a Heavenly God of Luoshen Clan, a supporter of Luoshen Chuan, who heard Luoshen Mu’s words old man expression suddenly released a cold light, let him go to Qin Clan?

The so-called guest, but it is hypocritical, to Qin Clan, I am afraid that only Qin Clan is allowed, life and death are in the hands of the other party.

“Uncle Han, scorpion and younger brother younger sister, I will take care of Luoshen Clan, and there will be no Boundary Master going to this time.” Luoshen Mu saw the cold light in the eyes of the old man, sound transmission, this In other words, there is a hint of semi-threat. The old man is very angry and clenched. Luoshen Chuan says on the surface: “Uncle Han, if you want to go, do something for Luoshen Clan, Luoshen Clan will not forget “”

“Luoshen Mu, you are very good.” Luoshen Han said coldly, hateful. He even turned to support Luoshen Mu before, but now he was sold by Luoshen Mu.

“I am willing to go,” Luoshen Han said, but the people of Luoshen Clan heard his tone and knew that he was very reluctant.

“many thanks Uncle Han is the big picture.” Luoshen Mu nodded, and then ordered ten Boundary Master characters, all of whom were formerly supporting Luoshen Chuan. They were very angry and even some people screamed directly, but Luoshen Mu has a few sound transmission threats, they shut up, they know, go have to go, do not have to go.

“Luoshen Clan is willing to make a good deal with my Qin Clan. I will believe Luoshen Clan once, and I hope that Luoshen Clan will do it.” Qin Zheng said, there is a timid tone of command.

“My Luoshen Clan will do her best.” Luoshen Mu is extremely humiliating. At this time, Bull God Clan chief said with a smile: “Patriarch Luoshen is in the upper position. How can you not congratulate me on this great event, my Bull God Clan, I would like to be intimate with Luoshen Clan. My Bull God Clan peerless character Niu Mo has always had a good impression of Luoshen Clan’s woman. I want to marry several Luoshen Clan women. I wonder if Patriarch Luoshen can promise?”

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