Longyuan Haoyu eyes on Qin Wentian, expression with a bit of keenness, Qin Wentian, this is a customer-by-customer, it can be said that a face is not given to Long Yuanfu.

He has made concessions and no longer has trouble finding the other person. As long as he sends the person back, Heavenly Immortal Building is even willing to show it, and this matter has been revealed, but Qin Wentian believes that it should be apologized by Heavenly Immortal Building. Will release people.

Very strong.

“Frank.” He spit out two words, and then went away with a few points of anger.

Qin Wentian looks at Longyuan Haoyu The figure of leaving, expressionless, is the Boundary Master in the top power. That kind of arrogance is born, as if he first admits mistakes, it is reasonable, it should be.

Look at Longyuan Haoyu Just left, Jin Zhi beautiful eyes staring at the front, just left?

Her man came in person, Qin Wentian, still refused to let her, this moment, her heart has a strong sense of sorrow.

“This is your cuddling, you pretend out of the ordinary, just because of the Boundary Master, but he didn’t look at you.” Qin Wentian turned his back to Jin Zhi, faintly opening, his voice darting like a knife. Jin Zhi’s heart, yeah, what is she? A woman can give up at any time. Now, I am afraid he will not be willing to have a little bit of contact with her.

“Poor woman, let’s go.” Qin Wentian’s faint opening, Jin Zhi, look at Qin Wentian, some can’t believe it: “You want to let me go?”

“Let you see how sad you are, paying for your actions, keeping you, what? I don’t want to kill you.” Qin Wentian still didn’t look at Jin Zhi, he didn’t have a little sympathy, poor people There is something hateful.

Jin Zhi’s dull at at Wen Wentian and Longyuan Haoyu personally came to the personage. He responded strongly and wanted to apologize to Heavenly Immortal Building, but after Longyuan Haoyu left, he let himself go.

This is the attitude of the Blue City Boundary Master. Long Yuanfu cannot let him compromise, but he wants to let it go. This is his attitude. He has his pride.

Jin Zhi looked at Qin Wentian deeply and immediately left here, Heavenly Immortal Building, she will not go back again, Longyuan Haoyu, she will not go to him again, their relationship is over, even if she goes now Looking for Longyuan Haoyu, the other party is afraid that she will not see her anymore, it is indeed very sad.

After Jin Zhi left, Qin Wentian was talking to nothingness: “Have you seen enough?”

“I was discovered.” A whisper came, and even when I saw a white-shirt man coming out of nothingness, he was all white, dirty, and even a pair of white-browed eyes, only the dark eyes were extremely god-like. .

“It’s very interesting. Long Yuanfu came to ask you to disagree with the compromise. You then let go, you are a wonderful person.” White-eyebrowed man said with a smile.

“You are so peeping, isn’t it good?” Qin Wentian looked at the other side.

“This…” I saw him picking up his eyebrows and then said with a smile: “I saw Longyuan Haoyu coming and thought he was going to make trouble, so let’s see.”

“He wants to make trouble, and what business have with you?” Qin Wentian said.

“Of course it is related to me, I am the owner of the inn.” White-eyebrowed man Take for granted, Qin Wentian, the white-eyebrowed man in front of him, is the owner of Shili Inn? The man who sent him wine and food, let him stay at the inn in the inn.

“Even if you are the owner of the inn, you can look directly at it and use the Boundary Heart to hide in the void, but it is very unpretentious.” Qin Wentian smiled.

“Who knows that it will be discovered.” White-eyebrowed man snorted and then said with a smile: “Not to mention, the inn itself is mine, I see what is wrong, don’t forget, I am free. I didn’t accept your boundary stone. You don’t have to worry about it with this little thing.”

Qin Wentian heard the other side of a serious saying, full of black lines, this guy, is a wonderful, speechless, this logic, he is speechless, this inn is indeed the other party, and now is free, what he Did not pay.

“It seems that I still pay boundary stone.” Qin Wentian said nothing.

“Don’t, kidding, I am very cool. This time I came to invite you to drink. You should come to City of Time to attend the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference. I have several friends who will also participate in this. Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, just to know, is there any interest?” white-eyebrowed man continued: “Right, forget to self-report, my name is Shili Chunfeng, you call me Shili directly, so poetic name, It is also rare in the world and should be well remembered.”

“Well, I found out.” Qin Wentian nodded with a black face. He did find out… It was discovered that the innkeeper was extremely narcissistic. It was unscrupulous to sneak a voyeur and claim to be bold and boast of his own name.

“Everyone said that the Blue City Boundary Master is a bit cheesy, but it’s not bad. Although it’s not a big gap with my name, it’s a catchy one.” Shili Chunfeng said very seriously, behind Qin Wentian Jun Mengchen They are also stared wide-eyed, stunned look at the Boundary Master, today is refreshing their three views, the original, Boundary Master characters can be so shameless.

“Let’s go, go to the late alcoholic and ask me for a drink.” Shili Chunfeng urged, Qin Wentian glanced at all people behind him and asked, “Are you going?”

“We will not join in the fun.” Several people said with a smile, although the innkeeper seems to have no shelf, even shameless, but it is not ordinary people, Qin Wentian can qualify to sit with them, does not mean them Yes, it doesn’t mean anything to go.

Qin Wentian nodded, looks at Shili Chunfeng. “Let’s go.”

“Good, rest assured, just in the inn, the situation here can be seen, there will be nothing happening.” Shili Chunfeng said, this is his inn after all, this confidence is still there.

Qin Wentian left with Shili Chunfeng, Jun Mengchen looks at their backs, and said: “No, I have to retreat practice, this City of Time Boundary Master is everywhere, too much.”

“If you directly play the Boundary Heart with Heavenly Heart Consciousness, you can’t get into the Boundary Master early, but you have to learn Wentian, and you are self-sufficient, hehe.” Little Rascal snorted and Jun Mengchen knocked directly on his head: “Senior What Martial Brother can do, I don’t tell me, no, no, let’s try one?”

Hearing his words, Little Rascal shrank his head and shouted: “Violence.”

Qin Wentian came to an independent loft pavilion with Shili Chunfeng. It is the best location in the inn. It can see the best scenery. There is only one pavilion, tree-lined, and it is really enjoyable to drink fine wine here. Things.

Qin Wentian saw that there were already three people in the pavilion, an old man, a middle-aged woman and a woman.

The three different people, but together, together with Shili Chunfeng, four people, can be described as four styles.

Qin Wentian first looked at the old man, because he had seen the extremely simple 佝偻old man who had just met on the City of Time. I didn’t expect it to be a friend of Shili Chunfeng. I met again here. I saw the old man squinting, like a gap, looking at Qin Wentian.

The middle-aged man was wearing a blood-red robes, very conspicuous, with a beard, thick eyebrows, long shoulders, and a majestic look at the top, and the momentum was compelling. The aura is like a Monarch character, extraordinary.

The woman looks very young and wears a long skirt, which perfectly outlines her hot figure. Her beauty is comparable to that of Jin Zhi, but she is more British.

“Little white eyebrows, has it been so long, is there any good wine for us?” Old man squinted at the sight of Shili Chunfeng said with a smile, the eyes looked very wretched.

“You call me this way, I don’t have any wine today.” Shili Chunfeng just got rid of Qin Wentian’s bragging and couldn’t help but anger.

“Well, handsome and handsome Spring Breeze Boundary Master, what good wine is prepared?” Old man is like a drunkard, and is drinking wine against Shili Chunfeng.

“This is a good name.” Shili Chunfeng was nodded, took Qin Wentian to the pavilion and took out a jug: “This is today’s wine.”

“Just like that?” old man said depressedly: “It’s not enough to sew, you’re screaming.”

“There are new friends coming today, plus a pot.” Shili Chunfeng took out another jug.

“When Phoenix joined the year, you don’t want to be stingy, is it to look down on new friends?” Old man said with a smile.

“cough cough ……” Shili Chunfeng coughed and said, “I am such a person, make a joke with you, there are the last three pots of wine left here, Old Ghost, you know that this wine is not so easy. There is only one pot per person, only so much.”

“Phoenix, he looks down on you.” Old man said to the woman, when Phoenix first came, he only added two pots of wine.

“No, I am leaving, don’t call me later.” The woman turned and was ready to leave.

“Well, I will add two more pots to sin.” Shili Chunfeng didn’t expect these guys to be so pitted. It was shameless to see them for 10,000 years.

“This is my Elder Brother Shili.” The woman turned and smiled, and Shili Chunfeng cried.

“Brother Cao, this time I am loyal.” Shili Chunfeng looks to the middle-aged man.

“I dominance endless territory, what is not, wine beauty, the world is at your fingertips, only here, drinking a glass of wine is so difficult, or once in 10,000 years, what to say.” Middle-aged man indifferently said, his voice It comes with its own majesty.

“Count you guys.” Shili Chunfeng took out another eight pots of wine, then threw the storage ring on the table and said, “It’s empty, don’t believe you see it yourself.”

“This is Brother Shili, refreshing.” Middle-aged moments put on smiles, one by one is faster than flipping books.

“Well, you can introduce a new friend.” old man looks at Qin Wentian said with a smile : “Recently, your reputation is not small, Long Yuanfu dare to provoke.”

“It seems that the old mister already knows.” Qin Wentian smiled.

“Living in this broken inn, it is difficult to know if you don’t know.” Phoenix looks at Qin Wentian said with a smile.

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