The scent of the wine is obviously better than that of the previous drink. When it enters the abdomen, it is burning, and then it turns into a clear stream. It is full of people, making people feel very happy.

Qin Wentian and the others just drank a small sip and couldn’t help but praise: “Good wine.”

“This wine is very good, the innkeeper is private.” Jun Mengchen said with a smile, Little Rascal drank in a bowl and was very cute.

“This innkeeper is a wonderful person.” Qin Wentian smiled and said that the wine of the boundaryary stone is not as good as the wine. What do other guests think? The other side obviously does not care, although did not show up, but sent a good wine and good food, very interesting people.

Someone said that this innkeeper and the Boundary Master who had just invited him were extraordinary people, asking him to ask for help. Now, both of them have expressed their attitude. The Highest Beginning Boundary Master is slightly proud and self-conscious. Compared with him. The innkeeper is even more interested in Qin Wentian, not because he gave him the benefit, he is biased towards the other side, although the wine is good, but for him, it is just a desire for a stomach, a small matter, as long as the attitude of the two people is human, Qin Wentian prefers the owner of the hotel.

The entire group enjoyed the banquet. Shili Inn had many Boundary Master characters coming and going. The name of Blue City Boundary Master was also introduced to the City of Time. Now, many people outside the inn are discussing Qin Wentian. The Blue City Boundary Master, in the Heavenly Immortal Building expert take away, Donghuang Little Princess invited to bluntly refused to ask for shelter, seems to be somewhat proud, but then he battled three big Boundary Master, leading to Heavenly Immortal Building’s promise was lost, and no one dared to challenge it.

Who knows Blue City Boundary Master What is the power of this extraordinary Boundary Master? It is not a battle to kill the three Boundary Master characters, but a strong spike. For a treasure, you may die. It is worth the risk, the ability to kill the extraordinary Boundary Master’s expert, Heavenly Immortal Building treasure is not that big.

Moreover, it is said that Highest Beginning Boundary Master also lived in the inn. He personally invited Qin Wentian to go to him, and was rejected by Qin Wentian. Highest Beginning Boundary Master was in a bad mood. The owner of Shili Inn was sent free of charge. The wine was enjoyed by the Blue City Boundary Master, and these things spread quickly, making the Blue City Boundary Master four words, and the City of Time has a reputation for being quite unknowingly unconscious.

Of course, the City of Time people are not too unexpected. This is just the historical norm for the City of Time. Before the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, everyone will be famous and noticed. Of course, the Blue City Boundary Master will not be the only one. In other parts of the City of Time, there are some things happening, and some Boundary Master experts show up.

However, City of Time is more concerned with the powerful existence that has become famous in the past history. Everyone who knows the legendary name has a thrilling story. The newcomer like Blue City Boundary Master is just a chaser. Inheritance The path that the predecessors have traveled is just that I don’t know what kind of height.

Many people are paying attention to the movements in the Longyuan House. The plan of the Heavenly Immortal Building was resolved by the first battle. Then what should be done next?

Could it be that Long Yuanfu personally sent a strong Boundary Master to suppress the Blue City Boundary Master?

At this time, in a place in the village of Longyuan, a young Boundary Master stood up, and he was out of the ordinary, and the whole person showed an invisible power.

His name is Longyuan Haoyu, but he is a genius Boundary Master of Longyuan House. His position is out of the ordinary. Jin Zhi is one of his many women. People like him, there are many beauty things that are normal. Everyone has a desire, Boundary Master expert is also a person, no exception, he did not marry, but don’t tell me do not touch women? This is obviously impossible.

Of course, the woman is not too important for him. Jin Zhi took the initiative to seduce him. He did not refuse. He then arranged Jin Zhi in the Heavenly Immortal Building. Only a few people knew that Jin Zhi was his woman. Things, he naturally will not go public, Jin Zhi is not worthy of being his real life girl, he has no deep feelings for Jin Zhi, just for a moment.

However, even then, his woman is naturally not insulted by anyone, not to mention being taken away. He does not admit that it is one thing, but the Blue City Boundary Master hit his face is also a fact, by the way Let Heavenly Immortal Building lose face, so he moved an elder in the family responsible for the Heavenly Immortal Building, and issued an order from the Heavenly Immortal Building, which was the order of the exchange that was previously exchanged for the treasure.

But even then, he still didn’t care too much. For him, this is only a very small thing. If he wins Qin Wentian, he will inevitably humiliate and restore the face of Heavenly Immortal Building. He is also exporting. But the problem is that this little thing is not only not done well, but spreads, because the Heavenly Immortal Building is the person who is deal with, is an extraordinary Boundary Master, and killed the three Boundary Master Realm experts in World of War.

This incident, even spread in the City of Time, the response is not small, the Blue City Boundary Master, by their Heavenly Immortal Building, instantly became famous, many people are waiting for the Heavenly Immortal Building, or waiting for Long Yuanshi How to deal with the attitude down.

“Haoyu.” A voice passed, Longyuan Haoyu eyes flash, then responded by saying: “Uncle.”

“Next, what do you think and how to deal with this matter? Now, your father knows this thing, but I haven’t asked, this is what caused you, the woman, who is yours.” There was a voice coming into the ear of Longyuan Haoyu. It was obviously something that was not elders.

“I will go to the Blue City Boundary Master for a while,” Longyuan Haoyu said.

“Good.” The other party returned to complied, and then there was no sound. Although Longyuan Haoyu was his junior, it was also a Boundary Master level expert. Naturally, he didn’t need anything to ask him to handle. Everything in the family, in the future. It was the descendant who grew up from generation to generation.

They did not send people to force a strong suppression of Qin Wentian, because even if he can do it, but the powerful force of your City of Time, because of a maid, to suppress a prominent Boundary Master at the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, Really good reputation? Can you save the face of Heavenly Immortal Building? I am afraid that it will be more criticized. I think that Long Yuan’s work is not rules, don’t forget, the cause of the incident, or the maid first yelled at the other’s wife.

The wife of the extraordinary Boundary Master, a maid of your Heavenly Immortal Building can swear at will? Don’t tell me Because the Heavenly Immortal Building belongs to the Longyuan House, can it be so overbearing?

If Long Yuanfu continues to order as before, it will only be criticized.

Therefore, there is no movement in the Heavenly Immortal Building. The Longyuan House is also very calm. It seems to have forgotten that thing. Some people even think that this matter will stop here. Both sides have not happened, and they will not pursue each other. However, a maid offended the extraordinary Boundary Master, and there was nothing to say about it. The extraordinary Boundary Master can have no temper?

Qin Wentian thought that there would be trouble, but after a few days of quiet days, Jin Zhi also had no temper. He was treated as a maid, and she was almost desperate. He just gave up her directly. ?

On this day, Qin Wentian was in his yard, suddenly brow wrinkled, and immediately started talking: “Who?”

“Longyuan Haoyu.” A voice came, Qin Wentian eyes flash, Long Yuan’s people, is it?

“Come in.” Qin Wentian faintly opened, and then a young figure appeared in front of him, it was Longyuan Haoyu.

I saw a figure glittering, and Jin Zhi saw the coming of a big smile and shouted: “Haoyu.”

Longyuan Haoyu just glanced at her and then looked away. This one eyes made Jin Zhi feel cold, like a hail.

Jun Mengchen and the others have come over and look at this uninvited guest. Expression is a bit vigilant. This young aura is very strong, surnamed Long Yuan, obviously, from that place, these days, they have heard many times The name of the capital.

“Blue City Boundary Master.” Longyuan Haoyu looks at Qin Wentian. “The name of your recent name is quite loud at City of Time.”

“There is nothing to say.” Qin Wentian said to the other party.

“Good.” Longyuan Haoyu nodded slightly: “You take people away from my Heavenly Immortal Building and make it difficult for me to do it. It’s better to take a step back. You will send people back to Heavenly Immortal Building. Heavenly Immortal Building gives you free of charge. Pick a piece of divine weapon jewelry, both sides have a step down, how?”

Qin Wentian looks at Longyuan Haoyu, sneer in the heart, let him send people back first, which means he compromises first, and Heavenly Immortal Building is sending him a treasure, give him a gift?

“Why not Heavenly Immortal Building sent the treasure here to apologize, then I put the person back. The cause of the incident was caused by this woman, but if Heavenly Immortal Building made her apologize at the time, I would not continue to pursue it.” Qin Wentian responded that he had no opinion on both sides, but he did not have the truth to compromise.

This is a matter of difference, but the meaning is completely different.

“Why are you suffering this kind of thing, I have been standing in the City of Time for many years, so I have some reputation.” Longyuan Haoyu said again.

“So, Long Yuanfu is so big, should I give in to one step?” Qin Wentian said with a smile: “In fact, there is no need to be so troublesome. I said before in the Heavenly Immortal Building, I have no intention and Heavenly Immortal Building or Dragon. I couldn’t get through, and the person who insulted my wife was the maid, so I took her down. She should pay for it. As a result, she swept the face of Heavenly Immortal Building, and the Heavenly Immortal Building ordered people to come and pick me up. I have done this thing without happening.”

“So, you are not planning to give in at all?” Longyuan Haoyu frowned, he personally ran this, the Blue City Boundary Master, still so attitude.

“If you come here, it is to let me make compromises and you can leave.” Qin Wentian is rude, he said, don’t pursue the order of the Heavenly Immortal Building, the two sides have revealed this, this is him. The concession is also that I don’t want to continue to make things big, but the other party’s intention is to send him back to the people who insulted Qingcheng.

This is the attitude of Long Yuanfu?

If so, then it is to accompany you!

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