Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape comes from the Desolate Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, must be the very high blood level of the Great Monster, but still can not sit in the first place.

It can be said that even if it is more than a thousand top rank Heaven’s Chosen, come to Saint Academy to listen to preach the Dao, there are not many people or demons who are qualified to challenge the first seat.

“I will try it.” A voice came out, only to see White Tiger Clan Royal Clan expert Bai Mou step by step, his cultivation base Immortal Stage 6th level, although not as good as the Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape realm, but Saint The Academy listened that it didn’t say that the first place was only a high realm to sit. He was the White Tiger Clan Royal Clan and wanted to give it a try.

Bai King’s king grade bloodline released, the mighty terrifying, a loud bang, Bai Mou set foot on the first fairy, another terrifying star ray flooded void, a phantom appeared, White Tiger Monster King crazy roar, I am afraid Grand Dao was crushed on his body, and his body was crushed, and the sound of giant bangs continued. The White Tiger Monster King seemed to want to fight against the strength, but he still couldn’t resist it. The Grand Dao palm print was taken and knocked down to the ground like the Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape.

Bai Mou stood up and the expression was not very good. As a person of White Tiger Royal Clan, he actually set foot on the first seat. Then, a great Monster tried and could not do it.

In the Heavenly Monster Palace, a terrifying figure emerges. He steps forward and is extraordinary. Standing on the first seat, he has a fascinating style. However, he did not change the fate of the bombardment. Beast God Church The same is true for the expert, even if they are unparalleled, they are still useless.

This position, like the real leader of the real demon, they, nobody can sit.

“Oh.” Between the Turks, a violent and sharp air filled the air, and the strong eyes turned, and they saw a figure rising from the sky, the golden wings were boundless, so beautiful, every piece of feathers, Like a sword, it reveals the mystery and power of ancient.

“The king of my family.” Heavenly Peng Clan’s digital expert looks solemn, as if he is expecting Jia Nantian to be on the first place. This is his king. In the future, he will be the king of ten thousand monsters, ordering all monsters in the world, conquering Desolate. Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

Jia Nantian incarnation, a terrifying Golden-Winged Great Peng bird, his eyes are boundless, revealing terrifying look, flashing like a golden lightning, instantly falling in the first place, shining, Covering his body, the picture appeared, Jia Nantian severe roar, bloodline broke out, in the picture, the gods came to the world, the town destroyed everything.

There, there is a big Roc, incarnation tens of thousands of feet, wings throwing, heaven splitting earth shattering, kneeling on the Shenwei Heavenly Dao, to compete with heavenly might.

Zhu Qiang can feel the kind of collision of the heaven-shaking movement. The Golden-Winged Great Peng is like a Golden-Winged Great Peng, wanting to smash Heavenly Dao, crazy bombardment, but Heavenly Dao terrifying, a supreme palm Print crushed and killed, destroying everything, to wipe out the Golden-Winged Great Peng.

“Hey.” Wind-Winged Peng King The golden-Winged Peng King seems to be able to cross the space and escape from Heavenly Dao. However, the palm print is too terrifying, and the escape can’t escape. The Golden-Winged Peng King is reversed. Body, shuttle void, winged, hōng lóng lóng’s dull sound, in the picture, Heavenly Dao seems to have swayed, even as if there is a crack, but Golden-Winged Peng King is still destroyed and destroyed .

Jia Nantian grunt, his body was repulsed, his wings were glittering, and when he had not landed, he immediately rose to the sky, hung above the void, and stared at the first seat in front of him. “Heavenly Dao power, if not saint grade bloodline , don’t split the heavens, this one, no demon can sit.”

Jia Nantian’s tone reveals a hegemonic power, and there is a singularity that is unique to me. It seems that he can’t do things. Here, no one or a demon can do it. This kind of spirit, whoever I am, seems to be unparalleled in his world. .

There was also a violent figure, some people took the first place, the picture reappeared, an ancient Desolate Great Monster Kui Bull appeared, rushing over the void, wanting to break through the Heavenly Dao restraint, not bound by the road, but Golden- Winged Great Peng Jia Nantian did not do anything, he still failed, was slammed down.

“Hey.” A heavy voice came out, only to see a spirit full of strength and infinite youth to come out, Qin Wentian eyes flash, this person is the Long Island Great Monster, a terrifying Monster Dragon.

The Monster Dragon youth set foot on the first seat. The picture shows a terrifying Monster Dragon appearing in the starry picture. This Monster Dragon is a Fire Dragon, move towards the strength of the journey, and the enormous body has an infinite strength. In the continuous collision, Heavenly Dao trembled, but it still disappeared. In the end, it was only like Jia Nantian, and it was smashed to the first place.

All people expression are all solemn, all silent, it seems that Twelve years Saint Academy opened, the martyrdom, the first place, but nobody can sit, no demon can sit.

“I am afraid that the Great Monster of the saint grade pure blood can sit up.” Nanhuang Yunxi whispered, the first place, too difficult.

Saint Academy preach the Dao, the road has not yet opened, it gave a profound lesson to top rank Heaven’s Chosen.

“Would you like to try?” Qin Wentian looks at Little Rascal next to him, this guy is out of the ordinary, I don’t know what kind of demon.

“Don’t go, sit up, and be killed by the cockroach.” Little brat shook his head, making Qin Wentian smile, this little brat is getting smarter, even if he really sat in the seat, here are What kind of existence is there, I am afraid that there will be no more days in the Saint Academy.

There are people who comprehends certain knowledge faster than the others, but the road can be in no particular order, the first place in front, let them fight for it. At present, Qin Wentian is not interested, maybe one day he is interested, will go Fighting for the battle is not the present.

The first nobody can sit, then the two cents in the second row become the foremost position, and can listen to the teachings of the Tao at the nearest distance.

These two positions, I am afraid it is not so good to sit, the major experts are staring, and, if you can sit up, it is not necessarily.

“Three thousand cents, after sitting down, can’t take it.” A voice came out, making all people look trembled. These three thousand centuries, as long as you take the lead, the rest can no longer snatch, who will sit first Next, whoever is the fairy, listen to preach the Dao in the fairy.

“Hey.” Another White Tiger Clan Royal Clan expert stepped out. He cultivated base terrifying, Immortal Stage 8th level, and went to the second fairy. The Great Monster expert, such as Longdao expert and Tianzhu, moved towards Going there, I want to snatch the second fairy.

“Wang.” Heavenly Peng Clan’s expert looks at the Golden-Winged Great Peng bird Jia Nantian.

“The first body of the three thousand fairy seats can sit, and the second fairy seat becomes the first seat. These two positions are so easy to sit down. If they can sit, I will not change.” Jia Nantian said proudly. There is no competition. In addition to him, there are other Great Monsters who are not competing to watch these tyrannical Great Monster fight for the second fairy.

White Tiger Clan Royal Clan expert and Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape are striding at the same time, loudly, baleful aura, the mark of the king emerges, want to retreat Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape, but Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape screams , turned into a terrifying body, these three thousand cents are all very open, the position is very large, even if the body appears, it will not occupy too much space, just the violent momentum, it is amazing.

The king’s baleful aura collided with the fire eyes, the power of heaven-shaking, the two Great Monsters walked towards each other at the same time, the White Tiger Royal Clan was wrapped in baleful aura, the Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape was mad by the flames, and the two banged a punch, hōng Lóng lóng’s amazing momentum swept out and turned into a terrifying storm. Realm’s low-minded Great Monster was swept away. Even if it was a fight for a fairy, there would be no low-realm demon. It must be a bloodline powerful and a realm high. Great Monster.

The two Great Monsters retreat at the same time, their eyes staring at each other, seemingly refused to retreat, but above the fairy, the previous Fire Dragon embarked on a fairy, against the strength of the fairy, but The rear Great Monster found that even the second cent, the Monster Dragon was difficult to compete, and after the madness, the Fire Dragon was smashed into the second cent.

The second fairy, is it so good to sit?

This stopped the White Tiger Royal Clan expert and the fire violent temper, and the expression was stiff.

The White Tiger Royal Clan flashed and stepped on. The Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape didn’t stop, letting the other side set foot on the second fairy, against the strength of the fairy. Finally, the White Tiger Royal Clan expert was The bangs made the strong ones lose their hearts.

Subsequently, Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape also failed to win the cent.

The land of the Saint Academy, even the second fairy, they can’t sit up.

Afterwards, all the experts tried and failed, and Jia Nantian finally stepped on again and stepped onto the fairy. The golden-Winged Peng King, who was inferior, once again appeared on the screen and competed against the Grand Dao strength. , Double wing, shuttle space, experienced a heaven-shaking collision, even broke through the road, a glare shot, Jia Nantian sat on the second fairy, surrounded by a star halo, dazzling, that fairy , return to him.

“Sure enough, Heavenly Peng Clan’s Golden-Winged Great Peng is far less rare than the White Tiger Clan’s Royal Clan, and the bloodline is more expensive.” Qin Wentian saw this scene whisper, Heavenly Peng Clan is here only Golden-Winged Great Peng Jia Nantian alone, White Tiger Clan has several Royal Clans, even if it is a dragon island, it seems to be a bit weaker than the golden-Winged Great Peng’s bloodline.

After all, Long Island’s major Royal Clan is not, and Golden-Winged Great Peng is Heavenly Peng Clan’s supreme Royal Clan.

“Although you don’t take the first place, you can’t go too far. You have to take the position of the top ten rows. Which position you want, with you.” Qin Wentian said to the expert of Battle Saint Clan, they nodded and stepped forward. And out.

“Let’s go too.” Qin Wentian and Nanhuang Yunxi and the others also stepped out and walked forward.

“You must also have a seat in front?” Sky Mist Immortal Country expert Looking at Qin Wentian, they are not right. They have not had a conflict before. However, at this moment, they are vying for the fairy. These Sky Mist Immortal Country experts seem to be interested in Qin. Wentian.

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