The same is true of Saint Academy where Qin Wentian is located.

All the experts on the altar are recalled from Connected Heavenly Realm, sobering up, this Saint Academy all people, all raise one’s head, staring into the distance.

“Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Twelve, Saint Academy opened, and talked about the martyrdom.” This voice stunned, making everyone people in the heart of the shiver, Saint Academy opened, that is the real Saint Academy.

And this space world is just the space that comes with Saint Academy.

a path of the figure vacated, looking to the front of the void, Saint Academy floats in the air, actually able to volley, endless light, gradually covering the vast endless space, a path of figure glittering and moving, move towards Saint Academy is heading for directions.

“There are people in the Saint Academy preach the Dao?” Nanhuang Shengge beautiful eyes flashed in the same light.

“It’s fun.” Little brat whispered, it seemed to be very interesting.

“Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Twelve year, we entered Xianhai, went to Saint Academy, Twelve years have passed, the whole Twelve year, Saint Academy opened, extraordinary, let’s go see.” Qin Wentian said, Nanhuang Yunxi nodded, The entire group walks out, move towards the direction.

In void, there are many more figures, from all sides, all move towards the Saint Academy who came to this space, and all the eyes are full of wonderful light.

Twelve is only a year old, and Dao Law is an out of the ordinary. So, those Twelve years are still trapped in Xianhai. Have you ever realized that people who came here don’t miss it? This opened Saint Academy will continue to exist or disappear in the future.

Above the void, the Heavenly Peng Clan expert is full of dazzling light, the wind is raging, when they smash in the void, the mighty terrifying, this space, the Heavenly Peng Clan who came to have two More than ten people, it is worthy of the demon world Royal Clan.

Qin Wentian saw that Heavenly Peng Clan expert, which was gathered from all parties, was centered on one person. The man was the king of Heavenly Peng Clan, Golden-Winged Great Peng bird, Jia Nantian, who defeated in Connected Heavenly Realm. Huang Wudi has amazing strength.

Outside the experts, all of them gathered in the appearance of the Saint Academy. There are also some people gathered in Nanhuang Yunxi. The number of people is more than ten. The status seems to be no worse than Nanhuang Yunxi. It is the inheritance Saintess of Southern Phoenix Clan. .

White Tiger Clan expert baleful aura terrifying, they are on the sidelines, except for Bai Mou, two people are not inferior to him, but the White Tiger Clan’s Royal Clan exists.

In addition, there are people of the Tianzhu people, the extreme of the danger.

“Into the Saint Academy.” A voice came, and a path of the figure moved toward the Saint Academy of the floats in the air. The building was magnificent, the palace was full of glory, and the expers were set on it. The heavenly ladder seems to be able to reach the Vault of Heaven, and a wonderful strength falls down like a god, making it a pilgrimage.

On the ladder of the sky, the expert gathers, steps on the steps, walks forward step by step, and has a huge figure. There are more than a thousand people. There are four Saint Academys. I am afraid that five or six thousand people have already entered, Twelve year. One-third of the places have entered the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy.

“It seems that it’s all coming.” Qin Wentian said that he looked at the experts and he found a rule that most of the demon works and the Great Monster came to the Saint Academy.

In addition to Heavenly Peng Clan, White Tiger Clan, and the Scorpio, he also saw the Heavenly Monster Palace.

In addition, there are amazing groups. They are dressed in simple animal skins, which are like the skin of the Great Monster. They all have a rough and overbearing momentum. Everyone looks quite terrifying, they and Like Qin Wentian, it comes from the east of Xianyu, and is the most oriental snowy mountain, the people of Beast God Church.

Not only that, Qin Wentian, with his amazing eyesight, even saw the strength of the terrifying demon of the human inner strength, they were all skeletal, mortal body terrifying, Qin Wentian could feel that those people, the same demon And, is Monster Dragon.

It is rumored that Nine Cauldrons City has a dragon island in the West Sea. This rumor is not true or false, but 茫茫Immortal Territory, Monster Dragon exists, Qin Wentian is not surprised.

“Saint Lord, there are a lot of Great Monsters.” Battle Saint Clan’s expert said to Qin Wentian sound transmission, next to him, there are several people of Battle Saint Clan, their totems are Divine Ape, practice Battle Saint Method, born With a strange ability, eyes terrifying, can also see the body of some human form Great Monster.

“I can see it.” Qin Wentian sound transmission, these people can be said to be the first people to cross the Xianhai to Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. Not necessarily all of them are better than those who have not yet arrived, but the overall innate In terms of talent perception, it is undoubtedly the strongest group. It is normal for the Great Monster to appear here.

“Sky Mist Immortal Country is also numbered here.” Nanhuang Yunxi whispered, Qin Wentian nodded lightly, and of course he felt a few gaze, one of whom was quite familiar, at Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial. Palace has a side.

Stepping up the fairy ladder, the left and right are Immortal Mountain ancient peak, such as the Immortal Residence, where Immortal Sense is blocked, I don’t know what is on the fairy ladder, I can only step on the ladder.

The ladder of the magic fairy, all the way up, finally went to the top, the front, the view is wide, the spacious ground above, there are three thousand seats, each seat is starlight shining, there seems to be a wonderful line of flow on it, hidden Mysterious atmosphere, these three thousand seats, like a three thousand cents of futon.

In front of the three thousand futons, there is a palace, the land of the promenade, a statue-like body that is lifelike, sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, without any breath, like a real person, like a statue.

The Saint Academy is open and tells the story. Then, this figure should be true.

Saint Academy is here, at the moment, I finally saw it.

Three thousand cents, the front row has only one person, the second row has two people, the third row has three people, and the future is more and more.

Zhu Qiang stood quietly there, looks at the three thousand cents, and asked for the same order, three thousand cents, who is sitting first?

“Saint Academy preach the Dao, the three thousand can sit.” The voice came, I don’t know where, the figure in front is still like a statue, there is no sound, no opening, this voice, nobody know where to come from.

“Saint Academy preach the Dao, who is headed by three thousand cents.” Another voice came out, making all people feel trembled. It seems to express their inner thoughts. Martial Dao is arguing, and he likes to win and lose. The road slowly, how many heroes are crossed, this fairy has three thousand, both before and after, all people naturally think, who is the first three thousand cents?

There are more than a thousand experts, many Great Monsters, including West Sea Dragon Clan, Western Tiger White Tiger Clan, Heavenly Peng Clan, and Phoenix Bloodline Southern Phoenix Clan, Beast God Church, Immortal Territory, who can sit in the first place. Listen to Saint Academy preach the Dao?

Jia Nantian eyes sharp, staring at the strongest fairy. In his eyes, it seems that there are only the fairy places there. There are both front and back, and the back is rather not sitting. However, he did not take the lead and moved. Three thousand cents, the first seat is so good to sit, this is like the Connected Heavenly Immortal List, the top spot, it is so easy to get.

“I am going to sit.” A rough voice came out, and then a figure emerged from the crowd. The figure was three meters high and covered with an explosion-like strength. His limbs were thick and strong, and his eyes were powerful. The eyes had a flame color and terrifying. Extremely, and the cultivation base realm is also very high, the Immortal Stage 8th level, there is a strong momentum on the body.

“This demon is Monster Beast. I don’t know which kind of scorpion demon. It seems that only he came alone, no tribe.” Qin Wentian whispered, Southern Phoenix Clan beautiful eyes glittering, seems to think of a place, and Nanhuang Shengge next to her is also started talking: “I have seen the ancient book of Southern Phoenix Clan, the Immortal Territory. The Monster Race in the Immortal Territory is not much. These Monster Races live in the Immortal Territory. But Immortal Territory has a place where the Monster Beast is more than the Immortal Territory West, which is the wilderness of the Immortal Territory extreme north land, among the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.”

“It’s also a little bit heard.” Qin Wentian nodded slightly: “Just I heard Desolate Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. I don’t know how vast it is. It’s like a place like Ten Thousand Demon Island. If it’s deep, it’s almost dead. The place where the demon there is rarely associated with the Immortal Territory, for the Desolate Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, the Immortal Territory knows less about Ten Thousand Demon Island, even if the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy appears, Desolate Hundred Thousand The Great Mountains don’t necessarily have too many devils.”

“Really, if the Desolate Hundred Thousand Great Mountains are also coming down, it will be as sensational as Ten Thousand Demon Island, but it does not rule out some Great Monsters.” A Southern Phoenix Clan’s expert whispered “This Great Monster, eyes red, a bit like the rumored Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape, except for the Desolate Hundred Thousand Great Mountains area, Immortal Territory has not heard of such Monster Beasts elsewhere.”

Incarnation The human-shaped Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape walked up to the forefront of the fairy, stepping on it, very strong, and the light flow above the fairy, a terrifying brilliance.

“Hey.” Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape roared, terrifying brilliance rushed into the sky, and there was a picture in the void, where there was a huge and violent Monster Beast, which was as big as a blush, and the eyes were red, and Ignition was violent. The flame, like entering the state of the runaway, heavenly roaring heavenly and earth rends, seems to have a supreme Grand Dao pressure on him, to crush the violent Great Monster, that Great Monster is struggling with madness, and the sky is turbulent, but it can’t break the grand Dao that is on the body.

“Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape.” All people saw that phantom immediately knew what the figure’s body was, Monster Beast, showing a surprised expression.

“Boom.” A loud noise, incarnation humanoid Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape body was smashed down the fairy, and the sly fell on the ground, the earth was dull, he climbed up, red-red eyes Staring at the position of the first seat, there is a very violent monster qi raging, seems to be ready to enter the form of the runaway.

“Who is the leader of the three thousand cents, this is the first place, it is not good to sit.” All people trembled, Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape was slammed down, wanting to sit on the crowd, it is not easy!

Ps: On Monday, the brothers and sisters are asking for tickets!

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