Nine Emperors Immortal Country people coldly snorted, did not respond, these thousands of people are Immortal Territory Immortal Stage Realm’s top rank enchanting characters, no one, no one is proud and arrogant.

However, some people are in the words, but more Heaven’s Chosen is always silent, has not spoken, and there are many people who are shocked by the famous people, just calm look at everything happening.

Finally, thousands of experts were detected, and the phantom on the starry sky looked at them and said: “You have all passed the review for the time being, first step into the Saint Academy channel.”

His voice fell, the palm of the scepter waved, and the strange symbol light shrouded the exper’s body, which made countless people’s hearts scared. Although these people are very outstanding, they dare not stand up, but they still did not expect to pass all the way. The figure on the high platform has its own intentions, deliberately let the confident Heaven’s Chosen characters stand out first, lest he not pick it afterwards.

He waved his hand and suddenly there was a space in front of him. He said, “The people who want to enter the Saint Academy have successively stood in this space, releasing your Astral Soul, Immortal Stage, bloodline, which I have chosen. When people enter the Saint Academy, people who are not selected will be able to get out of the position and start.”

His voice fell, and suddenly a path of figure glittering out, came to the front, for a time, many experts were vast, all released Astral Soul, Immortal Stage, bloodline, it was dazzling.

Qin Wentian saw this scene and the people around him looked at each other. They were very good at them before. Nowadays, so many people, just look at them at a glance, I am afraid that they can only be considered as rough, and there may even be omissions. After all, There are too many people. However, letting them take the initiative to stand up is to give those who have innate talent a chance to let them go out, there is no omission.

“We are going to be advanced, they are self-contained.” Qin Wentian, Qing’er, Nanhuang Yunxi and the others station together, each looking at the people of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, Evergreen Immortal Country and Southern Phoenix Clan, then went to Going forward, move towards the entrance of the Saint Academy, the rest of the people, see their own creations.

a path of the figure strolling out to the Saint Academy, they all have wonderful light shrouded, stepping into the entrance of Saint Academy, looks at a path of figure stepping into it, Qin Wentian lifted his foot, move towards inside, this moment He gave birth to a strange feeling, as if this step was across the door of nothingness.

Step by step, in an instant, the scene of the heavens and the earth changes, Qin Wentian looks at everything in front of me, and the heart gives birth to a wave.

“It is rumored that Heavenly Dao Saint Academy has a built-in space, which is a world of Xumi. It seems that it is true.” Jun Mengchen said, the wind blew, blowing on his body and blowing the clothes on them.

At this time, thousands of figures appeared on the edge of the coast, in front of it, there is an endless sea. This piece of sea seems to have a wonderful atmosphere, like Xianwei.

This sea, can’t see the end, like the boundless, all people at the moment, no one knows where the sea is heading.

The sound of huā lā lā came out. Above the sea surface, there was a starlight shining. A phantom gathered together and stood on the sky above the sea, looking at all people.

“This sea is Xianhai, also the Daohai. You come to Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. It is for the sake of seeking immortality. You need to pass the Xianhai. If you can’t, you will always float in the fairy sea.” Opening, said: “Xianhai Wuya, want to cross the fairy sea, need everyone to show the divine ability, everyone waiting for the people behind, all crossing the sea.”

All people nodded their heads and looked at the front. The other party’s words contained mysterious words. It was difficult to comprehend thoroughly, and it was not what meaning, not only Xianhai Wuya, but how to spend it?

In the rear, there are always experts appearing here, all of which are Immortal Stage experts coming in. As time goes by, the number of people is increasing, the lineup is huge, and even the faint has more than 20,000 people.

“Are there people coming in?” All people were a little confused, looking at the front of Xianhai, and then they suddenly felt that it seemed that the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy of the Expert said that Immortal Territory received 20,000 representatives, but more than 20,000 people entered Here.

To enter the Saint Academy, you also need to cross the Wuya Xianhai. At this moment, they are not included in the Saint Academy. This Xianhai is also a test.

There are fewer people coming in, the mighty Immortal Stage army stands on the coast, the expression is solemn, and looks far away. They are unusual Heaven’s Chosen, strong and powerful, and will not be impatient.

As time went by, there were more and more people here, but the number of people who came in was gradually reduced, until a long time no one had set foot.

Above the sea? That phantom repeats the words just now, and then adds: “Wenya Wuya, cross the sea to show the divine ability, the method is different, you are one boat, do not go together, the road to cross the sea is different, you will also Go to different places in Saint Academy.”

“The first 20,000 people who crossed the sea can enter the Saint Academy. After 20,000 people, the rest of the people will be sent out. If there are no 20,000 people in a hundred years, those who fail to succeed will also Was sent out.” The phantom continued, and then his fingers pinched, and suddenly a leaf solitary boat appeared on the sea. He stepped on the foot and landed on the solitary boat, and then disappeared.

“Take the fairy sea to seek the way.” All people look forward to the fairy sea, Xianhai, also known as the road, how to enter the other side.

The explorer body Extal Immortal force filled out and turned into a small boat, and then stepped out, stepped into the solitary boat and walked forward.

Next to Qin Wentian, Qing’er turned his eyes and looked at Qin Wentian.

“Xianhai seeks, the county divine ability, all people have different circumstances, listening to the meaning of the person, it seems that because of the different ways of crossing the sea, it will be sent to different places in Saint Academy, and may be the most suitable place for you, Qing’er We may be separated on the road. If so, then we will meet again in Saint Academy.” Qin Wentian looks at Qing’er softly.

“Well.” Qing’er nodded to the Saint Academy, for the sake of improving strength and feelings, for the time being.

Before the Sky Mist Immortal Country pressed against the Evergreen Immortal Country, the matter made them feel motivated. Now the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy in the Legend appears, so take the opportunity.

“But maybe we can always get together.” Qin Wentian said with a smile, then his body is Exalted Immortal, and a small boat appeared in front. He stepped up and walked into the boat, looking at all people in front of him. : “depart.”

All people have gathered the boat with Xianli, strolling up, move towards the front of Xianhai.

At this moment, above the fairy sea, Wan Zhou Qifa, sailed to the vast and endless Xianhai in front.

A few days later, all people drove into the endless sea of ​​fairy tales, and they were shocked to discover that this fairy sea has its own natural law, and a natural law strength like the Grand Dao shrouds everyone, but it is mysterious, but It is difficult to see through, only to feel that this fairy sea is extremely annoying.

After a few more months, all people have already penetrated into the fairy sea. The mighty army has also been dispersed. Only the familiar talents are looking for their own way to the other side of Xianhai.

“Zhu Xianhai, there is no end, how to cross?” Nanhuang Yunxi whispered, she drove a leaf of solitary boat, flying fast, by her side, Qin Wentian and the others are all in, go hand in hand, however, they seem to fall into In the endless sea of ​​immortals, there is no way to see the other side.

This Xianhai is really no end, not a piece of paper.

“Our speed is already very fast, but I still can’t see the side. I am afraid that this is not the other side. This fairy sea is very mysterious. Before that person, you need to be comprehend.” Jun Mengchen also noticed that not only It is him, in fact, all people have this feeling, but the easiest way is to go all the way, until the other side, always try, but after the trial, I found that this road seems to be bad.

“Xianhai should have no end. It may take us to understand ourselves before we can go out.” Nanhuang Shengge is not far from Nanhuang Yunxi. She is modest and smarter than Nanhuang Yunxi, who is like her sister. Nanhuang Yunxi is like her sister. Very trusting.

“I think so too.” Qin Wentian nodded and agreed with Nanhuang Shengge and continued: “Maybe, you should feel the natural law of Xianhai.”

“But there is no clue at all, how to feel.” Jun Mengchen scratched his head and said: “It’s really troublesome, and I don’t know who’s coming up with the idea. Why don’t we let the battle come a little harder?”

“Mengchen, your temper should be polished. I think that this fairy sea is quite suitable for you. You must guard against arrogance and arrogance. Don’t overturn the ship in the gutter. After 20,000, then you will be qualified to enter the Saint Academy. None.” Qin Wentian reminded me.

“Well, people who can enter Xianhai are unusual people. Even if the innate talent is not as good as you, it will not be mediocre. It is the most outstanding group of Heaven’s Chosen of Immortal Territory. You should pay attention to it.” Nanhuang Shengge Road.

Qin Wentian saw that Qing’er was thinking alone. He couldn’t help but ask: “Qing’er, what are you thinking about?”

“I was thinking, since we went to Xianhai, we have been together, we have taken care of each other, and we have not had time to meditate.” Qing’s crisp sound, Qin Wentian eyes flash, shaking head with a smile: “Qing’er is right, maybe, Xianhai compprehend Dao, is to be indifferent, we, maybe really should be separated.”

“If we are all wrong, the real other side, is it all the way to get there?” Jun Mengchen said.

“What do you think in your heart, you will be yourself, fail, then start all over again.” Qin Wentian spoke to Jun Mengchen, making all people think a little, Qin Wentian’s words, not without reason.

“We, Saint Academy will meet again.” Qin Wentian smiled, his solitary boat move towards the distance, eyes looking at Qing’er, just seeing King’er gently nod to him, the same move towards another Go in one direction.

“It’s a couple.” Jun Mengchen snorted.

“The baby is gone too.” Even Little Rascal was a demon boat. He drove the boat and moved towards one direction. His white body jumped to the front of the boat and stretched out his head. It’s cute, let the boat float and go with the wind.

Subsequently, Nanhuang Yunxi and Nanhuang Shengge and the others, have left.

“Sister Qingxuan, Hua Taixu, you…” Jun Mengchen’s voice has not yet fallen, and Zi Qingxuan and Hua Taixu have also seen it alone, Hua Taixu white clothed fluttering, and Zi Qingxuan’s head is not back, leaving him alone. One person was still there, could not help but look up at the sky, then straight down, lying on the boat, making a long sigh, it seems that to be lonely, Xianhai, this damn Saint Academy, where is it? !

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