This time, Immortal Stage Realm’s expert has come out of thousands of people? These are very confident about themselves, they are in the forefront, and many are from the superpowers of all parties.

“Get out of the way.” Heavenly Peng Clan’s people stood in the middle of the crowd and yelled at the experts around them. They were unparalleled, and they were not allowed to approach, proud to extreme.

“Well, let’s come up with it. Every time one hundred people, Human Race martial cultivator releases Astral Soul and Immortal Stage, demon release bloodline and Immortal Stage.” Above the high platform, holding the scepter’s phantom again started talking, suddenly Heavenly Peng Clan’s expert instantly turns into lightning and landed on the high platform.

“Hey.” Nine Emperors Immortal Country’s people are coldly snorted, they are fluttering, and they move toward the high platform.

Ten Thousand Demon Island’s expert also moved to the high platform, and went straight to the high platform. When it met many people in the same industry, it had more than 100 people. They looked at each other, their eyes were sharp, and the speed was speeding up. In the end, each of them had some embarrassing steps. After a hundred people, the rest all people stopped.

According to the expert on the altar, all people released Astral Soul, blooming Immortal Stage, they were under the starlight, and the body was flowing with the light of Liuli, which seemed to be able to see their meridians.

At this moment, the high platform is dazzling, and the various Astral Soul are so dazzling that almost all of the first Astral Souls of the Human Race Stellar Martial Cultivator are in the 4th Heavenly Layer and even the 5th Heavenly Layer, too terrifying, and they All have two Astral Souls from the 7th Heavenly Layer, their Immortal Stage, all king grade, people on the 3rd level, Immortal Stage, 5th rank king grade, to the extreme, one step will be perfect. Cast Saint Immortal Stage in Legend.

Those Monster Beast release pure bloodline, in the moment the monster qi sky, terrifying to the extreme, they are all monster’s might, the huge Monster Beast phantom appears in void, and the demon platform they cast is also astray.

“It’s a dazzling, top-notch group of people, Nine Emperors Immortal Dynasty, Ten Thousand Demon Island, Heavenly Peng Clan, all innate talent, unparalleled, the Nine Emperors Immortal Dynasty’s genius Heaven’s Chosen, the six Astral Soul From 5th Heavenly Layer, 5th Heavenly Layer, 5th Heavenly Layer, 6th Heavenly Layer, 7th Heavenly Layer, 7th Heavenly Layer, his Immortal Stage, 5th rank king grade, it’s amazing, it’s perfect.”all people heart shock.

“Yeah, such an Astral Soul combination and Immortal Stage, peerless, unparalleled in the world.” Many people lamented.

“Well, you stand by and go to hundreds of people.” The phantom didn’t directly select people. It seemed that he wanted to see everyone’s situation before making a decision.

The next batch of experts set foot on the stars, with the people of Zhui Ri Immortal Country, the White Tiger Clan expert, and the Ten Thousand Demon Island expert, all of them are dazzling.

Then, there are successive experts to set foot on, each batch is extremely dazzling, including some of the peerless figures of the previous Nine Emperors Immortal Dynasty, and some people did not release all the Astral Soul, just released the last few Astral Soul As well as Immortal Stage, it makes people feel their tyrannical, but there is no one of the Earth Territory, but now, these two-persons are gathered together.

There are experts going up and seeing that many people are a bit numb. If these Immortal Territory top rank Heaven’s Chosen are gathered together, they can’t even imagine that there will be such terrifying characters, just the Astral Soul and the Immortal Stage are shocking. What’s more, their fighting strength has not yet been revealed. Once the battle is over, the more dazzling blooms will be dazzling.

“Thousand Changes Immortal Sect people go up, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, this newly emerging power, dare to be so arrogant, out of so many people, really not afraid of shame.” Many forces look at Thousand Changes Immortal Sect all people, especially Ying Clan, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect and Sky Mist Immortal Country, they all expressed indifference.

“It’s a shame.” Easter Saint Immortal Sect’s expert cold shouted.

People from Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, Southern Phoenix Clan, and Evergreen Immortal Country set foot on the platform, and some Emperor Ji’s doormen followed Qing’er. In addition, Hua Taixu also appeared there.

After the Ancient Emperor City, the Qin Wentian entire group of the ancient Emperor City was once again gathered here. They once monopolized the ranking in front of the Ancient Emperor City Immortal Ascension Ranking. This time, they will join the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy.

“Beauty is quite a lot.” White Tiger Clan’s expert stares at the beautiful women around Qin Wentian, revealing the evil light, Qing’er, Nanhuang Yunxi, Nanhuang Shengge and the others, all of which are Human Race beauty, while Inferno is Monster Beast. Beauty , makes some Monster Race people covet.

“I hope not to be an embroidered pillow.” Boundless Immortal Country’s expert indifferently said.

Subsequently, Qin Wentian, their entire group released their own Astral Soul, a path of dazzling light shining in the sky, the boundless, those dazzling high-end Astral Soul, instantly let many people lose their hearts.

Without exception, all are double purple gold Astral Soul, more terrifying, in the light, all people see a dazzling black gold light, it is exceptionally distinctive, in the endless light straight Rushing out, like the only thing in the world, only one person has, before, never before.

“Black gold light, Astral Soul, 8th Heavenly Layer.” All people trembled, following the light of Astral Soul, and the eyes fell on the young man, Qin Wentian, his Astral Soul combination, 5th The perfect match of Heavenly Layer, 5th Heavenly Layer, 5th Heavenly Layer, 6th Heavenly Layer, 7th Heavenly Layer, 8th Heavenly Layer… makes him a unique and unmatched existence, surpassing all previous Heaven’s Chosen, including Nine Emperors Immortal Country, Zhui Ri Immortal Country and other parties Heaven’s Chosen characters.

Not only is he like this, the people around him, there is no Astral Soul that does not meet the conditions, this moment is enough for many people to shut up.

“A perfect Astral Soul, just don’t know how their Immortal Stage is.” All people trembled in their hearts.

“Astral Soul is good, not necessarily Immortal Stage grade, look at it.” all people secretly thought, then, all people Immortal Stage released, in an instant, the Immortal Stage appeared, this moment, clearly presented in front of all people, Moreover, above the starry sky, their Immortal Stage presents a special sheen that makes it easy to see perfection, knowing Immortal Stage grade.

“What is Immortal Stage?” The countless people gaze fell over Qin Wentian. It was a shiny humanoid Immortal Stage. It seems to have the power of Qian Bian. It has all the attributes of Astral Soul, and it is ruinous. The power of repression is looming in the Immortal Stage.

“This Immortal Stage is perfectly glossy, with starlight shining, no cracks, perfect connection together, and this colour and lustre makes many Immortal Stages around him bleak, this is the Saint Immortal Stage in Legend. Someone whispered, this moment, vast space, silent.

After killing everyone in the order of the Stars, the Saint Immortal Stage in Legend appears, the real unparalleled, nobody can compare.

Even if Immoral Territory Heaven’s Chosen is in harmony, it is still unique, at least, on Immortal Stage and Astral Soul.

“Legend Immortal Stage.” Those generations of Heaven’s Chosen looks at Qin Wentian, eyes glittering with sharp light, this person practice what strength, actually makes Immortal Stage perfect, don’t tell me what super secret art?

“Look at the people beside him.” Many people turned their eyes and looked at Jun Mengchen next to him. His Immortal Stage was also without any embarrassment. It was so shiny that it was also the saint grade Immortal Stage.

“How is this possible?” Many people feel that they can’t be alive. If they are high-level Immortal Stage Realm experts, they won’t be so surprised. Both of them are experts in the Immortal Stage 2nd level, and Immortal Stage. Maybe it will be perfect?

Soon after Immortal Stage was built, it became perfect.

You know, Immortal Stage 9th level, a cast 1st Heavenly Layer, this process, constantly let Immortal Stage expert, make it perfect, however, these two people, only Immortal Stage 2nd level, Immortal Stage is already Saint of Legend Immortal Stage.

“There is one more.” All people saw Nanhuang Yunxi in the crowd, and after the release of her Immortal Stage, it was equally perfect.

Nanhuang Yunxi was originally 5th rank king grade, and later entered the inheritance ancestral land, stepping into the Immortal Stage 2nd level, the Immortal Stage became perfect.

“There is this baby.” Little Rascal also released his own demon stage. The demon and the person’s practice are different, but the devil is inseparable from it. The demon is able to perceive the same kind of Astral Soul and directly capture Astral Power. The stronger the perception, The Stellar Martial Constellation, which is able to communicate with the higher stars, will enter the Monster Immortal and they will be able to cast the same stage as the Human Race.

“A group of people, they must be practice what secret art.” All people see Little Rascal’s Immortal Stage is perfect, can not help but guess, otherwise, it is impossible to be so coincident, the most perfect Immortal Stage, all appear in a group of people Body.

But in any case, this group of people really shocked everyone. The doubts and laughter made ironic. Who said that Thousand Changes Immortal Sect can’t get out of so many Heaven’s Chosen, they responded to all people in the most direct style. The question, as Qin Wentian puts it, is that everyone will soon know the existence of his Thousand Changes Immortal Sect.

At this moment, the Immortal Territory parties are strong and have remembered the Immortal Territory East, with a sect power for the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect.

This generation, Immortal Stage Heaven’s Chosen from Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, is no worse than those of the centre part top rank, and even the wind overshadows them.

Especially Qin Wentian, whether it is Astral Soul or Immortal Stage, is unparalleled, nobody can compare.

When Qin Wentian walked to the side, many people looked at them, the monsters of the Monster Beast strange monster were glittering with the strange monster, and those of the Ten Thousand Demon Island were also eyes reveals fighting intent. Interestedly, many of these people in Ten Thousand Demon Island are wearing demon sect masks, and they can’t see their faces. Qin Wentian even guessed that Mo Xie might be there.

“This is really quiet, a group of people who are believe in oneself infallible.” Jun Mengchen said coldly, just a lot of people pointed at him, but his heart has been screaming for nowhere to release, if Qin Wentian is not in a hurry, he I have already rushed to the high-altitude platform. These people think that they can’t be like them. I doubt them. Now, shut up!

“Astral Soul is OK, Immortal Stage is good, however, this is only a solid foundation of practice and does not represent everything.” I saw Nine Emperors Immortal Country had an expert calm and said, still proud, making Jun Mengchen coldly snorted: “Strong When you despise others, when you are weak, there are excuses and admire.”

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